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Mar. 26th, 2013


Hey. Morgan Freeman. Stop with the revolving door when it comes to my folks, already! Either bring them here, and keep them here, or let them stay gone. The back and forth is getting really old, really fast. And now I am going to go kill something because this sucks.

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Accidental Voice Post.

Hey! River! Do you know where I stuck that circuit board I was messing around with? [ the sound of several things being tossed around, the clang of metal on metal ringing through the pda ] I was going to fuse it in with the rest of the project and see what happened.

[ there's a spark of electricity, the sound of a live wire left unattended ] Ah. Oh. Shit. Where did I- That's definitely plugged in somewhere. Where? Where? Where? [ another spark ] Oh. Stop it. [ the sound of flesh connecting with electricity along with a hiss between the teeth ] Sharp. But at least this is better than starting a fire until I find where I forgot to undo this.

River! I could use a hand here. Or another set of eyes. Maybe both.

Jan. 5th, 2013


I've managed to scrabble together a slower version of what I called my Imperceptor Vest (which shall need a new name), and if we can coordinate a suitable strategy, I can use it to outrun the "Weeping Angels". My thanks again to the young Miss Tesla for her brilliant calculation of what speeds must be reached.

I've also built a working prototype of my Heat-Ray. I'll need to mount it on a rooftop or a tower, or onto a suitable vehicle to use as a mobile weapon.

It could help save us, or it could burn down the entire city. Let's find out which, shall we?

Dec. 30th, 2012


So I think I figured out how fast the Weeping Angels move.

If you take the speed of the average human blink, which is about 300 to 400 milliseconds, and then you work in how much distance they cover in that time, which I sort of guessed at cause of all the people talking about how fast they move in the voice posts and stuff, then you put it together and do a bunch of stuff I won't explain cause most folks won't really know what I'm saying, you can figure out how fast you gotta be to get away before they can get to you but still be able to blink while doing it!

See? I think that's right. And cause not everybody knows math, that just means that you got to move about 15 feet per millisecond if you want to stay ahead of them and still blink regular. You can just double that, if you blink slower, and even double it again if you blink even slower than that!

Now I'm gonna figure out how much voltage it's gonna take to make the Daleks' shields come down for good.

[ooc: as always, zoe is a math genius. i? am not. ergo, we are pretending that the equation i just randomly picked and used, does all the crap she says it will. yay suspension of disbelief! ♥]

Dec. 17th, 2012


Distant planet, jumbled timelines, inexplicable experiments, and complete separation from customary resources. How terribly inconvenient. I gather from the tacky decorations and frivolity that it's Christmas time. Not particularly happy or merry. I do wonder if that introductory overview is current on the point of Nikola Tesla's presence here. Could anyone confirm that, preferably the man himself if he's here?

I'm Helena. If you're inclined to informality, I'll answer to H.G., and if you'd rather be formal or well-mannered, Ms Wells.

Nov. 29th, 2012


Well, this is certainly unsettling, to say the least.

The information Miss Forbes compiled was quite helpful but, even so, I hardly know what to make of it.

I will say, however, that your computer network could use a bit of work.

Nov. 7th, 2012


Excuse me. I was wondering if someone might be able to help me.

I had heard there might be a young woman here by the name of Ashley Magnus.

I've been looking for her.


I have to say, I really did miss this crazy city while I was away. It is definitely good to be back.

[ooc: in accordance with the current plot, ashley is arriving much like a returning character on a soap opera. this means that she essentially just left town, with no forwarding address or even any goodbyes, and is now coming back, probably with memories of stuff that happened while she was away that she'd rather forget, much like the majority of characters on most soap operas have done at some point or another.]

Oct. 26th, 2012


Totally unfiltered (because it's Parker)

Psst. Hey! Nikola Tesla! Check this out.

Also, can I call you Tessy now? Because I'm calling you Tessy now. Just thought you should know.

Oct. 21st, 2012


I am so glad to be back to normal. So glad.

And to not have to share a room with a million people.

Zoe )

Nicky )

Oct. 7th, 2012


fail!filter to Kate, Nikola, and Skylar

Uh... where'd the last ten days go and how come I'm having a sleepover with Jack Winchester? He's a boy.

