May 2013




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Mar. 25th, 2013


I have no idea where I got the name Jordan from. But clearly I need to pick a better name for myself the next time that this happens, though I hope that this doesn't happen for a long time. I want to thank the people that I met for letting me stay with them, I apologize if I forgot your name.

Also, I remember faces, so if you haven't stopped in for your free slice of pie your more than welcome to a slice. And this week, all pies are half off.

Now, I could use a drink or two. Anyone want to join me?


This is really an interesting place you all have here. Funny how I don't feel as though I had a psychotic break.

Mar. 20th, 2013


So, considering I woke up behind a bar, I figure I'm a bartender.

I also figure some people could use a break from trying to figure out who they are.

So whoever wants to stop by, I'm going to give out free drinks.

The place is called Harvelle's Roadhouse.

Mar. 18th, 2013


So I guess I really do work in the pie shop! And believe me my pies are amazing. I didn't even know that I could even cook let alone back a pie. Just thought that I would have worked the register and getting people their pies. Not actually baking them. So if anyone wants pie come on down here and taste one. You won't regret it.

Feb. 17th, 2013


I've managed to construct a list detailing which individuals are "married" to which, as well as which ones now have children staying with them that aren't theirs. Is there anyone still trying to find someone else? Why they wouldn't have responded to you personally by now, I'm not sure, but in case I overlooked someone in trouble, I'll

If so, let me know.

Feb. 14th, 2013


This isn't what I would call a great day. Woke up with some guy in my bed, LITERALLY in my bed and a wedding ring on my finger. Did I get so drunk last night that I just ended up marrying a random guy that I don't know? This....this is just too weird. I tried to take off the ring, but its stuck there, no amount of my magic could get it off.

Jan. 15th, 2013


( filtered; Jude Harvelle )
My mom's throwing a family dinner.

Jan. 2nd, 2013


So I'm just going to go ahead and throw this out there. If anybody finds themselves out and about, anywhere near the Roadhouse (that's [address] for those who don't know), and you need supplies or just a place to stay and rest for a while, feel free to stop on by. We've managed to keep the place invasion-free since this all started and I don't see that changing any time soon.

Also, if anybody's wanting to see a bit of action without putting themselves on the streets in the thick of things, just let me know. We've got folks posted on the roof and around the perimeter, on two hour shifts, as well as hot meals and a bed to lay your head when you need it.

Dec. 21st, 2012


Hey. Psst. Hey! Guess what!

Tomorrow is mine and Jack's birthday party! We're gonna be eleven whole years old! Well. Not until Tuesday, but we're still celebrating tomorrow, which is the most important part if you ask me.

Now I know my mom already invited friends and stuff over. But that doesn't help me get even more presents so But if other people want to come too and weren't on that list just because my mom forgot to add you or something, you can still come! You just need to tell us so we can make sure to have cake and ice cream and pizza and stuff for you.

Oh! And the party's at four. At the Roadhouse. It's gonna rock!

Filtered to Lucifer )

Dec. 19th, 2012


I guess Asaph just can't get enough of me, it seems. Might almost be flattered, if something didn't always happen to turn this place on its ear not long after I show back up. Still. This beats the alternative.

Now, who all is still around? Front and center.

Dec. 12th, 2012


I've decided that if I see any of that evil mistletoe this time around, I'm setting it on fire.


Filtered to Friends and Family

[ooc: if your character thinks they might be included in claire's very general filter, they probably are]

Right, so December is a pretty busy month for us, what with all three kids having birthdays as well as Christmas. And considering it's Colligo, we pretty much know the idea of celebrating the holidays on the actual date in question is just plain dumb. It never works out.

So. Here's the plan.

Click to see the party dates. )

We're going to be having Christmas dinner, and presents, on Christmas Eve. Just in case. If anyone wants to stop by, we can definitely set something up. Or come visit you, if you really want to brave the kids running around your place.

Filtered to Lucifer )

Dec. 1st, 2012


You know, those guards are a lot less friendly the second time around. You think they'd know better than to try manhandling a pregnant woman.

Okay. Now that that's out of the way...who's still here that remembers me?

Nov. 28th, 2012


Accidental post, intended as an encrypted message to Gen. Aleksandr Lukin

( Translated from Russian and Decrypted )

The mission has been compromised. Capture of A13 successful. Had target in my sights. Appear to be captured by SHIELD agents. New phone - GPS functionality offline. Current location unknown. Unsure how I arrived here. Takedown of armored agents unsuccessful, but managed to escape SHIELD custody. Updates to follow.


