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Jan. 22nd, 2011


This is disgusting. How do you lot manage it?

Jan. 6th, 2011


Just checking in. Hands in the air and all that. How are we all faring with the teleforce lightning guns/toclaphane invasion/hiding and attempting to stay safe and out of trouble?

Jenny )

Dec. 30th, 2010


What just happened? What was that?

Padawan Veila )

Dec. 28th, 2010


I hear we have wizards in the house. We need to pow-wow. Preferably in person.

Those nasty little Deathstar wannabes must be coming from somewhere. I can hex them 'til the cows come home but if there's a rift in the never-never they're sneaking in through, it's like putting a bandaid on a severed artery. Someone wanna throw me some ideas before this thing craps out on me again? Anyone? Buelle--

Dec. 14th, 2010


Guess I need to brush up on the care and feeding of baby dinos, 101.

Phillipa )

Dec. 11th, 2010


Can somebody tell me how to get to the stables? I'm guessing there are some around here somewhere. And does anyone work there or know someone who does? I need to see about renting one of the stalls. Maybe two. Side by side. So I can tear down the wall between them. I don't have any money but I can work for it or something. It's really important.

Dec. 2nd, 2010


Oh kriff, I had forgotten just how tall he was

Tahiri, would you like to come round for tea? I would like to introduce you to a couple of people.


Oh my good heavens. It's lovely. Where did it come from?

Obi-Wan )

Dec. 1st, 2010


Building C is still structurally sound. There is some minor damage to a few interior walls on floors three, four and five, but none of them are load-bearing. For anyone who has not yet been round to look at the suddenly-shorter building, I would advise caution. There is an awful lot of broken glass and debris still lying about.

Yvaine )

Tahiri )


Force. Lay down for a nap and the top of the building explodes! Is it always so exciting around here?

Nov. 29th, 2010


The stars are so very beautiful tonight.


What in the frack kind of poodoo is this?!? I have things to do, you know. Places to be, a galaxy to save. If you think you're going to get away with kidnapping me you really don't know me very well.