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Apr. 3rd, 2013


Because it wouldn't go away.

Rebekah's answers )

Mar. 26th, 2013


Hey. Morgan Freeman. Stop with the revolving door when it comes to my folks, already! Either bring them here, and keep them here, or let them stay gone. The back and forth is getting really old, really fast. And now I am going to go kill something because this sucks.

Mar. 17th, 2013


So, I finally figured out what this animal is that I apparently own. I wasn't sure what the hell it was at first, because it kind of looks like a kitten, but with weird ears and it walks on two legs so I thought it was some sort of alien creature, which is pretty ridiculous. Anyway, I was looking through the DVDs that are apparently mine and one of them has one of these creatures in it and they're called Mogwais. Apparently there are rules to owning one too. Why would I get a pet that's so high maintenance? Now what do I call it?

Feb. 14th, 2013


No. No. This is the last bullshit thing that this place is putting me through.

I could tolerate all of the surprises and the changes, and even if I didn't fucking like them, I could cope, but tethering me to some pre-pubescent blonde who isn't my in some fucked up game of house is just going too damn far.

Jan. 20th, 2013


I am posting this against my will, just so we are being clear, here. It isn't so much the questions, or the answers. It is the principle of the matter.

Here. )

Jan. 18th, 2013


This... THING won't go away for me despite how long I've put off doing it. )

Dec. 28th, 2012


Call me crazy, but I actually preferred the Gremlins and zombies. At least those I was able to kill. Killed more Gremlins than zombies, but you get my drift. I haven't even attempted to go out since this started.

Dec. 26th, 2012


Voice Post

[There's the sound of running, followed by heavy breathing then silence for a moment or two]

Mayday! Mayday!

Note to self and anyone else listening....tasers only sort of work on the giant tin men. And when I say sort of, I mean it slowed them down enough for me to run away without getting killed. Otherwise this message would be coming to you from beyond the grave.

At least I'm not too far from the Tower.

Dec. 25th, 2012


All right, everyone!

Do not panic. Or...I suppose you could panic if you want. It's not as if I could stop you. But really, it won't help. Probably. I guess it might. But that's highly unlikely, so I strongly suggest not panicking.

There are several things here that most likely want us all dead, but that's just Christmas for you. Admittedly, Christmas has never been quite this bad, but you lot deal with this sort of thing all the time. I'm sure it will be fine.

A bit of advice.

There are Silents. You won't remember them if you look away, so if you see one, find a way to remind yourself. Tally marks work. Recording notes to yourself. That sort of thing.

The statues are very dangerous. Don't take your eyes off of them. Don't blink. If you blink, you're dead.

The Daleks and the Cybermen are the same if you're looking at them or not, but that doesn't mean they're not just as bad. Be very careful and do not get shot. Or converted. Those are both bad things.

We will get through this. I know we will. Good luck and keep safe. And merry Christmas.

( Filtered to River Song )
And you said I didn't get you anything good for Christmas.

Nov. 28th, 2012


I've been playing around with whatever this place decided to give me. I'm still not entirely sure what it is, but if anyone has teleportation and indestructibly that they would like to claim, give me a shout.

Also, it seems to have come with a taste for extremely rare meat. So if anyone would like to explain that, I would love it.

Nov. 25th, 2012


If there's one thing I forgot about being human, it's how bloody lethargic food makes you. Buffy made so much bloody food that it's been leftovers since Thursday and I can feel my sodding arteries clogging.

If it's possible, I'm also extremely antsy, but have to remind myself that if I go tangle with any baddies then I'll probably just wind up getting myself killed.

Nov. 15th, 2012


This city truly is extraordinary. I cannot say that I am thrilled that my mind was tampered with upon my arrival but, nevertheless, I have never seen a place quite like this. I daresay I would love to learn more about our host and this city.

( Ashley )
Are you really here?

( Nikola )
Did I imagine it, or did you tell me you married Kate?

Nov. 7th, 2012


Excuse me. I was wondering if someone might be able to help me.

I had heard there might be a young woman here by the name of Ashley Magnus.

I've been looking for her.


I have to say, I really did miss this crazy city while I was away. It is definitely good to be back.

[ooc: in accordance with the current plot, ashley is arriving much like a returning character on a soap opera. this means that she essentially just left town, with no forwarding address or even any goodbyes, and is now coming back, probably with memories of stuff that happened while she was away that she'd rather forget, much like the majority of characters on most soap operas have done at some point or another.]

