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Sep. 24th, 2011


Did I fall off a chocobo or something? There's one standing right here, only he's a little small for riding, but I don't ... Maybe he kicked me in the head? Except he seems ... friendly? Is he mine?

Aug. 29th, 2011


Next person to bloody breathe near my bike without permission is getting their arse bitten. And not in a good way. Unless they're into missing half a buttock.

Moony, Lucinda's living in the spare bedroom from now on. For her own safety.


Aren't you lot going to fight back? Or are you just going to whine about how mean they're all being and try and stop your stuff getting broken?

You're no fun. You're going to ruin this for me, you know. I feel better than I have in aaaages!! I was getting so sleepy.

Aug. 28th, 2011


I was just turned away from Temple. They said I wasn't 'true' so I couldn't come in. Then I was chased. For four blocks. I finally managed to give them the slip but if someone could come pick me up, I'd appreciate it. I'd rather not have to walk home with my eyes closed to make sure I avoid these idiots.


Note to self: No hanging out in the store alone until this crap with the locals passes. Just because it doesn't hurt to have a newly replaced glass window shatter all over me doesn't mean it's something I want to repeat.

I really liked this shirt, too.

Aug. 26th, 2011


The locals are starting to act like people below the Plate did around SOLDIERs back home before Meteor. I'm going to have to start keeping my shades on when I make deliveries for them. As soon as they see my eyes, they don't want anything to do with me.

They haven't gotten violent yet, and I'm not worried about getting hurt, but I'm sure other people here aren't so lucky. So if you're going somewhere and you'd feel better having someone at your back, let me know. I can handle whatever they have to throw at me, and I don't want to see anyone getting hurt when it can be avoided.

Aug. 19th, 2011


It appears that sometime over the last few weeks, while I was older, Ygraine was sent back and Charlie and myself took over ownership of The Stables. It's a little surreal to be honest. Never did I think that I would own a business at sixteen. Of course I never thought I'd rule over a country with my siblings for fifteen years either, so I suppose anything is possible.

I suppose we'll have to begin discussing the hiring of more employees, otherwise this will be quite difficult with me in school. Which reminds me, would anyone care to help me enroll myself and Ed?

Aug. 17th, 2011


It's nice to know what's going on again. I'm not really sure what I did the last few weeks, but the chocobo's taken over the apartment. He needs to move to a farm. There are stables here, right?

Aug. 13th, 2011


I'm Cloud. SOLDIER First Class. What's going on here?

Aug. 7th, 2011


Does anyone here know how to take care of a chocobo? Or birds in general?

Jul. 29th, 2011


Am I right in thinking we've all been kidnapped?

Why would anyone bother with me?

Jul. 28th, 2011


Uh. Zack? Is this some kind of joke?

Guys? Come on. I thought you said you weren't going to pull these kinds of pranks anymore. The sergeant said to knock it off.

[ooc: Cloud is 16, and I'm too lazy to go find icons. ;)]

Jul. 27th, 2011


The chocobo needs a name. I'm pretty sure it's a boy.


The point of this Midgardian holiday still appears to be pointless. If one wants to buy a gift for someone, then it should be at any point during the year. Not just certain days.

Jul. 25th, 2011


Uh. Tifa. You didn't happen to have a chocobo with you when you got here, did you? Or an egg? Because the thing is ... there's a gold chocobo chick in the living room.

Jul. 19th, 2011


Can someone please tell me what's going on?

I somehow ended up in a strange library, with no idea how I got there, and this city doesn't look familiar at all.

Is there any way that someone can get me back to Edge? I have things I need to take care of. The kids Cloud is going to be so worried

Jul. 18th, 2011


Huh. Snow in the middle of summer. Reminds me of Nibelheim. Not sure if that's a good thing.

Jul. 13th, 2011


I've hired some help for the delivery service. We should be able to take on more jobs.

Tomorrow I'm going to be doing some sword practice after work if anyone wants to come along.

Jul. 12th, 2011


Are there any household foods that one could feed a dog?

I...saw one that looked hungry when I went for a walk and pizza doesn't seem like the best option.

