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Mar. 28th, 2013


For anyone who may be interested, Steve and I decided to take advantage of the brief lull in insanity in this place and finally upgraded our engagement. I'm now officially Mrs. Peggy Rogers, and it couldn't feel better.

Feb. 18th, 2013


I just have to say that this is incredibly awkward, and I hope it ends sooner rather than later.

No offense meant, Mulan. You seem like a very capable woman. I would just really prefer to be with my fiancee.

( Peggy )
Speaking of, when this is all said and done, how about we go ahead and tie the knot before something else goes wrong?

Dec. 29th, 2012


Filtered to Marvel Universe & Friends of Bruce Banner

My friends, it is with great regret that I must relay to you the passing of a great and noble warrior, our comrade and brother in arms, Bruce Banner. He was slain in a battle against the Cyber Men and Daleks, and his honorable death would truly earn him a place in the vaulted halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever. Though it does little to temper the sting of his loss, perhaps we may take comfort in the knowledge of his impending return. And to those who knew him best, I extend my deepest condolences.

Dec. 13th, 2012


Apparently, dying isn't what it used to be anymore.

That post on the network was really helpful. It makes this whole being brought back to life on another planet experience easier. And I can focus on more important things.

I'll introduce myself. My name is Special Agent Phil Coulson, of SHIELD. I'm apparently going to be staying here awhile, so I might as well find a job. Is there any sort of government office, here?

Dec. 1st, 2012


Filtered to Avengers + Honorary Avengers + Friends (You know who you are)

I got us a new pet. I expect you all to be very nice to him. His name is Q, though I've been thinking of changing it for him. He's British. He know computers. He's very skinny, won't take up much space at all. And I'll feed him. From the looks of him, he can't possibly eat much.

And before anyone starts complaining, I let Barton keep that gimpy cat, so I think it's only fair that I get one, too.

We'll probably need to find a place for him to sleep, though. JARVIS? Suggestions?

Nov. 28th, 2012


Accidental post, intended as an encrypted message to Gen. Aleksandr Lukin

( Translated from Russian and Decrypted )

The mission has been compromised. Capture of A13 successful. Had target in my sights. Appear to be captured by SHIELD agents. New phone - GPS functionality offline. Current location unknown. Unsure how I arrived here. Takedown of armored agents unsuccessful, but managed to escape SHIELD custody. Updates to follow.


Nov. 17th, 2012


( Voice Post )

( Steve sounds different, less self-assured and somewhat out of breath )

Guys...something's wrong...

Nov. 13th, 2012


If you don't already know me-- hi, I'm Rachel Summers. I'm the school counselor over at Xavier's.

I've been thinking about this awhile, and since we just had a wave of people leaving and I just found myself jumped forward...

I'm thinking of facilitating a support group for people struggling with changing realities and losing people who are sent back. I'm kind of special weird maybe uniquely qualified to offer some help with this since 1) I'm a telepath and 2) someone who has crossed dozens of realities before and 3) someone who's lost everyone at least once not a stranger to grief.

Please let me know if you're interested. If you're interested in some support but would rather do something one-on-one, that's totally fine, too. If people have schedule conflicts but are comfortable with this idea, we can also arrange for telepathic group sessions. It would take literally less than a second out of your conscious day, but cover a lot more time on the astral plane.

Nov. 12th, 2012


Bucky's gone.

And Coulson too.

I'm not sure who else had realized, but I figured someone should say.

And now they're both dead and

Oct. 23rd, 2012


Peggy, Sherlock, have either of you noticed anything weird going on at the Station? Because, I'm pretty damn sure that there's a poltergeist or something equally as pissed off and ghosty in my office. Now this might not be a huge deal if it weren't for the fact that I'm kind of stuck in my office, because said evil ghost pushed my desk up against the door and is keeping it there somehow so I can't move it. So, a little help would be great.

While on that subject, anyone know how to do an exorcism?

Mycroft Holmes )

Oct. 19th, 2012


It is starting to look as though we may be here for awhile. Does anyone want to help me look around the area and see if there are maybe better accommodations available?

I imagine the point is to keep us all in the communal housing indefinitely, but it may not hurt to have family groups already here move into separate houses and make a little more room for the rest of us to breathe.


Never know what you'll find when you're out for a walk.

For example, I was out this evening, and I stumbled across Lucifer. And he was all dead.

Looked like he'd been mauled by a mountain lion. That then decapitated him. Gotta love those decapitating mountain lions.

