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Apr. 3rd, 2013


q's answers )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


So many people have been removed from the city recently. I can't help but wonder why. To keep my mind off of things like that, I filled out the questionnaire.

My answers. )

Filtered to John Winchester )

Apr. 1st, 2013


Spike is gone. So is Buffy.

This sucks. Especially since they were going to have a baby slayer and all.


Something to do... )

Mar. 25th, 2013


So. As I lost my memories for the past couple of weeks, I haven't had time to make a very important announcement. Nate and I are now the proud parents of twin terrors, William Garland and Ashley Jeanne Harvelle-Wuornos. They have got to be the most damned adorable babies I've ever seen. And they've both got quite the set of lungs on them. I love my family so much. I couldn't be happier.


Well, at least I have a change of clothes this time. Definitely better than the first time I woke up in the morgue. Not that that's saying much. Also, no need to investigate what happened to me, in case anyone was going to do that. Mostly because it's me and no one should be surprised I wound up here when I had no idea who I was.

Dean, baby, come pick me up? I'd really like to come home now and not think you're some sketchy old guy running some religious cult. That would be awesome.

Lucifer, if you'd bring Meri home, I'd appreciate it. And no, I don't care if she wants to live with you. She doesn't get a vote. Thanks!

Mar. 14th, 2013


My current theory is that we've all had our memories blanked as part of some government experiment. Perhaps, by wiping our memories, they're trying to see how we'll survive without them, and if we'll still thrive as a population, or go mad with trying to remember who we are in the process. This seems the most plausible theory, as the idea of alien abduction seems to be rather far-fetched.

I woke up on the couch in a relatively nice home with a rather attractive woman, who I'm assuming is more than likely my girlfriend. Neither of us are wearing rings, so my guess is that we're not married, but are at a point in our relationship we're both committed to it enough to buy a house together. Of course, I suppose there's always the option that she's related to me, but I doubt this is the case, as there are no signs of us being related, and I do think I'd have some natural intuition if she was.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm more than likely over-analyzing the situation. But I think most would agreee with me when I say that in this case, over-analyzing is better than not coming to any assumptions at all.

Feb. 25th, 2013


Amy and I realized that it's been a couple days and we hadn't said anything, so we wanted announce that Melody Williams, or Pond depending on who you're talking to, was born on the twentieth. She happy, healthy and beautiful. We couldn't be happier. Okay, so we would be happier if we could actually be together without other people around and I'd be happier if I could actually kiss my wife.

Feb. 12th, 2013


Great. Wait until I have my guard down thinking nobody else is getting flipped around. Ha, ha, Asaph. I guess thanks for making me hot this time instead of like a drag queen version of myself.

[Filtered against the underaged]
So really, unless I missed something, why hasn't anybody suggested we try out these bodies while we have them? You know. For science.

Feb. 7th, 2013


This better not last for the next six months. I swear, I don't know how to introduce the baby to her father, who looks like a mother, but is really a father.

I'm really glad that I have all my parts in place, although being a pregnant man might have been funny. On second thought, no it wouldn't.

Feb. 3rd, 2013


[Accidental voice post]

[starts broadcasting partway through]

-- so remember, never ever climb up on a roof! Be patient and always wait for a responsible grown-up.

Here's your football back! Play safe, kids!

Feb. 1st, 2013


I think I have done my good deed for the day. And made one kid pretty happy. Someone went and stole his lollipop and the little kid started to cry. I simply went over to the kid and said that it wasn't very nice to steal candy from a little kid. This bully started to laugh and started to lick the lollipop. I simply froze him before he could take a lick and grabbed the lollipop and unfroze him and handed the lollipop back to the little kid. The kid simply smiled, thanked me and went off licking his sweet treat.

I feel like a hero....well, almost.

Jan. 30th, 2013


Some homeless guy asked me for money today. I told him that if he wanted money so badly, he should get a job and not just expect to give him money. The nerve of some people.

Like I'd ever give away my money, anyway. Because that's what it is. MY MONEY. Not someone else'. MINE.

Jan. 14th, 2013


Haven't had one of those to do in awhile.

Here's my answers )

I was walking back from class this afternoon and I noticed that the salon, that in the future is my Art Studio, is closed. Not just closed, but it looks like it was attacked during the latest invasion. The windows are boarded up and it just says closed in spray paint across it. In one of my potential futures it was Ariadne who told me when it closed and I'm guessing that since she's not here anymore this might be what happens in order for me to open my studio. Problem is, I have no idea what I'd do to find out what I'd do to get it. My business management class doesn't have a chapter on buying a building that's been attacked by aliens.