Jul. 11th, 2011


I just wanted to let everyone know, now that the weather is a lot warmer, that there are stables. I have been asked a couple of times about them and lessons as well as taking a horse for a ride are both available. I would be most happy to meet with anyone interested.

Jul. 9th, 2011


This isn't Arizona, and I don't remember how exactly I got here. So, a little more explanation would be cool.

Jul. 7th, 2011


Holy Son of a Asaph, any time you want to stop sending videos of my husband's reality to my store, that would be New shipment of videos today. If anyone has discovered they're from somewhere 'fictional' in someone else's reality and would rather their information not be available to the public, speak up.

This applies to anyone I haven't been doing this for or spoken to already. Otherwise assume your name is still on the list.

Filtered to Crowley )

Filtered to Ruby )

Jul. 5th, 2011


This place never seems to calm down much, so I guess now is as good a time as any.

I talked to some people and I'm going to be starting a self defense class. I know that a lot of people here have powers that really I can't even begin to fathom, but knowing hand to hand combat and basic escape techniques can be a pretty useful thing even if you can bend spoons with your brain. So I'm looking forward to teaching people with any skill level, if you're interested.

The classes are going to be Monday, Wednesday, Friday at the gym, from 10-11 am.


Right. Come on. Someone else must ride a bike here. I want to get a proper ride in. You know, get out the city while Moony isn't able to give me a 'You Will Break Your Face' look and tut and stuff.

Jul. 4th, 2011


I'm quite enjoying this. It's a nice change being able to walk around and do my own thing without Him telling me to 'behave' every ten minutes. It was getting dead BORING.


Guess people still can't talk to anyone from back home. It's going to be another good day. I'm really getting used to things here. A steady job, friends. It wasn't something I thought I'd ever be able to have.


Not that the prospect of being rid of certain people I know isn't inviting. It just seems to get boring rather quickly. No arguments, no spats, nothing. I can't even get after Merrill.

I'm afraid to say I haven't ventured too much around even. I suppose one would say this is what I get for falling into old habits.

Anyone interested in a drink? Maker, I sound outright pathetic

Jul. 3rd, 2011


This house is kinda awesome. Creepy and totally empty (OR IS IT? SpooOOOoooOOOky!) but awesome. I'm going to do upgrades while everyone's out. "You're welcome!" I will tell them when they come back and discover that I have granted everyone free cable and installed coffee makers that never run out of joe and removed the stairs and replaced them with nul-grav zones so we can flooooooat upstairs. Going downstairs will either involve a fireman's pole or a helter-skelter.

I'm going swimming.


I'll admit, video games are rather entertaining, even if I'm not very good at them. Thank you for inviting me last night, Merlin. I would have been sitting home alone, had you not. When I'm able to talk to Ed again, I'll have to find out if he's aware of them. Not knowing if Lucy is about the apartment seems to be making me anxious. I hope this doesn't last long.

Jul. 2nd, 2011


Seems like a good time to do this, since everybody's so worried about getting in touch with everybody else.

I run a business back home called Strife Delivery Service. I'm not keen on being stuck with whatever Asaph is willing to give me, so I'm starting the business back up here in Colligo. If you need to get something to somebody, give me a call and I'll make sure it gets there.

[phone number]

Jul. 1st, 2011


Are you sure people are going missing? Seems like there's a lot going on for half the city to be gone.

Jun. 30th, 2011


So, I'm a pro at waking up in strange places and all, but this? As nice as it is to be in a city that's not currently being attacked by a crazed psychopath, I really need to get back to Star City. This is no time for a vacation. Although, I am really interested to know how I got here. I was going back to the meeting room then suddenly I was in some strange library, getting kicked to the curb by some suits of armor. Could someone explain and tell me how to get back?

Jun. 29th, 2011


[FAILED Private Filter; Open to All]

So I don't usually write stuff down </s>except delivery schedules or shopping lists</s>, but I thought maybe I should start. Tifa's not here to keep me on track. </s>Or make sure I buy cucumbers instead of carrots when I can't tell the difference.</s> If there's anyone else who knows how bad my memory is sometimes, it's me.

