May 2013




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Mar. 13th, 2013


Well, I'm not in an air vent. I don't have any prosthetic limbs, and I'm not Russian.

I am however, in a sort of...homeless shelter. But I'm pretty sure I'm not homeless. I guess I work here. With my girlfriend. I've taken to assuming she's my girlfriend. Because she's pretty hot we woke up all over each other.

So...that's a thing.

Also, I'm pretty sure I saw someone who looks just like me here. So...twin guy? If you're out there? Respond.

Mar. 12th, 2013


Anyone want to explain to me why I woke up in an air vent with no idea who I am?

Or what the fuck somebody did to me that got me a fucking BIONIC ARM? Is this some crazy bull shit government experiment?

Yebat' vashu mat'.

Mar. 11th, 2013


I woke up in an air vent. It's kind of comfy up here, but I don't think I live here.

Oh! But the vent is attached to a ginormous casino with lots and lots and lots of money. That makes me really happy. I think I'm going to just stay here even if it's probably not my house.

Anybody else not really freaking out all that much about all of this or is that just me?

Jan. 22nd, 2013


I'll just get straight to the point, since I don't really like not knowing anything about situations I've somehow landed myself in.

Where the hell am I?

Jan. 18th, 2013


Come out, come out wherever you are, Comrade Barnes. I tire of these games.

Jan. 8th, 2013


I don't suppose shouting 'Avengers Assemble' will work here? Thought as much. Now what are Weeping Angels and where do I need to shoot them?

Dec. 28th, 2012


Did I arrive just in time for an invasion?

Dec. 11th, 2012


Filtered to Natasha Romanoff

You and I have catching up to do. I've been here a week and I still have no idea what's going on.

I see you know Captain Rogers?

Dec. 1st, 2012


Somebody better start talking. I wasn't finished with my shawarma yet and Barton gets cranky when I don't check in with him. He's not the kind of guy you want to make cranky, believe me. I have first hand experience here.

Nov. 28th, 2012


Accidental post, intended as an encrypted message to Gen. Aleksandr Lukin

( Translated from Russian and Decrypted )

The mission has been compromised. Capture of A13 successful. Had target in my sights. Appear to be captured by SHIELD agents. New phone - GPS functionality offline. Current location unknown. Unsure how I arrived here. Takedown of armored agents unsuccessful, but managed to escape SHIELD custody. Updates to follow.


Sep. 10th, 2012


Morgan Freeman can just fuck off.

Sep. 6th, 2012


And suddenly, I'm so glad nobody from home is here So not saying that in public

I am so going to have to rework this schedule so that none of you Mystic Falls folks are sharing shifts. That's too much of a headache to even think about.

And because I'm supposed to be nice or Molly will make her Disapproving Face™ I guess if anyone has people they need checked on, I can do that.

( Bucky )
How are you holding up?

( Molly )
You okay? People aren't taking too much advantage are they? Because I'll totally cut someone.

Sep. 4th, 2012


Filtered to Avengers (& Peggy, Bucky, Darcy, Coulson & Peter. Maria & Howard added a while later.*)

So, I have this enormous skyscraper, and I keep almost packing up and moving all my stuff into it, but every time I do it's just so quiet that it kind of freaks me out. And since I don't yet have the cash to hire people to hang out with me, I was thinking about something Steve suggested earlier.

You should all pack up and move in here.

We've got an archery range. Fully outfitted science labs with holographic lab environments.. A couple of gyms. Still working on the holodeck, but it's just a matter of time. Several fully stocked wet bars. A DJ stand in the living room because I don't feel like moving it. A truly ridiculous number of guest rooms. Fully automated everything. JARVIS. A fireplace you turn on by clapping. AND all the electricity you could possibly want.

And Avengers, before you say know, this should be interpreted as a team-building mandate from Captain America, which might make it an act of treason to disagree. (You can also bring friends, but these friends will be evaluated on a case by case basis, and can't be given the codes to our super secret moon base without my prior written approval.)

* Maria and Howard added later as the result of emotional blackmail.**
** Fucking Steve.

Jul. 14th, 2012


Might as well, right? )

Jun. 28th, 2012


( Fail!filter to Tony )

Tony, I know this probably isn't very fair to take advantage of this situation, but I figure it's probably the only way I'll get a straight answer out of you. Ever.

Do any of the following products actually exist: Toasteronis, Densaugios, Skittlebrau, Brawndo, Bot Munch cereal, Snappy Cracker Crunches, Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, Cosmic Cookies, Snicker Snax, Choc'o the Mornin, Jumbo Jim's Grape Scotch, Cowboy Crunch'ems, and/or Fishtastic Toaster Tacos?