Jan. 12th, 2013


One of these things again... Luckily, I have no problem oversharing. )

Jan. 10th, 2013


I was wondering when one of these was going to show up again.

Sure, why not? )

Jan. 8th, 2013


And with that, it seems that the Daleks are dealt with.

Thankfully, the device worked exactly as we hoped and the lot of them have self-destructed.

( Fail!filtered to Jack Harkness )
Captain Harkness, the congratulatory snog, however nice, was wholly unnecessary.

As was the suggestion of an orgy.

Jan. 7th, 2013


I've finished the device that Hank and I were working on. If I've managed it, it should override the Daleks controls and allow me to hack them and initiate a self-destruct sequence.

I'm just going to need some help putting it into effect. The Daleks know about it, and it's clear they'll go to great lengths to stop its use. But even with that risk, this has to be done.

I simply refuse to stand by and let Hank's sacrifice be in vain.

Dec. 31st, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[The PDA cuts on to the very obvious sounds of Daleks. Between their calls to EXTERMINATE and their weapons, it's difficult to pick up anything else, at first. Then, Parker's voice is heard, much closer to the PDA than the rest of the noise. Clearly, she is not happy.]

What? No! Shoo! Out of my casino, you creepy little things! Go on! Shoo!

[At first, it doesn't seem the Daleks have noticed her, but then a blast from one of their weapons is hear whizzing past. Parker sucks in a sharp breath.]

Okay. Close one. Definitely a close one. [pause] Oh. Crap. I forgot you guys could levitate or float and it's not like the rafters are exactly hidden from view. Bad Parker, for drawing attention to yourself. Bad!

[Her voice trails off as there's the sound of another weapons' blast whizzing past followed immediately by the sound of footsteps against metal, then a grate being opened. When she mutters to herself again, there's quite an echo around her.]

Stupid Daleks, coming into my casino, trying to exterminate my patrons. Ugh. Morgan Freeman, I'm officially mad at you, just so you know. Now I have to take action!

[The sound of another grate opening, then a keypad being pressed. For anyone familiar with the noise, the next to be heard is clearly that of money and other items being shoved into a bag. Parker draws in a breath just as there's a loud crash off in the distance.]

Okay. The safe's cleaned out. Guess it's time to call it a day. [a pause as there's the sound of buttons being pressed again] Good thing I sent everyone home and shut the doors yesterday, or this might get messy.

[The sound of a door opening followed immediately by a loud jolt of electricity. Parker giggles.]

Man, I love my taser-and-lightning gun!

[More footsteps, this time up some stairs, and suddenly there's the sound of wind whipping about. A heartbeat later, there are more laser sounds and the Daleks who are shouting EXTERMINATE are clearly getting closer.]

Really wish I had some awesome last words right now. I guess I should've worked on that.[a pause then, almost perkily] Oh well. Here goes nothing!

[There's a soft beep of a button being pressed and, an instant later, an enormous explosion that was probably heard/felt/spotted from most points in the city as the casino is now nothing more than a smoldering pile of rubble. After that, nothing but silence save for a few sirens randomly going off way in the distance.]

Dec. 26th, 2012


Okay. The bowtie Doctor kinda could've given more details on the Daleks and the Cybermen. He was probably busy with, y'know, saving lives and things like that, but here.

Don't even bother wasting bullets (or arrows) on the Cybermen, unless you've got something that'll explode on impact or overload their electricity. And by the way-- they can and will electrocute you to death if they've decided not to convert you. It's very painful. If they capture you for conversion, do your best to escape. Get yourself killed in the attempt if you have to. It's better than being converted. If you find someone being converted or partially converted-- show some mercy and do them the favor of killing them. If you're in a last resort situation and somehow able to manage this, rip out the center of a Cybermen's chest. The thing with the "C" on it. That'll screw them up real good.

Daleks are bulletproof and use forcefields. They don't look like they could follow you on staircases, but they can hover, so stairs aren't an escape. If its forcefield is down and you shoot into its eyestalk, you might be able to blind it. That's about all you can do. All they want to do to you is kill you, and they will. Or convert you, too, which is another way of killing you. I wish I knew how to kill them. We're fucked.

