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Aug. 21st, 2011


Now this feels rather more familiar. I could almost imagine I'm in the more restless districts of the Rukongai with the way the local residents have been reacting to me in the streets.

Aug. 18th, 2011


It's a relief to see everything back to normal, or at least as normal as can be had here. Still, the past few weeks have made me miss home even more.

Aug. 7th, 2011


That was an interesting trip down memory lane. I'll need to repaint my walls. Sketched over all of them with old fashioned designs. Mordred, would you like to help me paint? I was thinking a dark green.

I also bought more books then I could possibly afford. Luckily I got my shop up and running before all this, so I can sell the ones I don't need. I'm going to need help around the shop if anyone is interested. Third Eye Books & Herbs. A knowledge of herbs would be helpful, of course.


Pardon me, but are there medical facilities within the bounds of the city? I'm overdue for my next appointment at home, and it's really quite important I make it. As it seems we aren't going anywhere any time soon, I suppose I may as well see the healers here rather than try to go without.

Aug. 1st, 2011


Bloody hell! All I've heard since Friday are sodding ankle-biters whining over this bloody PDA! Someone take the phones away from the sprogs please! I'm pretty sure that if this thing continues then the town is gonna be overrun by munchkins by Tuesday.

Jul. 30th, 2011


Excuse me. Who is responsible for this place? I'm afraid there's been a mistake. I'm not certain why you've brought me here, but I can assure you, I'm not worth the trouble. If you would, please return me home. Exams begin tomorrow, and I would prefer not to be late.

Jul. 25th, 2011


Isn't this a pleasant surprise? I do hope I don't make too terrible of a mistake with it.

Jul. 23rd, 2011


This is the sort of weather that requires plenty of hot tea and warm meals. I must confess that winter is hardly my favorite time of year. It's so easy to catch cold out in the snow.

Jul. 17th, 2011


It seems everyone is a good deal happier now. That's gratifying to see.

I've had an opportunity to discuss employment opportunities with someone far more aware of current trends than I am, and I've decided to provide temporary clerical services to businesses that find themselves in need of extra help from time to time. It should allow me some much-needed flexibility. The gaps between projects I expect I can fill with writing more children's stories, as I do at home, though I may need to make a few changes since I won't be writing for the children of Soul Society.

Jul. 14th, 2011


Right. So a hundred dollars doesn't exactly go far these days. Especially when you've got a dog with a sausage addiction. Time to job hunt again I suppose since I haven't got the funds anymore to open up my own shop. Anyone know a tea shop around, an apothecary, or maybe an old bookstore?

Jul. 12th, 2011


Could somebody please tell my brother, Lyle, that I'm going to be borrowing some videos from the vault? I don't want him thinking we've been robbed or something.

And is there anybody else out there that can tell me how Nathan Petrelli is doing? If he's in a drunken stupor, could you maybe I don't want to ask Dean to do it because that would be a little And maybe tell him that I'm okay?

Filtered to endverse!Cas )

Jul. 11th, 2011


Did you lot know that sloths only defecate once a week?

See? I'm learning. Let no'one say I am not spending my time without proper supervision wisely.

Jul. 9th, 2011


This isn't Arizona, and I don't remember how exactly I got here. So, a little more explanation would be cool.

Jul. 8th, 2011


It's far beyond time I found gainful employment here. A Soul Reaper has to eat, after all. Though, if I'm honest, I'm not entirely certain of my qualifications for what the living world considers "normal" work these days. I suppose I may be best-suited for something that involves a great deal of filling out and submitting forms and reports. There can't be much difference between Soul Society's definition of paperwork and the living world's.

[ooc: Says the man who still writes using an ink cake and calligraphy brush à la feudal Japan.]

Jul. 7th, 2011


Holy Son of a Asaph, any time you want to stop sending videos of my husband's reality to my store, that would be New shipment of videos today. If anyone has discovered they're from somewhere 'fictional' in someone else's reality and would rather their information not be available to the public, speak up.

This applies to anyone I haven't been doing this for or spoken to already. Otherwise assume your name is still on the list.

Filtered to Crowley )

Filtered to Ruby )

Jul. 6th, 2011


Who's up for a game of Gobstones?

Or, correction, who's up for learning how to play?


