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Mar. 14th, 2013


After many carefully controlled, scientific experiments in which I volunteered myself as the guinea pig, I have come to the conclusion that smoking weed will not, in fact, restore memories. I also do not feel, for reasons I can explain if one wishes to truly know, that smoking weed is the reason I don't currently have memories. Unless all of you are very, very stoned as well, in which case I might have to rethink that particular stance.

I've also discovered, after examining this apartment where I found myself, that I either have a terrible decorating style or this place came furnished. I would, of course, need to see the other apartments in this building to reach a firm decision on that particular quandary, but I'm currently leaning toward it being pre-furnished. I don't really see myself as the kind of guy who would have floral arrangements that match the drapes.

That is all for now. Thank you for your time; it's been greatly appreciated.

Feb. 18th, 2013


I must say it is disconcerting to fall asleep next to one Loki and wake up next to another.

Still, he is pleasant enough. There are worse people to be stuck with. Even if he does swear a lot

Feb. 14th, 2013


Accidental Voice Post.

Um. [ awkward cough as there's the sound of sheets ruffling ] Miss-- Uh. Miss With The Incredibly Long Hair Whose Name I Have No Idea What Is. I...think you might have the wrong room.

Are you- Okay? I mean, I can't really talk when it comes to getting horribly lost sometimes, but well, stumbling into the wrong bed-- No. No, I suppose I can't really talk on that subject either.

[ a cough ] Is there someone you need to get back to?

Jan. 13th, 2013


I really am glad to be back, though it is always strange to make a return from death.

I am terribly sorry for worrying anyone.

I figured I might as well answer those questions, though there are many I had no answer too, because it was persistent in remaining on my PDA.

Neria's answers )

Dec. 30th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( There's a sound like electricity hitting something and dissipating and then a small explosion. Sounds of fighting can be heard. There's a sharp gasp and Neria speaks. )

By the Maker...what are you creatures? Why couldn't I remember you before? ( another crackling of dispelled electricity, and Neria sounds frustrated but determined. ) It is no matter. You will die all the same.

( There are more sounds of fighting, heavy breathing and metal hitting something. Occasionally there's a loud blast of fire or cracking like ice shattering as Neria uses various elemental spells against the Silents she's fighting. There is the occasional pained sound as a Silent gets a hit past her shields )

I swear by Andraste, I will not allow you to go free and harm others! ( there is more fighting and then one of the Silents speak )

What will you do? We are many, and you are alone and weak.

( It's quiet for a moment, save for Neria's breathing, and then she speaks, sounding resolved )

I may alone...but I am by no means weak. ( a pause, then very quietly ) Maker guide me...

( Suddenly there is a huge explosion of magic, then the PDA cuts out abruptly )

Dec. 20th, 2012


[ Filtered to Thor ]

It seems as though mother has been returned to Asgard. She must have been needed there more than her presence here was still required. Since we did Do you think there could be a way to overwhelm whatever wipes our memories when we are returned?

[ Filtered to Neria ]

My mother has been sent home.

Dec. 12th, 2012


Filtered to Friends and Family

[ooc: if your character thinks they might be included in claire's very general filter, they probably are]

Right, so December is a pretty busy month for us, what with all three kids having birthdays as well as Christmas. And considering it's Colligo, we pretty much know the idea of celebrating the holidays on the actual date in question is just plain dumb. It never works out.

So. Here's the plan.

Click to see the party dates. )

We're going to be having Christmas dinner, and presents, on Christmas Eve. Just in case. If anyone wants to stop by, we can definitely set something up. Or come visit you, if you really want to brave the kids running around your place.

Filtered to Lucifer )

Dec. 4th, 2012


Oh that is a relief.

I cannot express my relief at having my magic returned to me. It was as though a part of my very spirit had been ripped out

Loki )

Frigga )

Alistair )

Willow )

Nov. 15th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[There's a sharp intake of breath then a feminine voice muttering under her breath.]

What trickery is this? This is not-

[The sound of metal clanking causes her to trail off, only to immediately speak up in a much harder sounding tone.]

Identify yourselves! Do you hear me? I said identify yourse-

[a pause then there's a loud clang that reverberates throughout the library followed by another pause; the woman's voice is steady but with a hint of wariness]

Should you attempt to place your hands upon me, you will befall the same fate as that of your compatriot. The same shall be said if you do not grant me an exit at once.

[another pause before the low creaking of a door opening can be heard; the woman's tone becomes a touch less hostile]

I thank you for your cooperation. Nay, I have no need for your trinkets, I merely- [a pause] Very well. At your insistence. [the rest becomes muffled as the PDA is placed in a pocket]

Good day, sir. May your compatriot someday learn the wisdom which you clearly possess.