Nov. 27th, 2012


[Filtered to Jude, Molly, Daryl, Connor, Stiles, Parker and Abed]

Hey guys. I know I've talked to and seen some of you since this whole thing started, but I just wanted to check in and see how you guys are handling everything. Anyone need anything? No one's killed anyone, I hope. I know I'm only human right now, but I want to help if anyone needs it.

[Filtered to Elijah]
How's being human treating you?

Nov. 11th, 2012


Filtered to Jesse Winchester, Jude Harvelle and Molly Suresh

It occurred to me today that it's been about a year since Asaph tossed me back in time and the whole us forgetting that we'd been here thing reminded me that you guys had the same thing happen to you. You guys got brought here as kids, grew up then got sent back in time. So, I got curious, what's it been like for you guys? Jesse, you're still new to reliving your past, right? Has anything been different yet? Like, I mean, there are some people here now who weren't here in my original 2012 and there are things that have happened because I'm this age and not eleven, like I should be. Jude, Molly, I know you guys have been like this longer, how's it been for you guys? I know this all probably seems really strange, but once I get something on my mind, it won't go away until I do it.

Nov. 12th, 2012


Bucky's gone.

And Coulson too.

I'm not sure who else had realized, but I figured someone should say.

And now they're both dead and

Oct. 11th, 2012



I don't

I can't

What the fu


Oct. 7th, 2012


fail!filter to Kate, Nikola, and Skylar

Uh... where'd the last ten days go and how come I'm having a sleepover with Jack Winchester? He's a boy.

Oct. 4th, 2012


Is anyone looking or knows someone who is looking for an employee? I'm running out of money and fast.

Sep. 10th, 2012


I'm not going to complain. I am certain there is some purpose to this, but I have to admit that beyond work, I am finding myself starved for company. A Monday may be the worst time to ask if anyone is up for an evening out, but that is exactly what I'm doing.


Morgan Freeman can just fuck off.

Sep. 6th, 2012


And suddenly, I'm so glad nobody from home is here So not saying that in public

I am so going to have to rework this schedule so that none of you Mystic Falls folks are sharing shifts. That's too much of a headache to even think about.

And because I'm supposed to be nice or Molly will make her Disapproving Face™ I guess if anyone has people they need checked on, I can do that.

( Bucky )
How are you holding up?

( Molly )
You okay? People aren't taking too much advantage are they? Because I'll totally cut someone.

Aug. 14th, 2012


To Whomever Sent Me the Invitation,

Thank you for the invite to whatever it is that you're planning. However, as I am not in the habit of simply attending events with no clear idea what to expect, do possess what I'd like to consider a fair bit of common sense, and am fairly certain that doing so would likely earn me at least a lecture, if not far more, from others that I know and trust explicitly, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline.

Should you feel that my attendence is necessary for this event, do feel free to elaborate on what it is that will be taking place. Otherwise, good luck and I'll thank you in advance to not contact me again in such a deliberately vague, and purposefully anonymous, fashion.


Molly Suresh

P.S. The next time you want someone to attend some sort of function that is suspiciously nondescript, you might try waiting until a decent enough time has passed since the city, and its inhabitants, were all but decimated by a vicious, cruel, immoral attack by someone who isn't worth the time it's taken me to write you this note. Just an idea.

Aug. 12th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

[There's the tell-tale sounds of a TARDIS in the background, faint but certainly noticeable if anyone is either accustomed to hearing it/might recognize it easily, followed by a sharp intake of breath. The sounds begin to take on a slightly different pitch, before Molly's voice - slightly confused but still relaxed - comes over the line.]

Well. This is [a pause] different. Hello, Lo. I have to admit, this is probably the last place I expected to find myself.

[Footsteps can be heard, slightly muffled as though the PDA is brushing up against fabric of some sort. There's the whoosh of a door sliding opened and Molly's smile is all but audible as she speaks again.]

Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, would you please point me in the direction of the Master? Something tells me that he wouldn't appreciate my snooping around without at least letting him know that I'm back, first.

[There are some more sounds and, in the distance, another door sliding opened. Footsteps follow. Molly's voice drops a little, as though she's speaking more to herself than to the TARDIS now. Not that it matters because, hello, TARDIS, but yes.]

So, let's see. Based on how fast my reaction took place from the time I removed my mask until the time I collapsed, I'm guessing [another pause] dopamine. The toxin must have contained dopamine. Along with some sort of amphetamine, too, most likely. [Her voice raises slightly again - clearly, she's once more speaking to the TARDIS.]