I just wish I could have talked to Peter before they sent him back. I should have spent more time with him. I thought we'd have time to...

And now he returns to a world where I am dead. It's not fair.

Jul. 5th, 2011


I take it the removal of Tessa's name from our door indicates that she's been returned to her home.

Jul. 4th, 2011


I am not affected in the same way many of you are--there is no one here from Soul Society whom Asaph can take from me--but I understand that it is difficult to be so thoroughly removed from those you hold dear. It is something I fear my family and friends one day having to face.

Life is a cycle, where I am from, one that must remain in balance. When a soul passes on in the Soul Society, that soul may then be given a new life in the world of the living, one free of memories. Likewise, when a soul passes on in the world of the living, it may find a new life in Soul Society, but over time, it will forget its days amongst the living. There is no promise that loved ones will find each other again, no matter in which direction they travel. Even if they do, there is no promise that they will remember, or that the ties that held them together can be reforged.

I imagine that someday, Kyouraku will be sorely tempted to seek my soul in the world of the living, just as I am tempted to seek Kaien's.


Still can't talk to my family.

I'm going to get a drink.

Jul. 3rd, 2011


I can't hear or see Gwaine, but the room smelled of alcohol when I woke up. Would someone kindly keep an eye out in the taverns, and stop him before he's fall down drunk for me? I would greatly appreciate it.

Also I've wondered - why has no one ever tried to rebuild where the second housing building used to be? I suppose there are plenty of rooms still available in the remaining three, but I'm sure it could be turned into something useful with enough interest. I, for example, would not object to a place to spar where the locals would not stare and ask constantly if our swords are real or if we are larping, whatever that is

Jul. 2nd, 2011


This is not Gotham City.

Jul. 1st, 2011


Given the situation we have been so gracious placed under, I must ask you all a favor. If you see my brother, please inform him that he is not allowed to do anything that would potentially result in either his ego being tarnished or his death. I will not be able to to pull him out of whatever mess he makes until these circumstances have been resolved... and, by that time, I fear it would be too late to save him from his own stupidity.

His name is Thor. I am sure many of you have met him.


If I may be of assistance to those of you unable to reach your loved ones, I would be more than happy to provide whatever help is necessary.

Jun. 30th, 2011


Beach Party. Monday. Be there.

To eleborate, Elena and I decided that there needed to be a beach party and July Fourth seemed like the perfect excuse. I know that one, we're not even on Earth or in America and two, not everyone here is from either of those places, but who really cares when there's a party to be had? The fourth is just the excuse to have it. It's not really a Fourth of July Party.

For those who are still UV sensitive, aka the sun is not your bff, or those of you who will be working during the day, the party will continue into the night so everyone will have a chance to come!

Jun. 28th, 2011


I don't suppose there is much in the way of bonsai here. Or perhaps I am mistaken?

Jun. 26th, 2011



Anyone who moans about it being Sunday will be getting jinxed. I'm sorry, but that is the law of the land.

Jun. 23rd, 2011


The guards of this city have, by far, some of the worst tempers I have seen in any realm. They dare treat a citizen of Asgard like Heimdall was far more conversational

Perhaps, I may be so bold to trouble the citizens of this city for some rather basic information regarding where I've found myself? As well as some advice on what to do now? Not that I need it from mortals

Jun. 22nd, 2011


How common are these small population explosions? I don't believe I've seen so many newcomers arrive at once in my admittedly brief time here.

Jun. 21st, 2011


I don't think I took any drugs last night.

I'm not sure what the joke is with this place, but if you're going to start kidnapping people and leaving them in libraries, the least you could do is have a ramp.

Is this some sort of game with puzzles? Because I'm awfully good at those. But nothing will get done if I'm stuck here. Unless that's part of the game. Shit.

Someone want to inform me what's going on?

Jun. 17th, 2011


I cannot be the only person in this city capable of dealing with werewolves and I am equally sure I am not the only one with a vested interest in them not being rounded up by folks looking to slaughter them.

So. Who wants to help me try to get a lid on this issue before it spirals even further out of control? I plan on going anyway but I figured I would at least make the offer because I don't know about you people but I, for one, am sick of sitting around waiting on the situation to fix itself.

