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Mar. 17th, 2013


voice post.

You know when you have one of those weird fucking days where you meet your long-lost-forgotten twin brother. Then you find out you can do parkour in your sleep, but that's not right before you find a fucking murder victim on the side of the goddamn road and then watch the fucker explode when the sun hits the guy.

[ There's a pause. ]

Yeah. Um...So nice weather we're having, right? Or any even more serious question. Anyone else feel like they're missing someone a lot? Something along the lines of 'she needs to be safe' and 'I need to find her'. But don't know who the Hell you're supposed to be looking for or where to start looking for that matter.

Feb. 25th, 2013


[ accidental voice post ]

[ Cue Hal's much more panicked breathing because he just woke up in a strange bed next to...someone that wasn't a pillow he may have tossed around at some point during the night or Alex staring at him because, well, she is quite odd and doesn't have much to do seeing as she's a ghost but this is not Honolulu Heights. This is not his room. ]

I've gone mad. It's the only cle--is he breathing? [ His panic has clearly deterred him from anything else there's more rustling and he checks on...the other man. Who is alive. And not dead, which he assumes is good at this point.

Then Hal's out of bed and moving towards the door with a loud slam.
] This must be someone's idea of a sick joke. This is Alex's idea of a sick joke. [ A pause. ] Why am I wearing a wedding ring?

Feb. 20th, 2013


(Pained gasp.)

Uh, Nathan? I think..

(A crashing sound as she drops the glass she was holding.)

Ah! RORY!!

Jan. 21st, 2013


fail!filter to Dean Winchester

I try very hard to do the right thing. I don't feed from good people and I never feed from non-locals. I don't make them suffer and I always kill them when I'm done. I help people when I can. Yes, I need blood to live but I don't think that makes me bad and I think there are other people here who would say the same thing about me. So I'm going to give you a little bit of advice because of what just happened to me when I went feeding tonight.

Do something about your father before someone else does.

Jan. 12th, 2013


Emma's answers )


Everyone, stop what you're doing! I need your full attention.

I found Avengers parody porn.

Jan. 11th, 2013


I don't know the answer to half of these, but here )


Pretty much never wanting to do another one of these again, but I couldn't get it off my phone so here it is.

Survey Says! )


These things are always interesting, at the very least.

Abby's answers. )

Dec. 28th, 2012


Did I arrive just in time for an invasion?

Dec. 18th, 2012


I just saw the elf from Rudolph, harassing people in the park, asking them if they needed a dentist. Now that might have been the weirdest thing I've ever seen.


Not sure if this counts as the weirdest thing that happened to me. Is this where I go when Or if this is just another weird Haven thing like the mystery coma or the people in snow globes. Does anyone know how to get back? Or how I got here? Or maybe where this is? At this point, I'll take anything I can get.


( Voice Post )

( Elizabeth sounds like she's talking to herself, trying to work out what's going on, not realizing the PDA is on )

Oh my god...

What the hell's going on?

( she sounds a bit panicked )

I can't deal with this. It's just too much.

My life was normal. It was simple. And now it feels like everything's a mess.

When the hell did everything get so screwed up?

Dec. 6th, 2012


Well, that was fun while it lasted.

Nov. 28th, 2012


Accidental post, intended as an encrypted message to Gen. Aleksandr Lukin

( Translated from Russian and Decrypted )

The mission has been compromised. Capture of A13 successful. Had target in my sights. Appear to be captured by SHIELD agents. New phone - GPS functionality offline. Current location unknown. Unsure how I arrived here. Takedown of armored agents unsuccessful, but managed to escape SHIELD custody. Updates to follow.


Nov. 17th, 2012


I want a cheeseburger. I've never had one before. Oh! And a milkshake. I've never had one of those either. Does anybody know of a good place to get those things in the city?

Oh! And some Now & Later candy. I've had some of that before but it won't make me sick now, so I think I want some again. I don't need help finding that, though. Just the cheeseburger and milkshake.


I appear to be a vampire.

I have a strange ring, which my research indicates is one used by vampires in this city to walk in daylight.

However, when I tried to consume bagged blood, I became quite ill.

Am I doing something wrong?

Nov. 2nd, 2012


Voice Post.

So, someone gave me a rundown of the basics. Just figuring it might not hurt to check in with the assembled parties. This isn't exactly what I had in mind for a vacation. [ mild laughter ] Granted, this isn't exactly where I expected to be come today, either, but what are you going to do?

