May 2013




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Mar. 27th, 2013


Well that blows.

Seriously, Freeman, why would you even show me that crap? What was the point?

Filtered to Lucifer )

Filtered to Ruby )
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Mar. 26th, 2013


Hey. Morgan Freeman. Stop with the revolving door when it comes to my folks, already! Either bring them here, and keep them here, or let them stay gone. The back and forth is getting really old, really fast. And now I am going to go kill something because this sucks.

Mar. 25th, 2013


If that could never happen again, that would be awesome.


That was certainly... interesting. I can't say I am in any hurry for a repeat performance, however.

Gabe, we have a bit of a situation.

Mar. 17th, 2013


Can anybody else just sorta... make stuff happen by thinking about it hard enough?

Mar. 4th, 2013


With how mild this latest "experiment" of Asaph's was, I get the distinct impression something much worse is likely coming soon.

Also, if anyone would like to keep complaining say that being stuck with someone else for a while wasn't very mild, make sure you've taken the time to either reflect on or, in the cases of new arrivals, learn about, the things that have happened in this city over the years. Then get back to me on how awful this most recent situation supposedly happened to be.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Yeah. I don't think so.

This needs to be over. Now.

Feb. 14th, 2013


Right. This again. I don't remember going to bed with a woman last night, as I'm pretty sure I would if I did. I also seem to have a wedding ring on my finger. Again, unless I was really drunk last night, which is kind of hard for me to do because you know, demon over here, I'd remember getting married. So, it would appear that Freeman doesn't want me to be lonely for Valentine's Day, and decided to give me a new spouse. She's very pretty, and she seems really nice, but no offense to her or anything, not quite my type, there, Freeman. But I guess I appreciate the gesture.

Jan. 21st, 2013


fail!filter to Dean Winchester

I try very hard to do the right thing. I don't feed from good people and I never feed from non-locals. I don't make them suffer and I always kill them when I'm done. I help people when I can. Yes, I need blood to live but I don't think that makes me bad and I think there are other people here who would say the same thing about me. So I'm going to give you a little bit of advice because of what just happened to me when I went feeding tonight.

Do something about your father before someone else does.


Fail!Filtered to Sam Winchester.

We've got to do something. I love your brother, but he's shitting himself if he thinks that I'm just going to sit here and do absolutely nothing about all of this shit. We've gotta start somewhere, and after a nice long talk with Adam, I think I know exactly where.

So, what do you know about containing angels?

Jan. 15th, 2013


Filtered to the Winchesters, Adam Milligan, and anyone who lives with Dean and Claire. )

Filtered to Gabriel )

Filtered to Ruby )

Jan. 14th, 2013


You know, I'm fairly sure that Gabe fixed up the city the last time I was here. Which means, apparently, Asaph's been at it again. Suppose it's good to know some things never change, at any rate.


I knew this place was too weird to not be real.

Not that I'm complaining. Being dead sucks.

Is Sam still-

So. Who missed me?

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Ben's gone too.

This place is stupid and I hate it. Uncle Sam's gone. Uncle Dean's gone. My big brother's gone. And Molly's gone, which she was already gone, but it's still stupid.

If mom or dad or Emma get sent away, I'm gonna bite Asaph.


Sam...Sam's gone. So is Caden.

I fucking hate this place right now. Sam goes back to a place where I'm dead and he only knows me as a bitch who stabbed in him in the back, and Caden goes back to...I don't know. I hate that my daughter has to grow up without her father and her brother. I hate that if Sam probably ever does show up here again, that he probably won't know her, and will likely want nothing to do with her, since I'm her mother. I hate that he won't remember everything we meant to each other, and the family and life we built together. I'm not going to mean anything to him. I'm just going to be something that he has to kill, because I'm "evil". I hate not knowing what my son goes back to, and that's he's never going to know me, his father, or his sister.

I can't be in this apartment right now. There's too much of them both here, even though all their things are gone. I don't want to be in this apartment. I don't think I can ever go back here.

I just want to be with my daughter.

And I, really, really, really want to stab something right now. Though throwing and likely breaking everything in my kitchen seemed to work for right now.

