May 2013




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Mar. 17th, 2013


I'm not sure how this happened, but apparently I like weapons - like a lot. They are all over this apartment that I woke up in. I guess they are mine. Nobody has come in and told me to get out. I also don't know why the Billy Idol look alike is here, and when I got into that. He is cute, in this older, kind of sexy sort of way. I'm also knocked up. This is not weight gain. Weird. Makes me wonder if Billy Idol did it? I feel like I should be on one of those weird talk shows 'Billy, you are the father!' UGH, so not needed.

Feb. 14th, 2013


Right. This again. I don't remember going to bed with a woman last night, as I'm pretty sure I would if I did. I also seem to have a wedding ring on my finger. Again, unless I was really drunk last night, which is kind of hard for me to do because you know, demon over here, I'd remember getting married. So, it would appear that Freeman doesn't want me to be lonely for Valentine's Day, and decided to give me a new spouse. She's very pretty, and she seems really nice, but no offense to her or anything, not quite my type, there, Freeman. But I guess I appreciate the gesture.

Jan. 15th, 2013


I'm finally giving in.

Buffy's Answers )

Jan. 14th, 2013


I knew this place was too weird to not be real.

Not that I'm complaining. Being dead sucks.

Is Sam still-

So. Who missed me?

Jan. 10th, 2013



That's right. Eden is back, fully functional, and re-opening for business tomorrow night! So. If you work there, and still want to keep your job, let's talk schedules. If you want to come spend your money in a place where you could potentially turn it into lots more money, stop on by! Doors will reopen at 5PM.

Jan. 9th, 2013


( filter; Kate Tesla )
How are you doing?

Jan. 2nd, 2013


So I'm just going to go ahead and throw this out there. If anybody finds themselves out and about, anywhere near the Roadhouse (that's [address] for those who don't know), and you need supplies or just a place to stay and rest for a while, feel free to stop on by. We've managed to keep the place invasion-free since this all started and I don't see that changing any time soon.

Also, if anybody's wanting to see a bit of action without putting themselves on the streets in the thick of things, just let me know. We've got folks posted on the roof and around the perimeter, on two hour shifts, as well as hot meals and a bed to lay your head when you need it.


I don't like psychotic robots. I'm just throwing that out there in case Morgan cares, which he doesn't.

The problem is not being able to really do anything about them. Is everyone staying safe?

It sucks missing everything. I was always invited to the party before.

Dec. 30th, 2012


So I think I figured out how fast the Weeping Angels move.

If you take the speed of the average human blink, which is about 300 to 400 milliseconds, and then you work in how much distance they cover in that time, which I sort of guessed at cause of all the people talking about how fast they move in the voice posts and stuff, then you put it together and do a bunch of stuff I won't explain cause most folks won't really know what I'm saying, you can figure out how fast you gotta be to get away before they can get to you but still be able to blink while doing it!

See? I think that's right. And cause not everybody knows math, that just means that you got to move about 15 feet per millisecond if you want to stay ahead of them and still blink regular. You can just double that, if you blink slower, and even double it again if you blink even slower than that!

Now I'm gonna figure out how much voltage it's gonna take to make the Daleks' shields come down for good.

[ooc: as always, zoe is a math genius. i? am not. ergo, we are pretending that the equation i just randomly picked and used, does all the crap she says it will. yay suspension of disbelief! ♥]

Dec. 17th, 2012


Distant planet, jumbled timelines, inexplicable experiments, and complete separation from customary resources. How terribly inconvenient. I gather from the tacky decorations and frivolity that it's Christmas time. Not particularly happy or merry. I do wonder if that introductory overview is current on the point of Nikola Tesla's presence here. Could anyone confirm that, preferably the man himself if he's here?

I'm Helena. If you're inclined to informality, I'll answer to H.G., and if you'd rather be formal or well-mannered, Ms Wells.

Dec. 12th, 2012


Hello, hello hello you bright and beautiful new world! Look at you, being all here and meshed together and getting along and friendly. It's good to be here! It's just -- errrr I don't even have the words. I'm thrilled. Nice to meet you all. I--

I--wow, this is unexpected. This is really unexpected. Good unexpected. Tasty unexpected.

I didn't want to go

Nov. 17th, 2012




Nov. 7th, 2012


I have to say, I really did miss this crazy city while I was away. It is definitely good to be back.

