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Nov. 8th, 2010


MOrgana! Albus! Azazel! Me and Morgause went to the park for a lesson and she let me put the fire on the lake and it went all huge and it was so hot! But then it got too big so we had to put it out but it was massive! And she said that one day soon I'll do it with no help at all and be able to do it all on my own!!

[OOC: here]

Oct. 12th, 2010


Who brought the people back from the earth?
I don't like them. But the magic must be powerful.

Oct. 9th, 2010


Albus, I have been attempting to bite my tongue over this for the longest time, and while I thought I might make it through the bout of honesty without allowing it to spill, I find myself compelled to write this for reasons beyond my understanding.

For someone so exceptionally bright, you can be ridiculously naive at times. While it does bother me, I also don't mind because it provides me with the sort of opportunities that I have to attempt to push you to your full potential. Even if that means that I have to occasionally manipulate your feelings.

Sep. 13th, 2010


Merlin )

Arthur )

Gwen )

Albus )

Sep. 11th, 2010


Well...that's sorted, at least.


hello? help

[ OOC: Any magical people might be able to hear a boy calling for help in their head ]

Sep. 7th, 2010


Intriguing contraption. Young miss is explaining its function. I had no mind for a trip. If one could direct me back to Godric's Hollow posthaste, I would be most grateful.


What in Merlin's name is going on?

This is terribly wrong!

Aug. 31st, 2010


I... I don't know where I am and those things keep making me leave the building and this is a big place and it's loudandbrightandimscaredandcansomeonepleasehelpmefindmybrotherstheyllworryandpleasehelpme


What is this place? And why am I here?

Colligo is no place I have ever heard of and this device the statue gave me is very strange.

Not to mention all manner of other strange things here.

If someone could please explain what has happened, I would appreciate it.