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May. 4th, 2011


Toph? Are you there?

I wonder what sort of work I could do here. This money won't last long, and a city isn't the best place for living off the land.

Though now that the walls are down...

Apr. 13th, 2011


The weather has been truly lovely lately. I almost hate to be indoors when it is so nice out. It feels like the approach of Summerday. It really is beautiful here, in spite of all the buildings.

Mordred )

Morgana )

Gwen )

Merlin, Harry Dresden )

Nathaniel )

Dream )

Ariadne )

Toph - Voice post )

Mar. 25th, 2011


Voice Post

[much fumbling and the sounds of Toph stumbling around, knocking things over. she is and sounds frustrated and upset.]

I'm sick of this. I want my bending back now! I can't get - I 'ouch!' How the hell did - What is going on?

[grumbles something about not being able to do anything like this.]

Feb. 19th, 2011


Voice Post

Not that I'm complaining, I've done fairly for my two times of unholy matrimony. However, these things usually last more or less a month, yeah? Is that two more marriages? Or will we get to keep the newest spouses for the duration of a month? What do all of you think? No offense to Toph and Jude but I'm very much for this ending as soon as possible.

On that note. Hey Toph, who did you get paired with?

Feb. 1st, 2011


Voice Post

So I've got this thing figured out. What do you do for fun around here? Any other benders around? We could start up Earth Rumble!

Also, what the hell kind of stone do you people use? It actually takes effort to move and break.

Jan. 27th, 2011


Voice Post

[ an 'oomph!' and clatter as she gets up, hitting the PDA on the ground in the process ] What in the - What is this?

Hey! What's the big ide - [ a shout and car horn, and sounds of her yelling ] Where am I? Can't just dump a blind girl in the middle of no where!

Twinkle Toes? Sokka? What kind of - [ have a few annoying BEEEEPs as she smashes buttons ]

May. 8th, 2009


Alright. So here's the thing. I know that when I went to bed last night? I wasn't crashing in the middle of a library. I don't even know why I would have even been in one in the first place. And man, was it ever great being dragged outta there by crazy assed freaking knights. What the fuck? Who has armor these days?

And how the hell did I get out of Santa Cruz anyway?