
September 16th, 2013




So, that was fun. I'm going to do the human equivalent of lick myself and pretend that was intentional, then go home and sleep in my own bed. I'm not even going to Lysol it first.




So, Nymeria and the others appear to be just normal Direwolves and dogs again. I have to admit, I've relieved. While it was kind of cool, the last thing we needed was them realizing they could fly and taking off somewhere in the OC. Cause then someone would have called the ASPCA or Wildlife Control or something about the giant wolves then all hell would break loose when the super direwolves got confronted by law enforcement. They'd attack someone who threatened us in the dreams, god knows what they would have done with super powers if someone came after them.




As cool as teleporting was, I'm totally glad that's over with.

And now I may need a therapist. Or better yet, that neuralizer thing from MIB. Cuz I ended up in places I had no business being. I may need bleach for my brain




I'm gonna start looking into the whole GED thing again. Usually you have to be eighteen to take the test, but sometimes they let you take it at seventeen, so I'm gonna look into it and see if I meet that criteria. Then I'll be able to look into colleges.




Damn. It's been a long time since my early morning bloody mary hasn't worked on my hangover. But it was worth it. That was an incredible night. Even if some bits of it are blurry.




Well, the cats are back to normal. I'm sure Lara's friend Sam will be sad not to see them flying around on the webcam anymore. I'm kind of sad, too. Watching them terrorize Renji was amusing as hell. Sorry, Renji, but it's true.

Wrex is probably super happy that Doom the squirrel is no longer trying to bench press the Ranch, too.

Unrelated - Does anyone on here knit? I've got a really weird request for a knitter. I'd pay for the yarn and your time, but I'm looking for handsocks. Or something like that. A long piece of knitted tube I can slide over my wrist and arm, and part of my hand?

My skin is really sensitive so it has to be the kind of yarn that was produced by angel feathers or something, but I'm willing to pay really decently for anyone who can do this for me.

[Private to Mac and Tonks' friends and family]

Mac and I are going to head South back to his family's Orchard so I can learn how to work with the land and we can make sure we're both as good as can be.

I'm not sure how long we'll be gone it could be a year or more I guess so we can deal with the seasonal changes and everything.

We're going to have us a little shindig over at our place on Friday as a kind of goodbye party, we'd love to see you all :D




I have been so busy with filming I haven't had a single moment to myself. I've been missing my friends and family a lot, but it doesn't make sense to travel back to Laguna Beach between takes so I've been sleeping in my trailer. The producers were nice enough to let me keep Lady here though, so I'm not completely alone.

I need to remember to thank my Mom for the ballet lessons when I was a child the next time I see her. That background in ballet has been helping me remember my fight scenes. I don't know how else I would have been able to do any of this.

Anyway, lunch is being served! I hope everyone is doing okay!




In light of the recent events Stark Industries will be making a charitable contribution to Orange County's Disaster Relief Fund. If you have been effected by the events as of late and are in need of monetary help for whatever reason we urge to to contact this organization for help.




I'm so happy to have all my crazy back.




I'm hungry. Really hungry, but nothing tastes good. No, scratch that: everything tastes horrible. Painful, even, like chowing down on socks filled with glass. It just makes me hurl and then I'm hungrier than ever.

I guess I'm changing, and it's no good.


I killed a dog today.

He was a big bastard, a German Shepherd. The owner was walking him in the park, then...I don't know what happened in it's head, but the shep bolted. He tore away so fast and suddenly that the chain ripped up the owner's palm and the dog just raged through the muzzle.

The dog headed right for a family barbecue, barking and snapping. It chomped down on some kid's arm pretty bad and tried to drag him away. He was just some ten-year-old, crying and wetting himself while the father tried to pull him away. Looked like a tug of war to me, and it wasn't going to end well so I grabbed the barbecue fork and put it in the dog's head.

I don't like killing some animals. Dogs are good creatures: loyal, strong. It didn't feel good killing it. I felt better when I walked up to the owner afterwards and knocked him out.




For those who do not know, and those who are curious, I will be wedding the love of my life, one Natasha Romanoff, this Saturday, September the 21st, in a public-ish ceremony at [venue, at time]. Be polite, be respectful, and be welcome on this day of celebration.

The weather will be, I guarantee, quite delightful.

(ooc: Since I am fail as a mun, if your muse knows Thor, they likely got an invitation already, hand written and engraved.)




Being back to myself is definitely helping me to not freak out. Of course, dying or trying to, tends to do that to one, I think. It was a trippy experience, and not one I want to repeat any time soon, or ever, again. I wish and I hope, that all of us will be free of such things from now on.

I haven't talked on here in awhile. Things have been pretty crazy, with a new job, and working on moving into my fiance's house, and various crazy weeks. But life seems pretty good now, especially now, in the wake of that week of weirdness.

So this is me, Zach, sending hope to all of you that you are having a truly awesome day, or will be.




Yay! The dog that Remy found wasn't microchipped and nobody's claimed her yet, so meet our new dog Ruby!

Jubilee, before you ask, NO IT IS NOT PRACTICE FOR HAVING KIDS.




Being back in full health is nice, and so is having those I know and love back in full health. It seems like things are better now, which is really good. There've been a lot of changes around here and I hope people are getting through them okay!

Working, and helping out, and just having time for friends and family is making for a very good life, and I like it!




It should be noted that I have always used condoms in literally every one of my scenes at work (if you do not know what I do and you are curious, Google me). I also get tested for all STIs and STDs every three months. I have funded campaigns to make this standard practice, actually! I know there is a lot of panic right now surrounding things - I had to film a scene in Arizona, of all places, due to new legislation here.

Never let it be said that Zevran is not sensible.




I've never been so relieved to get up and trundle stiffly around a 10x10 room before. The doctor says I'll be able to go home tomorrow, which is thoroughly exciting.

Did I miss anything important?




Oh, hey, my dog's still talking.

And I still speak Urdu.



Being sick in college just means that you have more shit to catch up on.

Ugh. Well, at least I'm not in the hospital anymore.




I'm bored. Someone should entertain me.




Being able to fly, being able to just luxuriate in being again is nice. But flying especially. I never realized how yucky it was being sick until this. It really was a mess. And it made one of me, too. I hate Kryptonite. I'll be throwing it up for weeks.





I had the dream again last night So I've got my first performance here in Orange County and it's going to be a weekly thing. Audrey's letting me play Tuesday nights at Baxter Bakery. Starting this week. It means I lose a night off later in the week but it's worth it

[Private to his housemates]
Sorry if I woke you guys up last night. I had the dream where Frank kills me another nightmare. Treats at the Bakery are on me tomorrow night to make it up to you? And bribe you into coming to hear me play

[Private to Gwen Stacey]
Any chance I could convince you to come and be a friendly face in the crowd?

[Private to Merlin]
Audrey's probably already told you but I'm playing at the Bakery tomorrow night. I'd like it if you two were there. Friends help settle my nerves