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May. 5th, 2012


I would just like to say that it's entirely too early for this.

((ooc: ladies and gentlemen, meet vampire!Huck, from an unspecified point in colligo future. i'm sure he'd love to eat meet you. ;p))

Apr. 22nd, 2012


My boyfriend is a teenager. A teenager who I just caught going through my underwear drawer. This is so weird.


accidental voice post

...I swear, I warn't that drunk last night. I don't even like t'drink, so how...

[sounds of rustling fabric, as if the phone is being sat upon, & the message cuts out]

Apr. 9th, 2012


Am I one of the only people who doesn't think that this is too terrible? I mean, yeah, I miss my own body, but at least the woman that I swapped with seems to be normal, if her apartment says anything about it and she appears to live with a teenage boy, but he also seems to have been swapped.

Huck, are you still yourself or do you have a new body too?

Mar. 22nd, 2012


Why the fuck are all those people coming back, and Ariadne hasn't come back yet? Or Reg or Sirius?

I think I might grow a beard. I say that like it will take effort to not-shave.

Or maybe I could try and grow a pet milk in my store room.

Or something.

Imagine I said something witty, thought-provoking and possibly even profound here, please. I can't be bothered thinking something up.

Mar. 21st, 2012


Well, it appears that we picked the perfect time for that decision. And yes, I am purposely being cryptic.

Mar. 5th, 2012


Oh, bloody hell.

I have to get up to refill my drink and change the station on the telly?

Not funny, Morgan Freeman. Not funny a tall.

Feb. 27th, 2012


being dead sucked ass. ain't no fancy pearly gates or nothing.

hope you didn't go give my job away or nothing, ellen.

Feb. 25th, 2012


One month today.

I want to g

I started drin

i hate this pla


Feb. 20th, 2012


Wow, I can't believe an entire year has actually gone by already. Thursday marked one year that I've been in Colligo. Honestly, if a year ago you'd told me that I'd be happy here amidst all the crazy I'd tell you that you were crazy. Of course the alternative is going home and being permanently dead, so being here is preferable. Not to mention I've got an amazing boyfriend and awesome friends and I can actually go outside during the day. And honestly, all the crazy kind of makes things exciting.

[Filtered to Stefan and Damon Salvatore]
So, I was thinking, with all the horror movie hoopla going on, maybe we should keep an extra eye on those who aren't exactly as invulnerable as we are. We've all seen the movies and as good a shot as he is, if Huck is attacked by Michael Myers, not even setting him on fire will kill him and Jeremy and Bonnie might be relatively safe, what with the whole Witch thing, but Elena and Molly are still vulnerable as well as others.

Feb. 5th, 2012


There is a chameleon sitting on top of my computer. It thinks that I can't see it.

...and now it's on my head.

Speaking of amphibians and reptiles, Eames, whatever happened to the Aidan?

Feb. 1st, 2012


My jewelry just sang to me. I was getting ready for work and deciding what jewelry to wear and all of a sudden it was like Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast. It was pretty entertaining, but so so crazy! Tom just sat their on the dresser, looking so intrigued and bopping his little head to the music. Oh, Tom is what we finally decided to name the Mogwai. Decided he was too cute to be named Stefan. Don't want anyone to think I'm having an affair with someone named Tom or anything. Now Tom is playing with the chipmunks that washed the dishes this morning. Sometimes I still can't believe that this is my life now.

Jan. 18th, 2012


[a woman whimpering in pain can be heard, the slamming of what must be heavy wooden doors is heard just before the woman is heard weakly crying out "Help!"]

There's no help for you.

[the woman whimpers once more and soon it get eerily quiet, until a huge thud is heard]

Now, who's there to eat around this place?

Jan. 6th, 2012


So this week has been.....interesting to say the least. Forced life with Balthazar is nothing like forced life with Sam. For one Sam is not a sarcastic twit who tried getting under my skin just because it was fun. I mean sure, I can take care of myself, but I much prefer sharing a bed with Huck for obvious reasons, but also because, did I mention that Balthazar is a sarcastic twit? He's lucky he hasn't tried to get handsy.

That being said, I completely forgot to inform everyone of my new pet amongst all the crazy. The Doctor managed to reverse engineer a Gremlin for me so now I have my very own Mogwai! He's wicked cute and a big hit at the Roadhouse and has kept me sane while trying to deal with Balthazar. Mostly cause Balthazar is pretty intrigued by him. I haven't named him yet, but I'm leaning towards Stefan cause he has this poofy hair thing going on like Stefan.

Jan. 1st, 2012


This is rather interesting, I must say. I appear to have snogged Huckleberry Finn last night.

Are you quite alright?


Well this is fun or you know, not at all. Can we rewind and do last night over? My plans for this morning did not include going home with some random guy.