Jun. 14th, 2011


[Filtered to Ukitake's Friends and People Who Helped the Brain-Drained]

You have my deepest thanks, and my most sincere apology.

I am going out of the city for a short time. Please do not be concerned. This is something I must do, and I must do it alone.

[ooc: Ukitake's off to meditate and reconnect with his zanpakto. It should take him about a day. He'll answer any responses before he leaves. He can be assumed to have been healed by Jaenelle as soon as someone was able to find him and convince him he really shouldn't have been fighting. Preferably either someone he trusts or who is quite strong since he was relatively dangerous at the time.]

Jun. 13th, 2011


[Failed Filter to Ukitake's Friends; Open to All]

wecan fight

NOT afraid

Sogyo no Kotowari listens now


Jun. 12th, 2011


[Voice Post]

Kaien is dead. Shunsui. Shunsui, I killed him. Too weak. We were too weak. Shunsui, I killed him. I was ... I was his captain. I was his friend. Shunsui, Kaien is dead. Sogyo no Kotowari is crying. Make them stop! Genryusai-sensei, make them stop! I can't hear! I can't! I can't I can't I can't!

[Ukitake utters a choked sob as he begins beating Sogyo no Kotowari's sheathed blade against the wall. Then he drops the blade to the floor and begins rocking, forcing his voice out between gulping breaths.]

Please. Make them be quiet. They're lying. I killed Kaien. My fault. I failed. I failed. People will die. I failed.

[He abruptly stops rocking, and his voice becomes steady, determined.]

Can't stay. We can't stay here. We have to fix it.

[There's a crash of glass as Ukitake breaks out the window, then a rush of air as he leaps to the ground below, taking his sword with him, and disappears into Flash Step.]

Jun. 11th, 2011


[Voice Post (Accidental)]

Can't ... No. Be quiet! No time. [several painful coughs, followed by a series of rapid, shallow breaths] Aizen. Too much like Aizen. I can stop her.

[sound of a sword unsheathed] Waves, rise now. Become my shield. [pause]

NO! You can't. You can't defy me. I'm a captain. I have to stop her! Bankai. Our bankai can stop her.

Lightning, strike now. Become my blade! [something is thrown and glances off a wall with a sharp clang] Listen to me!

[strained whimper] Shunsui ... Where is Shunsui? We're frightened. Shunsui! You're supposed to be here! It hurts ... You're supposed to be here when it hurts ...


I found Utikate, he's been.. his brain has been drained like the others. I don't know what to do for him, I'm seriously bad at this whole taking care of people thing. Like really really bad.

Christ, what do I do?

Jun. 10th, 2011


what/s going on. i should be in england. what is this place/ i could have taken those suits of armor if i'd had my sword.

Jun. 6th, 2011


Filtered against Dawn and Glory

Anyone who wants to try to attack an innocent girl, hand her over to the highest bidder, or whatever else you people are coming up with in your panic-induced hysteria? You're going to have to get through me to do it. So unless your name is First Evil comma The? Back off before I do something I really don't want to do.

Also? You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. She can't help what she is anymore than most of us can and handing her over isn't going to fix a thing. And killing her? You people have seen what Glory does when she's annoyed. Go ahead. Try to kill her Key and see what she does. Once again if you can manage to get through me to do it.

Jun. 5th, 2011


Would someone like to go dancing with me? I'd like to dance. There is so much sadness here, I don't want to be sad.

Jun. 2nd, 2011


[That Was Supposed to Be a Secret]

... then Sogyo raised his sword and declared, "I refuse that!" He could not stand to see the children disappointed. He was determined to find a way to fill the village pond with fish in time for the festival.

It so happened that Sogyo knew a wealthy nobleman of Seireitei. This nobleman's gardens were the envy of all the aristocrats. His cherry trees were said to have the most beautiful blossoms in the spring, and his ponds were large and filled with many colorful koi. Surely he could spare a few for the children!

However, the nobleman, whose name was Senbon, was a very proud and severe man. Sogyo didn't know how he could convince Senbon to part with even one of the valuable fish, and so went to visit his friend Chiru. He had noticed that she was often near Senbon's ponds and that Senbon seemed to like her. After all, he was always giving her sweets! Perhaps Chiru could convince Senbon to give other children like her fish of their very own to admire!

Where is Katen Kyoukotsu? They could play a game and trick Senbon into giving them the fish!