[ooc: in accordance with the current plot, ashley is arriving much like a returning character on a soap opera. this means that she essentially just left town, with no forwarding address or even any goodbyes, and is now coming back, probably with memories of stuff that happened while she was away that she'd rather forget, much like the majority of characters on most soap operas have done at some point or another.]

Oct. 23rd, 2012


Peggy, Sherlock, have either of you noticed anything weird going on at the Station? Because, I'm pretty damn sure that there's a poltergeist or something equally as pissed off and ghosty in my office. Now this might not be a huge deal if it weren't for the fact that I'm kind of stuck in my office, because said evil ghost pushed my desk up against the door and is keeping it there somehow so I can't move it. So, a little help would be great.

While on that subject, anyone know how to do an exorcism?

Mycroft Holmes )

Oct. 21st, 2012


I am so glad to be back to normal. So glad.

And to not have to share a room with a million people.

Zoe )

Nicky )

Oct. 7th, 2012


fail!filter to Kate, Nikola, and Skylar

Uh... where'd the last ten days go and how come I'm having a sleepover with Jack Winchester? He's a boy.

Oct. 5th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

Unless the Bureau got some serious room upgrades while I was asleep, I'm guessing I'm somewhere else. Somebody want to clue a girl in? Hello? There's got to be ops in here somewhere if you went to the trouble of taking me.

Liz Sherman. 508-54-9056. And that's all you're getting.

Sep. 27th, 2012


September of 2012. Possibly one of the most confusing moments of my entire childhood, and younger!me gets a convenient replacement at the last possible moment. Well played, Freeman. Well played.

Filtered to Nikola Tesla, Kate Tesla, and Skylar Adams. )

Sep. 25th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post


[the young girl's voice is groggy and slightly confused]

What're you- [a pause as she realizes what's going on; there's the sound of scrambling about and blankets being tossed] Kitty! Wake up! I'm back 'gain!

[muffled footsteps can be heard running across the room, away from the pda; a door opens then there's silence; a few seconds later, the footsteps can be heard running back into the room and there's a very distinct meow that is suspiciously know-it-all sounding]

Oh, hush, Kitty. I 'membered the silly phone, see? Sheesh. [random button smashing] Oh. It's 'ready on. Huh.

[the girl's voice is suddenly very close to the pda speaker]

Hello? Daddy? Uncle James? Uncle Nik'la? Somebody can hear me, right?

Sep. 20th, 2012


Voice Post

[there's a sharp intake of air then zoe is all but shouting with excitement into her pda]

MOMMY! DADDY! GUESS WHAT?! MISS KALI SAID I CAN SEE YOU 'GAIN AND YOU CAN SEE ME TOO! SO I GOT LOTS TO TELL YOU. FIRST I FOUND FOUR NEW PRIME NUMBERS AND THEN MISS KALI TOOK ME TO THE PARK AND I MET A GIRL MY AGE AND SHE'S A LOCAL AND HER NAME'S GRACE AND SHE'S REAL NICE AND WE PLAYED AND THEN MISS KALI LET ME STAY UP AND WORK ON MATH ALL. NIGHT. LONG. [her voice drops to a whisper] But you can't be mad at her, OK? Cause she said she don't sleep no ways so I could stay up and then I slept all day and... and [zoe clearly becomes excited and starts talking very loudly again]


[a sharp intake of breath; her voice sounds normal now]

And I really missed you both lots and lots and now I want ice cream.

[ooc: totally not filtered because it's zoe and she's just a wee bit excited at being able to see people again]

Sep. 15th, 2012


accidental voice post

The hell? (A short pause.) Oh, not again. (Shuffling around.) Sweetie, hey Zo are you here? Zoe?

(An unamused laugh.) Seriously? The people last time were better dressed. Hey, no back off and tell me where she is. (Groaning and grunting as she struggled in the arms of the library guards.) Get off! Get off of me! Zoe?!

Fine, fine! (The sound of the library doors shutting. Sighing heavily.) Now where the hell am I?

Sep. 14th, 2012


Being, virtually, alone in the mansion is quite eerie. It feels like one of those post apocalyptic movies where everyone left town in a hurry and everything was left as is. It's times like these when you take notice of all the various noises your house makes. Believe it or not, but I can't even be in my lab right now, because I begin to wonder what is going on in the rest of the house, then I start to hear things. I hope this doesn't last too much longer.

Sep. 13th, 2012


Okay. I was fine not being able to see my husband. Well, not fine. But...whatever. It happens.

But now? I can't see my kid. And that just isn't okay.

