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Sep. 2nd, 2010


Wow. Apparently absinthe actually does glow in the dark. Huh.

Does anyone have any idea when the power might come back on?


Typically lights come back on after going off.


I went by the Grand Library yesterday to see if there were any more arrivals showing up, in case any needed assistance or advice about this place, or any help finding the way to the apartments here. It was mostly empty at the time except for those silent guards, though.

But I did come across something else while there, pretty loud too. Realized I hadn't seen anything like that before after studying the area for a bit. I can honestly admit that it's a stroke of genius. Actually, I think it's very impressive.

Sep. 1st, 2010


I don't remember that sign being Then again, I always thought that this was a dre The fact that Isort o almos'm rather sure that even though I'm here, I'm still back on the Platform with my daughter, doesn't make me worry le any happier to be here. Not that I'm not relieved to know that this wasn't all a dream but I don't appreciate being robbed of my third time in sending a child off to school. I suppose there isn't anything to do but to wait until whoever is in charge decides to send me back. Did anyone ever figure out who that is? This time thing is confus Are Sirius and Remus sti Snap

I'm Harry Potter, by the way. It's nice to meet, or re-meet, some of you.

Aug. 31st, 2010


This is...something else.


Hmm, not bad for my first couple days of work here.. it almost reminds me of the one from home a little bit. I like this job.


I suppose it's nice to know this place hasn't changed very much.

Filtered to Aziraphale )

Filtered to Castiel )


What is this place? And why am I here?

Colligo is no place I have ever heard of and this device the statue gave me is very strange.

Not to mention all manner of other strange things here.

If someone could please explain what has happened, I would appreciate it.

Aug. 29th, 2010


Is this what it's like for the rest of you? Fogged over and just dismissing every little thing that doesn't make sense, just taking for granted that it's fine? American accents! No tickets. A new phone. A room just so happened to be reserved when neither of us did anything. No regular internet access, just some pathetic facsimile.

There were so many little things I should have noticed!


Great news. I have a job. There were a few fields I'm good at. Reporting, security, or food market.. but I picked the first one. I just got a job at the local newspaper. So maybe I'll get to research and break some good stories, probably make it a career. It's the same as I had done back where I'm from anyway. Tomorrow will be my first day on the job.

Also, if anyone needs a favor, or just to talk, or if you run into a problem and need some help? Feel free to call, text, or contact me on here anytime and I'll do what I can to help you out. It's no trouble at all, I like helping friends out with stuff.

Aug. 26th, 2010


For the record? Being shot sucks. So does not being able to go after who did it. I really don't recommend it.

Aug. 25th, 2010


6 ]600 *‡; 28 63*‡(8† :8; 6'9 *‡; 85): ;‡ 16*†

‡*0: ;4‡)8 6* )85(-4 ‡1 6*;800638*-8 ]600 ).‡; 98

;6-7 ;6-7 ;6-7 2‡‡9

[ooc: The message is posted anonymously to the message board. What can I say? Moriarty is bored. >.> For ooc purposes, the translation can be found here (it's the gold-bug code). However unless your character would ICly know that/be able to crack it, please do not have them 'aware' of what it says and of course keep it within reason for the actual cracking. :)]


Merlin. No' one told me how tiring it is trying to find a job... Especially when you've been up all night.

It's all; 'Mr Black, what's happened to your trousers? How much experience do you have? Do you have any transferable skills? Is there someone in that cupboard?'

It's like being back in Minnie's office.

Aug. 24th, 2010


Hey, has anyone seen a young blond woman named Savannah around lately? I wanted to give her an update about my job plans. I haven't seen her around her residence and her phone/PDA isn't answering. This usually means that they got sent back home. Then again, there's a very slight chance that she's busy on a project or preparing for college and couldn't talk yet. But I just want to make sure either way first, explore every possibility.

Aug. 23rd, 2010


Mr. Crowley is dead. How sad.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in my the office counting all my money!!!.

Aug. 21st, 2010


Really? The criminals in this town are just stupid.

Steph )

Jul. 22nd, 2010


The more I walk around, the less I'm starting to think this is just Prongs' idea of a a ridiculously elaborate prank... Anyone care to enlighten me on where the hell I am?

I bet it's the Death Eaters. That would be bloody typical...

Jun. 25th, 2010


This place has become far too quiet as of late. It's rather boring and I, for one, don't particularly care for it.

Almost makes me wonder what sort of trouble is going to be stirred up around here, next.

Jun. 14th, 2010


You know, my life was just starting to settle down again after being buckets full of crazy on a scale most can't even begin to imagine, and now this crap?

Can't a guy catch a break?

Filtered to: Adam Young, Aziraphale, Crowley, Gabriel, Loki, Michael, and Serendipity. )

Jun. 7th, 2010


I very nearly forgot just how much I enjoyed this place.