Sep. 27th, 2012


September of 2012. Possibly one of the most confusing moments of my entire childhood, and younger!me gets a convenient replacement at the last possible moment. Well played, Freeman. Well played.

Filtered to Nikola Tesla, Kate Tesla, and Skylar Adams. )

Sep. 20th, 2012


Voice Post

[there's a sharp intake of air then zoe is all but shouting with excitement into her pda]

MOMMY! DADDY! GUESS WHAT?! MISS KALI SAID I CAN SEE YOU 'GAIN AND YOU CAN SEE ME TOO! SO I GOT LOTS TO TELL YOU. FIRST I FOUND FOUR NEW PRIME NUMBERS AND THEN MISS KALI TOOK ME TO THE PARK AND I MET A GIRL MY AGE AND SHE'S A LOCAL AND HER NAME'S GRACE AND SHE'S REAL NICE AND WE PLAYED AND THEN MISS KALI LET ME STAY UP AND WORK ON MATH ALL. NIGHT. LONG. [her voice drops to a whisper] But you can't be mad at her, OK? Cause she said she don't sleep no ways so I could stay up and then I slept all day and... and [zoe clearly becomes excited and starts talking very loudly again]


[a sharp intake of breath; her voice sounds normal now]

And I really missed you both lots and lots and now I want ice cream.

[ooc: totally not filtered because it's zoe and she's just a wee bit excited at being able to see people again]

Sep. 9th, 2012


I discovered two new prime numbers today, and a shorter equation for time travel that cuts out some of the steps that aren't all that important, and got to sing the Galaxy Song with my mommy twice, and got to help my daddy finish one of his newest inventions, and it would've been lots and lots and lots of fun today cause of all of that... if my folks could see each other.

This needs to stop now cause it's not fun and it's making my days no fun too.

Sep. 2nd, 2012


So, can I just say I'm really glad all that's over. I never want to see Zoe like that again Wasn't exactly the most fun I've ever had with one of Asaph's little games.

( Ash )
I'm getting restless. I was never supposed to be running this place. It's just not me. If your mom could actually stick around for more than five minutes at a time, or if Hank and Will could show up, we wouldn't have to worry about this. I swear...when did we become the responsible adults here?

Point is, I need to do something before I go stir crazy and rob a train. Again.

( Nicky, Zoe )
I'm sure you two have some kickass awesome science going on, but I'm feeling like some family time. You guys in?

( Zoe )
You're a pretty cool kid, you know that? Never change.

Aug. 23rd, 2012


Nikola! Hey! Psst. NIKOLA TESLA! I'm talking to you. (And anyone else who wants to read this too, but mostly you.)

They're building a museum for you! Seriously! In whatever reality-on-Earth that we can access over the PDAs, look at what I found!


If you go here, you can see the progress. We can't donate, I already checked (BOO, MORGAN FREEMAN, BOO I SAY!) but still! Look! Look now!

Isn't it awesome?! :)

P.S. And for the record, the guy who owns Tesla Motors stepped up as an official sponsor too. Yay Team Tesla!!!!

Okay. Now I'm done. For now.

Aug. 16th, 2012


I don't know how you broke into my lab and, right now, I don't care. But you have exactly one minute to stop this crap and let me go or, I swear to you, I will blow this little illusion of yours right off the map. Myself included, if it comes to that.

The countdown starts now.

[ooc: everyone, meet zoe tesla from the same dark!au! as jack and meri winchester. be afraid. be very afraid. ♥]

Aug. 10th, 2012


JARVIS, Voice Post to Science Geeks.

[ Tony's voice is muffled slightly by the fact that his phone is in the front pocket of his button-down shirt. Sounds of someone opening and closing a refrigerator can be heard in the background as Tony attempts to assemble a sandwich in the X-Mansion kitchen. BTW the bottle of scotch on top of the fridge is empty. If one of those Harry Potter types could "accio" up another one, that would be super. ]

Okay. Okay. So. I've been thinking. We've been looking at ways to counteract each aspect of the toxin because there are several different chemicals in the aerosal, right?