Does NC-17 really mean it's for people under the age of seventeen?

Did something called Prop 8 really make marriage mandatory for homosexual couples?

Is Star Trek really the true story of the founding of the space program? I've been meaning to watch it to see.

Is that Mitt Romney guy really a Doombot?

Does the E on that fiction site you found really mean the stories are for everyone? And does the little slash thing mean it switches point of view between two people?

If you take a gal on a date, do you really need to take her bowling so she knows you're interested? And get her a corsage to match her outfit? And call to ask what she's wearing so you can make sure you match?

I'm pretty sure grabbing someone's backside isn't actually a Nepalese greeting that's becoming really popular in the states, but I'll ask anyway. Is it?

Is Fox News really "brilliantly crafted political satire"?

Is Twilight an inspiring true story?

Do people really use Comic Sans exclusively?

Will citizens of the United States really be required by law to be fluent in Norwegian by 2024?

Was there really a war with Canada in the sixties?

Do you really need to say please and thank you to the toaster if you want it to cook your bread?

Is Men in Black really about a sister agency of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

I really feel like kind of a jerk asking you all these things, especially when you have to be honest, but I just don't know what to believe any more. And I don't get why you keep saying this stuff if it's not true. I mean, Jesus, it's hard enough adjusting to things when nothing makes sense and I feel like an idiot most of the time anyway, but it's worse when I'm not sure what to believe and what not to. I mean, I know you don't like me all that much, but I just thought we were getting past the awkward start, and now I'm not so sure. And I know I could probably look all of this up, but I'd just rather hear it from you.

Jun. 11th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( There’s the sound of a door opening and a soft, sort of surprised sound. After a moment, Steve speaks, his voice a little uneasy. Clearly he’s out of his element. Still, he’s speaking loud enough that he’s obviously talking to someone outside the room. )

Hello? Raven? I know you said to just come in but... ( a pause ) Wow...this place You were kinda underselling it when you said it was just a small place with a few rooms... ( another pause, this one slightly awkward ) This is the right place, right? I’d hate to think I just walked into the wrong house.

(There's a quiet snort of amusement before Raven speaks up, her footsteps sounding over his PDA a few seconds before she actually appears in the room.)

You don't know how tempted I was to pretend to be some old lady who was ticked you were walking into her house just now. (a pause; clearly she's grinning) Fortunately for you, I decided to be nice just this once.

(There's another pause.)

And yes. I'll freely admit I was underselling the place a bit. But honestly. If you've seen one mansion, blah blah blah. You know how it goes. (a pause) Or maybe you don't. I keep forgetting you're even more time displaced than I am, in a lot of ways. Huh. Not used to someone having it worse than me. That's going to take some getting used to.

(Another pause, this time she draws in a big breath before continuing.)

Anyway. So. Welcome and all that fun stuff. I'm Raven. Hi there.

( Steve’s quiet for a long moment, just taking in everything she’s said. When he finally speaks, he sounds more at ease. )

Well...I have to say, I’m really glad you decided against doing that. I’m not exactly sure how I’d have reacted to that.’s good that you were nice. Not...that I thought you wouldn’t be.

( an amused chuckle )

Can’t really say I know how it goes. Mansions are more Tony’s thing. Don’t really have ‘em in Brooklyn. It’s nice though...I guess...if you like big houses with lots of rooms and stuff. ( a pause ) Sorry. Can you tell I’m a little out of my element here?

( another pause, then very earnestly )

It’s nice to meet you, Raven. In person, that is. I’m Steve.

(Raven laughs slightly.)

Yeah, I gathered you were Steve. What with you showing up, asking for me by name, and being (a pause) actually, 'built' really isn't doing you justice. Because really. You are definitely more than built. You're about up there with one of those carved statues of a perfect physique that I had to study when I was forced to take art class in boarding school.

(another pause)

Seriously. Did you know you're about a twenty-five million on a scale of one to ten of physical hotness? Even I can't swear I could make abs that look like yours and that is definitely saying something.

( It’s quiet for a long moment. Steve tries to say something, but mostly just stammers, then clears his throat and tries again. ) you, ma’am. I’m not all that sure I agree with your opinion, but it’s nice of you to say that...even if I’m pretty sure you’re exaggerating. A lot. But I wouldn’t try looking like me if I were you. I’re really pretty just the way you are.

(Raven's tone is no small amount of amused as she responds.)

First of all, it's Raven. Not ma'am. And I'm not exaggerating. You're really very pretty, for a guy.

(a pause)

And secondly, thanks, for the comment about me. Although... (another pause) This isn't actually the way I am. This is just the way I commonly choose to look.

(There's yet another pause, then the telltale sound of Raven shifting physical forms.)

