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Apr. 9th, 2013


I just thought people would like to know, the Avenger's Tower has basically been emptied out. Clint didn't come home the other night, so I went to see if he'd gone back to train and feel asleep on the range, and it's empty. Ghostly empty. They've all been sent back. And the Mayor's office was empty when I got there this morning. So it looks like Pepper and Coulson have gone as well. Why What am I supposed to

Have anyone checked the other main buildings? Can someone report on the state of the Sanctuary and the X-Mansion?

Apr. 1st, 2013


I can no longer sense Damian and Hank. They're gone.

Mar. 30th, 2013


This again? Oh well. I have some time to kill before I need to check on that experiment.

Kitty's answers )

Mar. 25th, 2013


okay, seriously?

what the FUCK was that? does this happen often here? I mean, can this place REALLY just make us fucking forget who the hell we are???


That was certainly... interesting. I can't say I am in any hurry for a repeat performance, however.

Gabe, we have a bit of a situation.

Mar. 17th, 2013


Can anybody else just sorta... make stuff happen by thinking about it hard enough?

Mar. 11th, 2013


Voice Post

Okay..... so, I woke up in the library.... and I don't remember who I am or why I was here. And I keep hearing these thoughts... I can't shut them off and they aren't mine. I don't.... does anyone know who I am? I don't have a wedding ring or anything..... so I know I don't have a husband or anything. I just don't know and I don't know how to get home. If anyone knows me, that would be great. And I'm Southern.... that's something. I can't find anything that has my name on it....

Mar. 4th, 2013


With how mild this latest "experiment" of Asaph's was, I get the distinct impression something much worse is likely coming soon.

Also, if anyone would like to keep complaining say that being stuck with someone else for a while wasn't very mild, make sure you've taken the time to either reflect on or, in the cases of new arrivals, learn about, the things that have happened in this city over the years. Then get back to me on how awful this most recent situation supposedly happened to be.

Jan. 21st, 2013


Anyone know a good telepath? A basic knowledge of Russian brainwashing is preferred, but not required.

Jan. 8th, 2013


I don't suppose shouting 'Avengers Assemble' will work here? Thought as much. Now what are Weeping Angels and where do I need to shoot them?

Jan. 7th, 2013


We might want to obliterate any remaining angel statues we see in case it's one of the Weeping Angels trying to hide from me.

If anyone gets trapped by a Weeping Angel that I missed: don't blink, just think. Call in your mind for me to help, and I will. Keep me in your thoughts. Even if it does catch you and send you back, I'll find you. I'll bring you back.

There won't be anything left to find of them.

[OOC: See this narrative for what Rachel has done to them]

Dec. 29th, 2012


Filtered to Marvel Universe & Friends of Bruce Banner

My friends, it is with great regret that I must relay to you the passing of a great and noble warrior, our comrade and brother in arms, Bruce Banner. He was slain in a battle against the Cyber Men and Daleks, and his honorable death would truly earn him a place in the vaulted halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever. Though it does little to temper the sting of his loss, perhaps we may take comfort in the knowledge of his impending return. And to those who knew him best, I extend my deepest condolences.

Dec. 28th, 2012


Voice Post

I've captured one of the statues. I'm studying it. And I can't decide which would be more like poetic justice: making it always be stone, or sending it back in time?

Dec. 26th, 2012


Okay. The bowtie Doctor kinda could've given more details on the Daleks and the Cybermen. He was probably busy with, y'know, saving lives and things like that, but here.

Don't even bother wasting bullets (or arrows) on the Cybermen, unless you've got something that'll explode on impact or overload their electricity. And by the way-- they can and will electrocute you to death if they've decided not to convert you. It's very painful. If they capture you for conversion, do your best to escape. Get yourself killed in the attempt if you have to. It's better than being converted. If you find someone being converted or partially converted-- show some mercy and do them the favor of killing them. If you're in a last resort situation and somehow able to manage this, rip out the center of a Cybermen's chest. The thing with the "C" on it. That'll screw them up real good.

Daleks are bulletproof and use forcefields. They don't look like they could follow you on staircases, but they can hover, so stairs aren't an escape. If its forcefield is down and you shoot into its eyestalk, you might be able to blind it. That's about all you can do. All they want to do to you is kill you, and they will. Or convert you, too, which is another way of killing you. I wish I knew how to kill them. We're fucked.

These were totally surreal for me to watch, but here's even more detail:
[The Doctor (bowtie), River Song]
Please tell me you're for some reason hiding bastic bullets in your TARDIS so we have even a tiny chance against the Daleks?

I'm not panicking, not something out of my worst nightmares, nope.

