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Mar. 25th, 2013


That was certainly... interesting. I can't say I am in any hurry for a repeat performance, however.

Gabe, we have a bit of a situation.

Mar. 24th, 2013


voice post.

[ filter: private ]

Oh God...oh my fucking God! No, no, no...Please no. [ He fights back a sob to himself before...reigning himself in. ]

[ public ]

[ Hal clears his throat after a moment of silence. ]

So...I suppose we all know these things happen quite frequently here. Those in charge of the crisis center, I'll be sure to help with the clean-up with everyone that I invited to live here when the event was taking place. [ A pause. ] And if I wasn't imagining it...Alex? Are you out there?

Mar. 22nd, 2013


This place is unnatural. None of us should be here.

I don't know why I feel this way or know it to be absolute truth but that is most definitely how I feel.

[ooc: Aaaand Jade smashed the bauble attached to the necklace she wore, which gave her back her Grace and turned her into Amitiel, an Archangel. She still has no memories, just a different way of viewing/feelings/sensing things around her. Others are free to notice this change, if they'd like, or sense it for themselves if they're capable!]

Mar. 16th, 2013


I am some sort of damn alien. I've got to be. I tried to find more information about this metal thing that is my arm and my leg and can't find any information at all. Anywhere. They don't exist.

The only conclusion I can think of is that I'm some kind of weird as fuck alien from some place that's not here.

Mar. 15th, 2013


So, either I have the worst parents ever, or I'm stuck in an episode of Teen Mom.

Because there's this baby here. And I? Am seriously too young for a baby.

There is so much wrong with this.

Mar. 14th, 2013


My current theory is that we've all had our memories blanked as part of some government experiment. Perhaps, by wiping our memories, they're trying to see how we'll survive without them, and if we'll still thrive as a population, or go mad with trying to remember who we are in the process. This seems the most plausible theory, as the idea of alien abduction seems to be rather far-fetched.

I woke up on the couch in a relatively nice home with a rather attractive woman, who I'm assuming is more than likely my girlfriend. Neither of us are wearing rings, so my guess is that we're not married, but are at a point in our relationship we're both committed to it enough to buy a house together. Of course, I suppose there's always the option that she's related to me, but I doubt this is the case, as there are no signs of us being related, and I do think I'd have some natural intuition if she was.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm more than likely over-analyzing the situation. But I think most would agreee with me when I say that in this case, over-analyzing is better than not coming to any assumptions at all.

Mar. 11th, 2013


Ladies and gentlemen,

At this point in time, I believe we've all established that while we do not understand how we came to be in this place or who we even are -- we're all here together. It is my understanding is that we all are suffering from some sort of mass amnesia. What the cause of it is so far? I will be completely honest with everyone, I do not know. An acquaintance of mine that also woke up suffering from this might possibly begin to look into what the cause of this mass amnesia is but, truth be told, we have no idea what we're looking for. But do not allow this to be a cause for concern, ladies and gentlemen. Just allow it to be a cause for a sliver of relief. We are attempting to fix what has happened to us or, at the very least, get to the root of all the problems.

I can understand what you're all going through, but calmer heads persevere. What we need is to establish some sort of footing. For those individuals who have woken up in the middle of stores, the streets, or general area of the public--I will be looking for a place for everyone to stay. I will keep you updated in this cause but for the time being, I would appreciate for everyone to look out for everyone else. Even if it doesn't feel as though it isn't in your nature to do so. It is likely better to have a stranger in the same circumstance as you rather than one of the residents who seem to ignore the lot of us. I can imagine a lot of us are feeling lost, alone, and frightened. Our only chance is taking a leap of faith with each other rather than toughing it out alone. I urge you to reach out and I will do my best to assist you.

Mister Domino.

[ filtered to those ]

Following the above message, I have a concern to address with those with abilities. If you feel, in anyway, as though you are a danger to other individuals. Isolate yourselves. The last thing we need aside from mass amnesia is mass panic. If you have anything to say at all, feel free to use this as an open forum to address your concerns. Being different isn't a terrible thing. Being ignorant of how your differences could affect others is, however. This is not singling you out or calling you a danger to society. It would just likely be safer for you and for everyone else to have someone to account for you.

I hope you approach this with understanding rather than aggression.

