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Mar. 28th, 2011


Having magic is very nice and all, but I'm very much done with this place. I thought this was better than being trapped on an island by myself, but actually it feels like I'm stranded by myself anyway.

Being able to wash up is nice though. So is being warm when I want to. I tried that apparition thing? It didn't work too well. And bloody hell it hurts. Not doing that again.

Can't I just go home though? I miss my Doctor. Even if it meant going back to 1930 and getting on an airship and dying, I think I'd rather be there than all of this.

Mar. 7th, 2011


Donna, could you please come home? I.. I'm worried about you. I didn't think you'd be gone so long. Neither of us has anyone else so I just.. please.

No one's actually seen Donna have they? I'm sure you'd notice if you ran into her.

I think I need a job, but I rarely know how to work anything from this time period. It's all a bit much.

Feb. 12th, 2011


This place is very confusing again.

I think I need more alcohol.

Feb. 11th, 2011


Is it odd that it feels like I've done this before? Well, no, not the marriage thing. But being stuck like this.

I was having a lovely time staying with Donna. She makes me laugh.

I just.. I'm not sure that I can share a bed with a man. That's highly inappropriate, even if we are supposed to be married.

At least we're not all dying. Though this place reminds me of the Divergence universe anyway. Maybe this whole thing is Rassilon. Wouldn't put it past him. Or Kro'ka..


No one's found a way around this, right? I mean. It's a man.

Feb. 1st, 2011


Do you ever miss where you were before you came here?

Jan. 20th, 2011


Library again. That's nice, I suppose.

Good to be back. Feels a bit itchy.

That's really weird. I mean really weird. Much weirder than just new teeth or hair.

Is this what it always feels like then?

Jan. 9th, 2011


I believe that I have the crystal telegraph hooked up to the TARDIS properly.

Now just to give it a whirl and see if it works. Everyone cross their fingers.

Jan. 2nd, 2011


Screw this sitting on my ass.

Ain't nobody gonna miss me if I die, anyway.

Just say I did it for the children.

Dec. 30th, 2010


[ooc: Blank post from distraught!Vincent]


Rose is gone.

She absorbed the Time Vortex. She destroyed a large number of the Toclaphane but they'll probably be back. But she burnt. It destroyed her.


Right. I do believe, in fact I can say with absolute certainty, that I am entirely finished with sitting still and trying to stay safe now. It's far too overrated, I most certainly don't like it and I've no intention of doing it again.

Anybody out in the thick of it need a hand somewhere? Haven't been out in the city for a bit yet but if there are any places that are being hit worse than others, I suppose I ought to start there, yeah? If not I'm going to simply pick some Toclafane and

Dec. 25th, 2010


Forgive my promptness but does anyone need.. saving? Stuck somewhere? I might be able to help.


Of course. A normal Christmas was too much to hope for, wasn't it? Typical. Whatever happened to good will and peace and all that kind of stuff. I mean, the snows lovely but anyone can generate snow if they nudge the clouds right and they didn't have to bring

Right. Hello! Merry Christmas! You may have noticed a few hundred shining metal ball things zipping around the place. They're called the Toclaphane and basically they're just... you lot. Well, you don't need all the details. Well, not really. They're from another place. Another time. I've met them before. Stay inside. They will kill you. Sorry about that.

Don't try and reason with them. Won't work. They just do it for fun.

Don't try and fight them. Unless you happen to have something that can send out a very precise electrical charge to disable them. That's an electrical surge of 58.5 kiloamperes, transferred charge 510 mega joules. If anyone else people can do that, please let me know. I'm not sure about magic. I wouldn't risk it. Don't risk it!!!

Stay inside. Hide. Run. Me and other me are working on it.

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

Eleven )

Master )


Filtered to Doctors/Companions

Don't mean to alarm you guys, and I'm sure some of us are suffering serious hangovers and were intending on a day in bed but look out your window. Carefully, don't want to risk alerting them.

Dec. 20th, 2010


This is the first Christmas I'll spend quite by myself. Completely by myself. It's odd. And I haven't found anything remotely exciting except that my room keeps changing. I miss my Doctor.

And since it is Christmas, I should say that Edith, wherever and whenever you are, I still think about you. I hope that your life has as much meaning and love as anyone's.

Thankfully this isn't my favorite holiday anyway. Too many bad memories.

Dec. 12th, 2010


Well now. It would seem the rumours of this place are apparently to be believed. I must admit, it has been quite some time since I've been so pleasantly surprised.

Dec. 8th, 2010


I thought I'd try this again and all, now that I've gotten my bearings in this place.

Hello, I'm Charlotte Pollard, but my friends call me Charley. I was born a very long time ago, the day the Titanic sank actually. But then I went traveling with the Doctor. And I've been places you can't imagine. I've been stuck on a desert island for a couple of years actually.

Now that I'm all settled in, I want to have a look around, go on some adventures. I can't imagine sitting still any longer. I want to explore. Though honestly, to be fair, when I do I usually get into a bit of trouble.

So I thought I'd ask if anyone wanted to come with me, perhaps show me some things. Get into some adventures and some trouble, you know, the usual. I'm afraid I don't know much about the technology in this time period, so I need some assistance.

Dec. 7th, 2010



Everything bad I've ever said about this place, ever,  or ever will say, I take it all back. My dog! Look at hiiiim! Awwwwh! Well, isn't he's just the best dog in the whole Universe?? Yeees, he is! Needs a bit of a clean up, but otherwise...

Dec. 6th, 2010


Turns out it's rather difficult to teach physics to people who get all confused and agitated whenever you mention whoever's in charge or why we're here. Honestly. I'm surprised they all manage to stay in their seats.

Apart from that one boy...

But he got up again. He was fine. Strong bones, I reckon. Or weak floorboards. You know, health and safety in this place could really use a rethink. There should be a suggestion box. I love a good suggestion box.

Why do they do that, I wonder? What happens to them?

Dec. 4th, 2010


Am I doing this right?

Hello? Anyone there?