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Jul. 27th, 2010


Things sure have picked up around here. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad one, reckon it just is what it is.

Filtered to Ben, Little Rock, and Molly )

Jul. 10th, 2010


Well. That was about as fun as someone can have without copious amounts of alcohol and/or weapons of some kind. And it's seriously only been six hours? It felt like years.

Filtered to Gabriel Gray )

Filtered to God )

Filtered to: Bob Bishop, Elle Bishop, Kate Bennet, Molly Walker, Mohinder Suresh, Noah Bennet, Noah Gray, and Peter Petrelli )

[ooc: takes place a few hours after this]

Jun. 15th, 2010


The days are very long when there is nothing to occupy them. I think it's about time I got a job of some kind, and was hoping for some suggestions.

Jun. 11th, 2010


I can heal cuts and things pretty simply, but nothing I try will make this ache in my head, throat, and chest go away. It's not fair. It feels like I'm coughing up sandpaper, and I can't breath in between fits. I felt fine yesterday. What will make it go away the fastest?

Jun. 10th, 2010


What. The. Fuck?

Jun. 9th, 2010


I want a pet. But I had a puppy before, the last time I was here, and I don't know what happened to him when I went back home. I'm not sure it would be very nice to get another one in case that happens again.

Jun. 6th, 2010


I did not miss those knights or that rubbish library. Then I got a call from work saying if I didn't show up again they'd fire me. I've been back in Camelot for ages, but my room is still the same, and I've apparently still got my job. I didn't even remember this place while I was back home, it was strange. Has this happened before to anyone else? How long has it been here since I disappeared, I wonder. Things seem better then it was when I left.

Arthur. Morgana. Oh gods, Gwen. I'd forgotten, but she was home. She was fine. Are you still here? Have you left?


[Filtered Against Guinevere]

I don't know who did it or how, but thank you, for bringing her back.


Filtered to: Bob Bishop, Elle Bishop, Mohinder Suresh, Molly Walker, Noah Bennet, Noah Gray, and Peter Petrelli )

Filtered to Elle Bishop )

Filtered to Bob Bishop )

Jun. 5th, 2010


So this place was real? It wasn't a delusion or

I have to wonder how long this back and forth will continue.

Still, it's somewhat comforting to know that this place actually exists. I had wondered.


I saw one of the locals in the hallway of the apartment building today. She wasn't delivering anything from what I could tell, and that's normally the only time I really see any of them around here. But she was just standing in front of one of the empty apartments with this really strange look on her face.

Out of all of the things I've seen here, I think that was the creepiest weirdest.

May. 24th, 2010


Hello?... Hello! I'm here. I don't know exactly why yet... but I'm here on this world and it's beautiful.

Someone's built it. It's all new. New air, new ground, new sky... A new city, full of some sort of life... That's brilliant. Not right, not right at all. But... brilliant.

But the TARDIS is gone. I need to get it back.  Big blue Police Box? Big inside, anyway...

Is anyone listening to me? Hello?

May. 20th, 2010


Filtered to Guinevere )

EDIT: Filtered to Morgana and Merlin )

A Further Edit: Has anyone seen or heard from Guinevere today?

May. 19th, 2010


( filtered against lucifer and any allies he may have )

The natives don't seem to notice or care. I find that a little disconcerting and it raises more than a few questions that will have to be asked and answered another time. To the non pod people in possession of working brains: I suggest you stay indoors, tonight. Something tells me that there's no telling what could be out there.

Filtered to Cordy/Dawn/Faith/Illyria/Wes/Willow )

Filtered to Eve )

May. 17th, 2010


Filtered to Claire Bennet, Gabriel Gray, Noah Bennet, and Peter Petrelli )

[ooc: takes place about half an hour or so after this]

May. 14th, 2010


I thought this place was just a dream. I guess not. Except Mohinder isn't here so I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I see the knights haven't changed much since I've been gone.