Mar. 7th, 2013


Is there anything to do around this place when we aren't being forced to change genders or into unions with strangers?

I almost miss it a little. It's dreadfully dull now.

Mar. 5th, 2013


accidental voice post.

[ There's the sound of feathers the moment Michael was kicked out of the library, searching for the highest point in the city to overlook just where he was. Eternal torment and pain didn't really match-up to a library after all. And he was not overpowered typically.

Nothing had the power to open that cage. He knew that.

If this be one of your games, brother, I will certainly make you suffer. [ A pause. But he did plan on making Lucifer suffer, didn't he? ] Come out and FACE ME! Or I will burn this place to the ground searching for you. [ Clearly he's not so much screaming at the PDA as he is...the emptiness of the sky and waiting to hear or see Lucifer. ]

Mar. 4th, 2013


With how mild this latest "experiment" of Asaph's was, I get the distinct impression something much worse is likely coming soon.

Also, if anyone would like to keep complaining say that being stuck with someone else for a while wasn't very mild, make sure you've taken the time to either reflect on or, in the cases of new arrivals, learn about, the things that have happened in this city over the years. Then get back to me on how awful this most recent situation supposedly happened to be.

Jan. 21st, 2013


Fail!Filtered to Sam Winchester.

We've got to do something. I love your brother, but he's shitting himself if he thinks that I'm just going to sit here and do absolutely nothing about all of this shit. We've gotta start somewhere, and after a nice long talk with Adam, I think I know exactly where.

So, what do you know about containing angels?

Jan. 14th, 2013


You know, I'm fairly sure that Gabe fixed up the city the last time I was here. Which means, apparently, Asaph's been at it again. Suppose it's good to know some things never change, at any rate.

Mar. 26th, 2012


Hello? Is this thing working?

[There's the sound of random beeping]

[distantly as he is not speaking directly into the PDA]
Where am I? I was just rudely escorted out of a library by suits of armour. I could have sworn I was at home a few minutes ago.....

Mar. 20th, 2012


Did they redecorate while I was gone?

Something seems different. There's a stronger hint of douchebag in the air.

Or is that just my brothers?

Feb. 27th, 2012


( Fail!Filtered to Jade )

So, I already told you I'm marrying The Human (Vampire) Disco Ball to Miss Falls-Down-A-Lot Saturday.

And it got me thinking.

I like you. A lot. And you tolerate me. And we're not going to do any better. Or, I'm not, anyway. I hope you're not. You're not, right?

And you're having my kid.

So...wanna get hitched?

Feb. 23rd, 2012


Backdated; Early This Morning

Ruby's in labor. It's my fault.

I don't know anything yet. Except that she freaked out and went into early labor. And if anything happens to her, or the baby...

Feb. 12th, 2012


Now, really. Dead people should stay dead. Anything else is just inconsiderate.

Don't they care about the rules? They're there for a reason. It's like 'don't run with scissors'. It's all good fun until someone's lost an eye. Or had their brain eaten.

Feb. 4th, 2012


Dear Edward Cullen,

You have a soul. You have a really, really goody two-shoes soul. In fact, if I made a list of people who didn't have a soul in this city, I'd have to include 'not Edward Cullen' to stress just how much you have one.

:D Just figured you might want to know. Lulz.


PS - Dear Everyone Else, Admire my self-restraint that it took me this long to troll a Cullen. Admire it.

Feb. 1st, 2012


I'm kind of glad that random woodland creatures decided to clean my apartment today. Because I really just feel like having a peanut butter and pickle sandwich, fritos, and chocolate ice cream, and doing absolutely nothing today.

Also? My couch seems to enjoy soap operas. It knows a lot about General Hospital.

Jan. 25th, 2012


Is there anyone looking for some extra help in their business? I'm new here and need a job.

I can cook and back enough to feed a wolf pack an army. I'm also very crafty. I taught weaving and traditional Native arts back home.

I'm a quick study and I'm willing to try anything. Please let me know if you may have a position available for me.

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Because I'm as big as a house and needed something to do that doesn't involve moving.

Click here. )
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[ooc: edited after Ariadne's 'wtf' moment.]