These were totally surreal for me to watch, but here's even more detail:
[The Doctor (bowtie), River Song]
Please tell me you're for some reason hiding bastic bullets in your TARDIS so we have even a tiny chance against the Daleks?

I'm not panicking, not something out of my worst nightmares, nope.

Dec. 14th, 2012


( Voice Post )

( muttered )

What have you gotten me into now...

( louder )

Andraste's tits, it's cold.

Ugh...snow. If I wanted to go to the Anderfels...well...why would I ever want that?

Dec. 12th, 2012


Filtered to Friends and Family

[ooc: if your character thinks they might be included in claire's very general filter, they probably are]

Right, so December is a pretty busy month for us, what with all three kids having birthdays as well as Christmas. And considering it's Colligo, we pretty much know the idea of celebrating the holidays on the actual date in question is just plain dumb. It never works out.

So. Here's the plan.

Click to see the party dates. )

We're going to be having Christmas dinner, and presents, on Christmas Eve. Just in case. If anyone wants to stop by, we can definitely set something up. Or come visit you, if you really want to brave the kids running around your place.

Filtered to Lucifer )


Hello, hello hello you bright and beautiful new world! Look at you, being all here and meshed together and getting along and friendly. It's good to be here! It's just -- errrr I don't even have the words. I'm thrilled. Nice to meet you all. I--

I--wow, this is unexpected. This is really unexpected. Good unexpected. Tasty unexpected.

I didn't want to go

Dec. 6th, 2012




Am I posting now, Dean?

Can you read this, Dean?

Is this a Text Message, Dean?

It is a message comprised of text. The child told me that it had to be composed on a phone to be a Text Message. But this message was composed on a phone, so I don't see any essential differences.

Why does one post messages to the network, Dean?

Nov. 18th, 2012


[Accidental voice post]

[some paper shuffling and pen scribbling in the background, and seemingly talking to himself]

Hmm, nope, that's not it, but maybe if I factor in the-- yes! Aha! So that's how he did it!

[electronic beeping]

No way he's disabling my Vortex Manipulator any more... aaaand... there we go! All the algorithms restored, no more burning out... HA!

[back to the pen and paper]

Now let's see if we can figure out the right equations to close the Rift while still letting the ol' girl refuel, hmmm? Good turtle. Tortoise. Whatever. Just stay on that pile. Can't have my paperweight crawling away!

Oct. 28th, 2012


Job Opening(s)

Is anyone interested in working at the cafe? There are plenty of positions available and no previous experience required. The hours are also pretty flexible, given that I'm there all the time and happy to work around whatever you need me to.

So any takers?

Oct. 11th, 2012


For those of you who don't know me, my name is Bruce Banner and I'm going to preface this by apologizing. I'm a physicist and not exactly known for my public speaking, but I thought that someone should do this and, well, my lack of ability to be as eloquent as others doesn't automatically exclude me from that list.

So I've taken a moment to compile a list of everything we know about this place, thus far. If anyone has anything to add, feel free to do so and I'll edit accordingly. Maybe, if we all get on the same page, we can figure this out sooner rather than later. That's my theory, at any rate.

The list )

As I said, if I've forgotten anything, speak up. I've been collecting as much data as possible but I'm sure I may have missed a few things. And if anyone else wants to take the reigns on this, please do.

Avengers )

Sep. 20th, 2012


Wow, that was...weird. Not as weird as a lot of things I've seen around here, but almost more unsettling. It's very disturbing, living in a house with two other people and none of you can see each other.

Not that that was really a disaster by any means, but I assume everyone I lost touch with has come through all right? Doctor? Martha? Owen?


Oh. Oh, my! A change! Again! Again? Yes. Again. Not the first and certainly not the last, so again it is. And now I shall post a greeting.

Hello, Doctor!

I've waited a very long time to say that, you know. Or, rather, I will. Have. One of those. But yes. Hello!


Well, glad that's over.

Just one thing...

Stark, why the fuck is there a nest in my room in your magic treehouse?

Coulson )


If the delighted declaration I just heard by the young Miss Tesla is correct, we're now once again able to see each other. So. How'd everyone fair? Lots of new friends made on all ends, I hope.

Aug. 15th, 2012


I can't begin to describe how glad I am that that's all over. It was absolutely mad at the clinic and I missed the clean air. Now that things appear to be back to normal, what are the odds that Asaph will give us some time off before he throws something of his own at us?

Jack, you have been far too quiet, which is certainly not like you. Where have you been hiding?