[ooc: takes place a couple of hours after this thread. Ruby came home to find Sam and Caden both gone.]

Jun. 29th, 2012


Right then.

For those of you who haven't figured it out, or are too stubborn to accept it, let me clarify something for you right now in the interest of preserving my own sanity.


Now before you decide to point out how utterly fantastic you are with technology, or whine about how it isn't fair, allow me to say one more thing.

I. Don't. Care.

I don't care if you're Bill Gates himself, or even someone who believes he makes Bill Gates look like a right dolt (I'm looking at you - both of you, really - as I type this, Stark). I don't care if you're from Above, or Below, or Somewhere Else Entirely. I don't care. The PDAs will still not filter things for you, no matter how much you might wish otherwise. You can't send texts either, for that matter. Not without assaulting the rest of us with your inane dribble, that is.

So for the love of whatever it is you love the most, stop trying to have private conversations in a public forum while assuming that maybe you'll be lucky enough to make the filtering system work for you. Currently it doesn't and I doubt it will again until dear old Uncle Asaph decides otherwise.

Now stop with the proclamations of love, the interrogation of people you claim to be friends with who might have steered you wrong, the solicitation of advice from a select few, or whatever else you might intend to be private that won't be. It's giving me a headache and, if I have to take time out of my very busy schedule to respond to these things personally, you aren't liable to enjoy the results.

Thank you. That is all.

Jun. 9th, 2012


I've been so busy with CJ...I didn't even notice that I've been here for a whole year. And I can honestly say that if you told me I'd be where I am today, I would have laughed and told you that you were out of your freaking mind. Though I definitely wouldn't change anything. I'm happy where I am. I have friends, a family, a husband, and two beautiful children. It's something I would have never expected, but that's just fine with me.

May. 26th, 2012


Okay, enough foreplay with the local meatsuits. They're even less useful than the ones I normally deal with. So let's see if this yields better results.

Where am I, how did I get here, and who am I supposed to not kill for taking me out of Crowley's clutches bringing me here?

May. 17th, 2012



What is this thing, sleep?

I am not familiar with the concept.

May. 15th, 2012


Clare Jade, also known as CJ )

May. 2nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

Mommy? Daddy?

[There's the sound of rustling as Mary gets out of bed]

This isn't my room....where's Teddy?

[Mary's voice gets louder and it is obvious that she is becoming distressed.]



Where am I?

[OOC: Mary Winchester, age 6]

May. 1st, 2012


This is a curious place to find myself. Father usually sends Gabriel on such tasks. He's so much better with humanity than the rest of us. But I suppose I can at least attempt to be civil.

Now. Which one of you am I here for?

[ ooc: everyone say hi to lucifer, the angel who swallowed his objections and resentments to accept his father's ruling instead of starting a war in heaven. ]

Apr. 29th, 2012


You know, I always liked being a brunette better than a blonde. It wasn't a very good look for me.

I wanted to thank you. For making sure I that I didn't do anything and keeping me in line.

Apr. 22nd, 2012


I'm about to get my ass banished me to hell by Lilith one minute, and the next I'm here, in some apartment, with some whiny little brat who's demanding to know what I did with his mommy?

What the actual fuck is this?

Apr. 20th, 2012


...Jade is gone. So is Gabe.

I really hate this place sometimes. Like now.

Mar. 28th, 2012


Because I really don't feel like moving anywhere today.

These things are pointless, but always a good way to kill three minutes )

Mar. 20th, 2012


Did they redecorate while I was gone?

Something seems different. There's a stronger hint of douchebag in the air.

Or is that just my brothers?


Well, at least it isn't Hell.

Mar. 19th, 2012


From pregnant human back to pregnant demon. Nothing too exciting, but I think I might miss being able to have salt on my fries.


Note to self: Cars kill. You would think I'd read enough Stephen King over the years to know that's true already, but there you have it.

Filtered to Gabriel )

Filtered to Noah )

Filtered to Lyle )

Filtered to Ruby )

Mar. 12th, 2012


Because of a death in the family, my classes will be cancelled today.

How're you doing?

How're you holding up? Do you and the kids need anything?

Mar. 5th, 2012


When I went to bed last night, I was a pregnant demon. This morning, I wake up, I'm still pregnant... but I'm human. What gives, Morgan Freeman?

