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Jun. 15th, 2011


Filtered to James/Moony/Donna

James and I have something to ask of you.

Jun. 14th, 2011


I want to thank everyone who helped me after everything that happened. I really appreciate it.

Jun. 12th, 2011


[Filtered away from the Doctor (tenth, eleventh)]
Two Doctors. There's two of them... him, no it's the them right? Is it weird that there's two of him them? It seems a little weird to me

[Filtered to the Doctor (tenth, eleventh)]
Do I just call both of you the Doctor?

Jun. 7th, 2011



Click to see a picture! )

I need to name her but she won't tell me what it is yet and Morgan said that his dogs always told him what their names were so I know she'll tell me soon but even if she doesn't I think I might name her Colleen after my mommy cause she's pretty and sweet and has really pretty eyes and smells really nice just like my mommy used to.



[ There is the sound of someone breathing heavily, close to the PDA, and the distant sound of someone else muttering unintelligibly in the background. When Claire speaks, her voice is hoarse and she's clearly upset. ]

H-Help! Someone! Courtyard. NOW!

[ There is a brief pause and you can hear Claire's voice, this time muffled, speaking to someone else. ]

It'll be okay. Just stay calm, okay? I know there's blood but it's not yours. See? I'm fine too. I p-promise.

[ Her voice is more pronounced again, clearly she's speaking, well more like shrieking, into the PDA once more. ]


[ A little more shuffling, Claire is speaking in hushed tones to someone else again. ]

Lily, it's okay! I'm right here. Someone is coming, okay? Just... just... [ There's a soft sob of fear and frustration before the line goes silent. ]

[ooc: takes place an hour or so after this]

Jun. 2nd, 2011


Oh god This never gets any easier I found Jenny's body in the lobby.

She appears to be dead. But I wasn't sure how that worked with her, so I brought her back to my flat.

I don't really know what you want to do, Doctor, but if you want to come by and get her, I'll wait here.

I am so tired of losing people.

Jun. 1st, 2011


( Accidental Voice Post )

Cut for length )

May. 30th, 2011


Private Filter Fail

It kills me a little bit every day knowing that someday I'll have to leave him. End up back in the parallel world, or die. I wish I could change who I was. Be able to give him back that family.

He loves the humanity. But it's what will shove us apart and it terrifies me.



I got ten puffies </s>so I won't feel so lonely</s> and he's abomination. I'm going to tampon him to read parakeets.

I took porcupines.

Porcupines )

They need a narwhal.


Accidental Voice Post.

[ There's the sound of game pieces being knocked over and rearranged as well as being pushed across a game board. It's accompanied by the occasional meow. ]

No, no, not like that. Diagonal. And only when the path is unblocked. Yes, yes, that's much better. Bishop to... C5, is it? Capture my pawn. Clever. Hm.

[ meow ]

May. 25th, 2011


Thief? Thief! Where is my thief? And the pretty one, and the orange girl. Are you there?

Where am I? This is not my console room, nor is it the asteroid. I don't remember bringing any of us here. Or will I bring us all here? Tenses are confusing again. Why are they so hard?

Where have you all gone?

May. 21st, 2011


I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored. I mean, it hasn't even been a year. One measley, teeny-tiny, once-around-the-sun, 365-days-of-nothing year, and yet it's going on for aaages.

Bored. There's not even anywhere left to go. You know itchy feet? I have them. No radiation or anything and my feet are itchy. Not my ears. Ears always itch because people talk a lot. Especially about me. But feet. That's new.

May. 13th, 2011


Buggering hell, I think I broke something. Stupid shoes. How do you trip over your own stupid feet?!

I think I might have knocked some people over on my fall too. Great. Stupid Friday the 13th. Any black cats wandering around?

May. 8th, 2011


Is it really Mother's Day? Oh right, this is the US version. Even though we're nto in the US. Guess that doesn't matter. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers. Mine isn't that good of a mother, but I still love her. I was a mother.. once. For a moment. Then I got it all taken away from me. I hope everyone knows how lucky they are.

I've made cupcakes if any of the mothers want any.

May. 4th, 2011


So it's back here again?

It's really strange since I didn't remember it when I wasn't here, but now I do...but that's a bit brilliant really. It's one thing to hear about it, and quite another to actually experience it.

But I suppose I ought to ask who missed me. It's fine if you didn't.

Ponds! Front and centre.

Jenny? Are you still around?

