
June 6th, 2013



Life Under Fallout Conditions


I'm pretty sure it's going to be okay.




God, I hope I'm half as incredible as this woman if I ever reach 102.


I kinda want a dog. What's a great breed to get when you have a growing one-year-old and a small-ish house? I mean, we have a fenced in backyard too.

I have no idea where this is coming from, but I blame all those dog food commercials on TV.




Has anyone ever dreamed, and then woken up, and wonder what the hell was wrong with them? I mean...that was it? All that suffering and all that pain and that's what I choose to do? Romantic, perhaps, but also nutters.

I suppose I earned it, and Maker only knows what awaited me on the other side of that Eluvian...

In other news, I’m rather enjoying playing with my staff. It’s long, and it’s very hard, and you should see what comes out of it!




I have a rather small request, as a doctor. Can we go a week without any serious injuries, please? That would be absolutely wonderful. I could use that time to sleep.




Anyone ever dream that they are something that's not human? Like a mythological creature? I had a really awesome dream and my boyfriend and my brother, Klaus, were involved, but it got really weird when I turned out not to be exactly human.... At least I know I could rock a flapper dress if I wanted to.

[Private to Stefan]
We need to talk about my dream. It was really weird. And Klaus was not....very nice.



Filtered from non-puncturable Star Trek folks

Alright, Valar people, if you had the time and money to go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?

I can speak most Romance Languages, Japanese, some Mandarin, and Klingon, so there's that to consider, too.


....Apparently the universe has a great sense of timing when it comes to our crazy dreams.

Um. Happy death day, guys, I guess. If that's a thing. Now it's a thing. ...Anyway, I'm glad I still have you, mes amis, and you two especially, mon aigle and ma 'Chetta.

This is a pretty weird day, is all I wanted to say, I guess.




I feel bad for all the people who seem to have awful dreams here, because I've only had wonderful ones. And in all of them, my dear boyfriend Robert seems to appear. Though we seem to be in a different time, much earlier. The 20s or 30s, perhaps?

I met him again, in my dreams. Not at a pub like I did here, but at school, where I burst in on him, quite rudely I must say, playing the loveliest tune on the piano.

After that we sort of... drifted together until I confessed my undying affection for him, and he did the same. We ended up spending the summer together at my family's manor house in the English countryside (which does not, for the record, actually exist).

All in all, quite lovely dreams.


Oh my, I've certainly had some interesting dreams lately.

My husband was in them again, only this time it was the 11th century and we'd met up again, after the unfortunate incident at Eden. We'd become friends, of a sort, over the years, and we'd come to a sort of Arrangement. That is, we didn't interfere directly with one another's business. Of course, being an angel, if I saw a Wile I'd be obligated to Thwart it, but generally we just stayed out of each other's way and met up for lunch now and again. Quite nice, really.

Oh -- and I took magic lessons, at one point. I think it was an attempt at a hobby that didn't turn out well at all.




I have roommates. Two pretty awesome roommates actually. And a job over summer. Things are going well. Maybe I did make the right choice in moving here after all.

So how is everybody else's day going? As good as mine?




Seems that I'm being a bit more social lately than before. It's strange that this coincides with more bizarre dreams. I'm not sure how I feel about what I turn into in them. They've taken a very, very dark turn, and I'm finding that sleep is now rather intimidating.

[Private to Romana]
I met with the girl, Deryn, and interviewed her. She'll be expecting your call to set up an interview. Honestly, if she and Daisy get along, I have a feeling it's going to be a perfect match.




Had a pretty amazing time at the beach last weekend. If you haven't been lately, I suggest you go.




Only 85 days left of being pregnant! Which is fantastic, because I think my ankles are missing. If you see a pair of ankles wandering the streets, let me know. I have dibs.




It is an odd mood I am in tonight. Thinking on magic and on travel, on dreams and on beaches and fields.

Cut for possible triggery conversation mentioning death. )




Tonight's a good night to watch The Devil's Cock.

... the movie. It's about a chicken.




These dreams continue, and grow weirder and darker. I am unsure what to think or do, really. I am learning magic, as the dreams progress, though oftentimes, it seems it fails, or simply does not work. Enough does that I know this magic is real. Somehow.

I am truly gaining the power of this strange wizard, this other Magius! But I refuse to gain his stupidity. He is vain, arrogant, and foolish, and I will not follow him into his foolishness.

Say to me, those of you who dream, what do you do when your dreamself is truly stupid?
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Spent an awesome day babysitting my adorable little niece. This kiddo cracks me up.