</s>I feel like an idiot doing this.</s> In case something happens and I forget, my name's Cloud Strife. I'm 24. I grew up in Nibelheim. I left for Midgar when I was 14 and went to work for Shinra. I was an infantryman for 2 years. That's how I met Zack. Now I run a delivery service and help Tifa with her bar. Remember Tifa? We grew up together back in Nibelheim. She lived next door and made me promise before I left that I'd save her if she was ever in a bind. Now we share the space over the bar. We have 2 kids living with us, Denzel and Marlene.

Now I need to pay attention to this part. It's important. I am not a SOLDIER. I might think I am, but all of those missions and stories are Zack's. I'm not him. I'm not a SOLDIER First Class. Zack told me about all the things he'd seen and done before he died. Those memories are his. I have to remember that. I owe him that much. Whatever happens, don't forget that I promised to live out both our lives.

I'm not going to tell myself why my memories got a little confused before, because I don't know what made me forget this time, and I don't know how well I'll handle hearing the truth this time, either. But as long as I remember to separate me from Zack, everything else should make sense again eventually.

And if Sephiroth's here? Or any guy with Mako eyes and silver hair? Don't listen to him. Especially if he says anything about Jenova. Same goes for Hojo. I'll recognize him as soon as he opens his mouth and starts talking. He'll probably call me a specimen, and I'll probably want to punch him.

I'm leaving this on the PDA where there's a good chance I'll see it first thing if something does happen. I hope I won't need it, but it's not like there's anyone else around here who can put my head straight for me.


Voice Post.

[ the post begins with a few odd electronic noises and a clearing of the throat. ] Might I beg the indulgences of you good people for a moment? It seems I find myself at a loss. I know naught of where I currently reside nor by what means I came to be here. If it is at all possible, I would appreciate assistance in clearing up these matters.

A way to leave would be appreciated as well. I have business to attend to at home. After everything, my absence would be seriously detrimental.

Jun. 27th, 2011


Feelin cooped up again. Who wants to get down and dirty?

And by that I mean training, or sparring or whatever the hell you wanna call it.

Jun. 26th, 2011


Anyone here good with a sword?

Jun. 23rd, 2011


Signed up for summer classes? Check.

Found a job that I'm pretty sure will only meet partial disapproval? Check.

Made friends with people who have a legit 'Danger Room'? Check.

Look, Babs. I'm almost being productive here. Aren't you proud?

Speaking of that last part, Rogue, Kitty, I still need to come by and check this thing out.

Jun. 21st, 2011


What is this thing? It took me twenty minutes just to figure out how to

So this place is what, exactly? Some kind of quarantine?

Somebody want to tell me what's going on? Because if not, I'm going to Please?


Okay. Vampires. Werewolves. People with super powers. War. Am I missing any categories so far? Clones with mother issues, maybe?


Whoever did this, it's not fucking funny! And I've seen better kidnappings, seriously.

Whoever's responsible better come forward and send me home right now, unless you want to end up like those guards back there. Though I actually bit off more than I could chew there. Ow.

And who took my crossbow? And my bike? I built that thing from the ground up, damnit!

God, I really need to hit something right now. Or need a drink. Or get laid. Anything works.

Jun. 19th, 2011


If you're going to send your toy soldiers after me, make sure they're made out of a material that isn't so easily crushed. Now, someone tell me what is going on and where I am before I get an idea about what to do with all this scrap metal.


So it would appear that not all vampires are exactly created equal here. Werewolf bites? Are you serious?

Jun. 18th, 2011


Okay. Let's see if I have this straight. Some person, power, deity, whatever has decided to just start collecting people. We don't get to leave, and we're all from different worlds. Does that sound about right? What exactly are we supposed to do while we're here?

Jun. 17th, 2011


I cannot be the only person in this city capable of dealing with werewolves and I am equally sure I am not the only one with a vested interest in them not being rounded up by folks looking to slaughter them.

So. Who wants to help me try to get a lid on this issue before it spirals even further out of control? I plan on going anyway but I figured I would at least make the offer because I don't know about you people but I, for one, am sick of sitting around waiting on the situation to fix itself.

Jun. 16th, 2011


So. No signal when I try to reach Edge, and I'm pretty sure this isn't Costa del Sol. We obviously have a problem. Somebody care to tell me what it is? I'd like to hear the excuse this time.