May 2013




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Mar. 25th, 2013


Okay, so many things were wrong with that. SO MANY THINGS.

Cordy, I'm sorry I said you were a hooker with daddy issues. And I'm really sorry you spent two weeks thinking you were Peter's girlfriend.

Peter, let's never talk about that again. Ever. Except the part where you named yourself after Chris Argent. That was hilarious.

Katie, thank you for not showing any interest in me, because if we'd hooked up while we were all amnesia-y, Peter would think he was right. And he's never right.

Danny, I can't believe you called yourself Jackson. Seriously. Nobody wants to be Jackson. I should probably ask about the whole asking me out thing, but I don't really want to get rejected, so I'm going to pretend it never happened.

Mar. 14th, 2013


So, I woke up in the ball pit at a pizza place.

Not really sure how that happened.

I'm pretty sure I've got better things to do than hang out somewhere like that.

I think anyway.

Mar. 11th, 2013


Ladies and gentlemen,

At this point in time, I believe we've all established that while we do not understand how we came to be in this place or who we even are -- we're all here together. It is my understanding is that we all are suffering from some sort of mass amnesia. What the cause of it is so far? I will be completely honest with everyone, I do not know. An acquaintance of mine that also woke up suffering from this might possibly begin to look into what the cause of this mass amnesia is but, truth be told, we have no idea what we're looking for. But do not allow this to be a cause for concern, ladies and gentlemen. Just allow it to be a cause for a sliver of relief. We are attempting to fix what has happened to us or, at the very least, get to the root of all the problems.

I can understand what you're all going through, but calmer heads persevere. What we need is to establish some sort of footing. For those individuals who have woken up in the middle of stores, the streets, or general area of the public--I will be looking for a place for everyone to stay. I will keep you updated in this cause but for the time being, I would appreciate for everyone to look out for everyone else. Even if it doesn't feel as though it isn't in your nature to do so. It is likely better to have a stranger in the same circumstance as you rather than one of the residents who seem to ignore the lot of us. I can imagine a lot of us are feeling lost, alone, and frightened. Our only chance is taking a leap of faith with each other rather than toughing it out alone. I urge you to reach out and I will do my best to assist you.

Mister Domino.

[ filtered to those ]

Following the above message, I have a concern to address with those with abilities. If you feel, in anyway, as though you are a danger to other individuals. Isolate yourselves. The last thing we need aside from mass amnesia is mass panic. If you have anything to say at all, feel free to use this as an open forum to address your concerns. Being different isn't a terrible thing. Being ignorant of how your differences could affect others is, however. This is not singling you out or calling you a danger to society. It would just likely be safer for you and for everyone else to have someone to account for you.

I hope you approach this with understanding rather than aggression.


So I'm in this apartment and I'm not sure what's going on, except I apparently have weird amnesia, like everyone else around here. Oh, and my dad's here. I'd think maybe I just had a thing for really older guys, but he has a trampy girlfriend. Who's way too young to replace my mom. I have serious problems with this. I don't remember anything, but I'm pretty sure I have problems with this. Her name's probably something stupid like Brandi with an I or Tiffani also with an I or something trashy

Does anyone need help with anything? Because I could probably help with stuff if anyone needs it. And I really want to get out of here.

( Edit: Added later, filtered against "Chris" and "Angela", and all adults...but especially those two )
So my dad and his skanky girlfriend are going out. Who wants to come over? I'm thinking party. Who's up for it? We all have amnesia. May as well have some fun.

Mar. 6th, 2013


Now that things aren't so...awkward, I should probably focus on going to school. And finding a job.

Is there a high school around here?

As for a job, I don't really have much experience. Unless being an Avenger counts.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Okay. What the hell? I'm only 17. Not that I often play that card. Who does when they're a year away from being an adult? But this is totally not something I signed up for.

I guess I could have gotten worse, but still. Come on!

Feb. 7th, 2013


Right. First things first. I just, wherever here is. I can't say I'm really familiar with the area, and those knights weren't very helpful, though the phone they gave me was pretty helpful.


My name is Cassie Lang. I'm sixteen years old, from New York City, a sophomore in high school</s>, and a Young Avenger</s>. I'm also supposed to be dead, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Unless this is heaven, or some weird limbo, in which case it's not like I pictured it at all. But since I seem to be alive and not a spirit or whatever you're supposed to become once you die, I'm guessing I'm not.

And I'm rambling. Which is probably a little annoying if you're reading this, but I think I'm allowed a little freaked-out rambling at first.