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Aug. 17th, 2012

[info]onthespectrum seems that the mission was successful.

Hot. Hot hot hot.

[ ooc: meet Evil Abed, from what truly is the darkest of all possible timelines. ]


Well, this is new and different.

Derek? Where the hell are you? I thought we agreed that there weren't going to be any more impromptu pack field trips trips without telling me first. And seriously, if you're going to do this kind of crap to me, you could at least include the rest of the Island of Misfit Toys. They're going to get jealous and think you like me best. And let's be fair here, you probably do, since I'm the only one who isn't a moron. I mean seriously...does subtlety mean nothing to them? But they don't need to know that.

Worst. Alpha. Ever.

( OOC: Meet Stiles, who was bitten in the pilot episode instead of Scott. He's a werewolf. And a much more competent one than Scott.)

Aug. 12th, 2012


Does anyone need any help after what happened?

Aug. 1st, 2012


So I realized, after seeing various people from various realities comment on it, that the 2012 Olympics that are playing right now could be from any reality where they exist at all. Then I realized that there is one reality that does have the games that this particular version of them could not be airing from. Namely, the reality where the Doctor(s) come from.

And this is why.

That's all. Really. I just had to share. Enjoy the games, everyone!

Jul. 28th, 2012


Amy's been sent home. I woke up and thought she'd just gotten up before me, but when I went to get dressed, I realized her things were gone. Losing her this time feels worse than the other time because this time there's nothing I or The Doctor or River can do to get her back.

Jul. 18th, 2012


It's snowing.

In July.

I'm oddly okay with this.

Jul. 17th, 2012


I just realized that I've been here just over a year. A year, and I don't have anything to show for it except a job that I actually like. I don't really get it, why I'm still here. Clearly I'm super boring. I haven't been heartbroken, and I haven't had anything majorly angsty happen to me. So what gives? Why am I still here? I wish there were guidelines for this sort of thing, y'know?

Not that I'm all that eager to go back, but at least there I had a purpose. I'm a Slayer, I should have purpose.

In other news, I got stopped on the street and asked if I wanted to work at the strip club. So that's always nice. Happy almost anniversary to me.

What is everyone else up to?

Jul. 8th, 2012


I never thought I'd go back to the way I used to be. And then just over three years ago I was brought here and over time I've gone back to it.

And I think I hate myself for it.

[OOC: Yay honesty plot making her say things]

Jul. 2nd, 2012



Uh. Right. Blimey. Shit.

Well, put down your hankies and stop that weeping, you crazy bunch of fools. Your Sex God has returned!

Erm... Are Remus and Lily still here? I only ask because I think I'm about ten seconds from going mad.


I got laid, twice.

I fucking LOVE this honestly thing!

Jul. 1st, 2012



Now maybe this pressure can go away.

Jun. 18th, 2012


Mister Doctor, can you look at something real quick pretty please? I'm trying to figure something out and I think I did but I'm pretty sure I dropped an exponent someplace only I can't find it no matter how hard I look so maybe you can spot it?


[ooc: this was meant to be filtered to the eleventh doctor but, in her rush to figure out the problem, zoe forgot to actually put up the filter. feel free to have your characters respond if you'd like.]

Jun. 16th, 2012


A new message for everyone

A high pitched, electronic, whine, designed to be painful to the ears, carries on for three seconds.

When the voice finally appears, its tones are grave, ripe with anger, and carry the weight of a man who may well have been at the end of his rope.

"Now that I have your attention. I want you all to listen very, very, carefully.

I am The Doctor, and some of you may know me already. Today, someone took me away from a world which needed me, they stole me away when a good man depended on me for his very life, I was given no reason, no explanation. Today, a good man was left frightened and scared, today, I gave up everything to do what had to be done. Today, some has made me very angry.

And here's the thing about me, something you'd have to know if you were going to take me anywhere, making me angry is the worst idea in the whole history of bad ideas - and if you're a person who's stupid enough to make an idea that bad, to take a man like me away from his world, I imagine you'd have a very serious interest in who I am what I do - and if you're a man who's so interested in who I am and what I do, I imagine you're listening - and that's just what I want.

I have been told your name is Asaph, and I have a message for you, for all of you, and I want you to pay very, very, close attention to what I have to say next.

I. am. coming. I will find you. Today, you have made a very big mistake."

The message ends.

Jun. 10th, 2012


I'm really starting to wish I can be allowed home now. Boredom is really starting to get to me.

Jun. 4th, 2012


It only just occurred to me that it's June, which means that in ten days it'll be my anniversary, which is rather odd to think about considering I came here in March just after my wedding in 2010 and now it's 2012. So technically the 14th will be my two year anniversary, but I've only been married for three months. It's a little strange and that's saying a lot considering the strange things I've seen, both here and with The Doctor.

May. 29th, 2012


Well, since Jack and Rose did it....

More insight into Ianto? )

May. 27th, 2012


Filtered to the Doctor

Can I get your opinion on something?

May. 26th, 2012


Answers de Peter Parker )

May. 25th, 2012


Jack did it so I guess I have to.

Rose's Answers )


Waiting on an oven to preheat and whoever came up with this one must like elbows. )

May. 12th, 2012


Excuse me, but I was wondering, where do children stay here when they're alone? It's just I've been here a few days now and I haven't found a way home yet.

May. 10th, 2012


Well, that was weird. Glad to be back to my normal age. So glad to have those memories nice and fresh.

