
November 1st, 2013




Halloween was fun!

Did the party hopping thing with Magnus, Izzy and Jace.

Costume Pic )

It was a real good time and I hope that everyone had a good time, as well.


Man, Halloween was awesome! Despite not being able to talk, which I can now- thank god, it was pretty great. I got my parents to believe I got a sore throat from screaming my lungs out from a few haunted houses and an impromptu Lacrosse game in the field on the 30th. God, lying to my parents is hard, especially when one is a cop.

On the other hand, I got SO much candy because people felt bad I couldn't talk and say 'trick or treat'. I think some of them thought I was terminal or something. Either way, my candy stash is humongous.

How was everyone else's candy hoarding night?




Thank God I can talk again. I think I might have gone completely off the wall if I had to sit through another day like that. Miraculously, the show last night went perfectly. To everyone who was there, I hope you enjoyed it, and we were all very humbled by the impressive turn out. (Zelda, by the way, you were wonderful, thank you again for your assistance.)

Sidebar to that, I was going to make the announcement last night, but not having the voice to do it seemed pointless, but the official opening of my show in Los Angeles will be January 17, 2014.




...so I woke up married this morning.




Oh sweet heaven it's nice to have my voice back. I missed TALKING.

Private: Yumi
Yumi, dear, gossip night?

Private: Renji
See you at work tomorrow night~ can't wait to argue with customers!

Private: Gin
Check your phone.
{he has a voice message from Rangiku: "Love you, I bet you missed the sound of my voice, hmm?"}




This week has been a nightmare. But now I have a voice again, which is nice, and a mouth, which is terribly important.

Who wants to go on an eating binge with me? I am dying for real food. And a belated birthday thing.



in which she cooks

Cut for Image, public! )




Man, its weird being back in civilization. Never realized how comfortable a real bed felt, or how nice a real shower was until I was without one for five years. It's odd, when you realize the oddest thing to happen to you in Orange County didn't actually happen in Orange County.

Mmmm, chocolate milk.


I kind of wish we'd had zombies for Halloween so I could at least shoot something and not get arrested. Ever since I moved back here, my life's gotten worse.




I am very very happy I can speak again, but holy crap why did Anakin's mouth have to come back? I was enjoying the silence and he's been eating nonstop since he got his mouth back and there's been a lot of kissing and just talking nonsense. I tried to leave but he guilt tripped me into giving him some cooking lessons so he could eat even more food.

I tried to persuade him to go to the karaoke bar with me because I wanted to do something with my voice that wasn't just eating all the time, but I haven't won that battle yet. Anyone want to go with me?