Nov. 18th, 2012


I've never been more appreciative for the fact that the labs are soundproofed. Not that it's anything new for me, but I've been in my lab since yesterday, because it's been the only way to control this new ability. Apparently I have developed telepathy and without knowing how to control it I unwittingly read the minds of just about everyone here at the mansion. It was brief and I would never do that if I could control it of course. </s>I'll admit though, this is preferable to having feet like a monkey. Even if I do sort of miss being able to hang upside down.</s> I should have asked sooner, but I was distracted, trying to figure out how to control this on my own, but please let me know if you've suddenly developed....unusually large feet.

[Filtered to Xavier Mansion]
I didn't ask earlier if everyone was alright, considering I accidently read everyone's minds and already knew the answer. It seems that with the exception of Damian and Stephanie, the rest of you are all completely human, correct?

Nov. 13th, 2012


If you don't already know me-- hi, I'm Rachel Summers. I'm the school counselor over at Xavier's.

I've been thinking about this awhile, and since we just had a wave of people leaving and I just found myself jumped forward...

I'm thinking of facilitating a support group for people struggling with changing realities and losing people who are sent back. I'm kind of special weird maybe uniquely qualified to offer some help with this since 1) I'm a telepath and 2) someone who has crossed dozens of realities before and 3) someone who's lost everyone at least once not a stranger to grief.

Please let me know if you're interested. If you're interested in some support but would rather do something one-on-one, that's totally fine, too. If people have schedule conflicts but are comfortable with this idea, we can also arrange for telepathic group sessions. It would take literally less than a second out of your conscious day, but cover a lot more time on the astral plane.

Nov. 11th, 2012


[Accidental voice post]

Huh...? I'm alive? But I thought I was dead, or at least in a coma...

Whoa, whoa, hey! Put the fire extinguisher down! I swear, I'm not on fire! I know it looks like fire but-- NO WAIT--

[bursts of air as said fire extinguisher gets used]


[fizzy bubbly noises]

Yuuuck! Oh, great. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get stains out of leather? You do? Great, I'll just borrow that from you and... there, that's better. See? Not fire. Do you really think I'd be talking to you if my head was actually on fire?

Okay. So, tell me, have you seen a lighthouse that looks kinda like a giant mushroom? Or, no... the ruins of a lighthouse that looked like a giant mushroom? I used to live there, after...

... after...

Oh god. I can't remember anything before that. Why can't I remember anything?! What's going on--

Wow. Way to shut down your brain, guy.

[OOC: soap!miraculous-recovery-from-coma/death (see: Excalibur #50) and soap!amnesia!]

Sep. 17th, 2012


Willow's gone. I can't even see her, but I know she's gone.

Her clothes and her things are gone, and her name isn't on the door any more, but even if that didn't change, I'd just know.

I didn't even I wish I could have at least seen her before

Can someone please tell Buffy? She needs to know.

I miss her so much

And Loki too. Please.


I'm not sure how many science-minded folks can see this since I know Kitty, Mr. Stark, and Dr. Banner can't. But I thought I'd offer this for thought. Maybe it'll help with figuring out how these alternate reality things work.

Before we couldn't see anyone we're close to, people were talking about not seeing people from their own realities. They said we couldn't see anyone from the same reality as ourselves. The thing is, nobody is from "my" reality, but I still couldn't see any other mutants or the Avengers. I do know for sure that we're from different realities. The only reality I know any kind of name for is Kitty's home: Earth-616.

tl;dr? )

So to summarize, these realities aren't the same realities, but still were separated:

Earth-mine: Just me
Earth-616: Kitty, Molly and Old Lace, maybe Logan
Earth-something: Mr. and Mrs. Stark, Ms. Carter, Mr. Barnes, Steve Rogers; Charles, Erik, Raven, Hank; Tony Stark, Ms. Potts, Mr. Barton, Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Coulson, Ms. Lewis, Dr. Banner, later on Steve Rogers; Sif, Thor, and Loki; sometimes Rogue and other Logan and Kitty
Earth-something-else: Peter Parker

And for the record, trying to find anyone from those realities and anyone I'm close to isn't working even with my level of telepathy, even when I try searching the astral plane, and even when I tried skimming across side realities which I really don't like doing.

Sep. 11th, 2012


Filtered to the Marvelverse folks - other than Logan

So. I just though you all would like to know that, apparently, Logan/James/Wolverine/whatever name he's going by and/or you know him as has taken it upon himself to name himself as the champion for the rest of us and is apparently going to face off with both Asaph and Emmanuelle (that's the guy in charge of this place and God - yes God comma the) tomorrow because he doesn't like the way things are here and thinks the rest of us need him to point that out for us. Nevermind that most of us don't even agree with him.

Which means, if he's not still living when you all can see one another again, now you know why.

