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Aug. 27th, 2011


This has got to be another hallucination What kind of Trouble would Parker, where the hell are you?

I've gotta say, this place has a funny way of welcoming folks. Came out of that library and a guy actually threw glass bottles at me and told me to go back where I came from. He apparently had a bag of them or something...just to throw at people. Lucky for me, he had really bad aim. I think so anyway...don't see any blood Much as I'd like to get back home, I haven't exactly figured out how to do that yet. Anyone got any ideas on that one?

Aug. 13th, 2011


[voice post]


Has anyone seen my mother or sister?

Jul. 21st, 2011


Oh dear This is just It would seem that Alistair, Nathaniel and Merrill are all gone. Their names are no longer on their doors, and their things are missing as well. I had not thought that so many from one world would leave the city at once, but I suppose that is the way of things at times.

There are days when I truly cannot fathom the workings of our host.

Still, I find the snow and the lights oddly comforting. It reminds me of the festivals and celebrations at Satinalia in Ferelden.

Jul. 4th, 2011


Not that the prospect of being rid of certain people I know isn't inviting. It just seems to get boring rather quickly. No arguments, no spats, nothing. I can't even get after Merrill.

I'm afraid to say I haven't ventured too much around even. I suppose one would say this is what I get for falling into old habits.

Anyone interested in a drink? Maker, I sound outright pathetic

Apr. 18th, 2011


Couldn't be happier to see myself in a mirror than before today.

Neria, you can have you clothes back.

Apr. 15th, 2011


This is NOT funny!

I cannot believe I'm asking you this...but can you fix this?

Apr. 9th, 2011


What is this?! I demand someone tell me where I am!