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Sep. 7th, 2012


Greetings Colligo,

Newsflash, everyone, none of you are special snowflakes. I know some of you have probably been told all your lives that you are, but guess what? You're not. You can all whine all you want, but I'm not going to change things for you just because you want it.

Suck it up and deal. Maybe make some new friends outside your own reality. Whatever you do, stop bitching like it's going to change anything.


EDIT: PS - Parker's my favorite. Suck it, everyone.

Aug. 23rd, 2012


I've had to install a lock on my bedroom door, the same kind on my lab, because someone's dinosaur got into my room and ate a few pairs of my shoes as well made a mess out of some of my clothes. This means I'm going to need to go shopping, which I don't exactly enjoy doing, but it's either that or wear the same five shirts all the time.

Raven, would you want to join me? Make this a little less boring.


( Voice Post )

( Charlotte sounds perturbed )

Oh dear...this again.

( a pause )

Raven? Darling? I need to borrow some clothes.

( another pause )

And why on earth was I in bed with Erik?

( another pause and a startled laugh )

Oh...never mind then. Yes...that would explain it.

( ooc: meet Charlotte Xavier, a distaff counterpart of Charles )


Accidental (then not so much) Voice Post

[There's the unmistakable sound of the knights beginning to move followed by the clearing of a throat before a little girl speaks up. Although soft-spoken, she doesn't sound afraid but rather polite, with an unspoken, understated sense of her simply knowing what to do.]

'scuse me, but can you just give me my thing so I can get somebody to come pick me up? I'm not really s'posed to be out by myself.

[The metallic clanging stops then the little girl's voice is much closer to the PDA now. She's smiling.]

Thank you. You go ahead and rest. I can walk to the door. It's okay. Bye!

[Small footsteps can be heard, with the loud groaning of the library doors as they open. Finally, as traffic fills the background, the little girl sighs softly and starts muttering to herself.]

Now I just gotta 'member how to use this thing... oh. It's already on. Huh. [a brief pause]

Hello? I'm Bo. Bo Hess. This is Colla [a pause, as she realizes she isn't saying the word right; she tries again] Colligo, right? [another pause]

Is somebody still here that knows me?

Aug. 17th, 2012


[Accidental Voice Post]

[There's the distinct sound of a dinosaur growling as the PDA comes on.]

What the heck?

[Molly sounds a little confused at first, but there's then an excited sounding gasp.]

Oh! We're back! Old Lace, we're back!

[Old Lace can still be heard growling, as the guards come near them, and Molly can be heard grabbing the dinosaur.]

No, Old Lace. As stupid as they are, you can't attack them. I am not getting thrown in that smelly little cell again. It's stupid and horrible and really stinks. Like bad foot odor and fish stinks. C'mon, we gotta go back to the mansion. That is, if Aspath hasn't been really dumb lately and sent everyone home or something. He does that sometimes.

[Another pause, as Molly pushes through the the guards to get her and Old Lace out of the library. The slam of the door is soon heard.]

....I probably shouldn't call him dumb though, since he just brought us back. 'Cause if I do, he might just send us back again or somethin'.

Stop sniffing around Old Lace, we gotta go to the mansion. Then we can go looking for Adam and Dog, and go exploring or do whatever we want to do.

Jun. 18th, 2012


That is it.

My boss is suddenly in touch with his feelings, my best friend is no longer in touch with hers, and my maybe someday boyfriend my other best friend doesn't seem to even have any right now.

I give up. If anyone needs me - and you really, really, really better not need me because I'm liable to kick you in the throat if it's for something stupid - I'll be in the Danger Room until this is all over.

P.S. And I'm taking all of the Jello with me. Because I can.

Jun. 12th, 2012



It is with great pleasure, and virtually no research on the matter because we are awesome like that, that Steph and I would like to introduce you to our mascot/sidekick/best pet ever.

His name is Abu, he likes baths, and if any of you try to claim he's not adorable I will kick you in the face. Or scowl. Whichever is easier.

May. 23rd, 2012


I liked being future me again. She's fun. I kinda wanted to stay her this time, but that would be weird...'cause Adam would still be little...and we probably wouldn't be blw to hng out as much, cause older me was in college.

Not that I mind being me right now. I like being me.

May. 13th, 2012


You know, if I wanted to have entire weeks blacked out of my memory, I'd start drinking. This what I'm guessing is me becoming a different version of myself stuff is starting to seriously cramp my style.

In other news, at least I'm back now. And with all sorts of new drawings of unicorns and rainbows from little!me to look at, too. Along with a rather interesting letter from older!me that's Don't judge. I was a weird kid.

