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Dec. 12th, 2011


So, I was walking home from doing some Christmas shopping when I ran into an elf. An actual elf. And then he started crying because nobody understood him and his life's dream of being a dentist and so I bought him some hot chocolate and gave him a hug. We had a really nice talk about embracing his ambitions and not putting so much stock in the opinions of others. I really think I've found a new calling as an elf therapist.

But I got shopping done! Mostly. Maybe if I weren't shopping for so many grumpy men who won't tell me what they want - I'm not naming names here, Erik, Damian and Jason - it would be easier.

( Raven, Cass, Kitty, Molly, Bo )
I need help planning the Xavier House Chrismukkah Extravaganzukkah...title pending. Chanukah (is that right, Kitty?) is from sunset on the 20th to sunset on the 28th this year...or that's what the internet told me, with Christmas right there in the middle. I got some stuff while I was out, like a tree topper and some ornaments, to make the tree have some diversity.

Beyond that, I figured I'd come to you guys for ideas. After all, Thanksgiving wasn't a total disaster. We can totally pull this off.

Nov. 28th, 2011


This headache just won't go away. Over-the-counter stuff hasn't touched it. I should probably go see a doctor or go to the clinic but that would involve, like, effort.

Nov. 26th, 2011


I'm very glad I'm not a very old woman anymore, but now I have her memories. It's really confusing since I've also got other memories of another future life, like I'll never actually be that Mother Askani. Very confusing. And I have memories of the Phoenix having messed with my memories, which makes for extra confusing memories.

The family revelations are really... interesting, though. I think I'll put the people in quotes to try to help show it's not the family I was born to in my own time, but the ones in the timeline that became my home. The "Dad" I met in the X-Men isn't exactly my dad who was killed by Sentinels, for instance.

  • Really, really old me has "Dad's" son, Nathan, brought to the future because of Apocalypse's virus. Nathan's mother, Madelyne, was cloned from my "mother."
  • Really old me has Nathan cloned in case he doesn't survive the virus. But the clone ends up evil.
  • After "Mom" comes back to life, I'll get to go to her and "Dad's" wedding.
  • But after the wedding I'll get lost in the timestream and land in the future where I become the really old lady (or not become her?).
  • I'm going to bring "Mom" and "Dad" into that future during their honeymoon so they can raise Nathan.
  • But Nathan is going to rescue me when I'm lost and still young, so doesn't that mean I can't end up in his future-past? I wonder how he'll still exist if I'm never the Mother Askani?
  • Really grossed out that after "Mom" dies again (killed by someone pretending to be Magneto), "Dad" is going to take up with Emma Frost. What the hell?!
  • I'll get a break from that disgusting match-up after we meet my "dad's" other brother Gabriel that nobody knew existed except for Professor Xavier.
  • Then I'm going to get stuck in space for a long time with "Uncle Alex" and "Aunt Lorna" after we've gone there to fight Gabriel.

So I think what it comes down to is... Emma doesn't belong.

[TL;DR: the Summers family tree is RIDICULOUS. Even though we're going into the soap opera plot... all those bullet points? Genuinely from the comics. It's soap-tastic without needing to make anything up! Up to y'all to decide if your characters react to this as if it's soap-totally-plausible or not]

Nov. 21st, 2011


That was....interesting.

Nov. 9th, 2011


Woah!! Is this a mansion!? I am so confused right now. Last thing I remember, I was at home, studying for my history exam and trying to decide what to wear on my date Friday. Wait, have I been kidnapped? If I have then you're pretty bad kidnappers for giving me a phone. Unless this is some kind of prank. But who would do something this elaborate? Ok, enough is enough, someone give me some answers here.

[This is Cassandra Cain had her father not been an assassin and basically raised her as a weapon.]

Oct. 31st, 2011



Molly, do you still trick-or-treat? I was wondering if you and Old Lace might be going out and wouldn't mind the company. I've never taken a trick-or-treater around to houses before and it's been a long time since I was innocent.