I was thinking about this episode of House --- I know, I know, it's not real medicine, but I remembered this one thing from it --- anyway, there's this scene where he's taking LSD for a migraine, and then he takes a fistful of anti-depressants to combat the effects of the LSD, and it stops the hallucination right in its tracks. Which, again, not real medicine, but anyway. I was thinking about it, and so-- right. We know MAOIs will stop the response to LSD, but since MDMA is actually a stimulant, you can't use it with an MAOI because it would literally kill you. And it would be pretty dangerous with the dopamine anyway. But even small doses of certain SSRIs do diminish the effects of LSD. Not all of them, though, which is weird -- I think it's mostly fluoxetine that -- anyway. The only problem with those is that they also inhibit the reuptake of dopamine, which is already half of the problem. Because on the one hand, dopamine storm can cause spontaneous orgasms, and on the other hand, the can cause, you know, death. And that's at least 50% bad news. Right? Right.

[ Voice garbled slightly by sounds of sandwich being eaten, frustrated rustling through several bags of potato chips most of which are EMPTY and that is very sad.]

SO. I was thinking about the pharmacology of psilocybin, and how it doesn't actually break down before you excrete it, it just passes through your system. And then I thought, well, what if we stop trying to counteract each ingredient in the fear cocktail, and we just [ Insert science here - something about blocking the adenosine receptors that respond to the chemicals in question and control the production of dopamine/norepinephrine/something or other. Insert carbon monoxide vs. oxygen comparison here, except resulting in the opposite of death. And/or something about an element that could safely bond with those chemicals to create a compound that is both relatively safe and water soluble. I studied Art History and Classical Latin in college, guys. What do you want from me? Just pretend this is all real science. And totally workable. ] And that should just allow it to pass harmlessly through a person's system without generating the fear response.

We could work that, right?

Aug. 8th, 2012


Filtered to Scientists

It appears that the results are finally in. The toxins in the gas consist of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Synthetic Amphetamine, Dopamine, Corticotropin and Yohimbine. Now given the situation, we can't exactly work together physically on an antidote and constantly texting one another would be time consuming. We need a simpler way to work together on this.

Aug. 7th, 2012


Filtered against Jeremiah & Hannah

Okay. Enough is enough. I know I'm not the only person in this city that this gas can't hurt and I definitely know I'm not the only one of us who is bothered by the amount of people - local and non-local alike - who are being hurt by it. So to quote a pretty amazing, tiny Antichrist the way I see it, it's time for a plan.

Cut to spare the friends list. )

Aug. 4th, 2012


It would seem that everytime I leave my lab, with the exception of the other night with Raven, something strange is going on outside. Today may be even stranger than snow in July.

[Filtered to X-Mansion Residents]
I've started work on gas masks and the first half dozen should be finished tonight. They're lightweight and cover only the mouth and nose and have a ventilation system. This way those of you who patrol can still do so without being exposed to this gas.

[Filtered to Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Nikola Tesla, Kitty Pryde and other Scientists.]
What do you make of this? Besides gas masks I'm working on something that will allow me to isolate the toxins in the gas as well as read the levels.

Jul. 29th, 2012


Is Bigfoot real?

Jul. 27th, 2012


Okay. Right. So... Christmas. Haven't done that one yet. It's certainly fun, though! Can't say I'm complaining all that much.

Except for the sudden appearance of a progenation machine in my flat. I'm not too keen on seeing it about even a bit. Dangerous thing, that.

Don't suppose anyone's up for helping me take it apart?

[ooc: backdated to yesterday, since jenny would hardly wait to post about it but her player is apparently made of forgetful fail /facepalm]

Jul. 10th, 2012


Hey ever'body, guess what! Today's my dad's birthday. And since he's Nikola Tesla, and cause he's the best, it's also Nikola Tesla Day! It's a real day, too! Really for real!

So. Happy birthday (and happy day-named-after-you), dad!

9x-7i>3(3x-7u) !!!!!

Jun. 23rd, 2012


Nothing says being back in Colligo like having your mind affected by things.