Mar. 1st, 2012


I have a kid.

Well, me and Jade have a kid. She did most of the work, really.

Anyway, Lucas Jesus Skywalker (no, I'm not joking), was born at about ten last night. I've just had more important things to do than post about it.

Again, congratulations and trinkets are welcome.

( Sam and Ruby )
So. Godparents?

Feb. 27th, 2012


So, Jade and I are married now. Yeah. You read that right. It was a nice quiet ceremony with mom.

We're now Gabriel and Jade the sense that we don't actually have a last name but we wanted to give our kid one, and what's cooler than Skywalker? Nothing, that's what.

Feel free to offer congratulations or shiny trinkets as you see fit.


( Fail!Filtered to Jade )

So, I already told you I'm marrying The Human (Vampire) Disco Ball to Miss Falls-Down-A-Lot Saturday.

And it got me thinking.

I like you. A lot. And you tolerate me. And we're not going to do any better. Or, I'm not, anyway. I hope you're not. You're not, right?

And you're having my kid.

So...wanna get hitched?

Feb. 22nd, 2012


Well, now. Isn't this a cozy little set-up that you've got going on here? I'm almost insulted I've been kept out of the loop for so long.

Feb. 20th, 2012


I met a man. At least, I think he was a man. At some point. He also had a knife.

I was better with mine than he was with his, though. Score one for me.

Filtered to Sam & Ruby Winchester )

Filtered to Dean & Claire Winchester )

Feb. 18th, 2012


I finally broke down and bought a new razor. Just thought you'd all want to know. The old one, the one that married Ruby's fry maker, has been officially retired.

Claire )

Dean )


Zombies? Again? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to ways of entertaining yourself, aren't you, Uncle?

Still, I must admit I have quite missed this place.

Feb. 12th, 2012


What the

Why are there zombies? What kind of test is this?

Am I in trouble? Because I swear, it really wasn't my fault. Someone else was supposed to deal with the other one. I was just supposed to

I don't understand.

Feb. 7th, 2012


Voice Post

I stealed daddy's phone so I can tell you all that Mommy's french fry maker and and Daddy's razor gotted married! I sawed the whole thing happen. The coffee maker said 'you may now kiss the bride' and everything!


There are cats in my classroom. And pigeons.

They're painting. It's... not bad actually. There are cats painting in the style of Renoir in my classroom. I think the pigeons are just shitting on one of the canvases and trying to pass it off as modern art, but that's down to personal opinion.

Class is postponed for a short while until I make a run for the nearest chemists to get antihistamines, unless someone in my class has any with them?

Feb. 6th, 2012


My razor is on strike.

Elena )


The urge to go stab something is seriously rising. I bet if I got a beer, there would be little cartoon animals pouring me one, right? No one needs animals at the bar. Jesus Christ.

Yeah, definitely going to go stab something. If you wanna stab something too, just say the word.


It's a dark, sad, sad day when your french maker decides to rebel against you.

Apparently, it's telling me it's "overused".

Feb. 4th, 2012


Dear Edward Cullen,

You have a soul. You have a really, really goody two-shoes soul. In fact, if I made a list of people who didn't have a soul in this city, I'd have to include 'not Edward Cullen' to stress just how much you have one.

:D Just figured you might want to know. Lulz.


PS - Dear Everyone Else, Admire my self-restraint that it took me this long to troll a Cullen. Admire it.

Feb. 1st, 2012


There are squirrels in our apartment. Doing the dishes.

And my son is having a conversation with my french fry maker.

Normally, I'd say it was just my pregnancy hormones playing tricks on me. Then I remembered where I live.

Clever, Morgan Freeman. Really clever.

...Though I admit, having forest animals so willing to do household chores really isn't a bad thing. Means I don't have to do it.

Jan. 23rd, 2012


These things are kinda fun.

Gabe's answers )


Because I'm as big as a house and needed something to do that doesn't involve moving.

Click here. )
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Jan. 19th, 2012


Ruby, would this work?

Origami Dog )

He's active but seems to be the petting and lap dog type. I can drop him by this evening if you'd like?

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