So. What did I miss?

May. 2nd, 2012


I don't know who did this or why you gave me a retro phone, but please if you're reading, I don't deserve this. If you're going to bring someone where this is, please go back for someone who actually deserves to be here. Get Kate and Piotr and any of their babies who are still alive. Get anyone else. Not me.

May. 1st, 2012


Oh, no, this can't be happening... Not right now... Jack Harkness, please tell me you're still here.

Apr. 30th, 2012


You know you've been time traveling when you open your closet and your clothes are a lot smaller than they're supposed to be.

Hello again, 2012.

Apr. 26th, 2012


Any time this place wants to stop with the back and forth already, that would be great. Really. It's starting to make me a little dizzy.

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Interesting. No illusionist would take the time to craft such an extensive and contradictory environment.

Also, anyone who happens to be in the Xavier School at the moment, I think I might have broken Charles, if you wish to come try and fix him.

Apr. 6th, 2012


Sent Village Wide

Where the hell am I, and who took my sword?

I'll kill you when I find you, whoever you are. You can count on that.


[To the X-Mansion]

I'm back from my astral/sometimes-physical sabbatical, so I'll be using my room again. Thank you for keeping the psychic emergency calls to a minimum. I know it might sound a little hokey, but I really needed that "me time." I hadn't been alone by choice in ages and I needed to confront myself. And I couldn't handle everyone else's grief over Kitty on top of mine. And then there are all these memories of my future-yet-to-come that I needed time to evaluate.

Looks like I really should have come home sooner because KITTY?! Another Kitty? I don't know if you know me, but I've been best friends with three different versions of Kitty Pryde, so I'm really REALLY happy and I hope that isn't coming on too strong but REALLY! HI, KITTY!

Mar. 28th, 2012


I reckon, since everyone else is doing it, I might as well too.

Those questions and some answers. )


Because I don't feel like doing homework and I am bored. )

Mar. 26th, 2012


Since I have been threatened with irritation until I get these up, here they are. Raven. Steph. You can stop bugging me now. Please.

Erik's answers )

Mar. 25th, 2012


As I know Raven will pester me if I do not answer these questions, I may as well go ahead and do this.

Charles's Answers )

Mar. 19th, 2012


That's a lot better. And less stupid. I didn't like not having my powers. Neither did Old Lace. She likes it when I'm able to roughhouse with her.

Mar. 5th, 2012


so this is balls


This is stupid.

Mar. 1st, 2012


That was certainly unexpected.

I really am terribly sorry if I worried anyone.

( Raven )
Are you really all right?

( Irene )
How are you?

Feb. 13th, 2012


Anybody need anything from the store or something? I'm bored and I can get past the zombies undetected, so I figured I would make the offer.

Of course, I reserve the right to refuse requests if I choose to do so. I probably won't, but I'm putting that out there just in case.

Feb. 8th, 2012


( Voice Post )

( Steph sounds a little stressed and ever so slightly panicky when she sppeaks )

Can we bring back the helpful chipmunks and talking toasters? Please? Can we do that?

Because that was so preferable to this!

I mean...I'm used to danger. I thrive on danger. Danger is my middle name ( a pause ) PS: It's not really. It's Marion. Anyway, I'm used to dealing with danger. Heck we have a Danger Room in our magic castle. It's a room made of danger that tries to kill us all on a regular basis.

What I'm not used to is getting out of the shower and almost falling into a pit of spikes as I leave the bathroom. Thank god I take my PDA everywhere so as not to miss out on potential shenanigans and hijinks. Because I'm kinda clinging to the edge here and I could use some help.


Feb. 6th, 2012


I knew this place was too weird not to be real.

Feb. 1st, 2012


I don't think the ducks that tried cleaning my room this morning realized that I had a pet dinosaur.

I stopped Old Lace before she could eat them, but I really feel bad for those poor ducks. They were only trying to help.

Jan. 26th, 2012


I knew this place wasn't just some kind of funky dream. No way could I come up with something as creative as this, all on my own.

So. Who missed me?

(edited in a bit later)
I'm not sure why I have a bunch of questions on this thing, but I answered them. I'm even being nice and putting the answers here instead of putting up another message board post thing.

Read at your own risk. )

Jan. 16th, 2012


I'm so glad that's over. I didn't think it was possible, but the mansion was kind of getting crowded with all the extra people wandering around. Besides, two weeks stuck with someone else wasn't really all that pleasant. I'm just glad I got a job before this happened so I was able to get away for a couple of hours on my own.

