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Aug. 12th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[There's the tell-tale sounds of a TARDIS in the background, faint but certainly noticeable if anyone is either accustomed to hearing it/might recognize it easily, followed by a sharp intake of breath. The sounds begin to take on a slightly different pitch, before Molly's voice - slightly confused but still relaxed - comes over the line.]

Well. This is [a pause] different. Hello, Lo. I have to admit, this is probably the last place I expected to find myself.

[Footsteps can be heard, slightly muffled as though the PDA is brushing up against fabric of some sort. There's the whoosh of a door sliding opened and Molly's smile is all but audible as she speaks again.]

Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, would you please point me in the direction of the Master? Something tells me that he wouldn't appreciate my snooping around without at least letting him know that I'm back, first.

[There are some more sounds and, in the distance, another door sliding opened. Footsteps follow. Molly's voice drops a little, as though she's speaking more to herself than to the TARDIS now. Not that it matters because, hello, TARDIS, but yes.]

So, let's see. Based on how fast my reaction took place from the time I removed my mask until the time I collapsed, I'm guessing [another pause] dopamine. The toxin must have contained dopamine. Along with some sort of amphetamine, too, most likely. [Her voice raises slightly again - clearly, she's once more speaking to the TARDIS.]

I'm right, aren't I? [A few more sounds, in varying pitches.] I thought so. Thank you again, Lo. Now. Left or right?

Aug. 11th, 2012


Fail!Filter to Molly

Miss Molly? I was wondering if you would like to come have lunch with me, my treat. I...need to get out of the apartment, and you're the only one I can talk to.

Aug. 7th, 2012


Filtered to Hannah

I think it's time we got some revenge for our father.


Whichever one of you responsible for this madness is dead. No, scratch that, the second I get my hands on you, you will learn exactly what 'a fate worse than death' means, and I will remind you that you put yourself in this position every waking hour of every single day of the rest of your life.

Prepare yourself.

[ Filtered to The Doctor (10 & 11) ]
I need to speak with both of you. And I need you to promise me you will be calm.

Aug. 5th, 2012


I can't fucking believe this. I just don't even know what to think right now. I know I've been called stupid and naive before, but I'm starting to think that I was really a fool this time. Did I honestly expect that he could really change? He told me that he wanted to, but after this...I just don't know. And now he's fucking dead and I know Asaph will probably bring him back, but right now I don't even know if I want him to. I don't know how I'm supposed to fucking look at him after this. I need to get out of this apartment. I just can't stay here.

[Filtered to Ashley Magnus]
Ashley, is it at all possible for me to come stay at the Sanctuary until this ends? I can't stay where I am and I don't want to go back to my place.

Aug. 4th, 2012


Fail!Filter to Hannah

How long are we going to keep Papa's body in the apartment? It's going to start smelling soon and Justin's bound to notice eventually...

Aug. 2nd, 2012


Cupric Chloride burns blue, Strontium Chloride burns red, Calcium Chloride burn orange...but what colour does Potassium Chloride burn?

I'm not allowed to set it on fire until I can answer that and I really want to know! Papa says he'll show me as soon as I find out the answer, but I can't find anything on it.

(we're going to make fireworks!)


The snow's gone and I want to go swimming but I can't because I'm grounded and this is stupid.

Aug. 1st, 2012


So I realized, after seeing various people from various realities comment on it, that the 2012 Olympics that are playing right now could be from any reality where they exist at all. Then I realized that there is one reality that does have the games that this particular version of them could not be airing from. Namely, the reality where the Doctor(s) come from.

And this is why.

That's all. Really. I just had to share. Enjoy the games, everyone!

Jul. 30th, 2012


Okay, let's try this again. Now with 90% less panicking.

Hi, my name is Stiles. Stiles Stilinski. I'm a high school student from California and I'm still really confused. But less confused than I was before, because I found some handy tutorial thing someone FROM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES wrote up. It kind of helped. A little.

So, I should probably get a job. Because a hundred dollars doesn't go all that far, especially when you need to get Adderall. Does anyone need anyone? My skills include knowing a lot about werewolves, awesome research powers, people skills, and possibly being the only person in my town who isn't a moron.

Jul. 13th, 2012


The those knights obviously don't know me very well, or they'd know that locking me up in prison wasn't a very good idea.

At least, not locking me up in a prison I could break myself out of that easily. I mean, really. There at least should have been some challenge in it. Also...who puts a jail in the basement of a library?

Now that I'm out of library jail, anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on here?

Jul. 12th, 2012


Has anyone seen papa here? We were heading for Georgia to a funeral and now I'm alone and teddy's not even here and I miss papa.

He's tall, has brown hair, wears glasses and ugly suits. Oh, and his name is Jonathan!