Sep. 25th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post


[the young girl's voice is groggy and slightly confused]

What're you- [a pause as she realizes what's going on; there's the sound of scrambling about and blankets being tossed] Kitty! Wake up! I'm back 'gain!

[muffled footsteps can be heard running across the room, away from the pda; a door opens then there's silence; a few seconds later, the footsteps can be heard running back into the room and there's a very distinct meow that is suspiciously know-it-all sounding]

Oh, hush, Kitty. I 'membered the silly phone, see? Sheesh. [random button smashing] Oh. It's 'ready on. Huh.

[the girl's voice is suddenly very close to the pda speaker]

Hello? Daddy? Uncle James? Uncle Nik'la? Somebody can hear me, right?

Aug. 7th, 2012


Whichever one of you responsible for this madness is dead. No, scratch that, the second I get my hands on you, you will learn exactly what 'a fate worse than death' means, and I will remind you that you put yourself in this position every waking hour of every single day of the rest of your life.

Prepare yourself.

[ Filtered to The Doctor (10 & 11) ]
I need to speak with both of you. And I need you to promise me you will be calm.

Aug. 5th, 2012


I can't fucking believe this. I just don't even know what to think right now. I know I've been called stupid and naive before, but I'm starting to think that I was really a fool this time. Did I honestly expect that he could really change? He told me that he wanted to, but after this...I just don't know. And now he's fucking dead and I know Asaph will probably bring him back, but right now I don't even know if I want him to. I don't know how I'm supposed to fucking look at him after this. I need to get out of this apartment. I just can't stay here.

[Filtered to Ashley Magnus]
Ashley, is it at all possible for me to come stay at the Sanctuary until this ends? I can't stay where I am and I don't want to go back to my place.

Jun. 18th, 2012


I find that I'm at a loss for what exactly is going on. One moment I was following Adam through his time portal and the next, I was in a strange library, being greeted, quite rudely by two suits of armor, which by all means, shouldn't have been moving on their own. After being escorted outside, I located this PDA in my pocket and proceeded to try and figure out exactly what was going on, which led me to this Network, which I'll admit is rather mind boggling. Not only did I stumble upon a post written by a man who should be dead, but he used the word Awesome, which I am a hundred percent sure I have never heard him utter. I assumed I must be in an alternate universe, however then I found a post explaining, in great detail, what is going on. I suppose, after everything I've seen in my life, I shouldn't be as shocked by the things I read, but I can't seem to digest all of this information.

[Filtered to Ashley Magnus]
My first instinct is to believe this is a trick Ashley, is that really you?

Jun. 15th, 2012


Man, I have a serious craving for waffles. This week has been something else. Hey John, we should go do something fun. Like go eat waffles. There's a place that has waffles, right? A diner or something?

Tomorrow I think I might have a movie marathon, but I haven't picked out a topic yet. Maybe Jimmy Stewart movies, I love Jimmy Stewart movies. I met him once, he was so awesome.

Anyone want to come over for it?

Jun. 11th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

(The PDA cuts on as Zoe's softly singing. Occasionally there is the sound of a crayon being dragged across construction paper and, faintly in the background, random hissing.)

... if each coefficient is an in-te-ger, when p's not divisible by- (Zoe abruptly stops singing. Her tone is stern sounding.)

NO, Miss Hissy Pants! I told you! No touching my papers! Look! You're messing them all up!

(Zoe grunts softly, clearly trying to move something heavy.)

Get off it! Go play someplace else! (The hissing becomes louder, coupled with the sound of rapidly moving wings. Zoe squeals.)

Miss Hissy Pants, you land us back down right now! (Zoe squeals again.) RIGHT N- (There's a loud crashing noise, coupled with the sounds of breaking glass. For a moment, there's silence then Zoe's speaks. She sounds torn between angry and worried.)

Now look what you did! The vase's broke and there's water all over my equations and I almost had that one figured out too and you're not 'posed to take off when someone's got hold of your tail noways and- (a groan) How many times did I tell you not to fly in the house, huh? You coulda got us both hurt real bad.

(She sighs.) I'm gonna go get something to clean this up. You are going back into your cage right now. (Another pause then, irritably) And no extra mouse for you tonight neither! Bad flying snakes don't get dessert. So there!