Name's Benny. And it looks like I'm going to have to find a job.

Oct. 29th, 2012


Forget Halloween parties. I just found out that on Halloween there is going to be a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show! Stefan, we are going and I won't take no for an answer. I think the last time we went to a midnight showing was sometime in the 90s. This is long overdue.

In fact, I think everyone should come. The more the merrier after all! I know that there's zombies and werewolves and all that not so fun stuff out there, but considering the fact that we're pretty much all vampires, I think we're more or less safe in a group.

So, in case anyone isn't sure, this invite goes out to Stefan, Elena, Caroline & Damon (if you guys can get a sitter), Connor, Jude, Ric, Jenna, Elijah and Abby and anyone else who wants to go. So, who's in?

Oct. 21st, 2012


Well, that was quite the interesting experience, but I'm quite glad that it is over.

Abigail )

Molly )

Oct. 17th, 2012


All you adults are stupid. Really really stupid.

You're all bickering and worried about your stupid grown up problems and ignoring everyone else.

And meanwhile someone KILLED MY SISTER. My twin sister. What kind of stupid adult kills a ten year old and no one else notices or says nothing?

So I'm gonna take my baby sister and look after her, cause it's pretty clear nobody else is good at it.

I hate you all and you're all stupid.

Oct. 15th, 2012



This isn't real.

I did not just get thrown out of a library by armoured suits.

Where am I?

At least it isn't the cage.


Oct. 14th, 2012


Okay. This whole "group housing" thing? Not working for me. I'm fairly certain someone used my soap and then put it back. I'd say the joke was on them (because, you know, think of the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash,) but now I don't know where my soap has been, or what kind of fucked up alien diseases it might have acquired in this creepy college dorm slash youth hostel. And I don't want to go buy more if they expect me to live on $1000.

Not to be David After Dentist, but Is this gonna be forever?

Sep. 25th, 2012


[ Voice Post ]


Claudine? Are you here? Claudette, Claudia, Claudwina, Claudija, Claudellen? Where are you? (short pause) Where am I?

Come on, this isn't funny.

Sep. 11th, 2012


Am I the only one who's actually really glad that I can't see anyone I know?

Sep. 10th, 2012


A double filtered post from The Doctor:

Filtered to all, known, Science types who he can see in his phone )

Filtered to Abby )

Sep. 7th, 2012


Right. Yes. Hello again. The Doctor here -- remember me? Bit of a mad man, did a whole lot of shouting when I first got here -- sorry about that -- been pretty quiet since then? Yes? No? I'll assume you do -- and if not, no problem, lots of people don't know who I am, nice surprise when that happens really -- and we'll work from there.

I see a lot of you posting things about missing people? Strange place, funny gods -- who kidnaps a Time Lord, really? -- it seems normal to me that people go missing from here all the time. One day, you wake up and they're gone. Still, seems to me, with an awful lot of people putting an awful lot of complaints out there, that maybe, just maybe, this is another of those strange things that happens here.

I've taken a look over the network and created a scanning algorithm that contained a search parameter for the postings, and it came back with the theory that everyone seems to be missing someone they already knew, someone connected to them from where they're from -- again, really, doesn't seem all that out of the ordinary for this place so far -- and take it from me, I know a thing or two about taking things out of the ordinary.

RIGHT! That being said, important questions are to follow, very important, well, maybe not that important -- maybe not questions at all -- more like question -- yes. Single. One question -- Une question, as it were...

Who can see this?

Sep. 6th, 2012


I never thought I'd be happy to not have Owen or Thomas here but, right now, I really am.

Filtered to Damon & Caroline )

Filtered to Elijah )


Where is Spike? I tossed and turned all night. I expected him to come home. I hope he didn't run into anything on the way. It's almost like he isn't here at all, or maybe it's just me. After everything Morgan Freeman has done, they can't take him away.

[John Constantine] )

{Willow, Tara, Faith, Anya, Cordelia, Melinda} )


I suppose this is the first test or experiment or whatever. Thankfully no one I know is here so I can talk to anyone...except I don't know anyone. This shall be interesting...

Aug. 31st, 2012


I feel like myself again. Hunger and all. That was an interesting couple of weeks. Looks like I have a lot of things to take care of.

Elena )

Caroline )

Lexi )

Aug. 30th, 2012


What is there to do in Colligo? Need something to preoccupy my mind.