Jul. 16th, 2012


I'm pretty sure Parker's just going to keep poking me with a stick until I fall off these rafters or I fill this thing out.

Clint's answers )

Jul. 1st, 2012



Now maybe this pressure can go away.

Jun. 10th, 2012


I'm really starting to wish I can be allowed home now. Boredom is really starting to get to me.

May. 28th, 2012


Excuse me? Could someone please tell me what's going on?

I've just about figured out this doohickey phone thing. It's not nearly as hard as that stuff Mr. Stark keeps pushing at me. I'm just really confused as to what's going on here. The suits of armor weren't exactly helpful, and the folks around here don't seem all that good at answering questions.

Speaking of...there was also this list of questions, so I figure I ought to answer them, even though they seem a little strange.

Steve's Answers )

May. 25th, 2012


Jack did it so I guess I have to.

Rose's Answers )


Waiting on an oven to preheat and whoever came up with this one must like elbows. )

May. 22nd, 2012


Great Googly Moogly, is this really it? I mean, really and truly this time? Because I've gotta say, this ... isn't exactly what I was expecting. Big White Gates, maybe. More pearly than white, but minor details. Although this is definitely more dusty than pearly. Much less gatey and more ... creepy library. You know what, maybe I just took a wrong turn somewhere. I mean, come on, there wasn't even a welcoming committee waiting in the wings. I think I at least earned that, right?

Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, Peter.


Just FYI, nobody is allowed to mention the last few weeks to me. Ever. And if I hear anything even remotely resembling the words adorable, precious, sweet, or darling, I will shoot you.

[ Cordelia ]
100% back to normal and moving myself off the couch.

May. 19th, 2012


All right, everyone sound off so I know you're still here. Jack? Ianto? Eames? Alex?

May. 18th, 2012


I've still got the big bear-hugging arms of a man with the bonus squishy bosom of someone's old grandma, sooo...

Free, bosomy hugs! Get them while you can!

May. 17th, 2012


Thank God that's over. I really really apologize to anyone I might have.. done things to, or with. That's usually not me. I'm going to go hide in my batcave and be mortified now.

[ooc: Seriously feel free to have anyone say they were hit on, slept with, made out with or anything with Babs if you want during her sexcapades. She didn't care who it was]

May. 16th, 2012


I'm almost me again! Miss me?

I thought if I was a woman, I'd be a hot woman. I didn't imagine what I'd look like if I just had a few key parts changed out. <s>Although this one time when I lost a bet</s>

Might as well dress up while I've got it!

May. 12th, 2012


Excuse me, but I was wondering, where do children stay here when they're alone? It's just I've been here a few days now and I haven't found a way home yet.

May. 9th, 2012


Where am I? Where are Mum and Dad and my brother? I want to travel someday, but not without my family.

Why are there buildings everywhere? Is this a town?

May. 3rd, 2012


Okaaay, I understand everyone wanting to get their hands on me. Who wouldn't want to? But getting knocked out and hauled off to weirdly anachronistic settings twice in one day is a bit much, even for me. Whoever did it this time, can you at least go easy on the electrodes? I've had my fill already. That goes for guns and any more chloroform, too.

Hey, bright side-- a bed this time! You're one up on the sadistic ladies already!

May. 1st, 2012


Oh, no, this can't be happening... Not right now... Jack Harkness, please tell me you're still here.

Apr. 30th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

[ stunned sputtering ] This is- This- What? Tosh?

[ voice drops til where it's obvious he's only speaking to himself ] Still in one piece. Rather nice flat. All and all, it could be worse. Just breathe, Owen. Breathe. The team will find you. They will. They'll come and find you and figure out...why you have ladies' underthings hanging in your bathroom. Well, obviously not...your bathroom. Not your flat. Nice flat but not yours.

So you've randomly appeared in some lady's flat. That isn't going to seem dodgy in any way. Or be difficult to explain to the cops. You see, I was just minding my own business, officer, doing some work at the super secret government alien detection agency that I work at, when all of a sudden, I just got plopped down into the bed of this unsuspecting young lady. Nothing hinky going on here. Honest.

[ heavy exhale and nervous laughter ] Oh, I am so dead.

Apr. 26th, 2012


Right. So. I'm back on the TARDIS, can't find hide nor hair of anybody, and I'm wearing clothes that aren't my own. Gun's nice though. Think I'll keep it.

Now. Who do I need to shoot to get some answers around here?

[ooc: and river is now her previous incarnation]

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