Just sorry something beat me to it.

So, who wants a burger? I could go for a burger.

Oct. 7th, 2012


These little spoilers into the future are always interesting. In the year I've been here I've gotten a glimpse of three different futures. In two I was married and in one, I'm pretty sure, I was dating Veronica. She never said for sure, but she pretty much implied that we were together in some way in her future. Wonder what Doc Brown would think about all of this, considering he said it's never good for one to know too much about their own future.

Well, now that I'm the proper version of myself again, I guess it's time to jump into my new role as Chief of Police and spend a couple of hours down at the station going over the current cases.


So, is everyone back to themselves? Or have we just had a mini-wave of people turning back early?

Hey. Selina. I have a baby I need to return to you. You know, if you want.

I'm bored. And I want to do something. Ideas?

( Aaron )
So, your name is Ken? That's a weird nickname for Aaron.

Oct. 4th, 2012


Is anyone looking or knows someone who is looking for an employee? I'm running out of money and fast.

Oct. 2nd, 2012


And here I thought this was just one really out there dream I'd had.


You know, I really hate going to sleep and waking up in a different century.

That shouldn't be something that happens regularly enough to be a pattern, but hey...that's my life, I guess.

I'm not sure if it's better or worse that this time I went back instead of forward.

Sep. 22nd, 2012


...Hello? Helloooooooo? [ a pause, as someone wanders around Tony's floor of the tower, looking for some signs of life. ] Is anyone there? Hello? [ softer, now mumbling to himself as he wanders from room to room, keeping a stream of dialogue going to keep himself from getting nervous. ] Fuck, did I... pass out in someone else's house again? Christ, I thought I fell asleep in the MIT lab again. How do I have a hangover? Did someone put amphetamines in the coffee again?

Anybody home? [ Tony starts to sing the chorus of "Hello" by Lionel Richie to himself as he wanders from room to room ] Well, if I'm already in your house I might as well steal your food. Holy shit is that--- is that a television? Dorothy, we are not in Kansas anymore. Although that poster kind of looks dad... or some secret uncle I don't know about. Is this--- is that Howard and Maria? [ Tony continues to talk to himself in increasingly confused and slightly frantic tones before he comes to a sudden halt, and then laughs as if in sudden understanding. ]

[ louder, as if addressing some unseen figure ] AH, you had me going there for a second. RHODES, I'm a Ph.D student now. You don't have to haze me anymore. Not falling for it. Where the fuck are you, anyway? Whose house is this??


Sep. 20th, 2012


If the delighted declaration I just heard by the young Miss Tesla is correct, we're now once again able to see each other. So. How'd everyone fair? Lots of new friends made on all ends, I hope.

Sep. 15th, 2012


All right. I'm not sure this is solid evidence, but considering the name plate on Nathan's office just changed to say 'Roy Harper', I am guessing that Nate was sent back home.

I'm hoping those of you who considered him family can see this. I would hate to have it come as a massive shock once we're all able to see each other again.

Sep. 14th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Annie sounds very confused )

What the... ( a pause ) Why am I... ( a little panicky ) Oh my god, I've been kidnapped and nobody's ever going to find me and... ( a startled shriek ) What the...why are there suits of armor moving around?

Troy? Abed? Is this another one of those things where you guys throw me into a weird situation and film it without telling me first? Because I told you, that's not actually cool.

Could you maybe just...I don't know...back up? You're starting to scare me a little and...oh my god...I'm going! I'm going!

( a pause )

Um...thanks for the... ( the library doors shut )

( another pause )

Oh. This is on.

Hello? Can anyone hear this?

Sep. 13th, 2012


Okay now this is just getting ridiculous. So I know that I probably don't have any family here so I didn't really care about not seeing family members. But now I can't even see my roommate? And my other friends? What kind of mess is this? I guess that means that I just have to get out there and meet some new people. Anyone up for going dancing or getting a drink sometime? I could really use one right about now.

Sep. 10th, 2012


I'm not going to complain. I am certain there is some purpose to this, but I have to admit that beyond work, I am finding myself starved for company. A Monday may be the worst time to ask if anyone is up for an evening out, but that is exactly what I'm doing.

Sep. 4th, 2012


Filtered to Avengers (& Peggy, Bucky, Darcy, Coulson & Peter. Maria & Howard added a while later.*)

So, I have this enormous skyscraper, and I keep almost packing up and moving all my stuff into it, but every time I do it's just so quiet that it kind of freaks me out. And since I don't yet have the cash to hire people to hang out with me, I was thinking about something Steve suggested earlier.

