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Dec. 12th, 2012


Hello, hello hello you bright and beautiful new world! Look at you, being all here and meshed together and getting along and friendly. It's good to be here! It's just -- errrr I don't even have the words. I'm thrilled. Nice to meet you all. I--

I--wow, this is unexpected. This is really unexpected. Good unexpected. Tasty unexpected.

I didn't want to go

Sep. 29th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

This is- Odd. [ long pause ] And not the Academy. Or the surrounding areas, either. It's outside. Not a bit of orange or silver in sight. I don't remember leaving. Not willingly, at least.

Thete, what did you do? It's got to be you. Nobody else would bring me along. You know we're not supposed to touch the TTCs. Not until we're at least juniors.

Where are we? [ long pause, exasperated sigh, & slightly pained response ] Where you you? Stop wandering off! You can't just drag me somewhere, not give me any information, and then run off!

Or, I guess you can, since you did, but it's not very nice. I'm mad at you now. I'm mad at you, and I'm going to just sit in this weird little room until you come back because this is where you left the TTC you stole. I can feel her. I'm not really sure which bit or bob she is, but she's in here somewhere, and you'd better get back here and tell me where so we can go back before we're missed and Borusa has a fit.

[ long pause before a quiet question ] Is this Earth? Did we make it?

Sep. 20th, 2012


Oh. Oh, my! A change! Again! Again? Yes. Again. Not the first and certainly not the last, so again it is. And now I shall post a greeting.

Hello, Doctor!

I've waited a very long time to say that, you know. Or, rather, I will. Have. One of those. But yes. Hello!

Sep. 12th, 2012


( Filtered to the Doctors )

Hello, Doctor. Doctors. Yes, there are two of you, aren't there. I am JARVIS.

Your spatiotemporal concept, Sexy for short, wishes for me to inform you that she is present in the city. She is within an improper casing, but she assures me, and you as well, that she will not be burning out this time. She looks forward to seeing both her thieves once the parallel alternate planes realign themselves.

Thank you.

Sep. 10th, 2012


A double filtered post from The Doctor:

Filtered to all, known, Science types who he can see in his phone )

Filtered to Abby )

Sep. 7th, 2012


Right. Yes. Hello again. The Doctor here -- remember me? Bit of a mad man, did a whole lot of shouting when I first got here -- sorry about that -- been pretty quiet since then? Yes? No? I'll assume you do -- and if not, no problem, lots of people don't know who I am, nice surprise when that happens really -- and we'll work from there.

I see a lot of you posting things about missing people? Strange place, funny gods -- who kidnaps a Time Lord, really? -- it seems normal to me that people go missing from here all the time. One day, you wake up and they're gone. Still, seems to me, with an awful lot of people putting an awful lot of complaints out there, that maybe, just maybe, this is another of those strange things that happens here.

I've taken a look over the network and created a scanning algorithm that contained a search parameter for the postings, and it came back with the theory that everyone seems to be missing someone they already knew, someone connected to them from where they're from -- again, really, doesn't seem all that out of the ordinary for this place so far -- and take it from me, I know a thing or two about taking things out of the ordinary.

RIGHT! That being said, important questions are to follow, very important, well, maybe not that important -- maybe not questions at all -- more like question -- yes. Single. One question -- Une question, as it were...

Who can see this?

Aug. 31st, 2012


While I have wondered what my life would have been like if I'd never met The Doctor, knowing what it would be like is kind of depressing. There's so much I would have missed out on; especially meeting Mickey. So, as mental as some of the things The Doctor and I went through were, I wouldn't trade that time for anything.

Having said that, Doctor, mind if I come by The TARDIS?

[Filtered to Amy Pond]
I don't think we've properly met; atleast not this time around. I'm Martha Smith-Jones and I work at the clinic with Rory. And as you've probably guessed from my post, I was one of The Doctor's companions. Not the version of him that you know, but the one before. Although I suppose it's the same thing in a way.

Aug. 7th, 2012


Whichever one of you responsible for this madness is dead. No, scratch that, the second I get my hands on you, you will learn exactly what 'a fate worse than death' means, and I will remind you that you put yourself in this position every waking hour of every single day of the rest of your life.

Prepare yourself.

