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Dec. 2nd, 2010


okay, i HOW do I Oh, there we go

Okay, I'm really rather confused, mostly about the thing where the calendar on this contraption says it's 2010. I was quite sure it was 1980. Could someone please explain what's going on? There's a war going on and I can't just

Nov. 17th, 2010


Whoa. I totally just tripped and tore a hole in the fabric of time and space.

WICKED! Dora Tonks: Super Klutz has a whole new meaning now.

Oct. 27th, 2010


Anyone willing to give me an in depth tutorial on these devices?

Subjects I'm most interested in covering: Sounds and notifications. Plus, I'd be interested to know if they have a retaliation ear-boxing feature.

Severus Snape )

Oct. 1st, 2010


This is absolutely ridiculous.

Filtered to Remus Lupin )

Filtered to Sirius Black )

Sep. 26th, 2010


I don't want to go home. Although I know I don't belong here, what happens when I go back is so crap I'd be happy to stay in this mental city forever. And the companies not too bad either, apart from certain people who will not be named this side of the grave. Most of you are a right laugh and a half.

That is all.

Prongs )

Harry )

Moony )

Wormtail )

Hermione )

Morgana )

Rose )

Dora )

Sep. 7th, 2010


Before anyone says anything, I have nothing to do with this. NOTHING.

Although... I admit it's mildly impressive. Now switch me back. There are certain parts of my anatomy missing which I was really rather fond of. Although the boobs are

PRONGS?!? Moony?!? ....Snape?
This isn't  bloody funny!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep. 2nd, 2010


Filtered to Remus and Tonks Lupin

One job. Vic and Lily gave me one job. Fail. Utter wedding fail.

Um... Hey. So, Vic and I decided that we still wanted to get married. So we're going to do it here.

Wedding's on Saturday evening, all the details are on the invite I'm sure you've gotten by now.

I'm sorry. I was supposed to tell you sooner. I'd like to use an excuse, but I don't have one that wouldn't seem... wrong.

Aug. 25th, 2010


I don't feel so good.

Cas, I think...ow. My head hurts.

i think im gonna be sick.

Aug. 17th, 2010


Filtered to Remus and Tonks Lupin

Okay, so first off, I want to apologize to you both about yesterday. I didn't take things as gracefully as I could have and I know Gran would be disappointed in me if she'd seen. It's a shock to be suddenly confronted with one's dead parents, but I imagine it's about the same to be confronted with one's suddenly grown offspring. So I'm sorry about that.

Secondly, I was wondering if perhaps the two of you would like to join me and Victoire for dinner some night this week. I would honestly like the opportunity to get to know both of you while I can. If this week doesn't work, we can work around whatever your schedule is.

Aug. 16th, 2010


Okay, HA-BLOODY-HA guys.

Al? Jamie? The wedding is less than twelve hours away and you know your cousin is going to be furious if I'm late.

Seriously, guys, it's not funny to set me on a bus to nowhere the night before the wedding.

Aug. 11th, 2010


filtered to Sirius Black )


Filtered to: James Sirius Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Remus Lupin, Scorpius Malfoy, Victoire Weasley, and Tonks )

Jul. 30th, 2010


Filtered To People From His World; Excluding Tom Riddle

[Custom Filter]
Er... right. So here's the thing.

Apparently, there are stories about us in some form or fashion. Films, too. Now, I don't think a single one of us here are unaccustomed to the strange and, at times, downright bizarre, however something tells me this is a bit different. Unusual in a way that only this place seems capable of being.

Normally I'd ignore such a thing. It isn't as though I'm unused to folks knowing who my parents are. In this instance, however, I can't help but think. If there are those who know who we are simply from a few stories and films, then it stands to reason they're going to know who Tom grows up to become. They're also going to quite possibly tell him such a thing.

Now I can't imagine that going over very well and thought that it might be for the best if someone other than me were to perhaps try to tell him a bit, ahead of time. I'm not certain how much he'll believe, of course, but it seems a far better alternative than someone who isn't even from the wizarding world telling him. Or possibly trying to harm him.

Jul. 28th, 2010


absolutely ridiculous muggle contraption. how in the name of salazar do i Ah. There we are. Positively ludicrous. Now to determine just where I've found myself, although first I should think there to be a way to erase thi

I do not care where I am nor how I came to be here. I've no use for mindless prattle about the wonders of this location nor whomever is responsible for my arrival here. I am simply going to say this, and this alone:

It is absolutely vital that I am immediately returned from whence I came.

Jul. 27th, 2010


Last night certainly wouldn't be counted among the most pleasant I've had.

I'm getting too bloody old for this.

At least I'm getting used to making do without the potion.

Jul. 26th, 2010


Hey, Barbie? How pissed would you be if I closed up shop early and watched a Tijuana Donkey Show?

Also: What's your opinion on ass to mouth?

Jul. 25th, 2010


I'm sure there's an excellent explanation as to why I find myself being escorted out of a library by what look like pieces of a chess set. But I can't think of any.

Pads? You did something, didn't you? You know Lily is going to wring your neck when she finds out you've kidnapped me again.


i... wait. that's not right. where is the bloody thi AH! THERE WE GO! NO. WAIT. LOOKS LIKE I'M SHOUTING, DOESN'T IT? CAN'T HAVE THAT. C'MON, POTTER, THINK. HOW DO YOU... oh! Right. Shift key. Got it.

Right then. Don't suppose anyone would mind telling me just where it is I am? Or perhaps how I came to be here, or why I'm here in the first place? I'll even settle for a simple explanation as to how to return since Apparating didn't... wait, Muggles trying to leave on my own accord didn't help.

Really. Any assistance at all would be greatly appreciated. If I'm not home in time for supper, you see, my Grand-mum is going to positively throttle me and I'd rather avoid that if at all possible.



Could you turn that noise down a bit? I can hardly think with that racket and you've not responded to my furious pounding on the wall knocks.

Jul. 23rd, 2010


what the bloody

how do i Oh, there we go

Is this some kind of Death Ea Muggles, Lupin. You can't talk about that where muggles could see

Hello? Can someone please tell me what's going on?
