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Apr. 4th, 2013


caroline's answers )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


I love these things.

Steph's answers )

Apr. 1st, 2013


Oh, fine. )

Mar. 25th, 2013


So, I robbed a bank with Spider-Man.

That's a thing that happened.

I am so never living that one down.

I need Jello. All the Jello.

Mar. 16th, 2013


You do all realise we are hardly the only individuals within this city and, out of the entire populace, there are those among us who do seem to know their own identities, yes?

I'm speaking of the ones who don't seem to have these devices of their own, of course. They're not terribly cooperative, I'm afraid, but it does beg the question of why we, specifically, are suffering from such memory loss when they do not seem to be doing so as well. Don't you think?

Mar. 15th, 2013


So, either I have the worst parents ever, or I'm stuck in an episode of Teen Mom.

Because there's this baby here. And I? Am seriously too young for a baby.

There is so much wrong with this.

Mar. 11th, 2013


I woke up in a nursery with two crying newborn babies. Twins. I think they're mine. I mean, I could be babysitting, but new parents don't often leave their kids with other people, right? They seemed to...respond to me pretty well, so I have to be their mom, right? I'll keep an eye on them though. Just in case I'm not really their mom. But I think am.

I'm also pretty sure I'm married. Since I've got a wedding ring on my finger. But I've got no idea who my husband is. Or wife. Since I guess I could be a lesbian, or something.

You'd think I'd remember important things like my name, if I'm a mother, or if I'm a lesbian or not.

Mar. 5th, 2013


Well lookie here.

I missed this place. But now I'm back! Didja miss me?

Kitty cat, you around here somewhere? I hope you are. This place just ain't as fun without you.

Feb. 20th, 2013


Greeeat. Fall asleep with one stranger turned fake spouse, wake up with a totally different one. Like the first one wasn't enough?

At least my own kid hasn't changed up. The bonus "kid" is gone.

Jan. 29th, 2013


[Accidental villain monologue-- I mean, voice post]

[picked up monologing]

Mrrrowww, even without the flying rodent here for a little cat-and-mouse, this night's really the cat's meow. This tiger's eye tiger sculpture is purrrrfect. [laughter]

[OOC: Holy cheesy puns, Batman!]

Jan. 11th, 2013


I answered here and there between everything I'm doing )

Jan. 10th, 2013


Ooo! I love these. Even if this one does feel kind of like the worst consolation prize ever.

"So, the city's kind of wrecked, and some people died, but here! Have some questions."

Steph's answers )

Jan. 9th, 2013


I never thought I'd say that a Gotham Christmas would be less crazy. We're okay, by the way. Obviously I kept my kid out of that. My mom would roll in her grave if I got my daughter scared of angels. And the cats, too. A lot of cats. Guess who got a new place for Christmas, which happens to include a cat shelter? Just in time, really, since the apartment was getting way too full.

So yeah, if any of you guys happen to be veterinarians or know a good local one, I've got a lot of spaying, neutering, and vaccinating ahead of me. And if I ever want to get any sleep, I could use a hand with taking care of the cats or babysitting Helena. I'll hire you if you need the work and you're good at it.

Dec. 8th, 2012


I'm bored.

Does anyone want to take the lead on fixing entertaining me?

At this point, I am very, very open to the unorthodox. If I was the godfather, this would be my daughter's wedding. Except that instead of granting favors, I'm open to terrible ideas.

Nov. 7th, 2012


I have to say, I really did miss this crazy city while I was away. It is definitely good to be back.

[ooc: in accordance with the current plot, ashley is arriving much like a returning character on a soap opera. this means that she essentially just left town, with no forwarding address or even any goodbyes, and is now coming back, probably with memories of stuff that happened while she was away that she'd rather forget, much like the majority of characters on most soap operas have done at some point or another.]

Oct. 20th, 2012


Well, that was horribly unsettling. Next time, let it just be a simple invasion. We're better equipped to deal with something like that.

[ Selina ]
How are you and Helena managing?

[ Steph ]
That was not fun. At all. Being that angry and suspicious all the time is exhausting.

[ Charles ]
I have never been more glad to not think like myself before.

Oct. 7th, 2012


So, is everyone back to themselves? Or have we just had a mini-wave of people turning back early?

Hey. Selina. I have a baby I need to return to you. You know, if you want.

I'm bored. And I want to do something. Ideas?

( Aaron )
So, your name is Ken? That's a weird nickname for Aaron.

Oct. 5th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

Unless the Bureau got some serious room upgrades while I was asleep, I'm guessing I'm somewhere else. Somebody want to clue a girl in? Hello? There's got to be ops in here somewhere if you went to the trouble of taking me.

