
April 8th, 2012



shouldn't have trusted it would last

Sometimes I truly believe Murphy's Law ought to have been called Frodo's Law, with one amendment: Everything that can go wrong will go wrong immediately following some fleeting semblance of things actually looking up for once.



I should be doing lesson plans...

I can't decide if this is stupid or not...

Screw it, stop pretending.

I wasn't going to say it to his face, but this IS stupid. I look stupid, I feel stupid, and looking and feeling stupid online is probably not the best of ways to go about making new friends, particularly online ones. Obviously, the internet's not stupid or Medren wouldn't have talked me into doing it in the first place, but I'm more the lurking around dark internet corners, trolling google for sheet music I don't have to pay for, and being a non presence type. So being out like this is, I don't know.

It's like I walked in here, whipped off my shirt, and started showing off my non existent battle scars or something. Little marks on my collarbone from strings snapping against it one too many times, a little too much grey hair that's started coming in lately, and anything else that might or might not come to mind, things like that are out for all of you to see and probably be horrified at but I'm not going to be all that disturbing until we're all good friends. For one thing, one of my students might be here, for another, it could be one of the parents...

Wait what, am I supposed to actually share something personal out here instead of just deflecting while I try and fail to look clever and cute and open? Not that I'm not open to new friends or making any here, but just the residual internet stranger weirdness can get to you, you know?

My name's Vanyel and I spend my days with teenagers, and then go home and spend my nights with one of them, who insisted that I show up here and make my presence known because I need to get a social life or I'll look lame in front of all the other grown ups hanging around here, Maybe even get a huge red N for n00B that they're going to make me wear to school, where I'll never have respect again apparently. And then, since I'm popular for some reason that's beyond me, everybody ends up mourning Mr. A's loss of being cool, forever, you guys. Never to be loved again.

...That's even more dramatic and overblown than even I imagined I could do, and I'm locked in with groups of kids five days a week AND have a thirteen year old at home. Well. Maybe I'll actually be okay here after all.




Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all are having a great day. My family and I made the best of it and we're about to sit down to Easter dinner, but I thought I would pop in and give a bit of cheer first.




For a bit of background, I do White Hat work. That basically means I get to legally hack into places to find their weak points. I love it. I get to break in, crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women. Ahem.

We just scored a really, really important client, and I get to be on that team.

This is going to be awesome.




They need a word stronger than hangover.

A lot stronger. Add nuclear somewhere, and maybe a bunch of exclamation points or something. Probably make the text blink.

No one take me up on this, my head will fucking explode.





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I'm not posting here to be a downer or anything, really.

You guys are just my only outlet at the moment when I'm too tired to go shooting or do anything else, and everything is closed right now anyway, so I'm doing this again. Sorry and I'll try to cut this down to some kind of sane limit soon.

That dream that I was having just got longer. Not only were Oliver and I involved, but the other people in the dream are starting to get pretty familiar looking, actually. Aside the just plain weird ones. On second glance, podium guy looks vaguely familiar, like I saw him on TV or at some kind of event or something. Okay, great. Subconsciousness being a thing and all. But then, the last few nights int's started getting weirder.

Batman is involved you guys. Freaking Batman stands around watching some ceremony that I'm being honored at, the big guy at the podium hands me some kind of membership card and Oliver is there and looking happy and there's lots of congratulating going on, and BATMAN IS STANDING THERE WATCHING ALL THIS.

Let's just repeat that once again.

Batman. Batman is staking my dreams, which already were weird enough.

If this thing keeps on happening, I swear I'm saving up for a shiny new CT scan and head examination.

Aren't the superhero dreams supposed to stop when you're around, oh, nine?



Which are you?

Batman or the Joker? Sometimes I think vacillate between the two. Or maybe I just don't trust myself to be good.