Glad that's over with.

Jun. 21st, 2012


Filtered Against Howard, Maria & Peggy

I wonder how difficult it would be to fake my own death. Loki has that whole magic thing worked out. Perhaps he could provide assistance. Or I guess I could ask Joss Whedon, who has a wealth of experiences with death scenes. But then there's the danger that he'd fall back on old habits and actually kill me, along with everything that's good in the world.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in the lab. Indefinitely. You might want to call ahead. Tesla(s), how would you feel about me installing a retinal scanner? Are retinas hereditary?

Jun. 18th, 2012


Filtered to the Avengers, SHIELD, X-Men, Tesla, Pepper, Peter & Darcy

I hope this isn't a source of great inconvenience for anyone, but I'm afraid I have a bit of a favor to ask.

Please refrain from mentioning me, my whereabouts, my presence, my identity, or even my name to (or in front of) anyone from who has recently appeared in town and appears to be from the 1940s. While I obviously couldn't prohibit any of you from conversing with them entirely, though I might like to, the possibility of a universe-ending paradox developing should any of these time travelers prematurely learn of my existence is of great concern to me. In the event that they retain any knowledge acquired here when they return to their own time, obviously, a very serious situation could develop.

This is particularly pertinent should anyone encounter a scientist named Howard. He's very opportunistic, exactly the sort who might accidentally steal industry secrets.

All the best,
Tony Stark


Mister Doctor, can you look at something real quick pretty please? I'm trying to figure something out and I think I did but I'm pretty sure I dropped an exponent someplace only I can't find it no matter how hard I look so maybe you can spot it?


[ooc: this was meant to be filtered to the eleventh doctor but, in her rush to figure out the problem, zoe forgot to actually put up the filter. feel free to have your characters respond if you'd like.]


I find that I'm at a loss for what exactly is going on. One moment I was following Adam through his time portal and the next, I was in a strange library, being greeted, quite rudely by two suits of armor, which by all means, shouldn't have been moving on their own. After being escorted outside, I located this PDA in my pocket and proceeded to try and figure out exactly what was going on, which led me to this Network, which I'll admit is rather mind boggling. Not only did I stumble upon a post written by a man who should be dead, but he used the word Awesome, which I am a hundred percent sure I have never heard him utter. I assumed I must be in an alternate universe, however then I found a post explaining, in great detail, what is going on. I suppose, after everything I've seen in my life, I shouldn't be as shocked by the things I read, but I can't seem to digest all of this information.

[Filtered to Ashley Magnus]
My first instinct is to believe this is a trick Ashley, is that really you?

Jun. 15th, 2012


Man, I have a serious craving for waffles. This week has been something else. Hey John, we should go do something fun. Like go eat waffles. There's a place that has waffles, right? A diner or something?

Tomorrow I think I might have a movie marathon, but I haven't picked out a topic yet. Maybe Jimmy Stewart movies, I love Jimmy Stewart movies. I met him once, he was so awesome.

Anyone want to come over for it?

Jun. 11th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

(The PDA cuts on as Zoe's softly singing. Occasionally there is the sound of a crayon being dragged across construction paper and, faintly in the background, random hissing.)

... if each coefficient is an in-te-ger, when p's not divisible by- (Zoe abruptly stops singing. Her tone is stern sounding.)

NO, Miss Hissy Pants! I told you! No touching my papers! Look! You're messing them all up!

(Zoe grunts softly, clearly trying to move something heavy.)

Get off it! Go play someplace else! (The hissing becomes louder, coupled with the sound of rapidly moving wings. Zoe squeals.)

Miss Hissy Pants, you land us back down right now! (Zoe squeals again.) RIGHT N- (There's a loud crashing noise, coupled with the sounds of breaking glass. For a moment, there's silence then Zoe's speaks. She sounds torn between angry and worried.)

Now look what you did! The vase's broke and there's water all over my equations and I almost had that one figured out too and you're not 'posed to take off when someone's got hold of your tail noways and- (a groan) How many times did I tell you not to fly in the house, huh? You coulda got us both hurt real bad.