If I'm not doing that, is anybody else at the Mansion planning to hand out candy? Partying sounds like it'd be too noisy in my head.

I think I'm going to cheat on my costume and use teke instead of buying. That's all right, right? It's like having a homemade costume. Unless any non-locals run a costume place, then I'd support your business.

Oct. 30th, 2011


Okay, I have to admit, I love Halloween. I know, it's shocking. I like dressing up in ridiculous costumes and going out at night. That's not at all like every other day of my life. And this one involves candy.

Filtered to Damian )

Oct. 24th, 2011


So, if I am reading this correctly, my mutation has been taken away but I my own mind.

I do believe that is called thinking.

This is utterly ridiculous

I really don't need this right now

Oct. 22nd, 2011


I really need to hit someonething.

Anybody up for getting their teeth knocked out?

Oct. 18th, 2011


I think I just saw the Joker.

I can't.. I don't know what to do.

Oct. 11th, 2011


Accidental Voice Post

(There is the sound of a masculine voice shouting, followed by a sharp intake of breath from Raven.)

No. No, no, no, no, no. You're gone. You can't be here. You just-

(The sound of something being knocked over then Raven gasps, chokes back a sob, and finally whimpers.)

Stop. Just stop it. I didn't touch your stupid things so go away. Please, Cain. Just... NO!

(A door slams shut and the shouting becomes muffled as Raven starts crying quietly.)

Oct. 6th, 2011


I wonder if the synagogue still exists. There had to be Jews in the Old West, right? We're everywhere. But Yom Kippur starts tomorrow night and I'm pretty sure my mother will find a way to come to Colligo and kill me if I missed it.

Oct. 2nd, 2011


Well now, this is all certainly very interesting. Does the city change its time period often? I've never seen it happen myself, but I have not been here nearly as long as some. Perhaps someone who has been here longer could explain?

The sheer number of guns is rather disconcerting, but I suppose it is par for the course in this time.

Still, this is all a sight better than amnesia. Erik, if you laugh, I will let you spend the rest of our stay in this time thinking you're a cow.

( Raven )
Let's agree to never speak of it again, shall we?

Oct. 1st, 2011


Could I borrow a pair of pants from someone?

Sep. 24th, 2011


Um forgive me for intruding on this.. thing, but there's a girl here. She's not saying anything and she's awfully skittish. I've tried asking her name, but she's clearly as lost as the rest of us.

I have no idea what to do for her. Can anyone help? She's um tall, dark hair.. I wish I could have a better description other than that.

Sep. 18th, 2011


Uuuuuuuuugh my arm is still sore which sucks, and my new leg is still kind of scrawny which also sucks. Nazé would just kick my ass and tell me to do some shamany thing that would involve visions and herbs and shit, and I'd see the way to fix my leg properly and how to work through the pain, and Mom would just go "Jonathan Silvercloud, you get your ass back here right now and let me take care of you," and y'know, both are not good plans.

Also I have run out of smokes.


Sep. 13th, 2011


Sometimes I think I'm going to spontaneously combust from sexual frustration. But I'm pretty sure everyone here still thinks of me as being a tiny fifteen-year-old who's breakable and innocent. Which bites.

And now I'm going to go use the Danger Room for a few hours.

Sep. 7th, 2011


Leaving the mansion: win!

Leaving to go get midnight snack food: double win!

Bringing back all the junk food ever: EPIC WIN!

Forge, do you need supplies or anything for fixing your leg or are you all set? If you give me a list I can probably find everything.

Aug. 28th, 2011


I won't be good much longer as a "woman on the inside" at the station since they know I'm from the "outside". Anyone else who works with the police here-- how about we try to hurry our way to calls before the local crowd does? Regardless of whether we've been dismissed? I haven't technically been yet, but I get the impression that some of them would just love to string us up on made-up charges. If they're going to want to arrest us anyway, we might as well give them cause by doing what's right.

