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Apr. 11th, 2012


Voice Post.

I'm a cripple. This is not funny. I've done the mortal thing more than enough for my sins, but turning me into a oversensed batboy is just pushing the punishment a bit too far.


I don't like this.

Mar. 31st, 2012


Does anyone know of a good place to buy some fabric here?

Feb. 28th, 2012


This really is terribly unsettling.

But I'm quite glad to be back.

Lucy )

Mycroft )

Feb. 18th, 2012


If Eames can be a teacher, I can be a...psychologist. I figure I'll specialize in dream interpretation. Not exactly what I was doing before, but it's related. Sort of. Maybe?

Problem is I need a job, in the meantime. And I'm not interested in flipping burgers or whatever. Why is the job hunting process so exhausting?


[ooc: backdated by a few days because work has eaten me; takes place a little while after this]

Has anyone spoken with Pepper Potts or Mr. Mycroft Holmes recently? I only ask because neither seem to be answering their phones and Pepper was due home quite some time ago...

Jan. 11th, 2012


This is not what I expected.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Waking up in bed with a beautiful girl is much more heaven like than my last experience. But still. Confusing.

Anyone want to tell me how I got here and maybe where here is?

Jan. 9th, 2012


Now I like impromptu vacations as much as the next girl, well maybe not my new roomie, but unfortunately I have work I have to be doing, so if anyone knows how I can get home, that'd be great.

Jan. 1st, 2012


This really isn't that bad. There is nothing wrong with waking up in bed next to a beautiful woman.

Actually, it's a pretty nice thing to wake up to, if you ask me.

Dec. 30th, 2011


This is a serious question, my dear, and you should NOT go on licking your paw like that. I think that's the answer. )

[OOC: omg my brain, so much looking up...]

Dec. 13th, 2011


I don't understand. </s>I died. I'm certain of it.</s>

Where am I? What is this place?

Aug. 12th, 2011


So, that was certainly an interesting experience. Though I must say I'm glad to be back to myself in time for the full moon.

Filtered to Sirius )

Filtered to Lucy )

Filtered to Atticus O'Sullivan )

Aug. 1st, 2011


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Remus sounds confused and worried )

W-what? Where am I?

Mum? Dad?

( Very quietly )

Did they send me away?

( OOC: Remus stayed on Lucy's couch last night after working on werewolf things, as waking up in bed with a grown man would be somewhat traumatic. )

Jul. 26th, 2011


Well I know how I'll be spending my night then.

Niblet, care to join me for a Passions marathon?

Jul. 17th, 2011


It seems everyone is a good deal happier now. That's gratifying to see.

I've had an opportunity to discuss employment opportunities with someone far more aware of current trends than I am, and I've decided to provide temporary clerical services to businesses that find themselves in need of extra help from time to time. It should allow me some much-needed flexibility. The gaps between projects I expect I can fill with writing more children's stories, as I do at home, though I may need to make a few changes since I won't be writing for the children of Soul Society.

Jul. 1st, 2011


Are you sure people are going missing? Seems like there's a lot going on for half the city to be gone.

Jun. 18th, 2011


( Fail!filter to Lucy Saxon )

Oh god, I actually bit someone. I've never done that before I

I am so sorry. I'm really terribly sorry.

I remember what happened and there's something I really need to tell you.

But first, are you all right? How is your shoulder? I sincerely hope I didn't injure you too badly.

Jun. 17th, 2011


( Filtered to Lucy and the Master - River and the TARDIS can see too )

So I did some scans with my sonic, and the TARDIS processed those scans and there was a bunch of sciencey things and stuff and...

It appears you've caught some...werewolf, Lucy. I'm really, really sorry.

Jun. 6th, 2011


So. Those of you looking for Molly Suresh can stop now. The Doctor managed to locate her.

Or rather, managed to locate her body.

Jun. 1st, 2011


( Accidental Voice Post )

Cut for length )


[fail!private, also in russian.

Я знаю, что не была только мечта. Никита убил моих родителей. Я знаю, что она следовала за заказами, но она никогда не говорила мне, и это не хорошо. Я не могу доверять ей больше, я не уверен, что я могу доверять любому. И быть здесь не будет помогать мне делать человека ответственной платой. Винт Никита. Отделение Винта.

Я - действительно самостоятельно теперь.

[Translation: I know that wasn't just a dream. Nikita killed my parents. I know she was following orders, but she never told me, and that's not okay. I can't trust her anymore, I'm not sure I can trust anyone. And being here will not help me make the person responsible pay. Screw Nikita. Screw Division.

I'm truly on my own now.]

May. 30th, 2011


Private Filter Fail.

As much as I'm enjoying being free of Division, I can't help but wonder if Nikita is okay.

I don't know how to live on my own anymore. The drugs are too tempting.

May. 10th, 2011


River )

Amy )

Master )

Lucy )

Canton )

May. 4th, 2011


So it's back here again?

It's really strange since I didn't remember it when I wasn't here, but now I do...but that's a bit brilliant really. It's one thing to hear about it, and quite another to actually experience it.

But I suppose I ought to ask who missed me. It's fine if you didn't.