Dec. 17th, 2011


I think I have plague. Disgusting.

Dec. 7th, 2011


Anyone looking for me after this weekend will find me in Huck's apartment from now on. That's right, he asked me to move in and I'd have to be crazy not to. The question remains though, how am I going to move my entire wardrobe and will it all fit in Huck's closet? I suppose we shall find out.

Dec. 4th, 2011


Since this is something we've all been made privy to and Damon's phone won't stop beeping while we're trying to drink and forget about this crap, I want to ask you all something and I want you to be honest, not only with me but with yourselves, too.

So. Show of hands, from those of you who didn't know Angel and Darla and the fiasco that was their relationship. How many of you honestly thought vampires could have kids? How many of you, vamp/human/demon/whatever legitimately thought that vampires should use protection when having sex to avoid procreating? Keep in mind we're talking about the breed of vampire whose body is actually lacking in a pulse and heartbeat, here.


Anyone at all?

If not? Then back the hell off Damon already. Because yes, he reacted in a pretty jerktastic way. However, considering his body is technically dead, it's not like he really thought he could procreate. And until Caroline got pregnant, I'm willing to bet none of you thought he could either. Including her.

And before any of you try to jump all over me about how this isn't any of my business or whatever retarded attempts at hostility you might try, I'd just like to point out that it's none of your business, either. This is between Caroline and Damon. That's it. So unless you're Caroline? Back off and let them sort it out.

Nov. 30th, 2011


For some reason storage playing Christmas mustard now seems weird after July when now is when it should be played. Oh well, I suppose I'll get used to it.

Huck, we should totally get a chronology treatment....ok now I know my PDA is definitely wanked....W H A C K E D. What I meant before was Christmas tree..oh good that worked. What do you think?

Also, with the recent marriages, should we be on baby watch? Kidding...or am I?

Nov. 22nd, 2011


[Filtered to friends of the Dream Team]
I know it's short notice, but if you don't already have plans for Thursday we're having Thanksgiving dinner here. Or "Practice Christmas," as Eames insists on calling it. Let me know if you're coming so I know how many pies to bake.

Nov. 16th, 2011


So Hell Hounds, definitely not like Golden Retrievers. Not knowing exactly where that thing was was pretty disorienting, but lucky for me I've got a nifty enhanced sense of smell and hearing so it wasn't too bad. Of course I'm not saying I ever want to take on another one of those any time soon. Or ever again really.

Caroline, Bonnie, we should definitely make our shopping trips an annual thing. Maybe invite Elena to join once she's normal again.

[Fail!Filter to Huck]
Speaking of normal, providing that nothing crazy happens this weekend I propose we just spend the entire weekend in bed.

Nov. 15th, 2011


Arthur? Ariadne? Is there a reason why I've been banished to the back room?

[OoC: Last switch for Eames. Always-a-girl! Eames went to lie down after he freaked out at Ariadne, dozed off and woke up as Dani. ^_^]

Nov. 7th, 2011


Oh, excellent. I was supposed to be in a meeting with Caroline's teacher this afternoon. That'll be a good excuse for missing it. "Ever so sorry, I was stuck fourteen years in the past for a while. Can we reschedule?"

Cheers, Morgan Freeman. Much appreciated.

[OoC: Hello, older!Eames!]


So blond hair + 24/7 in a chlorinated pool = not cool at all. Pretty sure my hair is gonna have this funky green tinge for weeks. And my fingers are super pruney. I think I'm over swimming until the summer now.

Oct. 30th, 2011


So, apparently I inherited Crowley's club (the fallen angel, not the demon...he's still around) when he went poof again. Would have been nice of him to tell me that, instead of just waiting to see how long before I noticed. But yay! I have a club.

So, first order of business. Halloween party. Tomorrow night. Wear a costume. It'll be fun!

To avoid confusion, this is Lexi's party. I'm letting her host it here because I have more space than she does and I'm nice. And she's hot.

Oct. 27th, 2011


So is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? We should totally take advantage of these useless powers and the fact that it's almost Halloween and have a party Friday night and embrace our lame powers. Those of us who got powers can dress up as something related to them; for example, I can tie laces with my mind and I have a pair of suede pants that lace up the sides and a matching vest. Who's in?

Oct. 12th, 2011


[Filtered to Damon Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman, Elena Gilbert and Huck Finn]

Stefan is back, but he's a Ripper again. I was leaving Harvelle's tonight when I saw him. He'd already killed two girls and was starting in on another when I stopped him. He wasn't very happy, but I led him away so she could get help. I don't know where he is now, but I stopped at my place after I couldn't sense him anymore. I wanted to let you guys know in case you see him.