Katen Kyoukotsu is not in this story.

But we miss them!

I know you do. I miss Kyouraku just as much.

When will we go home?

As soon as we can. Now practice being patient and let me finish the story. I can't stay up all night, even if you can!

[ooc: So ... Ukitake can do this thing were he goes into his inner world and has a chat with his katana. The spirits of his katana are twin boys. He writes children's stories back home, so he told one to calm the boys down. The exchange is supposed to stay in his inner world. Oops?]



Enough playing around. I know she's here, I know you know she's here, and I know you're keeping her from me. I've tried being patient and I even tried asking nicely. But no, you people just have to keep pushing and pushing and PUSHING.

So. Here's how this is going to work. In the park you will find - if you hurry, of course - one of yours. I'm not sure who, didn't bother asking his name, but I'm sure someone will notice one of their dear loved ones is missing so you'll figure it out. Now, if I were you, I'd hurry to get there because, well, he isn't exactly in his right mind anymore and we wouldn't want him getting into trouble, now would we?

See how this goes? You keep my Key from me, I take one of yours from you. And I'm going to keep right on taking at least one of yours a day, every single day, until you GIVE ME BACK MY KEY!

Any questions? Comments? Lynch mobs? Take a number and stand in line. I just want my freaking Key and I'm not going to stop until I get it.


[ooc: takes place after this]

Jun. 1st, 2011


[Filtered/Magically Shielded/Warded Against Glory & Ben]

Ok. I just threw as much of my mojo into this thing as I could so I'm really hoping this filter holds. If not things are going to get pretty messy really fast but I can't just sit around and wait for stuff to stop going haywire because that's probably exactly when she'll make her move and, well, we need help. So here's the deal.


May. 30th, 2011


[FAILED Private Filter; Open to All]

This is all so different from home. Oh, some things are the same. People still die, souls still need guides, and there are reapers to look after them, though as of yet I am the only shinigami. But for everything that's the same, there seem to be twice as many differences. I can perform soul purifications, but where they send the souls certainly isn't Soul Society. Not if those souls can so easily be brought back to life without need to worry about the balance between the living and the dead.

I think perhaps Sogyo no Kotowari is as uneasy here as I am. We've never been so far from Soul Society without the ability to open the Senkaimon and return at our discretion, and never on our own. Genryusai-sensei worries too much to even think of it. As a captain, I have to agree with his judgment. Although, that doesn't help much now. Reasoning with a zanpakto that has a child's spirit can be next to impossible, and I draw the line at reading bedtime stories to a sword where Tessa might notice.

May. 24th, 2011


There's nothing to do around here.

May. 18th, 2011


I give up on men.

Lesbians, here I come!

May. 17th, 2011


Right. Enough with the bloody bureaucracy and red tape. Anyone out there vehemently opposed to my returning those to life who were killed during the recent bombing at the clinic?

[Edited to add about fifteen minutes later]
And time for objections has since passed. Let's all try not to traumatize the recently returned to life now, shall we?

[OOC: Following the edit, everyone killed in the clinic bombing will find themselves on the steps of the library, fully returned to life, with no memory of what happened after the explosion. They will also have their PDAs in their possession and with no signs of anything else being amiss besides the missing lapse in time.]

May. 13th, 2011


I suppose this makes a perverse sort of sense.

Would there happen to be a healer available to make housecalls?

May. 12th, 2011


A year passes very fast at times. Perhaps it is just this place, the difficulties we see make time fly as we try to move past it all. Either way, it is still fast.

Filtered to Merlin

Could you take Abigail from maybe 9 in the morning and over night on Sunday?

Filtered to Arthur

You have Sunday off don't you?


I figured this thing out finally. It's no more complicated than the Dragon radar was when I was a kid.

[Fail!filtered to The Collector]
Uh, Asaph? Collector guy? 

Hi, well, I'm glad you brought me here and I'm alive again and all, but why?

[ooc; the others will be able to see what he filtered to the Collector. Goku didn't lock it right.]

May. 10th, 2011


It seems a Soul Reaper may still do his duty here. A small mercy, perhaps, and of little comfort to the living.

How many years has it been since I've tended to souls in the midst of such chaos? People never seem to change, even after all of this time.

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