Master, you'd better not have gotten into trouble while I was gone.

May. 2nd, 2011


Right then, I'm getting the heck out of dodge while I can.

Anyone want to come with, speak up now. I promise there will be lots to see and do and if we're very lucky (and I usually am) a bit of trouble. And who doesn't like that?

There's a jungle and a beach and whole continents to explore! Come on you lot, shake a leg.

May. 1st, 2011


So I figure some of you guys are getting kind of bored with the status quo, what with having been here a couple years now. And some of you are getting antsy after five minutes (you know who you are). So why not change up some things?

Since you all have been so good, I'll be removing the shield around the city, so that you can leave if you wish. I know some of you are dying to explore, so why not. You'll still have to come back, of course, and I'm not exactly going to let you live outside the city (not that there's anywhere else to live out there unless you really enjoy living off the land). You can, however, move out of those apartments if you're getting sick of them and you can afford it. See? I can be nice.

And if a few of you look around the city, you might find something that interests you.

Peace out!

Apr. 28th, 2011


Hey, kids.


Apr. 26th, 2011


[Filtered against Sam Tyler]

I'm officially done with men. And very much never ever getting married. Who wants to go have a drink or something? Even if it's just coffee, despite it being 11 pm.

Is something actually wrong with me or is it just this place bent on making everything awful?

Apr. 24th, 2011


[Filtered to Whoniverse people & Sam Tyler]

Trip out of the city tomorrow, you lot? Me and Donna know a very nice spot. Rolling fields, weird cavey-type-things with weird cavey-type-art and stuff... There's something that might be a cow. Ooh! And there's a beach nearby! Everyone likes a beach. Although not the sand... Sand gets everywhere. And if nothing explodes we can go look at the rainforest and its monkey/leaf/bird thing.

Although I will need some people to take samples of stuff. And keep an eye on K-9. And make sure no'one falls off cliffs or anything else that happens when we go out on day-trips. Someone bring a picnic. Elspeth has a child seat, right? I could make one, but I'll need a beanbag.

Jenny, River, Donna, whoever - you can assist me and other-me in driving. Assist. Not help. I mean, you'll be being helpful, but it won't be help.


Right then. Let's see if I've got this straight, shall we?

I'm in a city with no clear means of escape, on a planet that no one seems to know, for a reason that's yet to be determined. Anyone can appear from most anywhere, even if it seems entirely impossible, and apparently on occasion things tend to get quite interesting with various experiments being performed upon or around us without our consent.

How am I doing so far? Have I missed anything?

Apr. 23rd, 2011


This again?

Bloody hell...


Boy, am I glad that's over with. You humans are quite brilliant but I most certainly am not meant to be one.

Oh! And I finally have a roommate! Never had one of those before so that should be interesting!

Apr. 19th, 2011


I'm a girl! Alex! You must have jinxed it. If I believed in that kind of stuff. Which I don't. Although there are jinxes around here, aren't there? The magic-y kind.

Anyway... Oooh! Never been a girl before. I've been a lot of things but I've never been a girl. Didn't have to die or regenerate or anything. That's nice. That's always nice, not dying. Better than the invasion, this. A girl! It's... different.

Apr. 15th, 2011


The first thing that I noticed...okay, the second thing I noticed when I woke up, there's a gold band on my ring finger. And I'm pretty sure this is not my apartment. It is quite similar, and yet...these clothes do not belong to me.

Apr. 7th, 2011


Sam Tyler )

Doctor, I'm ready to take a look at those patterns and numbers now. Let's get down to business, shall we?

Apr. 2nd, 2011


Filtered against baddies

What would you say are the sure signs of love?

Apr. 1st, 2011


Charley's gone. I mean I assume so, all of her things have just disappeared.

Back to being by myself.

Mar. 29th, 2011


I think the Doctor's gone. My Doctor, anyway. Well, no, I know he's gone, I just don't want to admit it to myself. All this extra brainpower and what good is it? None at all.

Mar. 28th, 2011


I do not recognize this location nor its inhabitants.

I require an explanation.

Mar. 26th, 2011


Where is the off-switch?

Donna, I'm going to have to assume this is a bout of the crazy, like you warned me would happen.

Mar. 17th, 2011


I don't believe I'll ever completely understand the customs you humans have tied in with some of your holidays!

Mar. 16th, 2011


Voice Post

Hello? Is this anyone out there?

Gov? Annie? Chris? Anyone? Hello?