Jan. 18th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( The sound of sheets rustling as Gabriel and Jade shift in bed. It’s quiet for a moment, then Gabriel speaks, sounding tired but relaxed. )

Well, that was awesome. ( a pause and then he continues, now sounding hesitant and slightly anxious. ) So...uh...Jade. You know that awkward habit I have that you keep lecturing me about?

( There’s the sound of rustling sheets as Jade settles down against him. Her voice is soft, her tone wary but still laced with amusement. )

Which one? Because, so help me Gabe, if you gave Adam another harebrained idea that’s going to involve me having to lecture him, again, I swear to you...

( Gabriel laughs, because it’s true that he does have a lot of bad habits that Jade lectures him about. He probably should have been more specific, but he’s worried that will get him slapped. He’s quiet for a moment, then he sort of blurts it out. )

You know how we just...and I told Claire and Ruby...and...pleasedon’thitme! ( Yes, children, there is someone who actually scares Gabriel ) I would have waited, but it’s probably better to tell you sooner rather than later since we’ll be dealing with this sooner rather than later. ( a pause to breathe, after that rushed babbling. ) Congratulations! We just made a nephilim.

(For a moment there's silence as Jade tries to wrap her brain around what he just said.) We... (She pauses and tries again.) What do you mean we just... (Another pause.) But I... (Yet another pause.)

You're joking, right?

( Gabriel gives a sigh of relief at not being immediately smacked. )

Would I joke about this? ( a pause ) Don’t answer that. Just don’t answer it. We both know I would, you don’t need to say it. But I’m not. I’m really not joking. ( a pause ) But this is a good thing? Right? I mean...I like babies. You like babies. Babies are generally positive things. Even half-human, half-angel babies. ( a long pause, then cheerfully ) Can we call it Optimus Prime?

(Jade makes a sound that's some odd mix of a laugh and groan.) Yes, it's a good thing. Just unexpected. I didn't even know that I could have kids and now I find out I'm having one immediately after conception - which, for the record, being given a job by the Almighty once does not mean you are to become a walking, talking EPT, so stop doing that . (A pause as she tries to figure out what she was saying before getting sidetracked by fussing at him.)

But yes, it's a good thing. And no, we are not naming it Optimus Prime, and no amount of pouting is changing my mind on that so don't even try it. (There's the sound of shuffling around as Jade snuggles up beside him; she gets quiet and thoughtful for a moment, then her voice sounds slightly alarmed.)

Wait. You said sooner rather than later. What did you mean by that?

( Gabriel sounds more relaxed, now that he knows his girlfriend isn’t going to murder him. ) I guess I can stop announcing pregnancies at awkward moments. Though you have to admit it was funny with Sam and Ruby. And Claire and Dean just deserved it after their kinky shenanigans. I mean...a priest and a nun? Come on! But I’ll stop being the city’s pregnancy alert.

( You can practically hear Gabe grinning ) Fine. Not Optimus Prime. But we do have to give it a last name. And not something boring, like ‘Smith’ or ‘Jones’ or ‘Winchester’. ( a pause ) Skywalker! Come on! It’ll be awesome. The force is strong with this one! ( He’s mostly babbling to distract Jade from...nope, she noticed )

So...uh...Jade. Ever read Breaking Dawn? Kind of like that. But with less blood drinking and spine breaking and death. And I won’t have to gnaw it out of you. That would just be weird.

(She snorts.) Fine. I can handle Skywalker, I guess. It's- (Jade sucks in a sharp breath then all but shouts.) One month? You're telling me that I'm going to be pregnant for one single month?!? Are you insane? (A pause.) Don't answer that. Just... don't. (She sighs.)

A month. This is ridiculous. I'm going to wake up tomorrow unable to even see my feet. Dammit, Gabe! (Another pause.) Well, that settles it. The next kid we have, you're carrying it and I'm going to name it.

Skywalker’s a great name. It’s - ( You can almost hear Gabe cringing ) Maybe a little more than a month. ( A sigh ) It’s not like I planned this, Jade. You know I didn’t. And yes, yes I am kind of insane. This isn’t news. In fact, I thought that was part of my charm. ( He sighs ) I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about the possibility of a mutant baby.

( He brightens at her suggestion ) We can absolutely do that. We can. Just please don’t hit me or throw things at me or stab me with any angel killing blades. Okay? I will absolutely have the next kid...I could probably even do that. Awesome plan. Go team!
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Jan. 16th, 2012


[Message sent to all employees/volunteers of the Crisis Center]
Many of you know, but in case you haven't heard, Cas is gone. He's gone and there's no way to know if he's coming back. So. I'm taking over.