EDITED TO ADD: Actually, I take that back. Considering he told my ten-year-old that she could join him when he faced off with Asaph and Emmanuelle, he definitely won't be alive when you all can see each other again because I am going to save them the trouble and kill him myself.

And I'd say I'm sorry for that but I'm really, really not.


I never really realized just how few people I know beyond the ones from my own reality. I mean...I know I'm not exactly a social butterfly or anything, but I guess I should probably work on that.

Does anyone want to get some tea? Or something? I'm not very good at this

Loki, do you know if Willow's okay? I just really miss her worry, is all.

Sep. 10th, 2012


Well, looks like we can add Molly to the list of people who have been sent home today. You'd think Asaph would decide not to send people home right now. I was going to find her to ask her if she wanted to play video games, because I'm extremely bored and while I know I should probably go patrolling, I don't really feel like it tonight. So, back to the point, I was going to find her and her room is empty. I hadn't realized until now that I hadn't seen Old Lace all day, which is unusual. Sucks, cause in my own time, Molly and I were pretty close. It's weird, having certain memories of people in the future Colligo I came from, but those people not actually being here now. You would think that those people getting sent home would somehow change the future that I know. Then again, there are some things, like The Professor and Erik getting together that hasn't changed.

So, I still want to play some video games, but doing it alone is kind of boring and I'd ask Raven, but I think she might be working, plus now I kind of want to find someone new to play against. Anyone want to come over and play? Professor, do I have to ask to invite people over? Considering I don't exactly go out of my way to do this, I'm not exactly sure on the protocol.

Aug. 13th, 2012


It's good to be back, even if waking up was somewhat disconcerting. I'd rather not ever repeat that. I'm sorry for worrying anyone.

Willow, Erik, thank you for taking care of everything.

( Erik )
You know I never blamed you, right? What happened wasn't your fault.

Jul. 29th, 2012


Okay, everyone keeps speculating, so why the fuck not.

A little friendly archery competition.


The park.

Yes, I know it's snowing, but if that's going to throw you off, you're not doing it right.

Anyone who wants in is welcome.

Betting is encouraged.

Jul. 25th, 2012


I sincerely apologize to all of the people I was forced to kiss this week. There was several of you, and it wasn't my intention to do so at all.


Unfiltered Voice Post

Right. Waking up as a skeleton in a library. That's new. Getting shuffled out by a pair of tin cans and tossed out naked in the street. Also new. Not having a drink, clothes, or a cigar. That's not, and it's a problem.

Last time this happened..well, lets avoid that. Answers. I'd like them. If things thing works like it looks like it does, the rest of you would really rather likely me to have them to, and clothes, and a smoke, and a drink.

Jul. 20th, 2012


I might as well.

Don't expect any earth-shattering revelations. )

Jun. 18th, 2012


Filtered to the Avengers, SHIELD, X-Men, Tesla, Pepper, Peter & Darcy

I hope this isn't a source of great inconvenience for anyone, but I'm afraid I have a bit of a favor to ask.

Please refrain from mentioning me, my whereabouts, my presence, my identity, or even my name to (or in front of) anyone from who has recently appeared in town and appears to be from the 1940s. While I obviously couldn't prohibit any of you from conversing with them entirely, though I might like to, the possibility of a universe-ending paradox developing should any of these time travelers prematurely learn of my existence is of great concern to me. In the event that they retain any knowledge acquired here when they return to their own time, obviously, a very serious situation could develop.

This is particularly pertinent should anyone encounter a scientist named Howard. He's very opportunistic, exactly the sort who might accidentally steal industry secrets.

All the best,
Tony Stark

Jun. 12th, 2012



It is with great pleasure, and virtually no research on the matter because we are awesome like that, that Steph and I would like to introduce you to our mascot/sidekick/best pet ever.

His name is Abu, he likes baths, and if any of you try to claim he's not adorable I will kick you in the face. Or scowl. Whichever is easier.

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Okay. I'm going to go scrap scrounging tomorrow. I've got four projects lined up, and I could use some people to help me sort through this stuff and see what might be useful. Anyone with an engineering background and/or super strength is invited to come. Other applicants will be evaluated on a case by case basis. I built the first Iron Man armor in a cave, so this should be cake in comparison.

Cap, Thor, you guys are third on my list of priorities. (Congratulations, that's much higher than most people will ever be.) Mandatory technology orientation. This week or next week. First, someone's going to need to beg, borrow or steal me a larger monitor. I can't do a technology orientation on this laptop. Also, you'll both be getting new phones when I get around to making them. The name of the game, my friends, is shock absorption. Making Thor's withstand lightning is going to be interesting. But if we play it right, I guess you might never have to plug it in to charge it. And obviously they'll have to be user-friendly, since you're both dinosaurs. And I say that fondly.

