
March 26th, 2012



Life's A Bitch...

Some mornings you just want a real adult, you know?

That little nagging voice you hear when you know something's wrong and you know it's gonna be a pain to deal with, but it doesn't leave you alone until you handle it? Yeah, that'd be me right now.



Thanks Network!

Everything from yesterday's all taken care of now, so thanks you guys. Staying away from the ER was great, so I'm really grateful to Dr. Grey for helping me out like that, but also thanks to everybody who talked me into getting that checked out. If I'm lucky, I'm not even going to have a scar, and can avoid annoying hospital staff who'll create more problems I don't need.

So, everything's working out great, and I owe you people a lot. Remind me to find something nice to do for you sometime.
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Right then.

Remember a few weeks ago, my friend Geoff and his crazy friends who he didn't know what to do with? Turns out, he's found out that those people aren't so crazy when they've got a goal and focus and they actually impressed him when they all went out for a wild and crazy golfing weekend.

Turns out the kid he's been so worried about knows a damn sight about golf, and the...course and what you do to survive in the sandtraps and he taught them all a lot. He said he was surprised to be honest, but was also really impressed too.

Geoff's also made some better friends with one of the saner people in the gang and they had a good talk one night about a lot of shit that's probably gonna bring them closer together, and the situation's getting actually hopeful instead of kind of crazy and fucked up instead.

So they're maybe proving Geoff's worst fears are wrong, and just in case, he's meeting people who are gonna back him up and they've got a project going to do amazing things and it's getting pretty comfortable, like somehow Geoff and all his friends are meant to work together. How the hell that's happened, I don't know, but I get the impression that he's gonna take it as a gift instead of some kind of curse or thing that he's dreading.

All is well that's going well with that I guess. Thanks for following my drama around this thing, we both appreciate it a lot.

Now I'm grabbing a third shower and then going to crash. Crazy weekend on my own part too, but one that's probably worth it in the end.

Edit: you people like cat pictures? I've got a cat picture like my weekend:

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