I need a show of hands, who's with me here? I need to know your name and whatever position you hold. Now's the time to speak up if you want to change positions, whatever.

Let's just get this out there. I'm not Cas. I'm not going to run the place same as Cas. You want out, I understand, but I was hoping we could all pull together and figure this out.
[/End message]

[Message sent to all residents of Colligo not on the other list]
Many of you know, but in case you haven't heard, Cas is gone. He's gone and there's no way to know if he's coming back. So. I'm taking over the crisis center.

Anybody looking for work, now's the time to step forward. We have a lot of openings. Just let me know who you are and where your interests lie. I'm sure we can work something out.
[/End message]

Jan. 2nd, 2012


So I'm fake New Year's Kiss married to the God of Thunder and Rock and Roll fuck it and Rock and Roll. Oddly, or maybe not for those who know me, not actually my weirdest unexpected marriage to a god and/or goddess.

Thor, I'm henceforth calling you Snugglebunny. You can call me Loki if it makes you feel better.


I can see the irony in all of this, although I doubt that any of this will make me any more religious. It's definitely proved the existence of God, but it's not going to exactly get me regularly praying any time soon. Sorry.

Lori? Carl? Are the two of you doing alright through all of this? Anytime you need anything or need to see me, just let me know. I know that a few people here are setting up check points of sorts for groups to meet up, so let me know any time. Jade's a nice enough person, so I'm sure something can be worked out.

Jan. 1st, 2012


Open to All

I'm not quite sure exactly why everyone's complaining.

This rather seems like a dream come true to me.


Yesterday, I married the love of my life.

Today, I have no words. I hate this place.

Ruby, Caden's with me. We should try to get together, so he can see you.


So, in spite of the holiday, I'm declaring the coffee shop open and all the drinks half price. If anyone wants to come and talk about things, see significant others, or try to work out living arrangements for as long this craziness lasts, you're welcome.

Dec. 23rd, 2011


I had nothing better to do.

This was an interesting waste of time. )

Dec. 10th, 2011


( Filtered against John Winchester and kids, because Gabe's not THAT much of a dick )

That was fucked up. Screw you Uncle Morgan Freeman. Was that about the porn? It was about the porn, wasn't it? Dick move there. Santa's so giving you coal this year.

Hey, Ruby? Sorry for macking on your fiance. Please don't stab me. Sammy, sorry for macking on you. I don't actually think of you that way. It's not me. It's you. Specifically your dick and my lack of interest in it.

Oh! And congrats on the cambion. Good work there, kids!

Jade, I'm not gay. I'm really not gay. Want me to show you just how not gay I am?

Nov. 21st, 2011


[Accidental voice post upon arrival]

Well, now. This? This is definitely not what I expected.

Cassie, I love what you've done with the place. What city were you trying to mimic? It looks like something out of a wretched painting.


Not surprisingly in the slightest, dying is not more fun the second time around. Although the waiting was certainly better this time.


I had the strangest dream. Though it felt really real.

...Does that sort of thing happen a lot around here?

Nov. 8th, 2011


Gabriel is dead.

Filtered to those at the Roadhouse )

[ooc: takes place after this; also, jade is now amitiel as she took back her grace in order to get ruby safely away from lucifer]

Nov. 7th, 2011


Voice post, fail!fliter against Lucifer

[There's the sound of the PDA, and Ruby's voice can be heard. Her tone is hushed, almost in a whisper, and very weak.]

I don't have much time. He's not here right now, but he's going to come back. I know he's going to come back.

He drained me of so much of my blood...I can barely move right now. I think I'm in the bathtub, but I can't tell. The lights are off, and I can't get up to turn on the light.

[Her voice shakes, and Ruby mutters senselessly for a bit. When she snaps back to her senses, her tone is pleading.]

Please. Someone help me. I don't want to be here with him.

[She continues talking, not even paying attention to the PDA.]

I want Sam back. Give him back.


My, my, but Detroit looks different through Sammy's eyes. Oh, that's right. Sorry kids, Sammy's a bit tied up at the moment and can't come out to play. I'm sure you understand...