Liz Sherman. 508-54-9056. And that's all you're getting.

Sep. 24th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Charles sounds mostly confused )

What...I didn't...why am I home? ( a pause ) I'm supposed to be back at school. I went back yesterday. I remember going back yesterday. I can't just miss classes. If I get kicked out of Harvard, I'm pretty sure Kurt will actually kill me.

( a pause )

Wait. This is wrong. This room is wrong. This isn't how my room looks. And those...well...those definitely aren't my clothes. I'm not tall enough for them. I'm pretty sure that even with a really unexpected growth spurt, I'd never be tall enough for them. This really isn't making any logical sense.

( another pause )

Oh...there are people here. Far too many people. That's just... ( louder ) Raven?

( a pause )

Raven? Are you here?

( one more pause, then more quietly to himself )

What the bloody hell is going on?

Sep. 23rd, 2012


[Accidental voice post]

[voice is sleepy, confused]

What the hell? Where the hell is this? Ohh, bastard, did you drug me? I'll flay you... if you're here...

[sounds of rummaging and furniture thumping, someone searching a room]

Sep. 20th, 2012


Okay, now I can see my "daughter" the baby again so she's back with me. I just don't know what to do with her. She's not really mine. I can't just abandon her, but I'm not cut out to be a mother, especially to a baby who isn't really mine. I hate asking for advice, but this is pretty extreme, so here goes me sucking up my pride.

Has anyone else ended up with a sort-of-theirs kid before and has thoughts on what to do?

And is anyone really good with kids and might be up for getting hired as a full-time nanny? I don't want to keep sending her to daycare with all those strangers and sick kids. She needs a reliable constant. I think.

What the hell do you do when they won't stop crying?

Tony, don't think this gets you out of our Dark Knight fest.

Sep. 16th, 2012


To anyone who can see this (and is of legal drinking age): tonight, I'm going to have an Iron Man viewing party in the tower. Complete with the Iron Man drinking game that Darcy Lewis found. I don't actually have the DVD, but I've got the internet and an HDMI cable -- and Steve's not here to give me the "Piracy is bad" talk -- so there shouldn't be any problems with this plan. I've got some alcohol here, but I firmly believe that you can never have too much.

I predict that this will fulfill my desire to get drunk (and any need I may have for socialization) while circumventing the long, boring process of us getting to know each other, so it's a win-win.

Sep. 13th, 2012


Since I haven't been able to tell if my remaining roommate is actually gone or I just can't see her, could someone tell me if Harley's actually gone or just invisible through all this? I'm assuming she knows/knew at least a few non-Gothamites who could see her. I for one don't know anyone here who isn't from Gotham.

<s>Not sure if it's a bad thing not seeing my alternate reality "daughter" stuck in daycare right now.</s>

I heard that there's another one of those alternate reality Batman movies here now, and I heard they've done a take on me in it. So, I think it'd be kind of hilarious to watch that. Anyone want to watch a Batman movie with the real Selina Kyle?

Aug. 23rd, 2012


Helena's getting really fussy. I think she misses being around the usual people, but since none of them are here-- except sort of Damian-- I guess I should let her meet some new people. Or... kids or something. Do people usually bother with infant introductions? They definitely recognize familiar faces, but it's not like any other babies she meets now will be friends she remembers ten years later. Does anyone else even have a kid under 2?

[OOC: And in crazy timing, Tweak says, "Meow meow meow meow meow!"]

Aug. 17th, 2012


Well, this is new and different.

Derek? Where the hell are you? I thought we agreed that there weren't going to be any more impromptu pack field trips trips without telling me first. And seriously, if you're going to do this kind of crap to me, you could at least include the rest of the Island of Misfit Toys. They're going to get jealous and think you like me best. And let's be fair here, you probably do, since I'm the only one who isn't a moron. I mean seriously...does subtlety mean nothing to them? But they don't need to know that.

Worst. Alpha. Ever.

( OOC: Meet Stiles, who was bitten in the pilot episode instead of Scott. He's a werewolf. And a much more competent one than Scott.)

Aug. 16th, 2012


Is it always like this?

( filter fail; Rory Williams )

We should probably find a doctor. You know, to check everything out. I know that we know her all grown up and healthy. Being here already changes things.


I do not take kindly to being kidnapped.

Just ask the last person who tried. Or rather, ask their corpse.

Now...who did this? Come, the faster you tell me, this easier this is for you. You get to die nice and quickly.