[slow, steady footsteps can be heard then the squeaking of the door sealing shut behind her; she draws in another sharp breath]

Where in the Nine Realms... [a pause; faintly bemused] What a particularly strange abduction.


I must admit that I'm a bit surprised by this stretch of quiet. I can only imagine some new surprise is coming soon to shake things up, but I rather enjoy this respite.

( Fail!Filtered to Alistair )
How are you settling in, my king?

I do hope you do not miss your lovely queen too much. I do not imagine Anora would have a very favourable opinion of Colligo.

Oct. 28th, 2012


Voice Post.

Well, this is...better than being held prisoner under the guise of being kept as a guest, I suppose. [ pause ] If, by better, I mean exactly the same.

I- Vaguely remember being here before. [ pause ] But I think it has been many respects. [ very, very long pause ] For one thing, I don't remember...whatever those shuffling, rotting creatures populating the streets are called being here before.

[ nervous ] Uh. Are they- Are they all right to kill? Because they're coming towards me.

Oct. 22nd, 2012


Is it too much to ask to get a break? I never thought that much craziness could happen within such a short time. And here I was, thinking I'd seen everything here, but I guess that wasn't true.

Well, it looks like I'm without a roommate once again. Captain Steve's doppelgänger is gone. I guess this means it's time to officially move on over to Stark Tower. I don't do well on my own. Plus, that's where my wacky Colligo family is.

Oct. 4th, 2012


Well, that was something. I'm not entirely sure I enjoy remembering my youthful attitude more vividly than faded memories can serve. But it was enlightening, at least.

[ Filtered to Claire ]
Thank you. You needn't continue to make the endeavors you do for me, whatever state I am in, but I appreciate them all the same. Assure Dean I will be back to work first thing tomorrow.

[ Filtered to Barton ]
I presume we are never speaking of our conversation to anyone. Ever.

All the same, you didn't have to tolerate my curiosity like that, particularly given the way I decided to express it, much less... I suppose it was easier to be nice to me when I was technically wearing a different face.

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

I... [ long silence ] Father? Mother? [ slightly uncertain ] Thor, if this is some cruel revenge for my earlier games, it is in poor taste. And [ trying his best not to sound at all unsettled ] not at all effective. Get whatever Enchantress you persuaded to assist to drop this illusion. Now. [ pause ] If you do not... If you do not... I will be forced to tell mother in the morning!

[ long silence filled with increasingly panicked breathing ] Thor?

Sep. 5th, 2012


I don't wanna sleep cause I keep dreaming stuff and it's not real yet but it will be. And I don't wanna not be 'lowed to talk to my dad, not even for a little bit. Mister Asaph needs to stop being so mean!

Aug. 31st, 2012


Can anybody see this? I don't really know how this whole thing with this phone thing works so I want to make sure I'm doing it right and people can see what I'm putting here. Thanks.

Aug. 12th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[There's the sound of someone sucking in a sharp breath, followed by a muffled grunt and some shuffling around. The voice, when it speaks, it hesitant, laced with apprehension, and clearly belongs to a young girl with a very slight, almost not quite noticeable, lisp.]

H-Hello? [a pause] Is someone there? Hello?

[A moment of silence follows before the tell-tale sound of the knights coming to life can be heard. As metal clangs lightly against the ground, the girl draws in a breath and whimpers softly in the back of her throat.]

What's going on? [clearly fearful] I don't- [a pause, then the girl's tone takes on a slightly hardened edge] Answer me!

[Another pause, the sound of footsteps running can be heard, with an abrupt scream immediately following. This time, when the girl speaks, her voice is trembling and there's a very noticeable strain to it.]

Stop! Do you hear me, you bastards? I said stop! [There's a whoosh that is the sound, for anyone who might recognize it, of fire suddenly filling a room that is all but bursting with oxygen. Over the low roar of the flames, the girl's voice can be heard, all but screaming by this point.]

BACK OFF! I DON'T WANT TO- [The sound of the library doors creaking open cuts her ranting short and, a heartbeat later, footsteps can be heard exiting the library. There's the sound of air passing by quickly, as the PDA is all but tossed after the retreating girl, then the thud of the doors swinging shut and the distant sound of traffic in the background. The girl sniffles softly and her voice trembles and sounds very small as she speaks again.]

I just want to stop. I-I don't want to hurt anybody else. I just want to stop running already. Please...

Aug. 9th, 2012


Filtered to the magical users of the city - and against Jeremiah and Hannah

Okay, so, as I'm pretty sure most of you have seen by now, there's a beginning of a plan being formed and it looks like we're going to need to step in and help out a bit. So I figured that it would probably be best if, unlike the science types, we were all on the same page to start with. So here we go.