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Ever since Bonnie did that spell, I have had this huge craving for bacon and eggs, like all day. I think I have gained about ten pounds. I also can't run as fast as I used to, which sucks, but I love being hot and cold again. The only problem is pain.

No more Bloody Mary's either.

ooc: Here is AU Stefan! He was very deep into his latest addiction when Bonnie got an idea. She researched a spell and turned him human. He is still adjusting.

Aug. 9th, 2012


Whatever is going on here - I am fine and sane. I want to help if there is anything that needs to be done. I don't know if that gas affects me the way it does others, but I haven't suffered any effects of it so I am assuming not.

Aug. 7th, 2012


Filtered against Jeremiah & Hannah

Okay. Enough is enough. I know I'm not the only person in this city that this gas can't hurt and I definitely know I'm not the only one of us who is bothered by the amount of people - local and non-local alike - who are being hurt by it. So to quote a pretty amazing, tiny Antichrist the way I see it, it's time for a plan.

Cut to spare the friends list. )

Jul. 23rd, 2012


Since there's nothing really on television.

More about me. )

Jun. 29th, 2012


Fail!Filter (meant for Elena, and Lexi)

Would you like to go out with me tomorrow for the day? I think we really need to talk, and there is a lot I need to say to you.

What are you doing tonight? I need some bestie advice, even if that makes me sound like the girls. I think I have control of that little monkey, and I need to talk to Elena. You saw what Elijah sent to her. That was a disgusting mess. I am not buying all that nobility. I just don't know how to make her see how sorry I am for everything. I also don't know how or why she should forgive me, even if I want her to. I don't deserve it.

Jun. 26th, 2012


I would like this truth bullshit to stop now. And no you can't ask me questions!

May. 29th, 2012


I guess I can do this.

Stefan's answers )

May. 28th, 2012


I'm bored.

I guess I'll do this too. )

May. 27th, 2012


I've finally organized all of the notes that my older self left and it's possible that the vampire notes may be more interesting. I'd like to thank any of the vampires who let me question them.

Now, I suppose I'll do that questionnaire that everyone else has been doing.

My Answers )


I apologise if I worried anyone with my absence, but I must admit I found my recent sojourn into humanity unsettling. It has been quite some time since I remembered what it was to be human. And to know that Niklaus is truly gone

Filtered to Bonnie )

Edit: Filtered to Loki )

May. 18th, 2012


Finally I can lie again. It's about time.

May. 12th, 2012


It's fascinating, the number of different creatures that live here. Not only mutants, but witches, werewolves and vampires, among others. The vampires are the ones that really intrigue me, if I'm honest. Vampire lore varies so much that I can hardly pass up the chance to speak to some of them when there are so many vampires with such different abilities and weaknesses here. So, my question is, would any of the vampires in the city speak with me?

May. 9th, 2012


Where am I? Where are Mum and Dad and my brother? I want to travel someday, but not without my family.

Why are there buildings everywhere? Is this a town?

May. 8th, 2012


Fuck. Eames and Cobb are both gone. I just woke up and the house is empty except for Escher. I'm not really sure what to do now. I guess I should try to find Arthur, but he's been so damn hard to get in touch with lately.

I guess with Eames gone, I won't be taking classes anymore since I was only taking his art classes.

May. 7th, 2012


So I sort of got kicked out of class today. Apparently trying to have sex with your professor is not a good thing. Is there anyway of stopping this please? I'd really like to not miss my final or at least tell me how I can control this? I would really appreciate it!


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Elijah sounds very confused, and somewhat wary. He also seems to be speaking to himself and doesn't seem to realise that anyone can hear him. )

What is this place? What manner of magic is this?

( a pause, then slightly louder )

Mother? Father?

( another pause )

Niklaus? Rebekah?

( the sound of a window opening and then the sounds of the outside world. Including cars. )

By the gods...

May. 6th, 2012


This place is insane. It makes me miss Mystic Falls.

I did get a job at a pub. Maybe that will keep me away from the insanity. It seems to spread.

I'm starving

Damon, Lexi, Elena )


I demand to know where I am and what's going on. Todd, is this your doing? You're gonna pay for trying to kill me. You think you can lure Grayson here using me, is that it? You're obviously dumber than I thought and you're going to regret even thinking about taking my father's place.

[The Demon Spawn has returned! Damian is coming in during the middle of Battle for the Cowl.]

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