This is how I naturally look. (For all of the bravado in her tone, there's still a touch of wariness despite her attempt to sound casual.) Not exactly as pretty as the blonde hair, blue eyed look, I know. But still me, just the same.

( Steve sounds slightly less flustered, but not by much. )

All right. Raven. I’ll keep that in mind. I’m still not sure I agree on the pretty thing, but I guess we can agree to disagree on that.

( There’s a pause when Raven shifts into her natural form. When Steve does speak, he sounds absolutely sincere. )

You’re very patriotic. And I can’t imagine a single reason why you wouldn’t want to look like that all the time. I think it’s pretty swell. Whoever got you thinking you weren’t pretty must’ve been a real idiot.

(Raven is silent for a long moment. When she speaks, she's clearly smiling.)

Okay. You, I like. You can stay. In fact, I vote we keep you. And as my vote is the one that counts, (a pause) and Steph's too, since she counts but will still vote my way as well anyway because she's awesome like that, you're staying. Maybe not permanently, of course, because I'm sure you have a life and a roommate and (a pause) and now I'm gushing. The point is, good answer. Let's find you some Jello to try.

(another pause)

Oh! And I made star-shaped red, white, and blue Jello for you. I figured it was fitting. But there's lots of others you can try too. (yet another pause) In fact, I insist you try them all. Mostly because I'm pretty sure my brother will have a stroke if he sees how much Jello I made. And am I talking a lot? Because I do that, sometimes. I'll stop talking now. This way to the kitchen!

(another pause, this time for a half of a second or so)

And you really are pretty for a man, Steve. You should just accept that and move on because I'm not dropping it until you agree with me. I'm a little stubborn that way.

( Steve gets flustered again, stumbling over his words as he tries to respond. )

Stay? I...uh...I mean that’s nice of you, but I do have a place of my own, and I’m pretty sure it’d be rude to just leave without saying anything...not to mention I’m not sure I ought to go moving somewhere new and... ( a pause ) Let’s just start with Jello and work up to you kidnapping me and keeping me locked up here so I can compliment you.

( a pause then a laugh )

That actually sounds pretty good. I guess if it’ll keep you out of trouble with your brother, I can help get rid of the Jello. From what you’ve told me, it sounds pretty good. And, anyway, my metabolism is kind of crazy. ( sounding kind of embarrassed ) I’m actually kind of starving right now.

( another short pause )

Well...thank you. ( a brief pause ) Oh...hey. Would you mind if you some time? ( another pause ) I just mean...I like drawing. And you look so don’t have to say yes. I just...I thought it could be nice.

(Raven pauses for a moment, as though considering his question. Her tone is a bit dry when she replies.)

You know, that’s the second time in fairly recent memory for me that a guy has asked me for something that’s definitely not ordinary. Though I’m guessing that drawing me won’t involve needles? At least, I hope not. Otherwise, your idea of drawing and my idea of drawing are a whole lot different. (a pause; her tone turns slightly teasing) That’s a yes, by the way. I don’t mind if you draw me sometime. I’m actually a little flattered. (another pause) And also relieved that you have an appetite because seriously. Half the fridge is stocked with Jello right now and I kinda want to avoid a lecture on wasting my free time making tasty, jiggly desserts if I can help it.

(There’s the sound of a door opening.)

And here’s the kitchen. Which is (a pause) surprisingly empty, for once. I swear, all the rooms in this house and most of us seem to spend our free time in here. There’s probably something to be said about that. (a cabinet door swings open)

Oh! Right. Go ahead and have a seat wherever. Personally I prefer the counter but that’s mostly because it makes this little vein stick out on the side of my brother’s head whenever I do it. But yeah. Have a seat and I’ll grab round one of the second largest Jello feast in the school’s history.

( another laugh, this one slightly startled. )

No. No. Definitely no needles. Just some charcoal. Maybe some pastels. It seems a shame to draw you in black and white when your colors are so vivid. ( a pause, then shyly ) I missed it...during the war. I know I'm a soldier...but I was studying art, before the war. Life just...kind of got in the way. A lot of things got in the way. And now it's seventy years later and...I don't know. It would be nice to have something familiar. That doesn't change.

( a pause as he listens to her talking about the kitchen and Jello )

I don't think me sitting on the counter would be a good idea. ( another pause ) Wait...that's the second largest Jello feast?

May. 30th, 2012


Voice Post

Get your hands off me!

[there's a sound of some metal clanking around and then something hits the ground]

Well at least that was a soft landing.

[Bucky sounds more than a bit confused as he mutters under his breath and gets up.]

Hello? Anyone in there? Great, I'm talking to tin cans.