[OOC: Meet Sammifer! Wheee! Also: tags delayed until after work!]

Nov. 3rd, 2011


Well now, this is entertaining. This city has finally done something worth while.

I am only disappointed I didn't think of it first

Nov. 1st, 2011


Peter, if we don't get back to Neverland soon, the boys will be worried about us.

(OOC: As a head's up, Ruby is currently convinced that she's Tinkerbell.)


Voice Post

((OOC: This voice post is brought to you by the fact that Claire and Dean were dressed as a nun and priest last night. Please note that they were not dressed that way at the Halloween party but instead changed into those particular costumes when they came home later... to celebrate their anniversary. >.>))

[There's a moment of silence then you can hear the muffled sound of a little boy's voice in the background. A little girl's voice is heard next, slightly louder and a combination of worried, frustrated, and very stern.]

I can do it, Jack! Gimme!

[There's some shuffling around before Meri's voice is suddenly clear; this time she's speaking into the PDA.]

H-Hello? Can somebody hear us?

[There's some more shuffling, with Meri hissing at Jack to 'Gimme' again, then a loud thud that sounds suspiciously like Jack being shoved to the ground if Meri still maintaining ownership of the PDA a moment later is any indication. This time she's doing her best to sound as grown-up as possible but it's obvious she's still very worried and a little afraid.]

This is Meri Winchester. Can somebody come pick up me and Jack and Chomper, please? Mommy and daddy are acting real funny. Mommy keeps talking 'bout how she can't have kids cause she's a Bride of Jesus and daddy keeps yelling something 'bout Satan tempting him and BOTH of them keep talking 'bout how Chomper can't really be real since God made the world in seven days and made man but not dinosaurs. Only I know Chomper's real and Jack knows Chomper's real and mommy and daddy don't like us calling them mommy and daddy either and... and...

[She pauses to draw in a breath then finally just sighs heavily.]

So if anybody can hear us and can come get us, we're in my bedroom with the door locked and we gots mommy's phone. Thank you very much.

[A bit of shuffling as she pulls the PDA away from her, clearly thinking it's been turned off as she talks to Jack again.]

See? I told you I could do it! Somebody'll come. Uncle Sam or Auntie Ruby or Uncle Lyle or Auntie Elle or Uncle Cas or Uncle Gabe or somebody. You'll see.

Oct. 24th, 2011


It would seem that my normal abilities have been replaced with the ability to communicate telepathically. With bunny rabbits. And only bunny rabbits.
Sam )
Jade )

Oct. 22nd, 2011


Lilith is gone. I don't know how, and I don't really care, but she is.

Good riddance.

Oct. 20th, 2011


Right. So. Alien entity posing as a dead woman and attempting to steal my voice. Again. Suggestions?

Sep. 8th, 2011


I just told a man at the shelter that I drank his bottle of water. I didn't mean to tell him. I just... said it.

The worst part is, I'm not even sure I did drink it.
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Aug. 28th, 2011


So I went to go meet up where I normally do, and the guy I was wating on actually ratted me out... What in the hell? He is the one with all the goods and he tries to dump a whole lot of charges on me that I am not serving time for. Luckily enough for me I managed to see a good deal go bad and skipped out on making the deal. Anyone have any idea if this is normal or just a time consuming thing? and anyone know where i can get a hold of the monster

Aug. 21st, 2011


In light of recent events, the Second Chance Crisis Center will be having a memorial dinner tomorrow for its founder, Cas. Dinner starts at 6PM. Please try not to be late.

Employees/Volunteers of The Second Chance Crisis Center )

Filtered to Gabriel )

Aug. 16th, 2011


So it seems I've won without their help... And they fear me. So much fear. I still feel it.

There's so much I can do now.

Aug. 13th, 2011


The constant flux of older and younger versions of people in this city is starting to give me a headache. I never know who is going to know what whenever I talk to them.
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Jul. 29th, 2011


I do not remember visiting Earth, nor did I get orders to. I need to return to Heaven before someone sees I'm gone. 

Disobeying results in punishment I do not seek.
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Jul. 25th, 2011


I really missed this knife.

...The other present I was part of wasn't all that bad, either. Even if I wasn't exactly expecting it. I was so convinced that Parker was just pulling my leg.

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