Huck, I'll be by as soon as I'm sure he's not lurking around. I don't want to lead him over there.


holy tap-dancing stone of a peach! i thought sure that bastard was long dead, but he's here. now. my pap is alive, and he's come after me again.

((ooc: photos for reference; pap finn as huck remembers him, and pap if he were still alive some 20 years post-canon. it's most likely the old one he's seeing, but have fun with it!))

Oct. 8th, 2011


So, aside from a few fans of the clothes, was there anything that anyone liked about that experience?

Oct. 6th, 2011


I won a poker game in a saloon. It took a long time, nobody was shot, and I won a raaaather tidy amount. Well done, me.

I kind of wish there had been a table thrown over and all that sort of stuff you see in the films, but ah well. And the whisky was throat-scrapingly awful, but I still drank plenty of it.

Now. Where is my bed? I need to sleep.


Do the men of Colligo just become complete horndogs whenever the city gets changed or is it just me? When the locals went all crazypants on us they kept trying to grope me over the counter and now that they're cowboys they again try to grope me over the counter. Not only that though, I've gotten a few of them asking me how much I charge. Seriously?! The next cowboy that tries anything will so regret it. I haven't decided how yet, but he will.

Oct. 1st, 2011


This is... different.

I feel like I should grow a moustache, wear a black hat and practice a slightly evil laugh.

Arthur )


Corsets? Really? I thought I was done with these a long time ago. Although I do look pretty hot if I do say so myself, so it's not all bad I guess.

Huck, if I do recall, which I can now, I think I was on my way to see you when I suddenly came down with amnesia.

Sep. 24th, 2011


Ok ow! Would someone mind telling me why I just woke up on the sidewalk? Also, maybe while you're at it, someone could be so kind as to tell me who I am, because that would be ace.

Jun. 30th, 2011


Beach Party. Monday. Be there.

To eleborate, Elena and I decided that there needed to be a beach party and July Fourth seemed like the perfect excuse. I know that one, we're not even on Earth or in America and two, not everyone here is from either of those places, but who really cares when there's a party to be had? The fourth is just the excuse to have it. It's not really a Fourth of July Party.

For those who are still UV sensitive, aka the sun is not your bff, or those of you who will be working during the day, the party will continue into the night so everyone will have a chance to come!

Jun. 3rd, 2011


[Filter Fail to Huck Finn]

How goes the vamp novel? Can I ask about the plot or is that top secret? I was wondering if you wanted anymore first-hand tips or had any other questions on realism. After all, what good is being friends with a vampire if you can't use them as reference material? And unlike reference books, I don't need to be checked in and out of the library.

May. 23rd, 2011




May. 13th, 2011


If anybody spills the salt today, don't forget to toss a bit over your left shoulder. I don't really know when my birthday was but if I was to hazard a guess, I'd say it were a Friday the 13th.

Which means today ought to be the one day I get lucky for a change, eh?


Today can fuck off.

Apr. 28th, 2011


Ok, my boss sucks! I'm so sorry I didn't come in last weekend, but I was a boy! Don't be a dick to me, because I wanted to keep your brain from breaking. I don't know why I didn't just compell him to forget about it.

Rose, tomorrow night, we're going out.

Apr. 27th, 2011


Did I seriously just overhear what I think I just overheard? Really, some people's children.


Well, hello, loves. I'm the right age now, but not quite the right shape.

Apr. 26th, 2011


Well, well, well. I seem to be a bit ahead of my time. I haven't even finished my first novel yet.

Daniel Eames, are you still knee-high to a grasshopper? I guess I'd better feed the Aidan.

((have old man huckleberry, circa 20-some years in colligo's future, now a famous author))

Apr. 25th, 2011


Stefan and Elena are gone. I woke up as myself again yesterday so I went to work last night and came home this morning and they were gone along with their stuff and the dog. Stefan wouldn't move and not tell me. Unless that's the crazy thing he was vague about asking me the other day. I have this awful feeling they were sent back though.

Apr. 24th, 2011


Am I allowed to use the art things in this flat? I would like to draw, please.

Apr. 23rd, 2011


Voice Post


[There is the sound of a small hand covering the mouthpiece of the phone, followed by muffled talking with... someone? several someones?]

[The next coherent thing is half-whispered and sounds slightly nervous] These paintings are talking to me and I don't know why... where am I?

Apr. 20th, 2011



[switches to voice, and the muffled voice of a small boy can be heard whistling and singing, along with the sound of rustling cloth and other ambient noise]

...buffalo gals wontcha come out t'night...

[that's right ladies & gents! you've just been butt-dialed by huckleberry finn]

Apr. 18th, 2011


I'm my own substitute teacher! Amazing.

Huck, you're with me. The exciting world of School awaits you.

Morpheus )

Apr. 15th, 2011



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