
March 13th, 2013



Right looking forward to our birthday, still! So far we have been assured of: cake, party, booze. We are still hoping for: strippers, Tonks to strip, and booze.

Unless someone invited Mum. In which case, please consider our birthday list as thus:
A Pony
A Real-Fun-Like Board Game
and A Stripper
(Tonks can keep her shirt on this time).

F & G
Or just G.
Not sure.




More dreams. Showing me what the life is like. Showing me what could happen. Life as a hunter. Dean's last Christmas. I don't know what I'll do if Dean actually

It's more than just ghosts and demons, though that's a big part of it. Last night I dreamed of a girl in a coma who was causing all sorts of trouble. And a hunter turned into a vampire, and a pair of pagan gods who take human sacrifices at Christmas time. I have lots of dreams, they take place over days, weeks, and when I wake up it's only been a few hours. Messing with my internal clock.





I'm here. Someone tell me why, aside from peer pressure, I have joined yet another social network? I mean, how many blogs does a guy need?

Let me count them.




I am brilliant.




I'm so exhausted. Maybe it was my dreams last night. Dreamed about quidditch, and the kids at school playing it. I was never much into it in the dreams, as my dad played, so I wasn't really into it. But man, flying around on broomsticks would be really awesome, wouldn't it?

Well, when I'm feeling better. I'm just so tired. Hopefully I'm not fighting off a bug. Or, if I am, I have to be better by April First. I've got a Birthday Party to help plan. Strippers and booze are already ordered, thanks to the magic of the internet.

Can't wait to go home from work so I can curl up on my sofa with a pint of Ben and Jerry's.




According to the news, Twinkies could be back by the summer. Not gonna lie, I'm kind of excited. I was totally one of those people who stocked up on Hostess stuff in November.

I want to have another dream. I wanna know what else The Doctor and I get up to.




Does anyone know how Criss Angel walked up the side of the Luxor? Someone linked me a youtube video of it happening... How on Earth??

I suppose that's why they call it Magic?




Apparently not moving for two weeks is harder to get over than getting your ass kicked. I have never ached this much in my life. Dante's been pretty understanding about our morning run turning into our short morning walk. I guess I'm going to have to work my way back up to what I was doing before.

Every time I get back up to speed I wind up going to the hospital for something. Which sucks pretty hard, since I hate hospitals. Not the idea of them, obviously, but being in them. Especially as a patient.




Shooting movies is an intriguing experience, every time. Somehow, being in front of the cameras, breathing life into a new character, and redeeming words and ideas from a script feels incredible. It's a kind of dance that makes the heart pound and the mind fill with new imagery. It makes me endlessly hopeful, and it makes me happy to be me.

Today's shoot was a little different, and almost nervous-making, but not in a terrible way. A new stunt, a new situation, and new coworkers who I know and trust has made it a definite pleasure to explore this job. I don't think I will ever be tired of being an actor.



White Smoke!

Sadly, the conclave has rejected my bid for office.

Pope Francis is giving his first blessing as I type this. I admit I haven't been following this as closely as I thought I would be, but it's exciting all the same. The first pope from the New World too. This is, I don't know. It's kind of awesome. I was AROUND the last time this happened, but I didn't care as much.

Now that I'm sort of getting back to my roots, a little bit, I kind of care a lot. This is one of those times when you really really hope your religion doesn't continue fucking things up because it's getting a fresh start. I'm not gonna say that it NEGATES any past screw ups the church as an organization has had but I'm still kind of hopeful that maybe we can start to put things right.

Okay, I confess that for a second there, while the crowd was waving the Argentinian flag, Don't Cry For Me, Argentina was flying through my head. I don't think ANYBODY couldn't have made that leap.

I...don't even know what I wanted to say here. Just that I'm kind of overwhelmed by all of this I guess?

And the whole pope thing has me feeling guilty about a lot of stuff I've done and haven't done the last few years. Is it better to tell people you lied to them about something that's unimportant, or just hope they never find out, especially when you don't really WANT for them to know the truth? I'll...be working on that I guess.

But...Pope. It's good. I hope!




So, was lookin' around and saw this post. I'm curious how many of you been in every one of these relationships. Cause I have, and trust me, you do not want to be in a fuck rhombus. They's just weird.




Help me Cardinal Kenobi, you're my only pope!

DAMN! I should have thought of that sooner!


I quit stripping and got a new job.

Part of me is sad - I'll miss the girls, I'll miss the hours - but the rest of me is pretty optimistic. And I got a job at the tea shop just down the street from where I used to work, so I can even still park in the same place.

It was just time for a change. And I didn't want to keep fibbing to Gracie.




I wish I could go ice skating. Are there any indoor rinks around here?




There's a dog in the apartment.

Kirsty, why is there a dog in the apartment?

The dog in the apartment keeps looking at me.


When you consider what I do for a living, you'd think getting a date would be easy. Of course, people seem to think that damn Bachelor show is still interesting, so ... not really speaking to the public's smarts, I guess.

I'm getting old. Wanting to nest.


My dog, Baxter, has taught himself the silliest trick in the world. I in no way contributed to this: he taught himself this. Or maybe it's just his preferred method of movement. Either way, it's really silly.

I love my dog.