[ Filtered to The Doctor (10 & 11) ]
I need to speak with both of you. And I need you to promise me you will be calm.

Jul. 27th, 2012


Okay. Right. So... Christmas. Haven't done that one yet. It's certainly fun, though! Can't say I'm complaining all that much.

Except for the sudden appearance of a progenation machine in my flat. I'm not too keen on seeing it about even a bit. Dangerous thing, that.

Don't suppose anyone's up for helping me take it apart?

[ooc: backdated to yesterday, since jenny would hardly wait to post about it but her player is apparently made of forgetful fail /facepalm]

Jun. 18th, 2012


Mister Doctor, can you look at something real quick pretty please? I'm trying to figure something out and I think I did but I'm pretty sure I dropped an exponent someplace only I can't find it no matter how hard I look so maybe you can spot it?


[ooc: this was meant to be filtered to the eleventh doctor but, in her rush to figure out the problem, zoe forgot to actually put up the filter. feel free to have your characters respond if you'd like.]

Jun. 16th, 2012


A new message for everyone

A high pitched, electronic, whine, designed to be painful to the ears, carries on for three seconds.

When the voice finally appears, its tones are grave, ripe with anger, and carry the weight of a man who may well have been at the end of his rope.

"Now that I have your attention. I want you all to listen very, very, carefully.

I am The Doctor, and some of you may know me already. Today, someone took me away from a world which needed me, they stole me away when a good man depended on me for his very life, I was given no reason, no explanation. Today, a good man was left frightened and scared, today, I gave up everything to do what had to be done. Today, some has made me very angry.

And here's the thing about me, something you'd have to know if you were going to take me anywhere, making me angry is the worst idea in the whole history of bad ideas - and if you're a person who's stupid enough to make an idea that bad, to take a man like me away from his world, I imagine you'd have a very serious interest in who I am what I do - and if you're a man who's so interested in who I am and what I do, I imagine you're listening - and that's just what I want.

I have been told your name is Asaph, and I have a message for you, for all of you, and I want you to pay very, very, close attention to what I have to say next.

I. am. coming. I will find you. Today, you have made a very big mistake."

The message ends.

Oct. 24th, 2011


So, if I am reading this correctly, my mutation has been taken away but I my own mind.

I do believe that is called thinking.

This is utterly ridiculous

I really don't need this right now

Aug. 1st, 2011


I wanted to thank everyone for their messages. Luke is completely healthy, and we've already been sent home since they had no worries. They fairly rush you, but it's better being home.

Jul. 31st, 2011


I should have posted this a couple of hours ago but everyone was exhausted and we all fell asleep for a couple of hours.

Luke Harry Potter was born today again at five past six in the morning, with all his toes and fingers and noses and his lungs are working VERY well. James Potter narrowly avoided getting his hands broken by Lily Potter. Lily Potter is amazing and wonderful and also sore and has apparently threatened all the medical staff in this place? I was kind of distracted.

Big Harry! Happy Birthday! I got you a twin, I hope you like him.

Jul. 18th, 2011


Filtered against Children

Fucking fuck my head hurts. I honestly don't think I've ever felt this bad.

Jul. 11th, 2011


Wonderful. Mal's name is gone from her flat as well, so I checked and her stuff's gone.

Can someone let Arthur and Ariadne know, if they don't already?

Also, I'm getting out of here for a few days. I'd like to be on my own through my own choice rather than this place deciding for me. Doctor, could I get that lift to the Mildly Perilous Lava Cave or the Teeny Bit Dodgy Mountain, if it's not too much trouble?

Oh, it's best if someone lets Arthur and Ariadne know that as well. Cheers.

Jul. 1st, 2011


Why does it always seem like a good plan to have crazy experiments while people are about to give birth? First with Claire and Gwen. Now with If anyone speaks to my mum, Lily. Could they tell her to stop moving around and to try to relax? Please? Tell Sirius and James not to do anything stupid. Remus and dad to stop If they could also tell my dad, James, Sirius, Remus, Charlie, Hermione, Hugo, and my son, James Sirius, that I'm alright. I'd appreciate it. Thanks.


Has anyone seen Lily? Because she's not here. And she wouldn't just go out without letting me know.

Pads, if you two are playing a joke, it's really not funny. I'm going to get Moony to shorten your lead.


