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Jul. 19th, 2011


Dr. Rosen said not to leave without telling him. I need to tell him that I left. He'll know. Dr. Rosen said not to leave and he'll know.

Jul. 18th, 2011


Filtered against Children

Fucking fuck my head hurts. I honestly don't think I've ever felt this bad.

Jul. 6th, 2011


Filtered to Doctor Who Lot

Just thought you might want to know there's a bloke who looks exactly like the Doctor in the trainers here.

Jun. 20th, 2011


I'm turning that bloody squid into sushi.

Jun. 15th, 2011


So I was thinking since all this Glory stuff is over with and it seems that people who have been killed have been brought back to life, which is really interesting and Welcome Back everyone. Okay, back to my point, I don't know a lot of people here so I'm going to have having a party in my apartment. Yeah I know that its a pretty small space, but its cozy and I can do a lot in my space. Its going to be this weekend, just let me know if you would like to come. It would be so great to meet some more people here.

Jun. 12th, 2011


[Filtered away from the Doctor (tenth, eleventh)]
Two Doctors. There's two of them... him, no it's the them right? Is it weird that there's two of him them? It seems a little weird to me

[Filtered to the Doctor (tenth, eleventh)]
Do I just call both of you the Doctor?

Jun. 10th, 2011


I think </s>Jo-Beth</s> Jo's gone.

As in gone gone.

Not hurt or dead or 'please someone find her', or anything like that.

She never came to work and her stuff is all gone. </s>And I hate this place so much right now.</s>

Seems like Ash is gone too.

Filtered to Adam )

Filtered to Damon )

Filtered to Krista )

Jun. 6th, 2011


Filtered against Dawn and Glory

Anyone who wants to try to attack an innocent girl, hand her over to the highest bidder, or whatever else you people are coming up with in your panic-induced hysteria? You're going to have to get through me to do it. So unless your name is First Evil comma The? Back off before I do something I really don't want to do.

Also? You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. She can't help what she is anymore than most of us can and handing her over isn't going to fix a thing. And killing her? You people have seen what Glory does when she's annoyed. Go ahead. Try to kill her Key and see what she does. Once again if you can manage to get through me to do it.

Jun. 5th, 2011


I don't understand.

Why is someone hurting people now? Neria didn't do anything wrong, did she? That's not fair.

Jun. 3rd, 2011


Hello all!

So. What'd I miss?

Filtered to the Eleventh Doctor )

Jun. 2nd, 2011


Oh god This never gets any easier I found Jenny's body in the lobby.

She appears to be dead. But I wasn't sure how that worked with her, so I brought her back to my flat.

I don't really know what you want to do, Doctor, but if you want to come by and get her, I'll wait here.

I am so tired of losing people.

May. 2nd, 2011


Right then, I'm getting the heck out of dodge while I can.

Anyone want to come with, speak up now. I promise there will be lots to see and do and if we're very lucky (and I usually am) a bit of trouble. And who doesn't like that?

There's a jungle and a beach and whole continents to explore! Come on you lot, shake a leg.

Apr. 18th, 2011


Doctor. Doctor. I'm a girl, I'm bloody girl. What's going on?!

Apr. 8th, 2011


I'm so dead. Seriously my mum is going to kill me when she find me. At least I can say it wasn't my fault this time.

Apparently I have a roommate but I haven't seen him?. I'm kind of afraid to go into the other bedroom in case he's? in there. It's weird to have a roommate I've never met. It can't be any worse than living with Barbara.


So, I can't believe some of you guys have been here like...two years and nobody's ever thought to do this. Or if you did, I totally didn't find it on the network. And I read like...all of it. I was bored. Anyway, it's got to get annoying explaining over and over again, so I figured this would be so much simpler. Seriously, people. I've been here less than a week and I thought this up. You're slacking hardcore here.

Right, so, I'm Caroline Forbes. And this is a welcome/explanation to anyone else who gets brought here, to save us all time and effort.

Cut for the sake of the F-Page )

I think that's about it. I'll add more later if I think of more or things change. I really, seriously can't believe that none of you thought of this before.
