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Jan. 23rd, 2011


Filtered to Piper, Paige, and Leo )

Jan. 22nd, 2011


Someone mind telling me how I Look, I don't care how I got here or why I'm here. I just know that whoever's responsible better send me back now before I need to.

Jan. 11th, 2011


Filtered to Halliwells and Leo.

I've been working on some crystals and I think that I found a way keep things out instead of using them to keep whatever we manage to trap in. It should be a simple enough spell to do over a bunch of crystals and hand them out. Not to mention this way we can make sure that no one accidentally electrocutes their pets. I even borrowe I'll pay for it later have a whole lot of Siderite crystals so people will know if something is breaking into their apartments and get themselves the hell out of it.

The only problem is electrical charge of the other sets of crystals. I don't know if it'll be enough to knock out the Toclafane.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd be completely open to them? Maybe a power of three spell to give them an extra punch?

Dec. 30th, 2010


So much for a moment of peace and quiet. Would someone mind explaining what I ended up in the middle of?

Dec. 29th, 2010


Whoever is responsible for these toclafane is going to pay dearly.


I hate this place. I, for one, have had enough of these things. We need a plan and we need it now.

Filtered to Piper )


Has anyone seen I can’t sense him? Why can’t I sense him He’s not He can’t be If he’s dead, I’m going to find a spell in the Book to bring him back just so I can kick his I Oh, God

Stupid PDA. Work!

[Prue] [Piper] [Piper] [Peter] [Pi [Prue]
I can’t sense Chris anymore. I don't Pip I'm going to see if I can get one of those guns and go looking for him. Because if he's out the I'll be there and back before you know it.

Dec. 28th, 2010


I hear we have wizards in the house. We need to pow-wow. Preferably in person.

Those nasty little Deathstar wannabes must be coming from somewhere. I can hex them 'til the cows come home but if there's a rift in the never-never they're sneaking in through, it's like putting a bandaid on a severed artery. Someone wanna throw me some ideas before this thing craps out on me again? Anyone? Buelle--

Dec. 25th, 2010


Of course, electricity I can start fires with my mind but of course this bloody place couldn' I'm not exactly certain who to filter this to; therefore, I decided to leave this open. If anyone has a suggestion or options that can help, please say so now. I believe now would be a good time to start preparing an offensive. As well as a defensive, as Regulus pointed out.

I'm still learning about magic but I'm certain that there are spells that are electricity based. Mayhap there is a certain way to combine them into something powerful enough?

If anyone knows any protection spells or force fields or anything of that effect please contribute those as well.


[Filtered to: Chris Halliwell, Piper Halliwell, and Paige Matthews]

I want to know where each of you are, right now.

Dec. 24th, 2010


So either I'm needed for something really important here or someone is looking for the quickest way to an ass-kicking.

Whatever it is, I'd appreciate it if someone could actually explain to me what's going on here instead of avoiding everything I why does it say that it's Piper is going to strangle me for leaving the boys alone. You know, if she's not dead by the, that way I cam make with one of those options and then get myself the hell out of here.

[ooc: chances are, I will not tag back tonight. Sorry. I am crazy exhausted but I just wanted to get her here and up before the plot :-D]

Dec. 23rd, 2010


Okay, when I said I wanted normal, I meant back home. Showing up in some weird library and being escorted out by knights is not normal, people!


Well. At least I'm back in time for what's left of the holidays.

Jun. 12th, 2010


Okay, what in the hell is going on?

Piper, Phoebe, if this is some kind of joke I am not laughing. We were kind of in the middle of something, guys, and really don't have time for things like this. Plus you know how I feel about surprises. And if you two aren't somehow behind this, then odds are I am so scre