(She sighs.) I'm gonna go get something to clean this up. You are going back into your cage right now. (Another pause then, irritably) And no extra mouse for you tonight neither! Bad flying snakes don't get dessert. So there!

Jun. 7th, 2012


I have been considering something. We have more than enough brilliant minds in this place that we could make a world of difference should we combined our resources. We are on the way there, the free exchange between certain individuals bridging the gaps in our acquaintances with each other, but we have a good ways left to go before we're officially sharing enough to really play off each other properly.

Biology, Technology, Mathematics. God knows we're a complex general knowledge bonanza. And whatever you've got a specialty in, Doctor. I know we've each got our own ways to go about things, and that many egos in one room might overload this place's arrogance threshold. But, really, if we don't try, we'll never find out.

I suppose the only question left now is, does anyone have a lab big enough for all of us?

Jun. 3rd, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

[ In the background, you can hear loud, intermittent mechanical clanging sounds, something like a loud, continuous zapping nose, and what is probably an industrial fan. Lab sounds. You can hear Tony Stark humming to himself in the foreground, captured by the phone in his pocket. The sound is somewhat muffled, as if Tony is humming with a mask on. After several moments, Tony Stark singing this song becomes audible. It is perhaps notable that he can actually kind of sing when he's sober, BARTON. He sings this song straight through at least twice, putting enthusiastic inflection into words about AMERICA whenever it seems fitting. ]

Wheeeeeen Captain America throws his mighty shieeeeeeeeld,

All those who chose to oppose his shield must yieeeeeld!

If he’s led to a fight, and a duel is due,

Then the red and the white and the blue’ll come through!


Jun. 2nd, 2012


Okay. I'm going to go scrap scrounging tomorrow. I've got four projects lined up, and I could use some people to help me sort through this stuff and see what might be useful. Anyone with an engineering background and/or super strength is invited to come. Other applicants will be evaluated on a case by case basis. I built the first Iron Man armor in a cave, so this should be cake in comparison.

Cap, Thor, you guys are third on my list of priorities. (Congratulations, that's much higher than most people will ever be.) Mandatory technology orientation. This week or next week. First, someone's going to need to beg, borrow or steal me a larger monitor. I can't do a technology orientation on this laptop. Also, you'll both be getting new phones when I get around to making them. The name of the game, my friends, is shock absorption. Making Thor's withstand lightning is going to be interesting. But if we play it right, I guess you might never have to plug it in to charge it. And obviously they'll have to be user-friendly, since you're both dinosaurs. And I say that fondly.

Actually, no. New holographic lab environment is number one, you guys are bumped to number four. But a number four that is very close to my heart. Fourth closest. But still close.

After that, we're watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. That's number five. Though I wouldn't call it a project, exactly. Well, I guess your ongoing cultural education is sort of a project. If not one that will respond to scrap metal.

Banner, I could use your help with something. Especially if you don't have a problem with larceny, but even if you do.


Oh joy, this place again. You know, not that I was in the middle of a nice bath or anything so grandeur, and not that I'm not grateful to be alive again. It's just well, this place is always so full of ups and downs, isn't it? What if this time I'm on my own? Even worse, what if I'm not? Though it would be good to see everyone again. And god knows that someone has to keep John in line.

Right then, is anyone actually around? Anyone from the Sanctuary, or am I actually by myself this time? You know, speaking of a nice warm bath, I think I'd like to have one now that I'm here and alive again. I didn't get to do that nearly enough the last time I was here. At least I knew to get out of the library without getting manhandled by a bunch of tin buckets.

Oh yes. Hello everyone, Dr. James Watson at your service. It's nice to see everyone again or for the first time.

May. 28th, 2012


So I heard a good joke today. Figured I'd share it.

How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb?

May. 25th, 2012


I was watching Jeopardy last night - which isn't a surprise to anyone who knows me - and the Final Jeopardy question was definitely an interesting one.

"The Man Who Invented the Twentieth Century is a biography of this scientist who was born in the Balkans."

It isn't the first time I've known the answer to the final question but it's definitely the first time I've been this amused.

