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Dec. 26th, 2011


I've been having this feeling like I'm being followed all day, and now I'm jumping at every little noise in the apartment. It's nothing, though, right? Just my imagination. Or some more holly jolly friends making a late Christmas appearance? Right?

Dec. 12th, 2011


So, I was walking home from doing some Christmas shopping when I ran into an elf. An actual elf. And then he started crying because nobody understood him and his life's dream of being a dentist and so I bought him some hot chocolate and gave him a hug. We had a really nice talk about embracing his ambitions and not putting so much stock in the opinions of others. I really think I've found a new calling as an elf therapist.

But I got shopping done! Mostly. Maybe if I weren't shopping for so many grumpy men who won't tell me what they want - I'm not naming names here, Erik, Damian and Jason - it would be easier.

( Raven, Cass, Kitty, Molly, Bo )
I need help planning the Xavier House Chrismukkah Extravaganzukkah...title pending. Chanukah (is that right, Kitty?) is from sunset on the 20th to sunset on the 28th this year...or that's what the internet told me, with Christmas right there in the middle. I got some stuff while I was out, like a tree topper and some ornaments, to make the tree have some diversity.

Beyond that, I figured I'd come to you guys for ideas. After all, Thanksgiving wasn't a total disaster. We can totally pull this off.


Holy random teleportation, Batman.

At least, I think it's teleportation. The Tinman and his bosom buddies weren't feeling so chatty when they decided to escort me outside.

Sooooo. Anyone want to clue a girl in here cause I'm not seeing any yellow brick road, and I'm definitely no Dorothy.