You should all pack up and move in here.

We've got an archery range. Fully outfitted science labs with holographic lab environments.. A couple of gyms. Still working on the holodeck, but it's just a matter of time. Several fully stocked wet bars. A DJ stand in the living room because I don't feel like moving it. A truly ridiculous number of guest rooms. Fully automated everything. JARVIS. A fireplace you turn on by clapping. AND all the electricity you could possibly want.

And Avengers, before you say know, this should be interpreted as a team-building mandate from Captain America, which might make it an act of treason to disagree. (You can also bring friends, but these friends will be evaluated on a case by case basis, and can't be given the codes to our super secret moon base without my prior written approval.)

* Maria and Howard added later as the result of emotional blackmail.**
** Fucking Steve.

Aug. 17th, 2012


Well, this is new and different.

Derek? Where the hell are you? I thought we agreed that there weren't going to be any more impromptu pack field trips trips without telling me first. And seriously, if you're going to do this kind of crap to me, you could at least include the rest of the Island of Misfit Toys. They're going to get jealous and think you like me best. And let's be fair here, you probably do, since I'm the only one who isn't a moron. I mean seriously...does subtlety mean nothing to them? But they don't need to know that.

Worst. Alpha. Ever.

( OOC: Meet Stiles, who was bitten in the pilot episode instead of Scott. He's a werewolf. And a much more competent one than Scott.)

Aug. 16th, 2012


So.... who's here besides Barton, Banner and Romanoff?

Pepper? Thor? Rogers? Coulson? Fuck, I'd even take Fury at this point. And is there anywhere around here to get drunk enough to pretend that this makes any sense?

I may just take some of this guy's scotch. He's got excellent taste, but if he's anything like me (and the evidence says that he is,) there's a good chance he'll kick my ass when he shows up and sees that his booze is missing.

Aug. 7th, 2012


As Mayor Holmes has said, we are going to be enforcing Martial Law until this crisis passes. Some of you might object, but this really is the only way to ensure the general safety of the city. This is an emergency the likes of which we haven't faced before and we need to take this seriously if we have any expectation of getting through this. This is not a situation anyone should take lightly and any rules have been made solely for the safety of the populace.

From this point onward, there will be a mandatory curfew in place between the hours of 10 pm and 7 am. People will need to remain in their homes at this time unless they are part of the relief effort or have to be out for work related reasons. People found violating curfew without a valid reason will be taken into police custody for their own safety until the threat has passed.

We are also encouraging everyone to remain in their homes or in designated safe houses unless absolutely necessary even during non-curfew hours. This is not mandatory but it is strongly encouraged. We also suggest that any non-mandatory businesses close until the crisis has passed. While grocery stores, pharmacies and such are necessary in this time, recreational facilities are not. Use your own discretion, but be mindful that the safety of individuals is more important than keeping your business open.

If you need to leave your home, please contact the relief program or the police department to obtain a gas mask. If you need supplies, they can also be delivered if you get in touch with either organization. I cannot stress enough that you should remain in your homes unless absolutely necessary.

I'm formally requesting a list of individuals involved in the relief effort and anyone who wants to take part in rescue operations needs to be involved through the official operations being headed by Mrs. Winchester and Captain Rogers so that your involvement can be vouched for. Otherwise you do risk being detained.

If anyone has any questions or wishes to offer their assistance, please get in touch with myself or the heads of relief operations.

Filtered to Canton )

Filtered to Claire )

Filtered to the Police Department )

Jul. 30th, 2012


Okay, let's try this again. Now with 90% less panicking.

Hi, my name is Stiles. Stiles Stilinski. I'm a high school student from California and I'm still really confused. But less confused than I was before, because I found some handy tutorial thing someone FROM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES wrote up. It kind of helped. A little.

So, I should probably get a job. Because a hundred dollars doesn't go all that far, especially when you need to get Adderall. Does anyone need anyone? My skills include knowing a lot about werewolves, awesome research powers, people skills, and possibly being the only person in my town who isn't a moron.

Jul. 28th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

Okay...another creepy hallucination. Great. Fun. Absolutely what I needed. What does this one represent? My inner torment over that library book I never took back?