Don't trust the police right now. Let's get our own emergency contacts together, just in case. Please leave yours if you're available and willing. Anyone for a fire department?

Need police or someone watching your back at night?
    My number is [ number ]
    Roy Harper - [ number ]

Filtered to the Bat-crowd )

Aug. 25th, 2011


What the hell is wrong with people lately?

One of my professor professors seriously told me that I should just go ahead and drop the class to "save him the trouble of failing me, since it's not like I'll ever manage to pass it anyway". Who actually says stuff like that?

Aug. 21st, 2011


A bar fight that turns on security the second we show up to intervene is definitely not something I want to experience again. What is the deal with these people lately?

Aug. 18th, 2011


It's a relief to see everything back to normal, or at least as normal as can be had here. Still, the past few weeks have made me miss home even more.


I'd like to purchase some weapons of my own to train with.

Aug. 16th, 2011


Dudes. That was fucked up. Seriously.

Kinda cool, but mainly fucked up.


Dudes there are like twenty robots in my room what the fuck?


Right then. If we could possibly never do that again, that would be splendid.

Aug. 11th, 2011


Well then. Hello again, 2011. It's been a while.

Aug. 8th, 2011


Thank goodness that's over. I had forgotten just how much energy it takes running around and playing the costumed hero.

Teenagers have so much energy, I don't know how they do it.

Have I missed anything important?

Aug. 7th, 2011


Well that was an exciting adventure. Future me was pretty awesome, I have to say.

Parker. I want to learn that stuff when you have time. It was awesome!

But for now? I really just want waffles. Yes, nighttime waffles. But getting waffles alone sounds just...really depressing. So who's going to join me?

Jul. 31st, 2011


Well everyone, it's that magical time of year.

Happy Shark Week, Colligo!

Forge, Parker, I need you to help me set up my program for the Danger Room. I don't think it was around yet this early on. Forge, I figured you could actually do the computer part and let Parker configure the lasers. She's good at making it actually challenging.

Jul. 29th, 2011


Hah! I remember this. This was seven years ago.

Jul. 28th, 2011


Wow...waking up in the mansion, in 2011 for that matter, wasn't something I was expecting. I haven't lived there in years.

And now I'm going to have to try to slip back into the old suit. Nothing better for killing self-esteem like form-fitting kevlar.


Dudes, the house is full of midgets.

No, wait. Kids. Yeah.


Voice Post to Stephanie Brown

[Backdated to last night.]

Stephanie, Barbara is a teenager. [cars can be heard in the distance]


Hey, someone want to tell me what the heck is up with this place? And why I'm in a frickin wheel chair in front of a whole lot of big machine things?

Jul. 25th, 2011


Isn't this a pleasant surprise? I do hope I don't make too terrible of a mistake with it.


Anyone want a Batgirl outfit?


My coat! Brilliant! I love this coat! HAH!

Merry Christmas indeed.

Now if we can just avoid the decorations trying to kill us all, it may be my best Christmas yet.

Jul. 18th, 2011


Huh. Snow in the middle of summer. Reminds me of Nibelheim. Not sure if that's a good thing.



I dreamed there was snow and I just looked outside and there's really real snow outside! Really!

Jul. 13th, 2011


Okay, so presenting a giant stack of transcripts and affidavits and a little creative hacking got me enrolled at the university, and I got a job with their IT department, and that's pretty cool and all, and I love having Steph and Cass here because they are radsauce, but I'm starting to get annoyed.

Especially since someone keeps changing things and I can't even find them to yell at them! And not only are they changing things, they're moving them, and it took me twenty minutes to find the toaster and when I did I couldn't even figure out how to make toast because it had been "upgraded." The toaster! It's supposed to make toast! It's a unitasker! It doesn't need to tell me the weather report!


Jul. 12th, 2011


When is this going to end? I'd like to see Stephanie and Barbara now.

Jul. 2nd, 2011


This is not Gotham City.