I finally heard back about a job! Start tomorrow.

Mar. 9th, 2011


I'm back. For now. Not like anyone noticed I was gone but Charley anyway Have I missed anything?

Mar. 7th, 2011



I thought you all should know.

Mar. 1st, 2011


God. I'm almost afraid to look at my hand and see yet another ring on it.


I'm done with the hacksaw now. Theoretically, anyway. and have disposed of the body-parts...

Feb. 27th, 2011


Thank god that's over with. Everyone's missed their beds and so have I, but I find unable to just sit here even if I'm back in my own room.

I'm leaving. I'm not sure where I'll sleep or where I'll go. Just wander and walk around for a couple of days maybe? I don't know. I might not check this thing, but if you need me just shout and I'll see it eventually.

And someone look in on Charley while I'm gone, please.

Feb. 22nd, 2011


This marriage situation is impossible. And unneccesary. And ridiculous. And impossible all over again. And so human, with all the eating and sleeping and everything. All. The. Time. No wonder you're all divorcing each other left right and centre back on Earth.

Feb. 19th, 2011


Not sure I can even be mad this time, I'm too amused to do much yelling. Someone shouldn't have opened his big fat mouth. This place has a sick sense of humor.

Lily, I'm sorry you're stuck with me again.

All the rest of you lot okay? No one's killed each other yet?


[Filtered to Donna]

Hello, I know that we've never spoken before. But I'm Harry Potter, Lily's son. I'd promised Lily a day at the museums if things went back to normal today; except I was thinking that she would enjoy having it anyway. I hope that you don't mind if I take her for a few hours.

Feb. 16th, 2011


All right. Enough of this game. I don't do domestic much less domestics.


Eleven years...That's how long everything at home lasted It's always nice to learn from a book that you have five years of your life left to live.

[Filtered to Harry]

I'm so sorry.

Feb. 15th, 2011


Oh my. How curious. A self-sustaining city, clearly far removed from general society yet with just enough attention to detail to appear otherwise.

I must admit, I'm intrigued.

Feb. 14th, 2011


Voice Post

--oh bugger how..There..Yes Donna, I know what I'm doing! [A lot of giggling from Lily can be heard] Heeellllo everyone! Donna made me do this. Shut up, you did so!

Sirius, you're a mean arse! I, luckily, assumed the roses were because of you and now crap stuff has happened to people and I know you're to blame. You're cute, but stop being an arse, 'kay?

Potter! Yeah you need to not be so cute with your hair and the glasses and the grin, yeah? I'm meant to loathe you and you keep popping into my head. Yeah, stop apparating into my head!

[Loads of giggling and possibly some running. Since she's getting as far away from Donna as possible] OI SHERLOCK MATE, GONNA HURRY UP AND SNOG DONNA SHE'S GAGGING FOR IT [A lot of crackling and a bang, the PDA being dropped. Her voice is a little distant now]--OOF! Donna don't throw a bloody pillow at me!

{OOC: Posted after a fair few hours of drinking with Donna. Such a bad influence xD}


You know this is the one day that I'd actually like to go somewhere and get actually and properly pissed, but I can't. Drinking when you're alone (relatively speaking) is rubbish. And if I have to see one more stupid Valentine's Day commercial, I'm going to throw the remote through the television.

I'm really angry lately, aren't I?

Well I hope all you single people (sort of single) get to be drunk at least.

Edit: Sherlock )

Feb. 13th, 2011


Sleeping and eating. Eating and sleeping. Honestly, it feels as though that's all I've done the past few days!

How do you lot accomplish anything, living this way?

Feb. 10th, 2011


This is bloody ridiculous. Whatever stupid ignorant thing keeps deciding that I should be married all the damn time is going to get punched right in the face, I swear.

The third time I've got a stupid ring on my finger and yet? Still not actually married!

It's all just a big cosmic joke, the woman who wanted to get married and have an actual life more than anyone gets suckered into these things. I might be half Time Lord, but I'm still half human and I swear someone is going to get throttled.

I need a drink. I forgot how much I hated this place.

Feb. 8th, 2011


Got myself a temp job, yet again. Guess I don't mind it so much, it's the only thing I'm good at.

But now that I've got something to do, I think some celebrating is in order. Anyone want to go out? My treat.

Feb. 2nd, 2011


I'm pretty sure that wasn't supposed to happen. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

Helloooo? Anybody about on these things?

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