
April 4th, 2013




Hello, valarnet. Longtime lurker, new poster. Some of you may know me already, but those who don't, my name's Lo. Yes, it's a nickname, no, I'm not telling you my real name. If you need it, you'll know it, now stop being so snoopy.

I know some of you because I represent you, but to those I don't, I apologize in advance for offending you. It'll happen. Give it time, dears.




The zombie saga continues. I don't know what sort of strange zombie-ism is going on in my dreams, but it's definitely not like what I'm used to. It's like zombies in whatever world this is aren't completely devoid of mental process? Who even knows.

In any case, the new developments I've discovered are: like us, zombies apparently have that little voice that tells you what's good or not. This voice is more like a flesh-crazed brute than, you know, a normal conscience, but it's there. Also zombies can't actually eat anything but people? I tried eating a deer. It didn't go so well.

Dream-me is literally the worst zombie ever.


It's very hard to play on the beach when my bikini keeps turning into long, shapeless dresses. I want this to stop, my bikini's really cute, but you can't see it under all these clothes.
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I don't know who caused this clothing to happen, but I have one thing to say:

This has been so much fun! People's clothes keep falling off or disappearing, it's randomly switching into different outfits, and I've seen a lot of guys turned into really ugly drag queens. I would've liked to see more fo the women who keep posting on the net that they're suddenly in lingerie, but oh well.

Because there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it, we decided to have fun with it here at work. We managed to scrounge together a large box of accessories, props, and other misc. things. So when your clothing suddenly changed, you were required to go find some stuff to accessorize it and then get your photo taken. We've got them all posted up on a wall here in the lunch room.

Here's my favorite one of me so far:
Click me! )




Well that.. that dream was. Something.

At least I'm distracted by all the pretty dresses my clothing keeps turning into.

And my ears.


Do you want to get lunch? I really need to talk to someone and I can't talk to Elphie about this.




Good day, good people of the valar net! I'm Beleg, and I'm new to the network and to the area. I don't expect that people will know or remember me hi Turin, but I also star in a on-again, off-again web series: Beleg Cuthalion - Big Bow Hunter. It's chronicling my outdoor adventures tracking and hunting with various really big bows and how I have fun cheating death. I firmly believe that hunting's only fun and truly sporting when it's equally dangerous and your prey can run you down and eat your face off!

Alas! It would be on more of a regular schedule, if I could only stop bleeding.

If there's any sort of good hunting grounds or other archery enthusiasts out there, let's meet up and try to get our faces eaten off, together!




The man at the Starbucks was so... cruel. I feel ill now. First he... tries to imply flirtation. Then when I deny his... advances. I know for certain he used skim milk instead of soy. I can't digest milk. And now my studies will be... delayed.

I can't get out of bed.




The suits and ties I could live with. The pink tutu was just... wrong. But the glow-in-the-dark thong with a feather boa? Really? Do I look like I'm 15 again? I I wasn't reading about things like this happening all over the OC, I would've sworn this was some kind of practical joke that James was playing on me.

Thankfully, so far I've missed out on the clothes falling off in public thing. And whenever someone's clothes have fallen off, noooooo... it's never the attractive blonde, or even the sexy guy with the cut abs. It's the little old lady with more wrinkles than a prune, or the guy who's spent way too much time stuffing his face with junk food.




Okay, so that's a problem.

That wardrobe thing that we've been seeing? Yeeah. Turns out I can't keep pants or a shirt on. What I CAN keep on, however, are a pair of green and orange boxers with gigantic flowers and a matching bowtie. Which has sequins.

Thank FUCK I own the charity and can give my secretary the day off. My little sister's running around shrieking enough as it is.




When I woke up this morning, I didn't know who or where I was. My dreams were so real. Almost like new memories in my head.

They're just so ridiculous. Not sure how to handle that.

[Private to Kurt]
I was dating someone else in my dreams last night. I feel so guilty.




Well, this is frustrating.

