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May. 4th, 2011


May the Fourth be with you all!


This really is the strangest place. I went out for my run and stopped in the shop on the way back, and the young man who served me grinned at me and then said "Happy Star Wars day, dude!" before pretending to use a lightsaber.

Apr. 16th, 2011


Master Qui-Gon, report please.

Apr. 5th, 2011


I thought I'd just be human again when this ended. Not myself. Oh, good heavens.

Mar. 29th, 2011



A friend of yours has a problem. A really big, bad problem that makes them do things they don't want to do, including hurting other people. You find out about that problem.

Do you:

A. Try to find a way to help them and support them and be there for them, only giving up if and when it's obvious they can't be helped.


B. Be terrible and mean and tell them not to talk to you or anyone you know ever again, then not bother telling any of their real friends about their problem so they can still get some help.

Definitely needing guidance here so if anyone has any experience in something like this, that'd be awesome.

Mar. 28th, 2011


I do not recognize this location nor its inhabitants.

I require an explanation.


While this is infinitely preferable to the previous time I was Force-blind, I still think this is awful.

I have a request. I have spent so long meditating within the Force that I am finding it extremely difficult to even begin to find my center now that it is gone. It is remarkably hypocritical of me to instruct Yvaine on how to do this properly if I cannot even manage to maintain a light meditative state myself. Is there anyone who would be willing to assist?

Mar. 24th, 2011


Oh. Right. Blimey.

It's very... quiet, isn't it? And... linear. And slow. Quite peaceful, really. In a boring kind of way.

And I'm hungry. Why does that keep happening? Why do these things always make me hungry?


I hated this when they did it at the Temple.

I can't nobody's there I'm alone all alone ag

Oh, kriff.

Feb. 24th, 2011


Voice post

Hey, Potter? I apologize if the hot water and other appliances have stopped working properly. I swear I didn't hex anything on purpose.

Just figured I'd check in with everybody while this thing is still working. Regulus? Mordred? How's it going with you two? And Jennsen--you still alive out there?

And Maggie, my young padawan, any new weirdness going on? We're going to have to figure out a way to get together for lessons soon.

Feb. 22nd, 2011


This marriage situation is impossible. And unneccesary. And ridiculous. And impossible all over again. And so human, with all the eating and sleeping and everything. All. The. Time. No wonder you're all divorcing each other left right and centre back on Earth.

Feb. 20th, 2011


This is horrible.

Feb. 16th, 2011


I've amazed myself at the amount of light saber related jokes there are.

Feb. 10th, 2011


This place needs to stop being a pain.

[Doctor (Ten)]

I'm stuck with a jedi.

Feb. 6th, 2011


Has anyone here received anything from home from the people that brought us here? Or asked for something to be delivered and the request was answered?

Dec. 30th, 2010


What just happened? What was that?

Padawan Veila )

Dec. 28th, 2010


I hear we have wizards in the house. We need to pow-wow. Preferably in person.

Those nasty little Deathstar wannabes must be coming from somewhere. I can hex them 'til the cows come home but if there's a rift in the never-never they're sneaking in through, it's like putting a bandaid on a severed artery. Someone wanna throw me some ideas before this thing craps out on me again? Anyone? Buelle--

Dec. 27th, 2010


I want to talk to one. Properly. Face to Has anyone apart from Jenny managed to disable one without... well, killing it?

People from the Whoniverse )

Eleven )

Dec. 11th, 2010


Can somebody tell me how to get to the stables? I'm guessing there are some around here somewhere. And does anyone work there or know someone who does? I need to see about renting one of the stalls. Maybe two. Side by side. So I can tear down the wall between them. I don't have any money but I can work for it or something. It's really important.

Dec. 6th, 2010


I feel like I'm finally a productive member of society.

That's right, I have a real people job that doesn't involve getting people drunk so they'll lose money gambling.

Well...I still have that job too.

With some help, I'm opening up a center. It's sort of a soup kitchen-slash-shelter-slash-counselling-and-rehabilitation-center. I'd have used actual slashes, but then it would look like I'm writing weird, existential fanfiction.