Jun. 10th, 2012


So since I am all done with my finals I am free to do whatever now. I really like my job, Buffy is incredible. I am sad that Peeta had to go he was an amazing baker. So I guess I will be back in the kitchen making the pies myself, which today got really stressful. I'm trying the whole don't use magic to make pies, I think I'm going to stop with that.

I can definitely say that I could use a stiff drink. And I'm not talking about the girly stuff either. Maybe Tequila on the rocks. Or I don't know, if I had to do something girly perhaps Sex on the Beach, now that sounds good.

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Okay. I'm going to go scrap scrounging tomorrow. I've got four projects lined up, and I could use some people to help me sort through this stuff and see what might be useful. Anyone with an engineering background and/or super strength is invited to come. Other applicants will be evaluated on a case by case basis. I built the first Iron Man armor in a cave, so this should be cake in comparison.

Cap, Thor, you guys are third on my list of priorities. (Congratulations, that's much higher than most people will ever be.) Mandatory technology orientation. This week or next week. First, someone's going to need to beg, borrow or steal me a larger monitor. I can't do a technology orientation on this laptop. Also, you'll both be getting new phones when I get around to making them. The name of the game, my friends, is shock absorption. Making Thor's withstand lightning is going to be interesting. But if we play it right, I guess you might never have to plug it in to charge it. And obviously they'll have to be user-friendly, since you're both dinosaurs. And I say that fondly.

Actually, no. New holographic lab environment is number one, you guys are bumped to number four. But a number four that is very close to my heart. Fourth closest. But still close.

After that, we're watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. That's number five. Though I wouldn't call it a project, exactly. Well, I guess your ongoing cultural education is sort of a project. If not one that will respond to scrap metal.

Banner, I could use your help with something. Especially if you don't have a problem with larceny, but even if you do.


Oh joy, this place again. You know, not that I was in the middle of a nice bath or anything so grandeur, and not that I'm not grateful to be alive again. It's just well, this place is always so full of ups and downs, isn't it? What if this time I'm on my own? Even worse, what if I'm not? Though it would be good to see everyone again. And god knows that someone has to keep John in line.

Right then, is anyone actually around? Anyone from the Sanctuary, or am I actually by myself this time? You know, speaking of a nice warm bath, I think I'd like to have one now that I'm here and alive again. I didn't get to do that nearly enough the last time I was here. At least I knew to get out of the library without getting manhandled by a bunch of tin buckets.

Oh yes. Hello everyone, Dr. James Watson at your service. It's nice to see everyone again or for the first time.

May. 12th, 2012


So I was outside playing in the yard and I looked up at the sky cause it was getting kinda dark and I saw a big BIRDIE HORSE flying around! THIS PLACE IS THE BEST!

May. 4th, 2012


Open Transmission

I want to go to the park! I like the swings and the slide the best! I don't really like the monkey bars because they are high up and I don't like to be high up.

May. 2nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[There's a bit of rustling about then a low hissing sound, followed by a young, feminine-sounding gasp.]

Where'd you come from, kitty? You look like my kitty 'cept you don't-

[There's a sound that's definitely feline in nature, followed by another - slightly different sounding - meow in the background. The confusion gives way to excitement.]

There you are! Where'd your friend come from, huh? How'd I get two of you?

[The meowing gives way to purring and the girl giggles.]

You're silly. C'mon, kitty. We need t'go find out who's still here. [a pause] No, kitty! No flying! We're gonna walk.

[There's a loud crashing sound and another gasp.]

Uh-oh. I don't think older me's gonna like it that you broke that... [a pause] Oh well, c'mon! I'll race you! On your mark, get set...

[ooc: ickle!ashley magnus, back again!]

Apr. 30th, 2012


Oh dear lord...

What did I Did I really I killed her

I'm so very, very sorry.

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Custom Filter

Filtered to the Scooby Gang, AI Crew - minus Angel(us), and various other friends/associates of Willow's in the city. )


Accidental Voice Post

[Spike sounds very confused and very unlike himself]

What is this place? I must return home at once. Mother will surely be worried when she realizes I'm not there.


( Accidental Voice Post )

( John sounds very confused )

What in God's name...

( a pause )

Helen? ( a short pause ) James?

( a sigh )

I would settle for Nikola if it might bring about an end to this blasted confusion.


Accidental Voice Post.

Wha- [ there's a long pause after the first noise before a throat is cleared and a voice tinged with a Serbian voice speaks up. ] Miss. Excuse me, miss? I believe you may have found yourself in the wrong room. Or... [ pause ]

I have. This is not the Univerzitet.