1. We can't make it rain. If we do, like Cordelia said, it might get into the water supply and that would be of the bad. So that's out.

2. We can amp up the wind and try to get the toxin out that way, but if we're going to go with that, we need to figure out the best direction to send it in and make sure we're not going to be spreading it even further at the same time.

3. I'm also thinking it might be a good idea for some of us, again like Cordelia said and wow, quoting her twice in one post is kinda scary and pretty sure a sign of the Apocalypse or something, to help magically reinforce the safe places folks are going to be heading to for shelter. Sure, the gas is probably going to be filtered out by ventilation systems but, well, there are all kinds of crazy folk on the street right now and we don't want them suddenly busting down doors and stuff.

And that's about all I've got, so far. I can help with any of those things, though I'm thinking that the whole wind idea - if that's what we go with - is probably where I'll be most useful. Tara is with me, and so is Loki. So not a negotiation when it comes to those two.

Anyone else who wants to help out with that, feel free to speak up. The more, the merrier. Otherwise, help with securing places in a magical fashion or, if you have other ideas, offer them up. We just need to figure something out ASAP so we can do what we need to do because I don't know about you, but I am one antsy Willow right now and that never bodes well for anyone.

Aug. 7th, 2012


Filtered against Jeremiah & Hannah

Okay. Enough is enough. I know I'm not the only person in this city that this gas can't hurt and I definitely know I'm not the only one of us who is bothered by the amount of people - local and non-local alike - who are being hurt by it. So to quote a pretty amazing, tiny Antichrist the way I see it, it's time for a plan.

Cut to spare the friends list. )

Jul. 27th, 2012


It's strange, being back here. Even though I've been here little more than a week, it is plain to see that much has changed.

The majority of those I knew are gone. I suppose this should not surprise me, since I was sent back myself, but I guess I had expected to see more familiar places. Still, the oddities of this place remain a constant, and it is a strange comfort to know that nothing here will ever be normal. I am sure there are those who would not agree, but I find having something consistent, even if it is simply in it's inconsistency, to be a relief.

Jul. 17th, 2012


Right. Wonderful.

If this is another ill-conceived attempt on my life, I must say it seems a little convoluted. And ridiculous. I mean... suits of armour? At least the dancing skeleton puppets had some kind of terrible style...

Where am I, exactly?


I had begun to think this place but a dream.

It is very strange indeed, to be returned here like this.

Dec. 7th, 2011


I know these feeling are dangerous, but it's no use denying anymore. I've tried.

Nov. 14th, 2011


( Voice Post )

( Neria's voice is quiet and nervous. She doesn't sound as though she realises the PDA is picking up what she says. )

Hello? H-Hello?

Where am I?

I'm not supposed to leave. The Templars will be very angry if they find I'm gone.

( a hitched breath and a stifled sob )

I must go back. They will surely make me Tranquil when they find me if I don't.

( OOC: Neria was never recruited to the Wardens by Duncan after helping Jowan. Instead, the Knight-Commander sent her to Aeonar, the mage prison. She's been there ever since, and she's somewhat traumatised. )

Oct. 14th, 2011


[Filtered to Dreamers]

Children, beware. I fear one of mine own nightmares hath escaped the Dreaming. He is a Dark Mirror, a misbegotten child full of luxury and licentiousness, and he will take from you the windows to your very soul.

If you see him, call me at once. He must be stopped.

Oct. 10th, 2011


Eames, Ariadne, and Arthur; I stand in my gallery...

You know the drill.

Oct. 1st, 2011


By the Maker, this city has certainly changed since I was last here. And while I must say that it is a comfort to see horses and carts rather than automobiles, as they put me ill at ease with their noise and their speed, it is still disconcerting to have everything be so different. Things seem very strange, and the locals are even more put off by my ears than usual.

I am more accustomed to the oddities of this place than I would like to admit, but this is certainly a wholly different change than even I am used to. And it is strange to think that only a few weeks have passed here, when it has been much longer for me.

Aug. 26th, 2011


I broke the swing in the park. I didn't mean to! Well, I did. Kind of. But the other kids were annoying me and being stupid so they deserved it really. And I didn't think it would break that badly. And now one of the men who looks after the plants and stuff is all mad. Sorry.

Aug. 12th, 2011


So, that was certainly an interesting experience. Though I must say I'm glad to be back to myself in time for the full moon.

Filtered to Sirius )

Filtered to Lucy )

Filtered to Atticus O'Sullivan )

Jul. 21st, 2011


Oh dear This is just It would seem that Alistair, Nathaniel and Merrill are all gone. Their names are no longer on their doors, and their things are missing as well. I had not thought that so many from one world would leave the city at once, but I suppose that is the way of things at times.