We have a building and, with any luck, everything should be all set up by Christmas.

If anyone's new and/or looking for a job, we can use the help.


Dec. 2nd, 2010


Oh kriff, I had forgotten just how tall he was

Tahiri, would you like to come round for tea? I would like to introduce you to a couple of people.


Oh my good heavens. It's lovely. Where did it come from?

Obi-Wan )

Dec. 1st, 2010


Building C is still structurally sound. There is some minor damage to a few interior walls on floors three, four and five, but none of them are load-bearing. For anyone who has not yet been round to look at the suddenly-shorter building, I would advise caution. There is an awful lot of broken glass and debris still lying about.

Yvaine )

Tahiri )

Nov. 29th, 2010


What in the frack kind of poodoo is this?!? I have things to do, you know. Places to be, a galaxy to save. If you think you're going to get away with kidnapping me you really don't know me very well.

Nov. 18th, 2010



So that's why you all bother with it! I always thought it looked awfully messy and uncomfortable and undignified, but it's rather good fun, isn't it?


Anyone out there who's been told a version of them was here before? And I haven't already scanned bothered? I'm tracing timelines and reality curves. You knooow... Its something to do, isn't it?

I'm the Doctor by the way. One of him. Hello! Nice to meet you all! Again.

Nov. 15th, 2010


This is not Ord Mantell. Which is a bit kriffing unfortunate since I had a job lined up and I needed the credits.

What planet am I on?

Nov. 10th, 2010


One teeny question. Just out of sheer curiosity, of course. Nothing odd at all and no need for follow up questions. But how many functioning PDAs do you think we've got in this city?

Ish. Around. Ballpark figure.

Rose, I'm looking at you and your incredibly boring job here.

Nov. 3rd, 2010


Phillipa, I tried the Skittles you spoke of. I like the yellow ones best. And an older lady gave me a small bag of candy because she thought I was in costume even though I am just in my tunics and robe. There are things called "kisses" and "Reese's Pieces", but I haven't tried the piece-things yet.

I think I need to do more meditating. I haven't felt this unsure about things for a long time. I keep catching myself as I look round for Qui-Gon my Master.

Oct. 30th, 2010


Could someone perhaps explain this Halloween festival to me? The shops appear to have been taken over by people in strange badly-made costumes (including a few who are appearing to be those zombie creatures from last week, which is in extremely bad taste if you ask me) and everywhere is decorated in cartoon monsters of some sort. I've been trying to think if we have some sort of corresponding festival back home, but if there is, I am unaware of it.

Actually, now that I think on it, is that why the gentleman who had his picture sent to my communications device has pink hair? Is it related to this Halloween?

Oct. 29th, 2010


Seeing as I haven't woken up with a needle in my neck, Does anyone here have any idea what I'm supposed to do now I'm trapped here?

Sorry. I'm new to all this.

Oct. 17th, 2010


I find it very annoying that the only times I feel even remotely relaxed these days is when I am outside, fighting those creatures, while any attempts at meditating tend to end up a failure. What does that say about me, I wonder?

If anyone is in need of supplies, please let me know. If I accompany you, I can keep the creatures at bay.

For those who have lost loved ones and companions. I share in your grief and know full well the pain of such a loss, and the frustration of being unable to honour them with a pyre or a burial or however you personally commemorate your dead. However, they are one with the Force now and as such, they will never leave you. The Force will be with us all, always. I hope this may provide some small measure of comfort.

Private for Knight Solo )

Sep. 25th, 2010


This isn't Coruscant. Not even close.

What in the kriff is going on?


I cannot stay here. I have to return to Tatooine. I have to look after Luke, even if Lars and his wife think I'm crazy. I have to return. I have to sleep, I'll be useless if I don't sleep and just rely on the Force to keep me going. I have no idea why I'm even here in the first place.

I have tried to leave a number of times and I keep ending up in that kriffing library.

I cannot stay. Even if the thought of a place free of Sidious and Vader's grasp is more than tempting, I cannot stay.

Sep. 22nd, 2010


What place is this? The men in armour, do they answer to Anak Vader or Sidious?