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Aug. 26th, 2011


Filtered to Gilberts, Jenna, Ric and Caroline

Are you guys alright? Like have any of the locals given you guys a hard time? Someone tried burning down the video store today. I wasn't there, but it's still pretty scary to think that I could have been there and I don't know if my ring would have saved me this time.

Aug. 21st, 2011


Voice Post

(There are clear sounds of sniffling and, when she speaks, Parker's voice is hoarse and shaking. It's obvious she's crying and shaken.)

H-He's dead. He's dead. He snapped his fingers and there's so much blood and now he's dead and I... I... (A pause as she bites back another sob.)

I don't know what to do! Someone has to stop him! Stop him before he... (Another sob. Her voice drops to a heartbroken whisper.)

I want to go home now. Please. Just let me go home.

[ooc: posted after this]

Jul. 30th, 2011



Jul. 29th, 2011


There's nothing that I could have been doing last night that'll explai Ric I can't afford to be here right now and I certainly can't afford this or the two other nak Why are there two other naked people in my bed? And why can't they answer simple quest. I'd like some answers, if anyone in this place has any. Please.


Yeah. Okay. This isn't weird at all. Just woke up in a strange city with no idea where I am or how I got here or anything.

Awesome. Just awesome.

Jul. 28th, 2011


Voice Post.

Jen, not cool. Not Cool. You can't just knock me out and drag me to some random city whenever you feel like screwing with me. Grayson is going to murder us both.

Jun. 26th, 2011


What the hell was that? How'd I get from The Grille to some random library with creepy suits of armor? Did I black out? The last thing I remember is....shit! Am I dead? If it exists then this has got to be hell.

Jun. 14th, 2011


Glory's dead. Everybody can thank Aziraphale.

Jun. 4th, 2011


Accidental Voice Post.

[ There's the sound of something crashing loudly to the ground with a cacophony of the bangs and rattles of metal on metal and the sound of shattering glass. It is followed by any almost childlike sound of frustration and then the sound of someone's head hitting a wall. HARD. ]

All gone. No more. Wrong.

May. 22nd, 2011


I'm pretty sure that's what getting hit by a truck would feel like.

But since I'm here to feel it, and complain about it, I guess it could be worse.

Jenna )

Damon )

Parker )

Bonnie, Willow and Constantine )

May. 13th, 2011


I fell up the stairs. How does that even happen?

May. 2nd, 2011


What the hell?

I'm not in the mood for this. Not to mention this is going to interfere with a lot of things. On the bright side, maybe I'm safe from Klaus. Let's just hope he doesn't decide to kill everyone.

Apr. 25th, 2011


Stefan and Elena are gone. I woke up as myself again yesterday so I went to work last night and came home this morning and they were gone along with their stuff and the dog. Stefan wouldn't move and not tell me. Unless that's the crazy thing he was vague about asking me the other day. I have this awful feeling they were sent back though.

Apr. 23rd, 2011


And this is the last thing I need right now.