Parker? Can you come check on Zoe? Can you even see this? Judging by how empty the house seems, well...emptier, I'm not sure if you even can.

Can someone please check on my daughter?

Sep. 2nd, 2012


So, can I just say I'm really glad all that's over. I never want to see Zoe like that again Wasn't exactly the most fun I've ever had with one of Asaph's little games.

( Ash )
I'm getting restless. I was never supposed to be running this place. It's just not me. If your mom could actually stick around for more than five minutes at a time, or if Hank and Will could show up, we wouldn't have to worry about this. I swear...when did we become the responsible adults here?

Point is, I need to do something before I go stir crazy and rob a train. Again.

( Nicky, Zoe )
I'm sure you two have some kickass awesome science going on, but I'm feeling like some family time. You guys in?

( Zoe )
You're a pretty cool kid, you know that? Never change.

Aug. 23rd, 2012


Nikola! Hey! Psst. NIKOLA TESLA! I'm talking to you. (And anyone else who wants to read this too, but mostly you.)

They're building a museum for you! Seriously! In whatever reality-on-Earth that we can access over the PDAs, look at what I found!


If you go here, you can see the progress. We can't donate, I already checked (BOO, MORGAN FREEMAN, BOO I SAY!) but still! Look! Look now!

Isn't it awesome?! :)

P.S. And for the record, the guy who owns Tesla Motors stepped up as an official sponsor too. Yay Team Tesla!!!!

Okay. Now I'm done. For now.

Aug. 16th, 2012


I don't know how you broke into my lab and, right now, I don't care. But you have exactly one minute to stop this crap and let me go or, I swear to you, I will blow this little illusion of yours right off the map. Myself included, if it comes to that.

The countdown starts now.

[ooc: everyone, meet zoe tesla from the same dark!au! as jack and meri winchester. be afraid. be very afraid. ♥]

Jul. 10th, 2012


Hey ever'body, guess what! Today's my dad's birthday. And since he's Nikola Tesla, and cause he's the best, it's also Nikola Tesla Day! It's a real day, too! Really for real!

So. Happy birthday (and happy day-named-after-you), dad!

9x-7i>3(3x-7u) !!!!!

Jun. 18th, 2012


I find that I'm at a loss for what exactly is going on. One moment I was following Adam through his time portal and the next, I was in a strange library, being greeted, quite rudely by two suits of armor, which by all means, shouldn't have been moving on their own. After being escorted outside, I located this PDA in my pocket and proceeded to try and figure out exactly what was going on, which led me to this Network, which I'll admit is rather mind boggling. Not only did I stumble upon a post written by a man who should be dead, but he used the word Awesome, which I am a hundred percent sure I have never heard him utter. I assumed I must be in an alternate universe, however then I found a post explaining, in great detail, what is going on. I suppose, after everything I've seen in my life, I shouldn't be as shocked by the things I read, but I can't seem to digest all of this information.

[Filtered to Ashley Magnus]
My first instinct is to believe this is a trick Ashley, is that really you?

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Oh joy, this place again. You know, not that I was in the middle of a nice bath or anything so grandeur, and not that I'm not grateful to be alive again. It's just well, this place is always so full of ups and downs, isn't it? What if this time I'm on my own? Even worse, what if I'm not? Though it would be good to see everyone again. And god knows that someone has to keep John in line.

Right then, is anyone actually around? Anyone from the Sanctuary, or am I actually by myself this time? You know, speaking of a nice warm bath, I think I'd like to have one now that I'm here and alive again. I didn't get to do that nearly enough the last time I was here. At least I knew to get out of the library without getting manhandled by a bunch of tin buckets.

Oh yes. Hello everyone, Dr. James Watson at your service. It's nice to see everyone again or for the first time.

May. 25th, 2012


Fail!Filter; Meant for the Doctor; Open to Everyone

Mister Doctor, I was looking over the notes you gave me and I found a mistake so I fixed it so now I got a new equation for you with the correction made.

Here you go!

May. 22nd, 2012


I got a question.

If big!me left me!me an equation that I'd never seen 'fore but that'll come in super, duper handy sometimes, can I say it's still mine even tho it was big!me who came up with it? How's that work? Cause I can't cite my sources if I don't know what to put.

May. 12th, 2012


All right. Not exactly how I anticipated waking up, in my lab, but nothing looks broken or tampered with except my wardrobe. Not that I don't love the shirts that you send me, Parker, but they're not exactly the best thing to be fiddling around with my projects in.