I'm right, aren't I? [A few more sounds, in varying pitches.] I thought so. Thank you again, Lo. Now. Left or right?

Jul. 25th, 2012


seriously? don't know nothing about taking care of no little fancy dog.

thing ain't done nothing except piddle then sit down and stare at me. hope jude's fine with a dog around here.


not-so-accidental voice post.

[sounds of pacing around outside the library. agitated Irish accented voice floating around somewhere in the vicinity of the mobile's speaker.]

Little bits of sky falling everywhere--

[sounds of shoes stepping down off the library steps, arms flailing, bits of snow and wind hitting the mobile's speaker.]

Hey! Hey you! [sound of muffled people talking in the background.]


[sound of footsteps as people disappear, leaving him by himself.]

Oh... [insulted.] oh FINE then! Joost GET poisoned! -- See what I care!

Jul. 18th, 2012


It's snowing.

In July.

I'm oddly okay with this.

Jul. 5th, 2012


accidental voice post.

Okay. Alright. You, Peter Parker, are a strong, uh, smooth individual. More the former than the latter. But that's more a stance on physicality than anything else. So, that probably doesn't count. Alright, I'm just gonna start over. [ the sound of his voice sounds somewhat hollow, and it's implicated this speech is happening in a bathroom ] You, Peter Parker, are a strong-willed ... yeah, that's good, strong-willed individual. You have a decent face and granted, you're a little bit twitchy, but you're a good guy. You can do this. You can admit to everyone that you're - No, you can't. Because you realized a long time ago that you don't need to out yourself to be well-liked. Even if you were kind of a douche and a half to everyone during that weird week, but that's in the past now, and this ...

This is going absolutely nowhere. You know, this would be a lot easier if you weren't talking to yourself in a mirror, Peter. And now I'm referring to myself by name.

Oh my God, was that on? Is this on? ...Motherf-

Jul. 4th, 2012


( Accidental Voice Post )

( Jude can be heard humming 'Cherry Bomb' to herself, clearly not realizing her PDA is broadcasting. Eventually she starts talking though not to anyone in particular. )

Ugh. Definitely need to clean. Note to self: When four people share a bathroom and all of them are very busy, said bathroom tends to get kind of gross. ( a pause ) Maybe I should put up a chore chart. With gold stars when people do shit. I bet Moll would be proud of me if I did that. Of course, Jo-Beth would probably think I was a shifter and stab me. We really need to work out code phrases for that...or something.

( a pause and a sharp intake of breath )

No way. fucking way. Jesus fuck. ( a pause, then quieter ) Plus sign means...

( a long pause )

Well...unless Daryl's hiding a really serious secret from us...

( one more pause )

Holy fuck...Jo's pregnant...

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Can someone come and get me? I am in the desert, and I am rather stuck at the moment.


Crowley's gone. I went into his office and he's not there. And none of his stuff is there. And texting him didn't work. And now I'll never see him again unless Morgan Freeman brings him back because I'm not from his stupid reality.

And Dean is gone too. Not Claire's Dean. Mine and Cas'.

I hate this. I don't want to like people. They just leave, they always leave, and being sad sucks. :(

Jun. 10th, 2012


So since I am all done with my finals I am free to do whatever now. I really like my job, Buffy is incredible. I am sad that Peeta had to go he was an amazing baker. So I guess I will be back in the kitchen making the pies myself, which today got really stressful. I'm trying the whole don't use magic to make pies, I think I'm going to stop with that.

I can definitely say that I could use a stiff drink. And I'm not talking about the girly stuff either. Maybe Tequila on the rocks. Or I don't know, if I had to do something girly perhaps Sex on the Beach, now that sounds good.

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Accidental Voice Post.

[ vague exasperation as the sound of shimmering is heard over the PDA ]

How in the world do these Midgardians deal with clothing like this? There is absolutely no security anywhere. [ the sound of a zipper being fiddled with before a huff of frustration is followed by a jacket being tossed off and clattering against the PDA ]

Better. Not perfect but better.

[ pause ] I look so fragile.

May. 27th, 2012


Well, I've got five minutes and nothing better to do.

Jude's answers )

May. 24th, 2012


So, haven't done this in a while, but we got a bunch of new folks lately so why not.

The Roadhouse offers free drinks for non-locals. We also have pretty decent food, if you like burgers and stuff.

Just be sure to leave your tights, capes, pointy hats and bitchfights at the door. I'm not putting up with that crap and I have a really pretty shotgun to back me on that.

Apr. 26th, 2012


Any time this place wants to stop with the back and forth already, that would be great. Really. It's starting to make me a little dizzy.