James? Please say you just left for work very, very early.

And you took Sirius with you, yes? I mean he was passed out in the couch last night.


Filtered to Professors at the College

Recently, I was at the college, taking a tour with my mother Hermione Weas Watson, and I took home as much information as possible. I've completed the financial aid/loan applications and I am almost finished with the actual application. Now, the reason I am contacting you lot, is because I would like to know about each of your classes, so that when I pick my classes, I will already know what to expect. Recommendation would be appreciated as well.

Before arriving here, I was about to begin my second year at the University of Cambridge and I was studying Natural Sciences. I would like to continue in that field if at all possible.

Jun. 28th, 2011


So. Where are the best places to visit outside the city, then? Travelling no more than a couple of days away, I mean.

Jun. 25th, 2011


Right. What's all this, then?

Jun. 18th, 2011


Donna's gone. I went to see if she was doing any better and she's not here anymore.


Since it seems that I'm going to be stunned here for awhile, I wanted to know if there is a Unicorn I can enchant in for the tiny beiges. I was attending a Muppet Unicorn back home, so I assume it won't be that diseased here.

What in the world? Why can't I erect this? ere e r a s e this?

I am looking for a U n i v e r s i t y.

Is this thing broken?

[DYAC strikes Hugo]

Jun. 17th, 2011


( Voice Post )

[sounding panicked]

Oh god, Donna.

Come on open your eyes, Donna. Please you're going to be okay. You're... you're going to be just fine.

[odd sound of fabric tearing]

Help! S.. someone, anyone help... oh god someone please.


A wolf got Rose. She's okay. Shaken. Scratches, mostly. But she'll be alright.

This is stupidly ridiculous. We've had lunar eclipses here before. Haven't we? I'm not sure. But we must have! There's two moons! Surely their orbits... Anyway, shush. Stop talking. Shut up. That's not the point. You can't play with people like this. They're people.

Jun. 16th, 2011


filtered AGAINST the werewolves )

Jun. 6th, 2011


So. Those of you looking for Molly Suresh can stop now. The Doctor managed to locate her.

Or rather, managed to locate her body.

Jun. 5th, 2011


I don't understand.

Why is someone hurting people now? Neria didn't do anything wrong, did she? That's not fair.

May. 30th, 2011


Private Filter Fail

It kills me a little bit every day knowing that someday I'll have to leave him. End up back in the parallel world, or die. I wish I could change who I was. Be able to give him back that family.

He loves the humanity. But it's what will shove us apart and it terrifies me.



I got ten puffies </s>so I won't feel so lonely</s> and he's abomination. I'm going to tampon him to read parakeets.

I took porcupines.

Porcupines )

They need a narwhal.

May. 22nd, 2011


[Filtered to the Scooby Gang]
Excuse me while I FREAK OUT.

Willow...can you like...hide me completely from Glory?

Buffy...can we go? Like...away? Forever?

[Filtered to the Winchesters, Harvelles, Adam Milligan, Crowley, Adam Young, Caroline Forbes, Molly Walker, the Doctors, and the angels...and visible to the Scoobies.]

Hi, so, you all might have seen the latest arrival of a certain blond here. Her name is Glory, or Glorificus. She's a hellgod who wants to bleed me to death so that she can get home to her hell dimension. Please don't tell her I'm here, or where I am. And Adam if you want to just end her I wouldn't obje. Be careful of her....she can suck out people's minds and make them crazy. She's super strong and can't really be killed except Buf I don't really remember how we stoppe She was just go that I know of.

May. 21st, 2011


I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored. I mean, it hasn't even been a year. One measley, teeny-tiny, once-around-the-sun, 365-days-of-nothing year, and yet it's going on for aaages.

Bored. There's not even anywhere left to go. You know itchy feet? I have them. No radiation or anything and my feet are itchy. Not my ears. Ears always itch because people talk a lot. Especially about me. But feet. That's new.

May. 20th, 2011


Well this is fascinating. Have I somehow managed to reach a different part of Praxis?

No, it at least appears that the sky is not a holographic rendering. Though it does seem as if the stars are in the wrong places. Which could possibly mean that it's simply a more advanced rendering. The guards I met were less than forthcoming on the subject.

Kate? Will? Henry? Are you safe? Henry have you managed to hack into this system yet?