[ooc: I'd like everyone to give a nice, warm, Colligo welcome to AU!Tasha, who never was never "saved" by Clint and never reformed. She is still very much an assassin.]


What kind of psycho does this? It wasn't okay when the Egyptians did it, and it isn't okay now. My baby People are depending on me at home. I don't care if you've heard it all before-- I don't want to be here, and I don't want to lose any more time than I already have.

The rest of you, it's clear who I meant this for, so don't get grumpy with me over reading it. You could've chosen not to. If you have any better ideas on getting a message to our kidnapper, then I'll listen.

Does that asshole bring families here together, or bring one person and leave the other behind? I need to know before I tear this city apart looking.

Aug. 15th, 2012


This is prank is absolutely deplorable. Then again, I imagine those in the Narrows don't have the braincells to rub together for something so intricate, and the rest of Gotham is altogether uninspired for anything beyond normal thuggery. So what is this then, one of those...flash mobs... that they like to run in other urban areas?

I demand to return to the asylum. I have patients to see to and little time to waste on these shenanigans.

Jul. 18th, 2012


Okay, I guess I can expect to get covered in heat-seeking cats when I go to sleep, because the temperature just dropped like crazy while I was out. I take the cold better when I'm expecting it.

If I wasn't trying this whole get-to-know-my-roommates thing, I probably wouldn't do this. )

Jul. 16th, 2012


I'm pretty sure Parker's just going to keep poking me with a stick until I fall off these rafters or I fill this thing out.

Clint's answers )

Jul. 12th, 2012


Crane, if you don't answer this, I will find a way to make your life return home and tell dad you called him an idiot )

Jul. 2nd, 2012


I got laid, twice.

I fucking LOVE this honestly thing!

Jun. 29th, 2012


Yesterday I snuck a couple of grapes to eat while I was at the grocery store.

I always wanted to be in a rock band.

Sometimes I like coffee so much, that I actually drink decaf just so I can have coffee late at night. Otherwise, it keeps me up. Though I don't get much sleep as it is.

I kind of miss being in my chair and going down skate ramps.

I really want to see Magic Mike, to see hot guys take their shirts off and strip. I wish it was in 3-D though. Does anyone want to go with me?

Jun. 28th, 2012


accidental voice post

[The PDA turns on to the sound of a gun being cocked and a male voice that sounds very authoritative.]

Colligo police! Hands in the air where I can see them! Right now!

[There's a slight bit of shuffling then Parker speaks. Her words are quickly spoken, her tone even yet still a bit wary.]

Whoa! Whoa! No need for a gun! Hands are up, see? Pointing toward the ceiling, here, buddy.

[a pause; the male voice speaks again]

What's your name? Why are you here?

[There's another, much longer pause, before Parker exhales sharply; clearly she does not want to be speaking yet she does so anyway]

I'm Parker. I was here because I was stealing that. [a bit of shuffling] Except now you're here and instead of convincing you to leave me alone like I normally would, you have a gun and I'm busted. Which sucks. I hate being busted. Any chance you'll just let me go?

[another pause; the officer scoffs]

Let you go? No. That's not happening, Miss. And did you just point to the building? What in the building are you stealing, exactly?

[yet another pause; this time, Parker sighs]

All of it. And stop asking questions when I can't lie! That's cheating! [there's the sound of footsteps then handcuffs being clicked into place]

Hey! What are you- [a sigh] You want to do it the hard way? Fine. Five seconds and I'm out of these and on my way. Fair warning. Ready? One.

[the cop laughs]


[there's the sound of a door opening]


[the cop's voice is low and authoritative]

Get into the car, ma'am.

[Parker laughs then counts the rest out quickly]

Four, five. I'm out!

[there's a loud clatter of metal as the cuffs, once again opened, are tossed at the officer; a few seconds pass then his voice, getting further away, can be heard]

Get back here! [a pause; his tone turns slightly more panicked] And give me back my radio and gun!

Jun. 25th, 2012


Hello, Colligo. I'm Selina. I take it from my reading and listening that I'll be stuck here awhile, until I'm not. I'm furious, but right now I want information more than I want to lash out at complete strangers who're just as screwed over as I am. Just give me a reason...

I'm supposed to be going to an assigned apartment, but that really isn't my style. At all. I'll find my own way, thanks. I'll take it for now until I find what I want. Can anyone recommend what to check out? I've done some looking around already, but I don't know enough yet about anything's reputation. Tell me about the neighborhoods here, where people aim to go and where they avoid.

My first priority, though-- is there an animal rescue anywhere? Where would someone look for cats in need of homes?