Apr. 24th, 2012


I have to say I keep finding this place more and more annoying.

Seriously what is up with this place?

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Mommy? Daddy? Jake? Anybody?

I woke up in woods I don't know and I don't think this is Forks and I really need to find my familie family. Can somebody help me, please?

Apr. 20th, 2012


Mom's gone. </s>You know...I actually like this place. Until it does something like send my mom back to a world where we're both dead.</s>


...Jade is gone. So is Gabe.

I really hate this place sometimes. Like now.


I swear to Adam Elaine! If I don't stop getting serenaded with increasingly drunk musical bar orders, I'm taping every damn mouth in the Roadhouse shut.

Apr. 11th, 2012


Okay. Sorry about that. Totally had to get the hang know...BEING THE DEVIL. Figured it was probably best to take a couple days and do that instead of accidentally blowing up shit.

Mom? Probably best if I take some time off til this is done. What with being the devil and all.

Oh! Lucy! Behave in my body. I have no problem blowing myself up if it comes to it. Also, I have a present for you.

cut for image )


I knew this place was too weird to be some dream I just happened to have.

Buffy? Spike? You both still here?

Mar. 29th, 2012


Pushy suits of armor isn't the way I thought I'd be spending my morning, or afternoon as it was.

This is definitely not Mystic Falls. Great.

Mar. 26th, 2012


Yay random questions.

Jude's answers )

Feb. 27th, 2012


First a couple of obscenely large chess pieces knocked me out of some posh library and now some towering lowbrow in Frankenstein gear is offering me a flower.

Bloody hell, it's been a long day.

[ooc: this was set before the plot ended.]

Feb. 12th, 2012


Okay, this isn't totally familiar at all.

1) This time it's not my fault. Probably.

B) Molly, want to come shoot some zombies with me? I need to make sure your aim hasn't started sucking since I left.

III) Now I want a Twinkie. Is that weird?


Accidental Voice Post

[There's glass breaking and a low groaning sound that is somehow both human and yet not, followed by a sharp intake of breath. Sophia sounds downright terrified.]

No. No, no, no, no, no!

[Some shuffling starts out close to the PDA then grows further away, as does Sophia's voice.]

Walkers. There's walkers. NO! STOP! LEGGO! [a shriek rings out then the slam of a door, followed by an ear-piercing scream]

DARRYL! HELP! SOMEBODY! PLEASE! [the muffled sound of crying is drowned out by low, not-quite-human groaning]

Feb. 1st, 2012


( Voice Post )

( Jude sounds so close to giggling the entire time. )

So I came downstairs this morning and there were bunnies trying to seep the floor with their fluffy little tails. So I kinda pulled my shotgun and it told me it didn't feel comfortable murdering fluffy bunnies and, honestly, neither do I, so I put it away. Which I'm really glad for, because one of the bunnies brought me this note. And now I'm keeping that bunny because we're bros and this is the best thing ever. ( pause, giggling ) Okay, I'm just going to read this...

( In an exaggerated girly voice, with asides in her normal voice )

To my most awesome and wonderful husband (...oh gag me Jo-Beth. Really?)

Hey, sweetie (Sweetie?). I wanted to catch you before you went to work, but I had to run to the store to get something for Mom. (You could have just waited for a fricking goose to do it or something.)

So. I've been thinking. About our wedding. (You mean that thing I wasn't here for?) Why not get married on the most romantic day of the year? (Halloween?) And by that, I mean, Valentines' Day, not St. Patrick's Day, though getting married then would be awesome. (St. Patrick's day totally trumps Valentine's.)

But that also means that we'd have to put it off even further, which I really don't want to do. (I may actually throw up.) I want to be married (again) to the most wonderful man in the entire world as soon as possible. (I wonder if I can get a fox to strangle me with its tail.) I know, getting married on Valentine's Day sounds corny and cliche (it is), but it's not so cliche and corny (no, it really is), since we're doing it because we really love each other, and not because we want to put more money in the Hallmark Company's bank account. (This is seriously fucking sappy.)

I already know that no matter when we get married, it's going to be perfect. (Seriously? Fricking seriously?) Because we love each other and are already perfectly happy. (This is just ridiculous.)

But just think about it let me know, okay? (Just agree so I never have to read something like this again.)

I love you. Have a great day at work. Serve justice and all that comes with it. (Serve justice? Really?)

Love, Jo.

( Back to normal voice )

And then she drew a bunch of tacky hearts. Because she's kinda lame sometimes. And now, Jo-Beth, maybe you won't get married without me here next time...

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