Apr. 30th, 2012


And here I am again, back in the out-dated lab. Somewhere early-to-mid 2012, if the crayon scribbles working out this particular equation are anything to go by.

So. Let's help a girl out here so I can narrow this down a bit. Is Uncle J Mister Dr Druitt still crazy? Yes? No? Bueller? Bueller?

Also? Asaph, don't look now, but you're becoming redundant.

[Edited in an hour or so later]
And the Sanctuary is once again officially a teleporter free zone. Because yes, I am that awesome. As are my parents. Though really. Look at the last name and be ashamed you didn't figure this out sooner.

So. Ashley. A head's up before you trying using a shortcut home would be appreciated. Unless you want to be stopped in your tracks and tossed around like a ragdoll. In which case, have at it.

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

Wha- [ there's a long pause after the first noise before a throat is cleared and a voice tinged with a Serbian voice speaks up. ] Miss. Excuse me, miss? I believe you may have found yourself in the wrong room. Or... [ pause ]

I have. This is not the Univerzitet.

Apr. 19th, 2012


So...Nicky and I said screw it and went ahead and got married this afternoon. Zoe was there, and so were Ashley and John (both of them) and Parker and Max. Sorry any one else who wanted to be there, but I'm pretty sure if we waited, we'd end up having killer robots or something. Or Helen would show up and Nope, not thinking like that

Also, there was no singing. Point for us!

Apr. 17th, 2012


What the Hell is this?

I don't know why I keep humming Bad Moon Rising, but I guess it's appropriate.

Apr. 14th, 2012


TOMORROW'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm gonna be five whole years old!!!

Mar. 29th, 2012



I think I solved the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture but I'm not really, really sure and Mister Nikola's not so good with this sort of math (he's always trying to take shortcuts) so can you look over my notes pretty, pretty, pretty please?

Mar. 27th, 2012


I guess since Ash did it...

Nothing to see, move along )

Edited to add: Filter to Ashley Magnus )

Mar. 19th, 2012



Mar. 5th, 2012


I'd say this sucks, but it's kind of how I spent the majority of my life, so...kinda used to it.

( Ash )
Want to do some sparring now that it's actually fair? Well...more fair?

( Zoe )
Hey kiddo. How are you feeling?

There's a dolphin movie playing at the theater. Do you maybe want to go see it?


On the plus side, at least I can drown my sorrows effectively.

[Filtered to Kate Freelander]
I'm assuming this means you're back to normal as well? And Zoe Do you think the kiddo's going to be able to handle this?

[Filtered to John Druitt]
Care to join me in my continued ruin of Helen's wine cellar?

[Filtered to Zoe Adams]
How you feeling, kiddo? Anything

[Filtered to Ashley Magnus]
So. How's it feel, being back in the realm of the relatively normal?

Feb. 13th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Kate sounds confused )

So, either the painkillers are giving me the weirdest dream ever.

Or this place was actually real.

( gasp )

Holy shit! There's zombies.

Oct. 13th, 2011


The bad men went away and I don't know how but they really, really did! They disappeared just like magic!

Oct. 2nd, 2011


( Filtered from law enforcement types )

I think I want to rob a train. You see if I can.

Just putting it out there.

Oct. 1st, 2011


Again?! Can't I go even one week without being spatio-temporally dislocated?

Thank god for natural fabrics, at least.

Sep. 14th, 2011


S'cuse me whoever sent me here but can I please go home now? Just for a little bit? Pretty please? Cause I just solved the Yang–Mills existence and mass gap theory and if I go home and show folks then I can get lots of money for school so I can solve even more problems!

I really did solve it, too! Honest! So I can please just go home for an itty bitty little bit? I'll come right back. I p'omise. I just need to show folks that I figured it allll out.

Sep. 9th, 2011


NIKOLA TESLA! I got you something! I'll bring it by your lab tomorrow.

I saw it and thought of you. YOU'RE WELCOME! )


I think I may have left Damien's cage open last night.

Aug. 31st, 2011


I enjoy running as much as the next girl, course I do, but this has gone far enough. The next one of these savages that tries to shoot me, hit me, or chase me from the streets is going to wish they hadn't. I might do my very best to avoid violence but I've certainly no objections to self-defence.

My only real issue is that I don't understand why they've so much hostility but it's quickly reaching the point that I don't care. You can't help someone if they won't let you, yeah?

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