
September 6th, 2013




Okay, watermelon baby, I know I'm due on the 17th, but you can come a little early. Nobody'll mind.

... please?

Ha! Right after I posted this, I got an email from a baby site about "foods that induce labor". I don't think there's scientific evidence that hot food'll do it, but heck. I like curry anyway. PETE. I'M MAKING LATE NIGHT CURRY.




Two words:



That is all.


I've been so nonstop busy between work and crazy wedding planning I haven't had much time to check this stuff. Uh, sorry.

I have a shoot this weekend too and guess who's coming along? A certain little girl.

[filtered; Damon & Nik]

Alright, so...I'm going to ignore the weirdness I've started dreaming about and focus on the fact we need tuxes for the wedding.





So that was an exhausting summer.

Disney plans with you lovely people got dumped because my parents decided to do a family road trip. We did get two days at Disney, but one of those days involved me dragging my cousins around which was less fun than I'd hoped. But! I did get one day to myself in that magical world that is Disney, and that was a ton of fun. I'm just sorry I didn't get to go with all of you.

I didn't get to do the theatre I wanted to do this summer, so that's no fun. At least school has started back up and I can try out for the fall play.

Wish me luck!

Or don't, because that's actually bad luck. But wish me something.




It's September, which means it's almost time to start thinking about Christmas. The retail world works so far ahead of things that I sometimes forget what month it is.

I'm excited for the fall, really. I love the fall colour palette. All those warm colours and soft fabrics. Keep an eye out for that this month in my store.

And of course, we'll have some Halloween couture as well. Because who doesn't love Halloween?

God, I've been working too much lately. Market just happened, so I've been accessory shopping for my store. Not to mention trying to get my men's line launched. I feel like I haven't seen my house by the light of day in ages. My wife is starting to complain, and I really can't blame her.

Anyway, stop by and see our fall line. It's a scream.




I think...Yknow.

I think. I mean

That was some damn good whsky



blocked from Elphaba

This is going to come as a disappointment to some of my fans, but I've been off the market for awhile now. And unfortunately for their hopes and dreams, that's going to become permanent.




So I don't think I really introduced myself last time on this thing. Well, except for the cops and detectives and all in this community here (thanks guys for the help, seriously). But figured I might as well be social.

Name's Ana Lucia Cortez. I'm from NYC aka the best damn city in the US of A and I've dragged my former NYPD backside over to this coast chasing after the bastard who killed my partner and nearly offed me. Last place I expected to get the tip was from some so-called Brit rock star's heroin supplier. But here I am. Been here for nearly two months and can't find a damn lead. Had to resort to bodyguard work. Again.

'Course, I'm starting to wonder if I'm in the middle of some sorta mass therapy session here - what's with everyone talkin' about dreams and stuff?