Jan. 1st, 2012


This weird. Old Lace and I will be doing something not stupid like everyone else seems to be doing until this place decides to not be dumb anymore.

Dec. 27th, 2011


I apologize for the dead gremlin parts in the hallway of the mansion. I'll clean them up.

...Old Lace is eating them.

Dec. 20th, 2011


I really hate this freaking place sometimes.

Peter, wanna do something? We could take Old Lace to the park and make a snowman.


Raven's gone.

And so's Bo.

And Ms. Kerrigan.

It's like someone doesn't like our house or something.

( Erik )
I know you have all the emotional range of a really emotionally-stunted rock. And I know you and the Professor are avoiding your feelings like Gothamites avoid smiling. But I'm sort of worried he's going to do something stupid. Mostly because he does stupid things and has no self-preservation instincts. So could you maybe grow a pair and check on him? Please?

( Jay )
I really need to punch something in the face. A lot.

Dec. 16th, 2011


So there are certain people in this mansion, and I'm not going to name names, who need to work their crap out and start talking again cause if they mess up Steph's Chrismukkah there will be hell to pay

Dec. 12th, 2011


So...snowball fight anyone?

Dec. 11th, 2011


So it seems like I'm gonna be sticking around here so I should probably enroll in classes for next semester at the University. It's gonna suck having to take the classes over that I already took, but I guess this time I'll have a head start. I could do all the assignments a head of time even. I guess I'll go do that tomorrow and my knuckles should be pretty much healed by the time classes start, which will be good.

Dec. 9th, 2011


Because I refuse to let what happened--- So I'm already working on the Christmas dog show and I'm helping the locals put up decorations - including trees of the perfect height, circumference, color, and with the proper density of foliage.

And then I started thinking about the Christmas pageant back home and how much the kids absolutely loved it, so I decided to build a stage and have it at my coffee shop - Joch yn y Tywyllwch.

That being said, would any of you kids like to be a part of it? With the permission of your parents or guardians, of course.

OOC: All hail the Christmas Nazi.

Dec. 2nd, 2011


Voice Post

I think I broke the knuckles on my right hand last night.

Nov. 28th, 2011


Im cold

And theres no open windows

Nov. 26th, 2011


I don't wanna sleep no more. I don't want a new dad or a new life or none of the stuff I keep dreaming about. I don't!


Ouch. Those suckers sure can hit hard.

But I mean how else did they expect me to react and I would have gotten out of there if I had all my gear with me. But I guess a couple of concussions and a bunch of broken bones will teach them.

But now I’m locked in this cell of some library. Maybe I’ve got some books that are really overdue or something and they take that type of thing serious here where ever here is.

Nov. 22nd, 2011


Oh, God... I'm so sorry...

Nov. 19th, 2011


Well, that was certainly odd.

Nov. 16th, 2011


Right then. Would someone care to tell me what the sun-dappled hell is going on?

Raven? Erik?

I'm rather certain Shaw's teleporter can't move a bloody house.

( OOC: Have an AU Charles...excuse me...Charlotte Xavier. )

Nov. 14th, 2011





Nov. 9th, 2011


You know, sometimes grownups can be so dumb. It's not like fighting is going to solve anything. Talking is loads more 'fective and lots safer for everyone else, besides.

Nov. 2nd, 2011


I demand to know who is behind kidnapping me! Circe? Ares? Luthor?

If any of the Justice League can me, this is Wonder Woman. I appear to be in a strange mansion in a city not near any we know.

Also, there is a dinosaur with me. It appears to be not vicious...but we shall see.

Oct. 31st, 2011



Molly, do you still trick-or-treat? I was wondering if you and Old Lace might be going out and wouldn't mind the company. I've never taken a trick-or-treater around to houses before and it's been a long time since I was innocent.

If I'm not doing that, is anybody else at the Mansion planning to hand out candy? Partying sounds like it'd be too noisy in my head.

I think I'm going to cheat on my costume and use teke instead of buying. That's all right, right? It's like having a homemade costume. Unless any non-locals run a costume place, then I'd support your business.

Oct. 22nd, 2011


Okay. That? Was bullshit.

Damn good to be back though.

( Molly Hayes )
Hey, kid. You okay?

( Sammy )
I guess this is the part where I apologize for going down in a heroic display of badassery and you tell me you cried like a girl.

So...yeah. Sorry.

( Ruby )
Thanks for looking after him.

Now, tell me the truth. He totally cried like a girl, right?

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