There are days when I truly cannot fathom the workings of our host.

Still, I find the snow and the lights oddly comforting. It reminds me of the festivals and celebrations at Satinalia in Ferelden.

Jul. 1st, 2011



Jun. 21st, 2011


It's the Summer solstice today. Does it still count here? They'd be celebrating Alban Hefin back at home... I don't think people I miss

Jun. 14th, 2011


Is it really Has it really been Is she

I must admit I am uncertain how to react to such a situation, save that it is not something I wish to experience again.

I am terribly sorry for causing people to worry.

Filtered to Anders )

May. 29th, 2011


( Fail Filter - Meant for Merrill )

Merrill, dearest, it would seem that I am at that uncomfortable point in my relationship where I must acknowledge that my lover's bromance (Caroline was kind enough to teach me that word) is really more of a romance. I am honestly so tired of waiting for them to drop the pretence and accept that they want to bed one another that I am contemplating just sitting them both down and telling them to go ahead and do so. I feel it will really be good for them in the long run, and I must admit I see no real problem with it. I can hardly blame anyone being attracted to Anders, and I certainly understand why he finds Nathaniel appealing. Were it anyone but Nathaniel, I would object rather strongly, but they are both quite dear to me and I only want them to be happy.

Still, there really is no easy way to initiate such a discussion.

May. 17th, 2011


Neria? Nathaniel? Caroline? ...Alistair?

Any of you know what's going on?

I don't have any new tattoos anywhere and I don't have a headache so there went my first explanation. And I don't remember drinking any darkspawn blood...

May. 11th, 2011


I know that many doctors and healers were lost in the explosion, and I wish to offer my services to those who remain.

Filtered to people from her world )

Filtered to Gwen and Morgana )

Filtered to Ariadne, Eames and Arthur )

Filtered to Merlin and Harry )

Filtered to Morpheus )

May. 10th, 2011


I'm sorry! The dream didn't say it was the clinic...

Filtered to Chris Halliwell )


What the hell?

Apr. 18th, 2011


Couldn't be happier to see myself in a mirror than before today.

Neria, you can have you clothes back.

Apr. 16th, 2011



It's me! Again. Older. Again.

I was done with these blasts from the past, actually. Has everything gone mad again?

Apr. 15th, 2011


This is NOT funny!

I cannot believe I'm asking you this...but can you fix this?

Apr. 14th, 2011


you guys its my birthday

and my cake has paidsley on it

i habe hte best boyfirends ever

arthur why si yoru tie under ym pilolw is that a presnedt?

why did you let eames byu me tequilaa?

Apr. 13th, 2011


So, after my 36th failed attempt at not falling asleep at my post, I've decided that I might not really be cut out to be a security guard in a place where nothing at all happens ever in the history of time itself.

Does anyone have any career suggestions for an individual with the skills of a warrior and the diplomatic know-how of a reluctant monarch?

So. Interesting thing happened the other morning. I woke up with about five, six years of extra memories.


The weather has been truly lovely lately. I almost hate to be indoors when it is so nice out. It feels like the approach of Summerday. It really is beautiful here, in spite of all the buildings.

Mordred )

Morgana )

Gwen )

Merlin, Harry Dresden )

Nathaniel )

Dream )

Ariadne )

Toph - Voice post )

Apr. 9th, 2011


What is this?! I demand someone tell me where I am!

Apr. 6th, 2011


Oh but I did miss my magic. I felt incomplete without it.

I imagine there are many in the city who felt the same.

Morpheus )

Merrill )

Apr. 5th, 2011


Fuck. Is this what being lobotomized feels like?

Apr. 4th, 2011


I have to say I do miss my healing magic. Or really all my magic, but it seems that healing is just so much more, well, sharp and pointy here without it. All this poking and prodding, it's fascinating really. But apparently it works.

Lord Mewsy somehow managed to get himself into a cabinet today. Opened one to get breakfast and there he was! He's quite the adventurer it seems. Doing Ser Pounce-A-Lot proud really. He's not up for fighting genlocks yet but I think he's got the spirit in him.

Mar. 27th, 2011


(Voice Post)

If I don't get my son back right now I swear to the Maker I will freeze you from the inside out. I will make SURE it's extremely painful.

I also demand you return my companion Duncan before he stabs one of you. King Maric and the First Warden will not take kindly to you interfering with our mission!


Mar. 24th, 2011


I... have a hangover. I'd forgotten how painful these were. But it's worth it. Sort of. Not having healing powers to get rid of it kind of sucks.

Though if someone is suddenly feeling the need to fight against injustice and having anger problems. You might want to talk to me.

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