Filtered to Serendipity )

Filtered to Michael )

Filtered to Bethany Sloane )

Filtered to Loki )

Filtered to Adam Young )

Filtered to Anna )

Jun. 6th, 2010


Glad to see that things are going better now. Streets seemed to have been made safer recently. Not as many evil things out there hurting people as before. And people that passed on are now returning here.. that's good news too. I hope Savannah is among them. Maybe I should check her room to make sure she's okay now. I watched her d There's still a few things going on out there but it's not as bad as it was before. If anyone needs assistance with anything at all, or if there's someone you know that's in danger, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help out.

Also going to need a new T-shirt and jacket to replace my old one. Got ripped, plus a few holes in them. I loved that red jacket. It was my favorite thing from back home. Hopefully the stores will sell clothes that are identical to the kind I usually wear. Unless I started wearing black, with the long coat like I apparently do on my show now.. but maybe just for a little while til I buy more reds and blues So if anyone may know of a store, can I have the address? Otherwise I'll just keep checking around until I find something.

Jun. 5th, 2010


So... Is it over? Is it safe enough to go the bloody store now? I had to tie Guy up so he wouldn't leave our flat

Jun. 3rd, 2010


Private: Cutter )

Private: Dr. Claire )

Private: Clark Kent )

Jun. 1st, 2010


Filtered against baddies

[ooc: I know it's filtered, but Lucifer (as with other angels) could probably read this too. XD]


Savannah Curtis. They got her. She.. one of those things got to her, took us by surprise. Should have checked first before leaving that alley They won't hurt anyone else. Made sure of that. But she's still... gone. Can't save everyone and people are still dying no matter what I do I know it isn't much. Trying to curb the number of vampires, but there's still evil things being done, people are still dying. I was able to save a few people. But it's not enough. Need to do more.

They have a weakness to fire. Thankfully I have an endless supply of that. But.. I'd like to ask for something, if it's possible. Would there be a spare weapon, a special one? Such as something of magical or holy properties? Maybe something that angels use In case I need to draw blood to help someone that's wounded. It can heal injuries. So the next time someone gets bitten, I can use it to help them survive. I'm also willing to work with people in team patrols. I've been solo for a while but we could do a lot more good if we work together as a group. My offer is always open. And if anyone ever needs me for anything, please don't hesitate to call.

May. 25th, 2010


I overbaked.

This is my life now. Staying in my apartment to avoid the apocalypse and baking too much.

I need a way to get rid of this stuff tomorrow. I'm not the kind of moron who goes skipping through the woods at night with baked goods.

May. 17th, 2010


Filtered AWAY from the angels and Crowley. )


Does anyone feel like sharing with the rest of the class when it comes to this supposed 'apocalypse' nonsense that's being tossed around or are we all expected to sit back and twiddle our thumbs while we're left in the dark?

May. 11th, 2010


A few questions, if you don't mind. I'm just curious, so indulge me?


Might be beneficial to keep a solid record of this here on the network for future reference. I'll go first.

FORMER LOCATION: Los Angeles, California, USA, Earth

Mar. 24th, 2010


I know the stories claim me to be a helpless damsel in distress, but I am not a woman that needs saving.

In fact, there might even be a few men that need saving from me.

Mar. 23rd, 2010



I've been reading these network messages, and I think the same is happening to most of us. This feeling... The sex.

It has got to stop. Something awful nearly happened today. I very nearly hurt someone I love who means a lot to me. I can't let it happen again. What can be causing this? Does anyone know?

Mar. 21st, 2010


Has anyone else been feeling a bit funny lately? I've read a few messages, but...yes. I don't know how to explain it, but something's off...

It's starting to actually effect my sleep and um...other things.

Mar. 20th, 2010


Is it just me, or has it gotten really hot in this place?

Jan. 31st, 2010


I've dressed up in a costume from time to time. But this... no. I mean, come on. This sure is a lot of clothes to put on every day. But I'll do it. Blending in, it's what I am good at. I am not sure about the wig, though. I don't do wigs. Never needed to wear one. Lex would have. Maybe. Especially in those old movies

Of course, this means I should probably be more careful. Or at least, much more than I usually am. Can't really risk getting caught doing anything.. unusual. I heard that they hung or burned people accused of witchcraft. They can't do that to me anyway, but I just don't want the hassle But hey, at least farming hasn't changed in the centuries. Kinda reminds me of Kansas now. Minus the phones and cars.

Nov. 3rd, 2009


John Connor?

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Alright, so I don't know how I got here. I showed up in the morning and it wasn't even daylight when I was leaving the hotel. Anybody know how to get home or anything? I don't exactly trust Jennifer, and she's the only one I've talked to.

Edit: And hey, is there somebody named Inara Serra around here? Because this thing says we share an apartment.