Apr. 12th, 2012


That's it. I can't take it anymore! Spike, I'm doing something with your hair. And no, this is not open for discussion.

So! I either need some folks who will volunteer to help me out, or I need someone to create a mirror that I can see my reflection in. Either/or, doesn't matter, but this 80's reject hairdo has got to go.

Apr. 9th, 2012


Filtered to the Sanctuary

Right. Roll call time, people! Front and center. Who still has their body and who got caught up in this freaky mess?

Apr. 7th, 2012


I've found myself quite bored, and my brother can tell you... that's not a good thing.


I suppose there are worse places I could have ended up and at least here, I don't have to pretend I'm a highschooler for the umpteenth time. And of course Emmett and everyone else is here, but what is there to really do around here? I am so bored.

Apr. 6th, 2012


Sent Village Wide

Where the hell am I, and who took my sword?

I'll kill you when I find you, whoever you are. You can count on that.

Apr. 4th, 2012


Mister Nikola! Miss Kate! I got a question!

My birthday's coming up real soon and you two are gonna have the same last name soon so can I get the same last name as you two too for my birthday? Pretty please?

Oh! And a snake. I really want a snake too. I'll take extra good care of it!


Mar. 27th, 2012


I guess since Ash did it...

Nothing to see, move along )

Edited to add: Filter to Ashley Magnus )


Not like I have anything better to do.

More about me. )


( Voice Post )

( There is movement and the sound of the library doors opening. )

Thank you, but I will see myself out.

( a pause, then footsteps and the doors closing again. )

Well now, this is certainly intriguing...

( quieter than the rest. )

Whatever have you done now, Mother...


Why The Bloody Hell Not )

Mar. 5th, 2012


On the plus side, at least I can drown my sorrows effectively.

[Filtered to Kate Freelander]
I'm assuming this means you're back to normal as well? And Zoe Do you think the kiddo's going to be able to handle this?

[Filtered to John Druitt]
Care to join me in my continued ruin of Helen's wine cellar?

[Filtered to Zoe Adams]
How you feeling, kiddo? Anything

[Filtered to Ashley Magnus]
So. How's it feel, being back in the realm of the relatively normal?

Feb. 27th, 2012


This has got to be a bloody fucking joke.

[Constantine and Ashley Magnus]

Uber Vamp, if you don't mind, I'd like to borrow your other half to get extremely pissed.

Jan. 26th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( John sounds alarmed and very confused )

What in God's name?

This wasn't meant to happen. Dear lord...


Okay. That is five minutes wasted. Something better happen in this city soon. Just saying.

More about me. Not sure why you'd want to know, but here you go. )

Jan. 18th, 2012


[a woman whimpering in pain can be heard, the slamming of what must be heavy wooden doors is heard just before the woman is heard weakly crying out "Help!"]

There's no help for you.

[the woman whimpers once more and soon it get eerily quiet, until a huge thud is heard]

Now, who's there to eat around this place?


I've spent the last day and a half flying around the city, trying to find any clues about Angel's Zoe's whereabouts and I've found nothing at all. She can't have just disappeared. We have to find her.

Jan. 16th, 2012


Voice Post

[Takes place shortly after this]

Nikola! Ashley! Constantine! Anyone! Zoe is gone. I went outside to check on her after I heard her voice post and there's no sign of her out here. All that's left are her crayons and stuff. I flew around the property to see if I could see anything, but there's no sign of anyone.

Jan. 4th, 2012


On a scale of one to ten, one being a rare day when this place is not messing with us, and ten being some sort of threatening invasion with massive casualties as a result, I am definitely giving this latest crap a solid two, maybe a three at the most.

Although that is becoming a definite four, if it keeps up until Valentine's Day.

Jan. 3rd, 2012


Mr. Stark, there's a reason I've been wrapping myself in separate blankets while we sleep. I want our enforced kiss to be the last physical contact between us. Stop eying me like a piece of meat you can't wait to devour. If you weren't so lecherous about it, maybe you would have found out by now that I'm not normally prudish about my body. The way you keep looking at me inspires a great deal of covering up.

You should also be aware that if you try to put any surveillance in the shower, or anywhere else where I undress, I might twist your head off like a gremlin's as soon as this is ended.

I don't know if shame is something you're capable of, but perhaps public exposure like this will help encourage better behavior, hmm?

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