May. 14th, 2011


Six fingers, my left hand twice, my right foot, all lost in one crappy day. And there is no telling how many cuts, bangs, bruises, and breaks that managed to heal over but were still annoying nonetheless.

I'm pretty sure that's a new record, even for me.

And now for the important question. Anybody have any idea where I can dump this stuff? I really don't think having random body parts wash up in the river because I didn't get rid of them properly would be a good thing.

May. 10th, 2011


[Filtered to her friends]
John is d was is go was working when the explosion happened.

May. 9th, 2011


Doctor I found somewhere! But I'd really rather you came to view it before I put names down. Though I am assuming you don't want to sign anything?

Apr. 28th, 2011


Hey, kids.


Apr. 26th, 2011


Bloody hell, the locals in this place are dim. You would think the ones attempting to seek higher education would at least be a bit above the norm.

Apr. 24th, 2011


[Filtered to Whoniverse people & Sam Tyler]

Trip out of the city tomorrow, you lot? Me and Donna know a very nice spot. Rolling fields, weird cavey-type-things with weird cavey-type-art and stuff... There's something that might be a cow. Ooh! And there's a beach nearby! Everyone likes a beach. Although not the sand... Sand gets everywhere. And if nothing explodes we can go look at the rainforest and its monkey/leaf/bird thing.

Although I will need some people to take samples of stuff. And keep an eye on K-9. And make sure no'one falls off cliffs or anything else that happens when we go out on day-trips. Someone bring a picnic. Elspeth has a child seat, right? I could make one, but I'll need a beanbag.

Jenny, River, Donna, whoever - you can assist me and other-me in driving. Assist. Not help. I mean, you'll be being helpful, but it won't be help.


Right then. Let's see if I've got this straight, shall we?

I'm in a city with no clear means of escape, on a planet that no one seems to know, for a reason that's yet to be determined. Anyone can appear from most anywhere, even if it seems entirely impossible, and apparently on occasion things tend to get quite interesting with various experiments being performed upon or around us without our consent.

How am I doing so far? Have I missed anything?

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Excuse me? Could someone help me? I'm not quite sure um, what happened.

Oh I know I shouldn't have touched that transdimensional vortex pad manipulator.

Luke? Rani? Clyde?

Mr. Smith?


Bra shopping.

Decidedly uncomfortable and annoying.

[OOC: yes, I genderswapped Jack. I'd put up a decent female icon but as this just took 20 minutes for me to post due to my fail!net right now... I'll edit one in when I can. X)]

Apr. 18th, 2011


Not exactly where I was aiming to go but I'm not complaining. The people here are most welcoming. Definitely a likable feature about this place. It's not Earth. Man, I'll miss that place. The people, the atmosphere. It’s something that certainly can't be found anywhere else.

So who’s fun to do around here?

Apr. 19th, 2011


I'm a girl! Alex! You must have jinxed it. If I believed in that kind of stuff. Which I don't. Although there are jinxes around here, aren't there? The magic-y kind.

Anyway... Oooh! Never been a girl before. I've been a lot of things but I've never been a girl. Didn't have to die or regenerate or anything. That's nice. That's always nice, not dying. Better than the invasion, this. A girl! It's... different.

Apr. 18th, 2011


Doctor. Doctor. I'm a girl, I'm bloody girl. What's going on?!

Apr. 17th, 2011


People are DUMB. Why would you kidnap somebody and leave them a phone and a PDA and money? And then they leave you alone like you won't leave.

Is this some sort of trick?

Morgana, if this is you it isn't FUNNY. I bet Gorlois wouldn't think so either when I tell him what you've done.

Apr. 15th, 2011


What the hell? I have to be at work soon, I don't think this will keep me in employment much longer and it's hard enough.

{OOC: Rose has become AU...Nine didn't come back after she said no}

Apr. 12th, 2011


It's one thing to be told about it. Another to remember it like you've done it.

Apr. 9th, 2011


There were two spikes in power, identical in both size and strength, which registered in my constant scans of the area surrounding this place known as Colligo. They were precisely nineteen minutes and fifty-four seconds apart in duration and are, as of this time, of an unknown origin.

To summarize: Based upon this information, logic suggests that someone or something briefly penetrated the shields surrounding this city.

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