Oct. 7th, 2009


Okay, I know this isn't the World Martial Arts Tournament anymore. I don't remember the staff ever wearing suits of armor... or the waiting area looking like a library... as much as mom would like that.

Dad? Piccolo? Vegeta? Can you guys hear me? What happened?

... Bulma, is this thing yours?

Sep. 29th, 2009


Dammit, Bennet, what did you and your little freak friends do?

Sep. 16th, 2009


So it looks like I have a new roommate. Again. I swear, I had two or three different ones so far. But most recently? The name shows up as "T'Pol." I wonder if they're from another planet like me

Anyway.. welcome. Hello. My name is Clark. Clark Kent. Raised in Smallville, Kansas, but born from very far out of that town. Very far.

Sep. 8th, 2009


Lasertag. Y'know, after looking into exactly what this game was, it hardly seems like a challenge. To each their own, I guess.

Aug. 11th, 2009


This was the worst few weeks from my life. Well.. aside from the few times that I died before. And then there was this time I got stuck in this prison wasteland my father discovered. But this... I just need to apologize to people. Actually, to everyone that I had contact with, both on here and in person. I usually don't act like a jerk. The way I talked to women.. it was wrong. They aren't possessions. They deserve to be respected. And just to be clear, I don't want anyone sitting on my lap at least not unless I really am close to them and they want to. I should not have tried flirting or taking away someone else's girlfriend. Or ask them out under the guise of letting them watch my bigscreen TV in my room.

I looked for fights. I nearly killed Lawliet, said some hurtful things to him. I've taken things. Stolen money. Used it to buy cars, music CDs, and a big TV set, as well as video games. ALL of that is going back. So is all the money. And.. Lois? There's a diamond necklace. I need to return that too. There's no way I can give that to anyone in an honest way. I'll just drop it off where I found it. It was also wrong of me to look for fights with people who are very capable of hurting me, I also was wrong for me to antagonize children and insult the memory of their mothers. I lost my birth mother too, so I know how that is. I'll understand if no one wants to speak to me again. But I promise, on my heritage and everything Jonathan taught me, I'll do whatever I can to make things right.

Aug. 10th, 2009


I need a job. This is what I can do:

Make computers do amazing things.
Make your money earn money for you.
Blow up stuff discretely.
Pretend to be the perfect boyfriend.

This is what I can't do:

Clean toilets, counters, kitchens, pools, golfballs... Let's just say no cleaning.
Get things for people.
Listen to people when talk when they don't have anything to really say.
Interact with people in any sort of way.

So. Any ideas?

Aug. 6th, 2009


I am not getting a job.

Who wants to buy me cigs and booze?


Fuck it, I'll just steal the shit.

Jul. 28th, 2009



wWeR am I?

Jul. 26th, 2009


Okay. What the hell is going on here? The whole... Let's move Lois from place to place thing? Not so much fun. Plus? I have a doctor's apointment tomorow.

Where am I and why do I have a new PDA?

Sam? Andrea? Kara? You guys here?

Jul. 25th, 2009


So who the hell left a necklace hanging on my door?

You know about this, Andrea?


Correction. This place is more fun than I thought.

How's your shoulder, Peter? I'm hoping as good as my arm.


You've been ignoring me, and I don't think that's nice. Kind of bratty You know it didn't take me very long to catch on to the fact that chances are, if I do something here, she'll remember it. And you're not even going to try to keep me from doing something. Some boyfriend and defender of good you are.


This isn't where I parked my car.
Neither was the library.
What was I doing in a library?
And why were there
Even for me, girl from the town of all things weird and weirder, this is


Jul. 22nd, 2009


Okay, so last time I checked the Broadway line doesn't take you from NYC to a city that looks eerily like Boston but isn't with some crazy ass guards in the most ridiculous library I have ever seen (the books are blank, what kind of library has books with no words in them?)

Someone wanna help a girl out? My Mom will flip if I'm late for dinner again.

Also, who is Clark Kent? Apparently I'm supposed to be rooming with him which I sort of have no intention of doing the whole being home in time for dinner thing, so sorry guy whoever you are.

Jul. 23rd, 2009


So... can someone point me in the best direction of finding a decent club around here?

Not lonely -- just wanting a bit of company. Twins would be appreciated, gymnasts are a plus.

Though I won't turn down a night with a ficus tree either. Just have to watch the splinters.

Jul. 22nd, 2009


I don't know what's with all this whining about how horrible this place is. Sure. It could use a little grunging down. Some actual pollution. Some fun. But I've got to admit, first time I've ever gotten such a warm welcome.

Peter. This afternoon it was ... fun. We'll have to do it again sometime soon.

[ooc: as mentioned before missy = good!femme chris, saint suicide = evil!femme chris. same face, just different moral version]

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