Melinda, thank you so much for being understanding and letting me stay with you. I think I should be going home now, though.

Jack, where are you? It doesn't look like anyone's been in our room for awhile.

[Accidental fail!filter, meant for the Doctor and Rose]

I am so sorry.

I don't know if it matters or makes a difference now.

But I know no one apologised before, and I'm the only one left to do it.

May. 3rd, 2012


Okaaay, I understand everyone wanting to get their hands on me. Who wouldn't want to? But getting knocked out and hauled off to weirdly anachronistic settings twice in one day is a bit much, even for me. Whoever did it this time, can you at least go easy on the electrodes? I've had my fill already. That goes for guns and any more chloroform, too.

Hey, bright side-- a bed this time! You're one up on the sadistic ladies already!

Apr. 27th, 2012


God I never thought I'd hate birthday's

I know a lot of crap is going on again but anyone fancy getting plastered?

Apr. 9th, 2012


Okay... important bits, check.

My important bits, not check.

With my husband in our own bed, double not check.

Ianto, whoever you woke up with? Not me in there. Unless you also woke up in the wrong body, because then I'd have no idea where you woke up.

Still hot, very check.

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Well, why not... )

Mar. 14th, 2012



Are your brains really this slow? I'm not trying to be insulting, I just can't fathom being this stupid all the time. How do you lot manage it?

This is really bloody aggravating.

Feb. 27th, 2012


If I didn't know any better, I'd think this had something to do with The Doctor, but that's impossible. So, if anyone is reading this, could you fill me in on what's going on and how I get home.

Feb. 9th, 2012


I probably enjoy the sudden danger far more than I should.

Feb. 8th, 2012


Fencing with scalpels. Not something I ever want to do again. I'm lucky that I have plenty of practice stitching myself up.

But on the plus side, I'm not going to have to shave for the next week and a half.

Jan. 24th, 2012


Since everyone else is doing it )

Jan. 11th, 2012


This is not what I expected.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Waking up in bed with a beautiful girl is much more heaven like than my last experience. But still. Confusing.

Anyone want to tell me how I got here and maybe where here is?

Jan. 1st, 2012


This is...interesting to say the least.

Dec. 31st, 2011


Since I have nothing better to do apparently. I'll do this.

Rose's Answers )

Dec. 29th, 2011


I had some time to fill here and there between the constant city hall verbal beatings meetings and gremlin killings, so I dug out that question thing. Finally finished it! Good thing it wasn't on paper, or it might have gremlin gut stains.

So many questions... )

Dec. 14th, 2011


If you had a power brownout last night, it's probably because there's a house on our street COVERED in white lights, and when the family lit them up... there went everyone else's power for a bit.

Good thing they finally finished all that stringing. The dad semi-fell off the roof the other day, and I don't know if he would've come back if he'd broken his neck.

I'm gonna join Helen in the Sanctuary kitchen for some holiday baking! Any requests? Probably gonna focus my efforts on things that Ianto and Isabel could use for the pageant, but I have noooo decorating ability.

Nov. 26th, 2011


The Doctor's gone. </s>Again</s>

Nov. 20th, 2011


</s>I really and truly despise this bloody city sometimes.</s>

Filtered to the Doctor )

Filtered to Rose Tyler )

Filtered to Rory Williams )

Nov. 16th, 2011


Filtered against Melody/the Master

I just wanted to say thank you, especially to you Claire, for the help. </s>Even though I did not expect many of you to come</s>

Oct. 24th, 2011


I need a clock. I actually need a clock. I spent an entire hour reading, and I had no idea I'd done it until I looked at a clock. It just sort of whizzed by without my noticing, which, all right, does happen, but not like this. Then I was off by a full thirty seconds when I was making tea. Me. I let the tea steep too long and I was paying attention.

Oct. 8th, 2011


As nice as that saloon girl dress was, I'm so glad to be in jeans again.

Oct. 4th, 2011


River Song!

You might have mentioned you're my wife!

( OOC: The Doctor is not canon updated yet. He just has a bad habit of flipping through River's book of spoilers. Someone should smack him for that. River might have left said book of spoilers lying out and open to distract him while she went to rob a train. )

Oct. 2nd, 2011


I hope I'm not expected to wear the spurs. Oh, they're all jingly and exciting, certainly, but they're also a bit mean. Imagine someone sticking that in your side. I think Arthur and I will get on much better without them.

[ooc: It's a modern show spur and not a period spur because I'm lazy.]

Sep. 17th, 2011


Neria's gone. Along with everyone else. Was there some kind of signal I missed?

I don't think my liver can handle more depression-induced drinking, so I'm taking solace in a tube of cookie dough. Don't judge.

Sep. 15th, 2011


What is it with the sudden newbie invasion? Seems like a bloody bollocks trade for You lot make me feel old. Colligo-wise. And ill. Although I dunno if that's your fault or if I'm just hungover.

Sep. 14th, 2011


I hate being alone. I really, really hate it. And I hate this place for screwing with me and everyone else.

Sep. 12th, 2011


Regulus is gone. For those who haven't been told.

As in, properly gone. As in, dragged under a fucking lake by


This place sucks.

Sep. 7th, 2011


Has anyone seen the Doctor? The TARDIS is gone and he normally tells me if he's going somewhere.

Sep. 4th, 2011


So Tyler temper is not good against a few locals.


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