No, universe, I do not want to wear a catsuit. Yes, I dream of wearing one, but that's no excuse. At least it keeps me from worrying about Oriana




I have a wedding in two days and my wedding dress keeps disappearing every time I try to put it on! This is NOT funny. Whoever is causing this had better put get their affairs in order before I find them.



Private to Marie Louise & Yolande

Girls, we need to discuss what's been going on around here. You know what I'm talking about, right? Because the last photo shoot I did was completely ruined when my dress turned into a banana suit.




Pic under cut )

That picture was taken last week. It was also he last outfit I've been able to keep on my body. James is having a blast with seeing me walk around the house naked all the time, but me? Well, it's starting to get a little old. I'd like to be able to take Charlie out for a walk again one of these days.



Private to the Avengers minus Tony Stark (Thor, Natasha, Loki, Clint, Darcy, Maria, Coulson)

[OOC: Can we assume I am not a noob and Bruce contacted all of these guys a couple of weeks ago to make sure they're free for Tony's bachelor party?]

The yatch is rented. So are the strippers. I've got the catering down and the bartender paid for. Am I missing anything else?

We're meeting at Blue Star Yacht Charter - 3419 Via Lido, Newport Beach - at 8pm. I'll be bringing Tony.

Nobody tell Pepper.




Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you may have heard it correctly. I'm going to be in a movie! I'm thrilled to announce it! It's my first starring role, and I begin filming next week. I'll be going to the set tomorrow to meet some of the other cast and crew, and will spend the entire weekend studying my script.

I'm so very excited! :)




I spilled a package of Goldfish all over my floor.




I finally got the end of that dragon thing! Poor guy got killed by Kane's mercenaries, but... y'know, all worked out okay. The Professor promised to take me back to Perivale, in his TARDIS, via the 'scenic route', which is well wicked.

Glitz better not hurt Mel, or I'm gonna kill the bilgebag.




I'm going to kill certain friends of mine, because they didn't warn me about how insane my dreams would be.




God has visited me in my dreams again.

I haven't disclosed this to any of you in a public forum, even if I've expressed it privately. But God has shown me a world that I can barely describe. A world that is both an alternate, a future, a past and a present. And when I saw this world, I realized that it wasn't a dream at all: it was a window into a past memory. It was a thing of beauty...and of horror. Horror because of the creatures that spawned within cities, the destruction that tore across continents....a thing I could not have ever imagined.

I am at God's side now. I have the love of the Lord in my heart. And I am his tool upon Earth. I am his herald. His harbinger. And my role here will no longer be passive! In brain scans I see this world hidden within us, and I will bring it upon us through blood, love and rebirth! For only through destruction can we be reborn into the perfect forms that will last unto Eternity! There is no other answer! No higher calling! I urge each and every one of you to look to your sins and seek rebirth!

There will be those that say I am insane. They are easy prey for the false shepard that promises salvation, when the truth is that salvation is possible only within destruction. You cannot possibly comprehend the wonders and horrors I have seen.

You do not let comprehend your place in things.

I am the harbinger of your perfection. From now on, I am assuming control.









I think I have a boyfriend.




My name is Victor Frankenstein. Perhaps some of you recognize my name, having read my publications in various journals, which is neither here nor there anymore it seems.

I've been instructed to attempt to make some friends, though, admittedly, I don't see what for. I've never had many friends due to my own preferences and I've always been just fine. That said, my current hobby of studying languages is becoming boring, and this at least will pass some time.

I have no desire to return to my given profession. I'd much rather work to get the funding to further my research, and I hope that here in California, people are much more open-minded and accepting of medical advancements.




Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it. My last dozen walk-ins have all been people with allergies worried that they have a cold or something worse. Surely a quick click around web-md could tell them the basic differences between simple allergies and a life threatening disease that requires a doctor visit?

I'm sorry, I haven't even introduced myself on here, I don't think. I'm Dr. Henry Jekyll, I work at a clinic here. I've probably met most of you, at some point.




Oh boy. I get to join the "things showing up from my dreams" club.

Is there anyone who can identify if bones are human or not?