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Sep. 25th, 2011


Dude. So I have a weird fuckin name - Atticus. A huge sword - Awesome. A massive dog that I can talk to named Oberon, and he says I'm a druid. I thought druids were the old guys with long white beards and robes and stuff. The dog is obviously crazy though, or I am because he has some crazy stories about like - beers with Jesus, and killing Thor, and talking to the earth.

This is insane. Anyone up for an actual beer? Jesus is totally welcome, but normal people would be cool too.

Aug. 28th, 2011


Note to self: No hanging out in the store alone until this crap with the locals passes. Just because it doesn't hurt to have a newly replaced glass window shatter all over me doesn't mean it's something I want to repeat.

I really liked this shirt, too.

Aug. 26th, 2011


I broke the swing in the park. I didn't mean to! Well, I did. Kind of. But the other kids were annoying me and being stupid so they deserved it really. And I didn't think it would break that badly. And now one of the men who looks after the plants and stuff is all mad. Sorry.

Aug. 12th, 2011


So, that was certainly an interesting experience. Though I must say I'm glad to be back to myself in time for the full moon.

Filtered to Sirius )

Filtered to Lucy )

Filtered to Atticus O'Sullivan )

Aug. 7th, 2011


That was an interesting trip down memory lane. I'll need to repaint my walls. Sketched over all of them with old fashioned designs. Mordred, would you like to help me paint? I was thinking a dark green.

I also bought more books then I could possibly afford. Luckily I got my shop up and running before all this, so I can sell the ones I don't need. I'm going to need help around the shop if anyone is interested. Third Eye Books & Herbs. A knowledge of herbs would be helpful, of course.


Does anyone here know how to take care of a chocobo? Or birds in general?

Aug. 4th, 2011


Can I please come stay with someone please? My aunt went home and I can't find Mum.

Jul. 31st, 2011


This is most unusual. Is this some new plane that I have not yet visited? This science is far beyond the tinkerings of Galileo, and the sights far more impressive then any I have yet seen.

[ooc: The joys of making Atticus younger. His appearance doesn't need to change.]

Jul. 14th, 2011


awesome toaster is now super-super-awesome. sweet.


Right. So a hundred dollars doesn't exactly go far these days. Especially when you've got a dog with a sausage addiction. Time to job hunt again I suppose since I haven't got the funds anymore to open up my own shop. Anyone know a tea shop around, an apothecary, or maybe an old bookstore?

Jul. 12th, 2011


Are there any household foods that one could feed a dog?

I...saw one that looked hungry when I went for a walk and pizza doesn't seem like the best option.

Jul. 9th, 2011


This isn't Arizona, and I don't remember how exactly I got here. So, a little more explanation would be cool.