[ooc: molly is purposefully not providing the answer (or is that question, since it's jeopardy?) but, since characters may know it and not all players will, the answer is nikola tesla. and yes. this actually was the final jeopardy question last night.]


Fail!Filter; Meant for the Doctor; Open to Everyone

Mister Doctor, I was looking over the notes you gave me and I found a mistake so I fixed it so now I got a new equation for you with the correction made.

Here you go!

May. 21st, 2012


I don't know where the fuck I am or how I got here, but I swear to god, if they expect me to use this T-Mobile monstrosity and I can't get my own tech to work with this system, I will burn this library to the ground. Maybe when I get this suit off, I'll find my LG in my back pocket. Thank God I keep a flash drive in my suit. Does anyone have directions to Stark Tower? Failing that, where can I get several laptops?

Oh, and where am I?

May. 22nd, 2012


I got a question.

If big!me left me!me an equation that I'd never seen 'fore but that'll come in super, duper handy sometimes, can I say it's still mine even tho it was big!me who came up with it? How's that work? Cause I can't cite my sources if I don't know what to put.

May. 18th, 2012


So, just checking, since things have been kinda crazy lately.

I'm not insane, right?


Well. This is different.

May. 12th, 2012


So I was outside playing in the yard and I looked up at the sky cause it was getting kinda dark and I saw a big BIRDIE HORSE flying around! THIS PLACE IS THE BEST!


It's fascinating, the number of different creatures that live here. Not only mutants, but witches, werewolves and vampires, among others. The vampires are the ones that really intrigue me, if I'm honest. Vampire lore varies so much that I can hardly pass up the chance to speak to some of them when there are so many vampires with such different abilities and weaknesses here. So, my question is, would any of the vampires in the city speak with me?


All right. Not exactly how I anticipated waking up, in my lab, but nothing looks broken or tampered with except my wardrobe. Not that I don't love the shirts that you send me, Parker, but they're not exactly the best thing to be fiddling around with my projects in.

May. 9th, 2012


Fail!Filter; Meant for Jasper Hale; Open to Everyone

I don't think I can come into work today, Uncle Jasper, on account of my suddenly having caught a bit of werewolf.

No, you aren't hallucinating. Yes, you read that right. Blame Asaph. That seems to be the general consensus right now.

Sorry. As soon as I get a handle on this, I should be good to go.

[ooc: nessie now has jake's ability >.>]

May. 2nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[There's a bit of rustling about then a low hissing sound, followed by a young, feminine-sounding gasp.]

Where'd you come from, kitty? You look like my kitty 'cept you don't-

[There's a sound that's definitely feline in nature, followed by another - slightly different sounding - meow in the background. The confusion gives way to excitement.]

There you are! Where'd your friend come from, huh? How'd I get two of you?

[The meowing gives way to purring and the girl giggles.]

You're silly. C'mon, kitty. We need t'go find out who's still here. [a pause] No, kitty! No flying! We're gonna walk.

[There's a loud crashing sound and another gasp.]

Uh-oh. I don't think older me's gonna like it that you broke that... [a pause] Oh well, c'mon! I'll race you! On your mark, get set...

[ooc: ickle!ashley magnus, back again!]

Apr. 30th, 2012


Oh dear lord...

What did I Did I really I killed her

I'm so very, very sorry.


And here I am again, back in the out-dated lab. Somewhere early-to-mid 2012, if the crayon scribbles working out this particular equation are anything to go by.

So. Let's help a girl out here so I can narrow this down a bit. Is Uncle J Mister Dr Druitt still crazy? Yes? No? Bueller? Bueller?

Also? Asaph, don't look now, but you're becoming redundant.

[Edited in an hour or so later]
And the Sanctuary is once again officially a teleporter free zone. Because yes, I am that awesome. As are my parents. Though really. Look at the last name and be ashamed you didn't figure this out sooner.

So. Ashley. A head's up before you trying using a shortcut home would be appreciated. Unless you want to be stopped in your tracks and tossed around like a ragdoll. In which case, have at it.

Apr. 26th, 2012


Well now. This is quite interesting.

What have you done now, Helen?

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