( a pause )

At least there's less yelling and throwing of things at my head...which is good. But still. Could totally do without the seeing weird things. Whatever trippy roofies Lydia put in the punch, she probably could have held back on those. Totally need to talk to her about NOT DRUGGING HER FRIENDS. Not cool, Lydia. Not. Cool.

( another pause and then a sort of verbal equivalent of a flail )

HOLY...JESUS CHRIST! That's...there's...those are some big suits of armor. Why am I hallucinating big suits of armor? At least the last one made an awful, awful sort of way. ( a pause ) Woah! Woah there. Back up. Just...back up...and...okay, totally the opposite of backing up. That is not...can you maybe not...just put me down, okay? This is not cool. At least buy me dinner first. I'm not that kind of girl. I'm not any kind of girl. Not that I'm implying that only girls...oh, thank god Lydia and Allison aren't here right now or they'd probably murder me...they aren't here, right? But could you put me down? Maybe.

( a thump )

Jeez! I didn't mean to drop me! ( a pause ) Wait. I felt that. Which means this isn't a hallucination. There's actually suits of armor and...snow...and okay, I'm from California. This is officially too cold. Why is there snow? Why are there suits of armor? Why is there...a smartphone? Okay, smartphones aren't actually creepy. But the rest of this some creepy argent plot? Or a werewolf plot? Or a...I bet Matt did this. With his creepy Kanima controlling doom powers. Yeah, that's probably it.

( a pause )

Or...oh god! Am I dead? Is this what being dead is? You wake up in a weird library with suits of armor and get tossed in the snow with a phone...

( another pause )

...that's totally broadcasting.

( another pause )

Hello? Hi...hello? Is...anyone there? I totally didn't mean that thing about werewolves earlier. Because obviously werewolves don't exist. I was just babbling. I do that. A lot. Kind of like now.

Can anyone tell me what's going on? me find a coat? Because it's really cold...

Jul. 26th, 2012


I will say this now and clearly so that no one can profess innocence, do NOT touch what is mine and under my protection. You will NOT like the results, just ask Enigma.

For those whom are too dense to understand what this means, if you touch, harm, maim, bother, torture, bully or tease Hannah West, Justin Taylor, Nightmare the Horse, Rose Tyler, Harley Quinn, and Selina Kyle I will more then return the favor.

Jul. 25th, 2012


Oh my god.

Stark Tower is here. This is officially the best not-Christmas ever. Friday night, the roof will be dedicated to a celebration of this fact.

...of course having the money to actually run the company would have been nice.

Jul. 21st, 2012


I needed a bit of a study break, and this seemed as good as anything.

peggy's answers )

Jul. 16th, 2012


Question and Answer )


I'm pretty sure Parker's just going to keep poking me with a stick until I fall off these rafters or I fill this thing out.

Clint's answers )

Jul. 11th, 2012


This isn't where I was assigned.

Jul. 5th, 2012


accidental voice post.

Okay. Alright. You, Peter Parker, are a strong, uh, smooth individual. More the former than the latter. But that's more a stance on physicality than anything else. So, that probably doesn't count. Alright, I'm just gonna start over. [ the sound of his voice sounds somewhat hollow, and it's implicated this speech is happening in a bathroom ] You, Peter Parker, are a strong-willed ... yeah, that's good, strong-willed individual. You have a decent face and granted, you're a little bit twitchy, but you're a good guy. You can do this. You can admit to everyone that you're - No, you can't. Because you realized a long time ago that you don't need to out yourself to be well-liked. Even if you were kind of a douche and a half to everyone during that weird week, but that's in the past now, and this ...

This is going absolutely nowhere. You know, this would be a lot easier if you weren't talking to yourself in a mirror, Peter. And now I'm referring to myself by name.

Oh my God, was that on? Is this on? ...Motherf-

Jul. 2nd, 2012


I got laid, twice.

I fucking LOVE this honestly thing!


I think I've finally managed to get myself used to this place, so now is as good a time as any to ask whether anyone might know where someone with a few years of experience in the intelligence services might start looking for a job around this city?

Jul. 1st, 2012



Now maybe this pressure can go away.

Jun. 28th, 2012


( Fail!filter to Tony )

Tony, I know this probably isn't very fair to take advantage of this situation, but I figure it's probably the only way I'll get a straight answer out of you. Ever.

Do any of the following products actually exist: Toasteronis, Densaugios, Skittlebrau, Brawndo, Bot Munch cereal, Snappy Cracker Crunches, Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, Cosmic Cookies, Snicker Snax, Choc'o the Mornin, Jumbo Jim's Grape Scotch, Cowboy Crunch'ems, and/or Fishtastic Toaster Tacos?

