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May. 9th, 2011


I bit in to an apple today that had a worm in it. There was a worm in my apple today. If I didn't like apples so much, I'd never eat another one.

I really like mango. I'm feeling like mango, pineapple, papaya kabobs. Reese. I'm grilling out. Join me. I hate grilling alone.

Mar. 5th, 2011


It seems like the police department has been doing a lot of hiring lately. This isn't the FBI, but I guess it's better than nothing.

I haven't worked on something normal in so long, that I'm not quite sure if I'm doing it right.

What do you do when no one you know is here? I guess I'm talking to anyone who's been here long enough to care about that sort of thing. I'm afraid I've never really been the kind of person to make friends.

Feb. 24th, 2011


To Whom )

Filtered to Charlie Crews )

Feb. 17th, 2011


Out of curiosity, is there an actual police department here? I mean, I'm sure there is. Does anyone actually work there who isn't a pod person?

Any other cops out there?

Jan. 2nd, 2011


Screw this sitting on my ass.

Ain't nobody gonna miss me if I die, anyway.

Just say I did it for the children.

Dec. 29th, 2010


I hate this. I feel so helpless and I Okay. If anyone is hurt, we have plenty of supplies at the clinic and can heal any wound pretty much within seconds. Literally. If you don't think you can make it here, we can find you a way.

For anyone who isn't a part of the fighting, if you need a safe place to stay, feel free to also come to the clinic. The Toclafane aren't getting inside. So says the Principality and if anyone wants to question him, that's on you.

For everybody out there fighting these things, if there's anything you might need, please speak up. Whatever it is, someone in the city can probably get it and, if it can't be found, you'd be surprised how creative some of us can be.

Dec. 28th, 2010


Okay, someone want to tell me what all the weird suit of armor stuff is about? How did I just get from an orange grove to here anyway?

Where the hell am I?

Crews, if this is one of your jokes? You're going to be in a lot of trouble.