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Sep. 10th, 2011


Attention people of Colligo.

For those of you who don't know me, and I'm sorry to say that's most of you, my name is Edward Morra. You can call me Eddie, and I'm going to preface this announcement by stating that, although I will do my best to keep it brief and to the point, unfortunately neither of those are really my forte so there is every possibility this is going to get a little lengthy. I just ask that you do your best to muddle through and read what I have to say. You'll be glad you did.

At some point, between eight last night and this morning, it appears that our illustrious Mayor Fleming has been returned to his own reality. Although we did not make it a public point, due to various security reasons, a few weeks back he named me as Deputy Mayor in the event this precise situation happened. So I suppose that now makes me the new mayor of this fine city.

I know, I know, most of you are probably wondering 'who is this guy and why should I listen to him'? And I can't blame you for feeling that way. Unfortunately, nothing I say is going to convince you that I'm quite capable of handling this position and the responsibility that comes with it so I would much rather show you. In order to do that, though, I need to take some time to explain what I have in mind and what it will take to see most of these ideas come to pass.

With that being said, I intend to make a few changes that Mr. Fleming and I were already discussing before he took his leave and, as this is a relatively calm time for the majority of us, I see no reason not to begin implementing some of these changes. I'm going to switch to bullet form now as I've already potentially reached the posting limit for this network and I would rather not waste anymore time as we all have lives and can't afford to waste them reading a bunch of drivel from a guy you barely even know.

Cut due to length; I did warn you. )

Filtered to the Archangel Gabriel )

Filtered to Danny Williams )

Filtered to Jamie Fleming )

Filtered to Jack Harkness )

Filtered to Charles Xavier )

ETA: As anyone who has been outside has likely noticed, the damages created to the buildings within the city since last December and since have now been repaired. Since I firmly believe in giving credit where credit is due, the Archangel Gabriel is to thank for that.

[ooc: tl;dr: Eddie is shaking things up and creating custom-made jobs for those who need them and/or want to do something a little different than what they normally do. Some of them have already been sorted, others are still to come. Have an idea? Feel free to suggest it ICly to him or OOCly to me and we can definitely work something out! Mostly we just thought this would be a good chance for players to have characters able to get more involved when the proverbial chaos comes to town and receive a paycheck while doing so.]

Aug. 31st, 2011


I enjoy running as much as the next girl, course I do, but this has gone far enough. The next one of these savages that tries to shoot me, hit me, or chase me from the streets is going to wish they hadn't. I might do my very best to avoid violence but I've certainly no objections to self-defence.

My only real issue is that I don't understand why they've so much hostility but it's quickly reaching the point that I don't care. You can't help someone if they won't let you, yeah?

Aug. 12th, 2011


Filtered to Eddie Morra )

Jul. 28th, 2011


Dudes, the house is full of midgets.

No, wait. Kids. Yeah.

Jul. 24th, 2011


As my last occupation isn't applicable here and sitting idle isn't an option, I suppose I should find something to do. Anybody out there know of some interesting lines of work a new arrival could consider? I'd appreciate it.

Jul. 23rd, 2011


This is the sort of weather that requires plenty of hot tea and warm meals. I must confess that winter is hardly my favorite time of year. It's so easy to catch cold out in the snow.