Does NC-17 really mean it's for people under the age of seventeen?

Did something called Prop 8 really make marriage mandatory for homosexual couples?

Is Star Trek really the true story of the founding of the space program? I've been meaning to watch it to see.

Is that Mitt Romney guy really a Doombot?

Does the E on that fiction site you found really mean the stories are for everyone? And does the little slash thing mean it switches point of view between two people?

If you take a gal on a date, do you really need to take her bowling so she knows you're interested? And get her a corsage to match her outfit? And call to ask what she's wearing so you can make sure you match?

I'm pretty sure grabbing someone's backside isn't actually a Nepalese greeting that's becoming really popular in the states, but I'll ask anyway. Is it?

Is Fox News really "brilliantly crafted political satire"?

Is Twilight an inspiring true story?

Do people really use Comic Sans exclusively?

Will citizens of the United States really be required by law to be fluent in Norwegian by 2024?

Was there really a war with Canada in the sixties?

Do you really need to say please and thank you to the toaster if you want it to cook your bread?

Is Men in Black really about a sister agency of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

I really feel like kind of a jerk asking you all these things, especially when you have to be honest, but I just don't know what to believe any more. And I don't get why you keep saying this stuff if it's not true. I mean, Jesus, it's hard enough adjusting to things when nothing makes sense and I feel like an idiot most of the time anyway, but it's worse when I'm not sure what to believe and what not to. I mean, I know you don't like me all that much, but I just thought we were getting past the awkward start, and now I'm not so sure. And I know I could probably look all of this up, but I'd just rather hear it from you.

Jun. 22nd, 2012


Fail-Filtered to the Avengers + Honorary Avengers, so Public

Good God, I haven't had a real drink in like a week. What is wrong with this place? And why am I dressed like Mr. Rogers?

(Not you, Cap. Different Mr. Rogers. He has a show. You may have missed that during the last Ice Age. You also missed a series of films called Ice Age, but you really didn't MISS that so much as narrowly dodge that bullet.)

Guys. Bar. You're all coming. Especially if I'm currently mad at you for ruining my life. You get to cover my tips.

Jun. 20th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

(There's the sound of the library doors opening and the clanging of metal against metal - all of it slightly muffled then all but drowned out by a very perturbed sounding female.)

Don't you dare lay your hands on me, you big brutes! I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own accord, thank you!

(The sound of high heels against pavement is heard, then the female voice becomes a bit clearer as the PDA is thrust in her direction.)

What is this? (a pause) Excuse me! I asked you a question! Don't you walk away from me, you come back here and tell me-

(The library doors clang shut and the woman huffs then begins to mutter.)

Of all the rude, uncivilized, terrible ways to treat someone. Honestly! And what a sight that library ways, indeed. Hardly any books at all, and certainly no time to... to...

(The woman's voice trails off and she sucks in a sharp breath as she finally turns to take in the sight of the city. For a moment, there's nothing but background noise and then, she speaks again in a clear, firm, yet not quite as upset tone as before.)

All right, then. Howard, I don't know where you are, but I know you must be behind this. You come out here right now and explain yourself or, so help me (a pause as she struggles with an adequate threat) you'll be using that cot you have in the lab for at least the next month!

(another pause, then a bit softer, her tone both wary and amazed)

I'll give you credit, though. This place is certainly something else. Although when you said you'd give me the world, this wasn't quite what I had in mind...

Jun. 17th, 2012


Now that I've figured out this fascinating device that those knights gave me before rudely ejecting me from that library....anyone want to tell me where I am? Or when I am, for that matter, as I'm pretty sure I'm not in 1945 anymore.


Accidental Voice Post.

This is... [ long pause ] not where I'm supposed to be.

No offense, Colonel Phillips, but if we were moving out, I would have liked a bit of notice, not to be merely loaded up with the cargo while I'm sleeping. [ pause ] Colonel? Stark? Any- Oh!

[ the sound of shuffling metal and a gun clicking uselessly, obviously empty; voice is hushed ] Blast. I knew I should have reloaded before -- [ voice raises again ] Who are you? What do you want? Better yet, where am-- HEY! Get your hands off me! Put me down, you metal clad brutes!

[ the sound of a door opening, someone hitting the ground, and the door closing again ] Not what I meant...