Actually, no. New holographic lab environment is number one, you guys are bumped to number four. But a number four that is very close to my heart. Fourth closest. But still close.

After that, we're watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. That's number five. Though I wouldn't call it a project, exactly. Well, I guess your ongoing cultural education is sort of a project. If not one that will respond to scrap metal.

Banner, I could use your help with something. Especially if you don't have a problem with larceny, but even if you do.

May. 31st, 2012


Well, that was a real eye-opening experience.

I could still use a hand with a few things, but I'm feeling much better than yesterday. Sorry for the whole awkward public thing. If I could have filtered that shit, I would have.

Bruce )

Claire )

Loki )

( OOC: Since Clint can't see right now, he's using voice recognition software that types what he says and reads back people's replies. )

May. 28th, 2012


So I heard a good joke today. Figured I'd share it.

How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb?


Kitty and most of the Mansion did it, so I don't want to be left out. )

May. 26th, 2012


Kitty's answers )


Natasha's answers )


Answers de Peter Parker )

May. 23rd, 2012


I liked being future me again. She's fun. I kinda wanted to stay her this time, but that would be weird...'cause Adam would still be little...and we probably wouldn't be blw to hng out as much, cause older me was in college.

Not that I mind being me right now. I like being me.

May. 21st, 2012


Filtered Away From Jason Todd

I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch and if Asaph brings him back I'll kill him again!!

May. 18th, 2012


I do hope nobody missed me too badly. But going through the messages that my elder self put up on the network during my absence, it does seem as though I owe several of you rather substantial apologies.

Or at least, a demonstration that I'm not nearly as humourless as I apparently will be in my twilight years.

May. 2nd, 2012


I don't know who did this or why you gave me a retro phone, but please if you're reading, I don't deserve this. If you're going to bring someone where this is, please go back for someone who actually deserves to be here. Get Kate and Piotr and any of their babies who are still alive. Get anyone else. Not me.

Apr. 30th, 2012


You know you've been time traveling when you open your closet and your clothes are a lot smaller than they're supposed to be.

Hello again, 2012.

Apr. 29th, 2012


Here again? Sweet.


And now it's 2012. You know, one of these days I'm going to get to spend a whole year in my own time. Maybe. I hope.

Apr. 26th, 2012


Any time this place wants to stop with the back and forth already, that would be great. Really. It's starting to make me a little dizzy.

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Interesting. No illusionist would take the time to craft such an extensive and contradictory environment.

Also, anyone who happens to be in the Xavier School at the moment, I think I might have broken Charles, if you wish to come try and fix him.

Apr. 21st, 2012


"Accidental" Mass!Post


You will not believe who I just saw kissing and being all couple-y. Well, okay, you will believe it since you called it a long time ago, but still. It's finally happened!

And for the record, just because they're finally together does not mean I'm going to start calling Charles 'mom' and Erik 'dad'. You have fun with that but no thanks.


[ooc: yes, this is "accidentally" mass!posted to everyone. so, while the entire city will receive this, she's going to totally claim it was meant for stephanie only. mostly because raven is a bratty little sister who lives to embarrass her brother. >.>]

Apr. 15th, 2012


Well! That was fun while it lasted. But I'm afraid the entertainment has certainly reached its end point.

Honestly, you bipeds really should work on your dedication. It's called focus, people! No wonder you're at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder.

[ooc: and that concludes the body!swap plot!]

Apr. 9th, 2012


[Accidental voice post]

[There's the sound of Annabeth letting out a scream as she looks into the mirror.]

What the hell is this? Percy!

[She gasps, and runs towards the door. The sound of footsteps is heard as she runs down the hall.]

I'm at the Mansion. Why am I at the Mansion? And why am I not me? And why am I...ow!

[The PDA falls to the floor as Annabeth clutches her head. She'd had grabbed it to text Percy, but didn't realize that it was voiceposting.]

Why can I hear...voices in my head? And why are they so loud?

[Annabeth goes to pick up her PDA...and realizes that it's voice-posting to the network.]

....This thing is totally broadcasting. Crap. [inhale] Um..Percy? I'm not really...myself at the moment.

Also, no one would happen to have my body would they?



Who made me ginger? WHY DID YOU MAKE ME GINGER?


"Boo hoo, I'm so bored!"

"I hate this place! There's nothing to do!"

"Sob, moan, cry, complain, *insert some other ridiculously overused statement proclaiming your inability to come up with things to do for yourself here*"

Honestly, bipeds. Your constant moaning is getting on my nerves so I've decided to do you all a little favor and switch things up a bit.

Just remember: you brought this on yourselves.

[ooc: and the bodyswap plot has begun! enjoy!]

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