
May 6th, 2012



Why am I awake?

I have to be up in five hours for more shooting. We're coming up to an intense series of episodes that will take us through to the end of the first season. I can't give you any more other than that I will be using my native tongue more often.

So I should be asleep, but I can't sleep. I blame the cat.

He's being very demandy tonight. Spoiled little brat.



A list. For Science!


  1. Pita

  2. Cake

  3. Rats

  4. Cameras

  5. Neurotoxin

  6. Milk

  7. Platinum

  8. Test Tubes

  9. Gold Contacts

  10. Eggs




Does anyone ever feel like their work is not appreciated?




You know you had a good night when you get a new scar.




I keep having dreams where I'm in training to be some sort of child soldier. I can't be more than four or five in some of them, though I think I was as old as fourteen in one.

[Filtered to Jean Grey]

I'm planning to move out of your friend's house today, although I admit that I wish I could stay longer. A lady I know could use some help around her home, and I'm going to live with her until she recovers from surgery. And it will give me some time to figure out my next step. She's 85, bless her.

If your friend's wondering why his dishwasher no longer leaks, it's because I fixed it. I got a little bored yesterday. Also, there were a few lose chairs in the kitchen, so I tightened those as well. Other than that, everything's washed and ready.

And I do hope you are feeling better.

Thank you, for everything.

OH! I also fixed the doorbell.




I heard this in my sleep last night. And I woke remembering every word of it.

Song of Nimrodel )

Is it possible to feel you must immediately to return to a place you've never been?

My dreams of Lothlórien have overwhelmed every other thought, every other desire. I sleep and see no shapes but those I already know, but the shapes seem at once clear cut, as if they had been first conceived and drawn at the covering of my eyes, and ancient as if they have endured for ever. Gold and white and blue and green--though as if I had at that moment first perceived them and made for them names new and wonderful. In winter here no heart could mourn for summer or for spring. No blemish or sickness or deformity could be seen in anything that grew upon the earth. On the land of Lórien, there is no stain...

How is this possible?




[Private to Jean Grey]
Are you feeling any better?

[Private to Dr. Smith]
My dear doctor, how is Jean doing?




My online handle makes so much more sense now. Only not.

[Locked to Obi, Gaila, Xi'an, and Jubilee]

I killed someone, in a dream. Well it was self-defense. I was saving someone's life, but I had to kill someone.

I have the terrifying feeling that I get used to it.




who you gonna call? )



Filtered to Katniss' friends and family

I just wanted to make sure with everyone that we're a go for Tuesday with the party. I cleaned Haymitch's house, so it's ready for the party. Ginny, are you still bringing Katniss over here? Cinna, got all the decorations? Who had the Pinkie contact? Is she even coming?




I was out waaaaay too late last night. I guess I didn't want the night to end or something. Weird! I woke up at like 2pm today and I still have a huge ton of studying to do. I can't believe I'm about to graduate from UCLA! This is so crazy. I'm going to be like a real adult now or something.



[Filtered to Jack, Garrus and Tali]

Do a bitch in a tight white skinsuit and a man with daddy issues ring a bell with any of you?



[Locked to Lannisters]

Sorry to just drop in but you don't call anymore.

Still wasting your time emoting, drinking and whoring or have you lot actually done something productive?




12 days left of high school! Although I don't know how much in the way of school is going to happen. Katniss has a birthday, we have prom, senior skip day, the athletics awards - class is sort of the last thing on my mind.

Although I am trying to convince my parents that we need to go to England for the Olympics. Mum isn't going for it, though. It's mental considering we ARE English. You think she'd want to go have tea and cheer on the teams. Except in swimming and archery.

KATNISS EVERDEEN, what do you want for your birthday? I can spare a brother or two if you'd like someone to shoot arrows at, but I'm also going to get you something that is wrapped in paper and all that.




Filing a patent is hard. I doubt I'll make a habit of this.


I think I want to try skydiving. Is that crazy?