Ponds! Front and centre.

Jenny? Are you still around?

Master, you'd better not have gotten into trouble while I was gone.

Apr. 24th, 2011


[Filtered to Whoniverse people & Sam Tyler]

Trip out of the city tomorrow, you lot? Me and Donna know a very nice spot. Rolling fields, weird cavey-type-things with weird cavey-type-art and stuff... There's something that might be a cow. Ooh! And there's a beach nearby! Everyone likes a beach. Although not the sand... Sand gets everywhere. And if nothing explodes we can go look at the rainforest and its monkey/leaf/bird thing.

Although I will need some people to take samples of stuff. And keep an eye on K-9. And make sure no'one falls off cliffs or anything else that happens when we go out on day-trips. Someone bring a picnic. Elspeth has a child seat, right? I could make one, but I'll need a beanbag.

Jenny, River, Donna, whoever - you can assist me and other-me in driving. Assist. Not help. I mean, you'll be being helpful, but it won't be help.

Mar. 29th, 2011


I think the Doctor's gone. My Doctor, anyway. Well, no, I know he's gone, I just don't want to admit it to myself. All this extra brainpower and what good is it? None at all.

Mar. 26th, 2011


[Accidental Voice Post]

( There is a muted thump as Lucy's PDA falls to the ground and slides partially under the bed. All voices and sounds that are picked up on from this point onward are slightly muffled due to the distance from the PDA. Lucy can be heard first; her tone is most definitely panicked. )

- don't have any matches, Doctor! I swear to you, I don't. One moment I was on the street, the next moment I was here and...

( Lucy's voice trails off, then a shriek as a loud 'whoosh' can be heard, similar to the sound of wood catching fire. )

The dresser, Doctor! It's reached the dresser!

( The Doctor can be heard now, his tone mostly curious with a little bit of confusion and panic as well )

Blimey that''s really...just...stay completely still. Don't move a muscle. I'll be right-

( Footfalls as the Doctor runs off and returns, his tone confident now. )


( A moment of silence, then frustratedly )

No...that's not right. Aqua...agua...blast it! Aguamenti!

( There is the distinctive sound of running water and a loud sizzle. After a few seconds, Lucy speaks again. Her tone has gone from frightened to faintly amused. )

Thank goodness you didn't try levitating it, at least. Thank you, Doctor. Now if I could just find my PDA. I know I dropped it around here somewhere...

( The sounds grow muffled as Lucy's hand wraps around the PDA and picks it up. Her voice is closer now, much clearer. )

Oh, dear. I wonder if there's some way I can possibly-

( The Voice Post Function is cancelled. )

Mar. 24th, 2011


( Accidental Voice Post )

I have a stick.

Koschei, why do I have a stick?

Oh! You have a stick too!

( A pause. Then he sounds utterly delighted. )

Oh! Oh! Wait. I know what this is!

Wingardium Leviosa!

( Laughing. )

Oh, that's brilliant.

( Another pause. )

And probably very bad as well. Because I'm not a wizard.

At least I don't think so.

Oh dear...

Feb. 11th, 2011


Although it's highly inappropriate, it could certainly be worse I suppose.

And if I'm understanding this correctly, this sort of thing is rather common here and doesn't tend to last very long. Is that right? If so, I simply need to remain calm and

Jan. 19th, 2011


Will someone please tell me what is going on? Where am I? And it might sound ridiculous but why is my hair longer?

[ooc: for her payment for being brought back, lucy unwillingly gave up all of her memories from the time that she first met 'harold saxon' (the master), onward]

Dec. 25th, 2010


Of course. A normal Christmas was too much to hope for, wasn't it? Typical. Whatever happened to good will and peace and all that kind of stuff. I mean, the snows lovely but anyone can generate snow if they nudge the clouds right and they didn't have to bring

Right. Hello! Merry Christmas! You may have noticed a few hundred shining metal ball things zipping around the place. They're called the Toclaphane and basically they're just... you lot. Well, you don't need all the details. Well, not really. They're from another place. Another time. I've met them before. Stay inside. They will kill you. Sorry about that.

Don't try and reason with them. Won't work. They just do it for fun.

Don't try and fight them. Unless you happen to have something that can send out a very precise electrical charge to disable them. That's an electrical surge of 58.5 kiloamperes, transferred charge 510 mega joules. If anyone else people can do that, please let me know. I'm not sure about magic. I wouldn't risk it. Don't risk it!!!

Stay inside. Hide. Run. Me and other me are working on it.

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

Eleven )

Master )

Dec. 5th, 2010


And I didn't even have to be good!

Dec. 1st, 2010


When I figure out which one of you pathetic little insects felt you had the liberty to place explosives anywhere near my flat, you will wish you'd never been born.

Nov. 11th, 2010


If the owner of the rather large, black dog could please keep it under tighter restrain, I'd appreciate it. Your animal has either tried to maul or nearly destroy everything in its path, including a stand of flowers I'll admit was fairly hideou on the corner, and my cat, just this afternoon. Thank you.

Nov. 6th, 2010


Lucy Saxon )

Nov. 5th, 2010


Would someone mind telling me where I am?