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May. 4th, 2011


So it's back here again?

It's really strange since I didn't remember it when I wasn't here, but now I do...but that's a bit brilliant really. It's one thing to hear about it, and quite another to actually experience it.

But I suppose I ought to ask who missed me. It's fine if you didn't.

Ponds! Front and centre.

Jenny? Are you still around?

Master, you'd better not have gotten into trouble while I was gone.

Apr. 24th, 2011


[Filtered to Whoniverse people & Sam Tyler]

Trip out of the city tomorrow, you lot? Me and Donna know a very nice spot. Rolling fields, weird cavey-type-things with weird cavey-type-art and stuff... There's something that might be a cow. Ooh! And there's a beach nearby! Everyone likes a beach. Although not the sand... Sand gets everywhere. And if nothing explodes we can go look at the rainforest and its monkey/leaf/bird thing.

Although I will need some people to take samples of stuff. And keep an eye on K-9. And make sure no'one falls off cliffs or anything else that happens when we go out on day-trips. Someone bring a picnic. Elspeth has a child seat, right? I could make one, but I'll need a beanbag.

Jenny, River, Donna, whoever - you can assist me and other-me in driving. Assist. Not help. I mean, you'll be being helpful, but it won't be help.

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Excuse me? Could someone help me? I'm not quite sure um, what happened.

Oh I know I shouldn't have touched that transdimensional vortex pad manipulator.

Luke? Rani? Clyde?

Mr. Smith?